《Second Chances》Bonus Chapter 4....
"Hunter I told you to pick up your socks!"
"I did!"
"No you didn't! I am staring right at them." I stared down at the three pairs sitting in the middle of the living room. Hunter had a bad habit of taking his socks off wherever he was and leaving them there until I pick them up.
"I put them away!" Hunter yelled from the kitchen.
"Hunter." I placed my hands on my hips. We've had this argument at least once a week since we've moved in together four months ago.
"I swear it wasn't me." Hunter came out of the kitchen. I pointed to the socks sitting in the living room and gave him a look.
"Everyone is going to be here in 5 minutes and we don't need these front and center." I scolded.
"I put them away like you asked ten minutes ago."
"Clearly not."
"Why would I put them away and then take them back out." Hunter raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.
"They don't magically crawl out of the closet."
"Mia-" The sound of paws hitting the tile caught our attention. Turning I watched as our 6 month old puppy, Walter, came into the living room and in his mouth was none other than Hunter's socks. Like the clumsy pup he was his feet kept sliding out from under him as he proudly paraded into the living room.
Hunter and I stood there watching as he innocently placed the new pair next to the others. His cute little face looked up at us with the most innocent expression. I looked down at him for a good minute before I started laughing. Coming down to my knees Walter happily ran over to me, licking my face as I laughed.
"He's the one stealing and you don't get mad at him." Hunter humphed. Picking up Walter I held into to my chest.
"Cause look at this face." I said in my baby voice I only spoke to Walter with. I squeezed him and planted kisses all over his face. Getting mad at a puppy was like yelling at your grandma. You don't do it.
"You are so spoiled." Hunter grumbled as he came towards us and rubbed his hand over Walter's fur. I rolled my eyes at him. Hunter spoiled him just as much as I did. I always caught him giving Walter more treats or he'd bring home a new toy on his way home from training. One night I woke up in the middle of the night to find Walter snuggled in Hunter's arms. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.
"Sorry for blaming you for the socks." I finally said. Hunter didn't say a word but he placed a kissed to my forehead.
The doorbell rang interrupting our little family moment. I placed Walter on the ground and let him run after Hunter to open the door. I picked up all the socks in one sweep and quickly took them to our room.
From our room I could hear the loud voice of Ben as he yelled "Honey I'm home!". I grinned at my best friend and shook my head. Typical Ben. I didn't need to hear to know that Daniel was here as well; where one was the other was soon to follow. Daniel was the quieter of the two. He didn't always have to be talking to have a good time but when he did he was a sweetheart.
Coming out of our bedroom my grin widened at the sight of both Ben and Daniel on the floor with Walter as he jumped all over them. It hilarious to see two big men on their hands and knees talking in baby voices as a little puppy jumped all over them. I swear guys are just little 5 year olds stuck in older bodies.
"He is the cutest thing on this planet." Ben announced as he played with Walter.
"He's looking much better." Daniel said finally standing up. I stood there watching as Walter happily ran around with a toy in his mouth. From first glance you'd have no clue what he's been through for only been 6 months old.
A little bit after Hunter and I moved in with each other I was browsing through Facebook and saw a post about a group of puppies being rescued from an animal farm. I'm not sure what made me click on the article because I usually swipe right past it, but I did.
I was reading about how some disgusting person was basically hoarding animals and breeding them, keeping them in cages. I don't know what compelled me but as soon as I saw they were adopting out the pups from the place I told Hunter we had to go look.
Literally the next day we drove down to the shelter. The sight broke my heart but the moment I laid eyes on the little puppy that would soon become Walter I fell in love. He kind of looked like a hound but they didn't know exactly what his bred was.
I was standing there trying hard not to cry when 'Walter' came up to me and literally sat down directly in front of me. The poor little guy was so skinny and underfed yet here he was staring up at me wondering why I was upset.
The second I pulled him into my arms I knew it was meant to be. When he kissed my face I fell in love instantly. Hunter wouldn't really admit it but when Walter kissed his face he was hooked just as fast as I was. All we had to do was share a look and we asked if we could adopt him. I wanted to rescue all the pups but with our busy schedules we couldn't.
But now almost three weeks later Walter was happy and healthy. He's put on weight and thankfully because he was so young he's been easy to adapt to the house and us. Walter was now a healthy 6 month old puppy that literally had no care in the world.
"The vet said he's now at a good weight. He could put on a few more pounds but he's all good." I beamed. We went to the vet just the other day and got the good news.
"You deserve all the treats in the world. Yes you do." Ben cooed.
"Do you guys want a beer or something?" Hunter asked.
"Gladly." Daniel quickly agreed. "Riding in the car with this one gave me a headache."
"Apparently singing along to the radio is a crime." Ben glared at Daniel who just shook his head.
Laughing I got down the ground beside Ben as the other two went to get beers. I knew where Daniel was coming from though. I've been in the car with Ben and if a song comes on he knows he doesn't hesitate on screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Man I wish I could have a puppy." Ben smiled at Walter, shaking a toy in his face.
"You can always come here and get your puppy fix." I offered. Ben was too busy with the upcoming season that he couldn't have a dog right now. But I was more than fine having him come over to play with Walter.
"You sure your boyfriend won't mind your second boyfriend being here?"
"Second boyfriend?" I raised an eyebrow with a grin on my face.
"He can't be here all the time so we'll have plenty of time for other things." Ben teased.
"Are you still trying to steal my girlfriend?" Hunter asked, walking back into the room.
"All I'm saying is you better up your game." Hunter just rolled his eyes at his best friend. We all knew Ben was kidding. Ben saw me as a sister and I saw him like a brother I never had. I can admit he's attractive but no one can compare to Hunter in my eyes.
"You'll have to get through her second boyfriend as well." Hunter said passing him a beer.
"Second boyfriend? I thought I as the second." Ben looked at me with a hurt expression.
"I don't have two boyfriends." I rolled my eyes. "Hunter's younger brother likes to joke that he's my future boyfriend."
Every time I see Hunter's younger brother, Dylan, he jokes about stealing me away from his brother. It's hilarious that the poor kid thinks he has a chance. I found it hilarious, while Hunter just shook his head. Hunter knew nothing would come out any of it. He knew he was the only guy I'd ever want. If he ever did need reassurance lets just say I would gladly re-enforce it.
While Ben went on about him being the only second boyfriend, a knock sounded on the door. Thankfully the sound of Hannah and Ryan's voice drop the topic with Ben.
Seeing Hannah I quickly ran over to her and hugged her small frame, squealing. I have yet to see her in person since the big news and I was so damn excited for her.
"Let me see it." I grabbed her hand and pulled it towards me. Perched on her ring finger was a gorgeous diamond. The soft pink diamond twinkled under the lights as I twisted her hand. Even though I had a small part in picking it out I was still taken away at how pretty it was in person.
"It is stunning." I breathed out. The pink matched Hannah so well. It wasn't too big that it was gaudy but it definitely wasn't a cheap ring either. When Ryan told me he was going to propose to Hannah I may have freaked out on the phone and shoved Hunter off the couch.
"I love it." Hannah gushed.
"You're getting married." We both looked at each other, my eyes slightly tearing up. It felt like yesterday we were driving to meet Ryan and his so called friend. Who knew that nine months later she'd be engaged and I'd be back with the love of my life.
"I am." We shared a bright grin. I pulled her into another hug while the guys congratulated Ryan.
"Finally locked that one in." Ben clapped Ryan on the back.
While the boys continued on talking to Ryan, I tugged Hannah further into the house. Walter barked happily at all the guests, his little body wiggling around as Hannah scooped him up.
"He is so adorable." Hannah cooed. "I want one."
"I think one of his siblings is still up for adoption." I hinted. It would be amazing if Hannah got a puppy and it could be one of Walter's siblings he could always be around.
"I wonder how Ryan would feel about a puppy."
"Just tell him you want an engagement present."
"He just bought me a few thousand dollar ring, I think that's enough of a present."
"Hmph...we'll see." If she wouldn't ask then I will. Plus who can turn down a puppy?
"Mia I know that look." Hannah warned. "Don't you do anything stupid."
"What me? I would never." She sent me a look that she didn't believe me but thankfully the sound of the doorbell interrupted our conversation.
"That's probably Rina and Haley."
Hannah met Haley, Hunter's sister, a few months ago and instantly hit it off. It was hard not to love Haley; she was funny, out-going, spunky. Her and Hannah were actually a lot alike.
It was so nice that Hannah, Haley, and Rina as well from the shop all got along. We were now a great friend group and hung out literally every other weekend.
With a wink at Haley I quickly walked away even though Hunter had already opened the door. Getting Ryan to get Hannah a puppy would be easy as cake. If not I can always use Walter to my advantage.
"Mia." Haley greeted, pulling me into a tight hug. "Thanks for inviting us." She beamed moving to hug her older brother.
"Hey Rina." I smiled. I was glad I introduced Haley and Rina because it turned out they went to the same college and even had a class together but neither knew it. The two of them were basically joined at the hip now a days.
(Just a quick reminder that Rina is the young girl that works at Mia's bridal shop from the start of the book. She didn't have a big part so just wanted a quick reminder for you guys)
"Come on in guys. If you want something to drink we have beer, I made margaritas, and we have wine. We'll make hamburgers in a little bit." I said, ushering everyone in.
Everyone went around getting drinks and grabbing some of the snacks I placed out on the counter. Walter was in his happy place as everyone either leaned down to love on him or picked him up. He probably thought everyone was here for him which was adorable.
"You didn't have to throw me a party Mia." Hannah almost scolded.
"It's not everyday your best friend gets engaged. Plus this isn't really a party, it's just a small gathering of friends." I shrugged. Everyone wanted to get together anyways since the guys had a week off before their next game.
"We need to start talking about the wedding, and bridesmaids dressings, oh and the bachelorette party." Haley gushed. I held back a laugh at the look Hannah sent me. She literally just got engaged three days ago.
"How about we just enjoy the engagement party then think about that later." I suggested, steering the conversation away. "Plus I think I deserve some credit for all of this." I gestured around us.
"Credit for what?" Hannah raised an eyebrow.
"Well first off getting you and Ryan together on that date all those months ago."
"Uh excuse me I already knew Ryan before then."
"Yeah but if I remember correctly you wanted to back out and I didn't let you. Now look at where you are." I beamed.
"I think it's the other way around. I should be getting credit getting you and Hunter back together. if it wasn't for me inviting you along you wouldn't have met again and fell back in love." She crossed her arms smugly.
She was right about that part. If she hadn't invited me along I wouldn't have see Hunter. It was hard to think about what would have happened if I hadn't shown up to that double date. I almost didn't go, which would have been the biggest mistake of my life.
"Fine I'll give you that one." I admitted. "But I did help pick out your ring so I get some credit there."
"You helped pick out my ring?"
"Of course. Do you really think he," I pointed towards Ryan, "could pick out such a gorgeous ring all by himself?"
If I hadn't stepped in Ryan would have bought this ugly looking diamond ring. Well it wasn't that ugly but it was square diamond with a bunch of little ones around it. It was really flashy and not at all Hannah. It didn't suit her at all, so when I saw the picture on Hunter's phone I had to intervene.
"Oh man was it bad?" Hannah cringed.
"Let's just say you wouldn't have liked it that much." I know Hannah and I was 98% certain she would have exchanged the ring sooner or later. At least this way Ryan got bonus points for a gorgeous ring and my best friend has the ring of her dreams. Win win.
"But speaking of rings..." Haley looked at me. "Are we going to expect two weddings soon?" I knew what she was getting at and immediately my eyes went towards Hunter.
He was standing with the guys laughing about something. The sight of his smile made my own lips twitch. Every time I looked at him I swore I fell more in love. It was crazy but true.
"Hunter's already kinda propose." I felt all three girls lean in closer. "When I re-met his parents, your parents." I added to Haley. "He pretty much said he wanted to marry me but didn't want to rush anything so instead asked me to move in with him."
"Do you want to marry him?" Hannah asked. Once more my eyes were drawn to Hunter.
"I do. But...I think we need time. We were apart for 5 years and it hasn't even been a year since we saw each other again. I want to marry him, I really do, but I know we need to learn to live together and be together before something that serious. I'm pretty sure Hunter's on the same page and I'm certain he knows I'll say yes when that time comes. But for now we are happy where we are at." I admitted.
I've thought about marrying Hunter. Oh man have I thought about what it would be like. And I have absolutely no doubts in my mind that I would say yes and that we would be happy together. I couldn't live without him.
As if feeling my eyes on him Hunter looked over his shoulder at me and sent me a wink. Even now I felt my cheeks heat up at the action. Stupid hot boyfriend. It was still surreal to think I had that man all to myself.
"Ew stop that you two." Haley made a gagging noise. "We don't need to see you two sending those kind of looks at each other. Save it for the bedroom." She said it loud enough the boys heard it as well.
"There are guests here, you nasties!" Ben scolded. I blushed even harder. I wasn't even looking at him like that! Hunter shook his head and made his way over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"This is my house and my girlfriend, I can look at her anyway I want." When he looked down at me he had that soft smile I loved so much. It was a smile reserved for me and only me. I smiled tilting my head back. Beside me Haley made a face at the two of us.
"Lets go play some games out back." Hannah suggested taking everyones attention away from Hunter and I.
"I set up a few things outside." I gestured to the backyard.
Everyone made their way outside, Walter on their heels yipping happily. He was in seventh heaven with all the company. The poor baby was probably going to be exhausted later. Who knew taking care of a puppy was so exhausting at time. It was like having a baby of our own.
While everyone made their way outback Hunter never moved. His arms stayed wrapped around me, his head coming down and placing a soft kiss to my bare shoulder. I sighed and leaned back against him.
"You know we have guests right?" He hummed against my neck but didn't move. "Whatever your thinking can't happen." Ever since we've gotten back together Hunter has been almost insatiable. Not that I had any room to talk.
"They can wait." He murmured, planting kisses up and down my neck. Even though I wanted to say screw it and leave our guests to themselves for a little bit, I wasn't that type of person. Plus it was Hannah's engagement celebration.
"Come on." Forcing myself to pull out of his hold. "Later." I sent him a wink over my shoulder, grinning at the loud groan he gave me in return. Before he could throw me over his shoulder or something, I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the back door.
Hunter muttered stuff under his breath that I was a tease but let me tug him outside with the rest of our friends.
We were only inside for just a moment but it was long enough for everyone to gravitate towards the games I set up outside. My inner host came out when everyone agreed to come over, this morning I was busy setting things up...well I made Hunter set most of it up while I cleaned and made food and drinks.
We had croquet on one side of the yard and then beer pong on the other. The table outside had a few board games already set up for everyone as well.
(In case you guys aren't sure what croquet is. I use to play at my grandparents so much!)
I may have gone a bit overboard but I wanted everyone to have a good time. It was actually Hunter's idea to have beer pong and seeing that everyone was already there it was a good idea, despite it being 3 o'clock.
Knowing our group of friends it wasn't that surprising they gravitated towards the beer pong more than croquet. And the fact that our friend group were very competitive us playing games was going to be interesting.
"I am so ready to kick some ass." Ben boasted, a wide grin on his face.
"Lets break into teams then." I suggested. It was pretty much a given that Hunter and I were a team, Hannah and Ryan a team. That left Ben, Daniel, Haley and Rina.
"I call Rina." Ben suddenly announced. Rina who was standing off to the side looked just as surprised as the rest of us. I watched as her face turned red.
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