《Iridescent (E. Cullen)》Chapter One



There is a travel trunk open in the centre of Zenaida's chamber, it was a gift to her from Frigga when she arrived. It has never been used till now. Zenaida is going home whether they like it or not. It's been two days since Charlie's call, and she held out hope that something would give here. That Loki would make an appearance and bond with her. It never came. So she decided that that was it. She is going home. Back to Charlie. She made a mistake coming to Asgard. Now she just misses her family. The huge wooden doors open as Loki lets themselves into the room, closing it again behind them.

"You didn't turn up for your..." They stop when they realise that she's packing what little belongings she brought with her and the few things she has collected whilst on Asgard. "What are you doing?" It is very obvious what she is doing. Loki's heart picks up a little at the thought of Zenaida leaving Asgard. It was hard enough for Loki to let her go the first time. It was hard enough for them to obey Odin in sending away their only child when she was but a babe. Now she is grown, with personality and likes and dislikes. Loki doesn't want her to leave. But there is something in her eyes, something in her frame that they haven't noticed before. Sadness. "Zenaida" Loki stops her, grabbing her arm and pulling her to sit on the edge of the bed with them. "Tell me" They push a little. Zenaida lets out a breath and then looks down.

"I want to go home" She whispers in admittance, her fingers worrying together in her lap, turning the snake ring around on her finger. Loki stares at her. Trying to process what she's asking of them. She's been here for about three years now. They thought she was happy here. This is not happy. Loki lifts their hand to Zenaida's face but stops themselves. Loki swallows and then drops their hand. "I don't belong here" She adds. Loki tilts their head a little in question. She is their daughter, therefore she belongs here.


"You don't like it here?" Loki asks her, Zenaida lets out a breath. "You don't like being here.....with me....." Loki draws out, trying to get their head around why she might possibly want to leave.

"No" Zenaida stops them. "No, it's just..." She shakes her head and then turns to Loki. "Asgard is great..." She assures them. "But I am alone all the time......"

"You have me" Loki reminds her, she shakes her head again. Because she doesn't. She spends most days in this room, alone. The only time she ever really ventures out is for meals and for her magic lessons from Frigga. She can go weeks without actually seeing Loki, let alone conversing with them. She is aware that, as a species, they view time differently. It is nothing to them. But she was raised human, she thinks and behaves like a human. Time means everything to her. This is time she missed out on spending with Charlie, he's not going to be around forever. Loki will be around a very long time in comparison. They have time. "And Frigga" Loki adds. She does. She spends more time with Frigga than Loki. Her own parent.

"And I love spending time with her, with both of you, but the rest of the time....." Zenaida assures him, then stops. "And Charlie is human" She reminds Loki. "And getting old...I don't want to miss anything with him.....you will live longer...maybe I will too...." Loki seems to realise now. This isn't just about her being lonely. This is about her missing Charlie. Not wanting to miss any time with him. As much as Loki wants her here. Wants her to be with her real family. She wants to spend what time Charlie has left with him. "We have more time....and I miss him" Loki nods and looks down. Jaw clenching. Loki knows that they haven't been great. They worried about what sort of parent they would be. They worried about doing or saying the wrong thing and pushing or scaring Zenaida away. They did that anyway by being too distant. Loki's just not very good at this. "There are other reasons but..."


"What other reasons?" Loki asks her, narrowing their eyes down at their hands in their lap. Loki wants to know every reason that she is leaving. Then if they can fix it, they can.

"Loki" Zenaida starts, warning, she doesn't really want to get into it. That she feels so unwelcome in Asgard. Whether it is a conscious thought of those around her, or just the atmosphere, the place, the golden halls that feel too elaborate. There are a number of reasons she wants to go home, though the main one is that she misses Charlie and Bella. She misses her old life. Loki sighs and nods. Letting her keep her reasons to herself. Loki so wanted her to find a home here on Asgard, hoping that she would want to stay here with them, that they would have something of their own, away from Thor, and maybe that is part of the problem. There are many things and reasons at play here. On both sides, perhaps.

"I will accompany you to Norge" Loki stands, adjusting their tunic. "When you are ready"

"I don't have to leave now" She stops Loki with a soft smile. "We could spend some time together...You could show me your favourite spot on Asgard" She offers as she stands. "It was something you promised" Loki softens a little and moves closer to their daughter, their hand touching her arm. Loki promised her a lot of things when she first arrived and they had every intention of doing it all, but time flows differently for Loki. That doesn't mean that Zenaida feels nothing about the thought of leaving though, because Loki let her down, unintentionally. She has come to feel something for Loki. They are her parent. Loki bore her. Carried her and birthed her. She so badly wanted this to work. But it hasn't. It's not the right time. She then suddenly hugs Loki. Curling her arms around his back to clutch at their tunic. Loki lets out a surprised breath. She's been here three years and Loki has yet to hug their daughter. They didn't really think of it. Physical displays of affection like this aren't something they tend to be into. But they can't say that they hate it. Loki hugs Zenaida to them tighter, causing her to chuckle into their chest. They should have done this earlier. Maybe then Loki would have paid more attention to her. Maybe they would have realised what they could get out of this relationship if they let themselves. Loki closes their eyes and sets their head against Zenaida's to breathe her in. Loki pulls back a little, then presses their lips to her forehead and closes their eyes. They want her to stay so bad. But not at the compromise of her happiness. That's what parents are supposed to do. Loki knows that. And Zenaida is right. They have time. Loki can allow her to go. They can let her go for now. Even if her leaving, leaves Loki with no one.

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