《Her Mixtape, Stranger Things》xvii. moving on at the snowball
moving on at the snowball
brushed softly over the box, hesitating. She knew that once she taped it shut, it would mean she was moving on. But was she ready?
The girl wore a simple black dress that reached her knees with match black flats. Her face was tear-stained, and for the first time, she was happy to let the tears fall down her cheeks freely.
She looked at the cardboard box again, trapping her lower lip between her teeth. It was the next step, and she knew it. In the five stages of grief, this was the final one, Acceptance. But it was hard because Acceptance, came with moving on. Was Rue Newby ready to move on?
The girl smiled at the contents of the box. They were tapes and cameras and films and polaroids. Films when she was a messy three-year-old, living without a care in the world with her mom and dad in Portland. Tapes from dates she couldn't remember. Polaroids of herself as a baby. Pictures of her and her mom and dad, and one of her in the backyard she grew up in, a baseball hat on her head that was so big it covered her chubby face.
"Rue," a voice pulled her away.
The girl slowly put the polaroids back in the box, turning around to find Nancy Wheeler, who wore a beautiful black dress, and Jonathan Byers, who matched a hand-me-down black suit with his girlfriend's dress. Nancy smiled softly at her, her hands holding onto a folder. "This is for you," she said, handing the girl the folder.
Ruth Newby took it shyly. She looked back up at the couple, who shared a grin as they nodded for Rue to take a look at what was inside.
Rue slowly opened the folder, and a small gasp slipped from her lips. Information, files and pictures all about her mother when she was a child. Emilia Davis, as the files in her hands, stated. "How did you get this?" she asked, looking back up at them.
Nancy had a cheeky grin on her face as Jonathan spoke. "Once Nancy and I shut down the lab, we got a hold of a bit of information. I asked if they had anything about your mom."
"That's everything they have about her," Nancy finished.
Tears weld at Rue's eyes, and she smiled at them. "Thank you," she gushed, engulfing them into a hug.
Nancy chuckled, holding the girl tightly. They pulled away, and she winked, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your superpowers."
"Thank you," Rue said again, nodding. It was Jim Hopper's idea to keep the new information about Rue and her mother's powers down low. Only him, Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan and Will knew. No one else. Just for a while to keep Rue safe, until they're sure the lab is gone forever.
Loud creaking made the three turn around. The trio spotted Max Mayfield's bright red hair first before they saw her head peeking into the attic, her eyes wide when she saw Nancy and Jonathan there instead of just Rue. "Oh, hey," she mumbled, climbing the rest of the stairs into the small room. She also wore all black.
Max held two sandwiches, and as she walked towards Rue, her smile grew brighter, handing her one. "Here you go, my kind lady."
"Why, thank you very much," Rue laughed.
"Guys! Get the last boxes before we leave!" Hopper's voice broke the two girls' small giggling fit.
Jonathan cleared his throat, picking up one of the very view boxes left in the Newby's attic. He and Nancy sent Rue a suggestive smirk before they disappeared down the stairs.
"Are you almost done?" Max asked, fixing her ponytail and taking a bite of her sandwich. "It's just ham and cheese," she said, pointing at the bread in Rue's hand.
Rue hummed, spinning around, making the ends of her dress flow slightly as she faced the box. She bit into the sandwich, staring at the pictures and films once more before putting the folder Nancy gave her neatly in the box and grabbing the tape and sealing it shut. "I'm keeping this one," she mumbled, balancing the box and her food.
"You're keeping most of them anyways," Max chuckled, grabbing the last box in the room.
They carefully walked down the stairs, watching their steps not to trip on anything. As Rue walked down the halls of her home, she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart. She's never seen the walls so blank and empty before. No pictures, no medals. Nothing but the paint.
Max and Rue made it to the living room, where everyone was already waiting for them.
"This one too?" Joyce asked softly, taking the box from Rue's hands.
"If that's okay," she trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows, "I don't want to clutter your home."
Joyce waved one hand in the air, shaking her head. "Don't be silly, Rue," she said, turning around and stepping into the cold December air, Max grabbing her jacket before following her.
"So, you're stuck with me now," she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder, and Rue couldn't help but smile.
She dramatically sighed, faking a frown, "Looks like I am, there's no escape from you," she said, turning to face a grinning Will Byers.
"Very funny," he rolled his eyes, nudging her shoulder. He stepped back, smirking at her as he spun around to grab his jacket and heading outside as well.
Rue sighed, looking around the empty house. All the furniture in the home was sold, and anything that Rue thought was a memory was being put into the trunks of cars, heading towards the Byers house, where she'll be staying for a little bit as a foster home.
She was grateful Joyce was willing to take her in. However, Rue couldn't help but feel guilty for crashing into the family's house, but anytime she tried to bring it up, Joyce kept telling her that she is family.
It was a few hours after Bob Newby's funeral and nearly a month after his death.
His house was so empty now. Her footsteps echoed as she walked to where the couches used to be. And she remembered their lazy Saturdays. Spinning to face the kitchen, she relived the moment they tried making chocolate covered strawberries but ended up burning the chocolate. How could it be that with the little time they had together, he made up for all those years he wasn't there?
"Hey, kid?" The front door opened again, Jim Hopper walking in, holding her jacket and her pink teddy bear, Mr. Blushly, in his hands. "Are you ready?"
Was she? Was Rue Newby ready to move on? To take the next step into life, this time leaving behind what once used to be her family, joining a new one. Was Rue Newby ready to move on?
She swallowed a lump in her throat, tucking a few loose strands of her amber hair behind her ears. Hopper pursed his lips, staring at the girl that looked so small as she stood in the middle of the empty house. He took slow steps towards her until he stood right before the girl.
"Listen, kid," he kneeled, tapping her chin softly, making her smile. "It'll get easier. Every day it gets easier. You'll see that one day, you'll wake up and instead of wishing you could relive those days, you'll smile that they happened."
Hopper stood up again, his hand on her shoulder as she looked up at him with her big green eyes. "You don't have to be ready now, take your time. But, know we're here for you. I'm here for you if you need anything."
A smile cracked on her face as she took two steps forwards, burying herself into his warm grasp. Rue hugged Hopper tightly, a few tears slipping from her eyes as she did so. The man was taken by surprise at first, and his heart burnt at the feelings of her hug. Eleven didn't hug him like this, no, but Sara used to.
He smiled, hugging her back just as strong.
Maybe she still needed time. Time to heal. And the people she was with were willing to give her that time. But Rue Newby was ready. She was ready to move on.
( ₊˚. ✰┊📼 ! )
"Yeah you got it, see?" Joyce smiled, holding onto both of Will's hands as she twisted and moved to the beat of the music, leading her son to do the same. "Wow!" she laughed.
They two danced in their small living room, Jonathan laughing either with them or at them as he recorded his mom and baby brother with one of Bob Newby's cameras.
Will smiled awkwardly when he accidentally stepped on his mom's foot. "Sorry!" He looked up from his feet to find his brother, "Do you always have to be filming everything?" he blushed, still moving along to Jingle Bell Rock with his mother.
"No, no," Jonathan playfully shook his head, "Just the good stuff," he teased.
"Joyce," a weary voice came from the hallways, followed by clumsy footsteps. "I-I can't wear this."
Joyce's hands slipped from Will's when she saw the girl step into the light of the living room. "Oh!" The woman cried, covering her mouth with one hand as she skipped towards Rue. "Oh, wow, look at you!" she beamed, pulling her towards the mirror.
Rue could feel the burning at her cheeks as a silly smile grew on her face. She glanced down at the dress, moving her body side to side to watch it flow around her waist.
The dress fit her perfectly; it was knee-length with small ruffles by the shoulders. It was a lovely green that matched her eyes, and white squares, almost plaid. Rue had matched the dress with a large white belt that used to belong to her mom.
She didn't wear any makeup but lip-gloss, making her plump lips shine under the light. And her hair had a big white headband, separating her grown-out bangs from the rest of her hair, which grew in the past month. Rue wore white tights, followed by black dress shoes.
The girl looked straight out of the 50s if she was honest with herself.
"You look beautiful," Joyce said, both her hands on Rue's shoulders as she placed her chin on her shoulder. Joyce pressed a kiss on Rue's left cheek, causing the girl to giggle.
"Doesn't she look pretty?" Joyce asked, turning her away from the mirror and towards the homey living room, where Jonathan teased Will's dancing.
"You look great, Rue," Will smiled at his best friend.
Rue knew she looked different; she wasn't wearing her baggy jeans or shirts that were two times her size. She was all cleaned up, wearing a pretty dress. And even though Rue wouldn't admit it, she felt very very pretty.
"We have to go before we're late!"
( ₊˚. ✰┊📼 ! )
"Will! Rue!" Mr. Clarke beamed, watching as two of his favourite students had walked in, Jonathan close behind them.
"Hi, Mr. Clarke," Will smiled. "Are you chaperoning?"
"Yeah," he sighed, looking for Will and Rue's tickets, and they waited patiently. The two's excitement was slowly growing as they could hear the muffled music on the other side of the gym doors.
"Here you are," Mr. Clarke grinned, handing the two their tickets, and then Jonathan's 'helper' sticker.
"Thank you," Rue smiled as Will locked arms with her, pulling her towards the doors.
They had stumbled into the gym, and their eyes widened at all the Christmas decorations, it barely looked like a gym, but it still smelled like one.
There was a balloon tunnel from where they entered and white and blue streamers everywhere. Cut out paper snowflakes were taped up on the walls. The middle of the gym was showered with lights, and a disco ball hung from the ceiling. All of it topped with a blocked lettered sign spelling out Snowball.
A bit of pride grew in the pit of Rue's stomach, knowing very well that she had helped make that lovely sign.
"Wow," Will breathed, his mouth ajar.
Rue hummed in agreement, her green eyes skipping from the balloons to the food, to the tables and everyone she used to see in sweats or jeans, dressed formally.
"Look! there's Lucas," The shorter boy pointed out, finding their friend sitting at a table. "Come on!" He grabbed Rue's hand, pulling her through the dancing middle schoolers, ducking under a couple.
They left Jonathan to laugh at them before going to the photo booth he was supposed to be in charge of.
"Byers! Newby!" Lucas cheered, standing up from his seat and rushing to hug his friends. "You guys look great." he said after pulling away from their hug.
"You look awesome."
The three of them sat down, talking and enjoying themselves as they waited for the rest of the party to show. "I think," Rue started, cutting off their conversation. "I think the food is calling me," she sighed, a grin growing on her face as Lucas and Will laughed.
"Alright, I'm gonna get something," she began to stand up. "Do you guys want anything?"
"One of those cupcakes, please! Will, you should try them, they're amazing!"
"Okay! I'll have one too!"
Rue took off to the snack table, dodging a twirling girl who nearly knocked into her but instead stumbled onto the bleachers on the side. Rue tried not to laugh as she continued towards the table where she had found Nancy pouring out fruit punch.
"Hey, Nancy," Rue smiled, taking a paper plate and filling it with cupcakes and cherry candy canes
Nancy laughed at her actions, "Let me guess . . . for the boys?"
Rue snorted, nodding. "Yeah, and me too," she said, "Oh, what's that?" she pointed at the funny shaped food on the table.
The teenager before her playfully scoffed, rolling her eyes. "They're cookies, can't you tell?"
Rue scrunched her nose, picking up one of the 'cookies.' They looked burnt and dry, but in her hands, they were still warm and soft. "Did you make them?"
"Can you tell?"
"Just a little bit," Rue laughed and added a few of the cookies to her already full plate. "And three cups of punch please,"
Nancy nodded, filling three cups with the red drink and sliding them across the table towards the girl. "How are you going to take all that?"
She shrugged, "I'll figure it out."
"Rue!" she heard a far too familiar voice call.
The smile was already planted on Rue's face when she turned around to face Max Mayfield. The ginger wasn't wearing a dress, which made Rue smile brighter as she gazed at her red pants and sweater. Either way, Rue still thought Max looked stunning, as always.
"Max, you look — wow," She blushed, trying to find the words, but she found herself speechless. "You look breathtaking," she blurted.
Max reddened at her comment, then scanning her blue eyes at Rue's attire, "And you look lovely."
Ruth felt like her heart was going to burst out of her rib cage and that her whole body was on fire. "Thank — thank you," she stammered, her mouth going dry. She spun around to grab one of the cups Nancy had filled for her. Rue quickly chugged it down.
Max laughed at her antics and pointed at the plate overflowing with sweets and the cups. "Is that for them?"
Rue didn't say anything, but she nodded.
Max took the two cups and Rue the plate. "Bye, Nancy," Rue breathed, feeling the butterflies in her stomach take over and her mind to flow fuzzy.
Nancy Wheeler seemed to notice the meaning of Rue's behaviour and grinned brightly. "Bye, Rue," she said in the sing-song voice, waving her goodbye.
Rue and Max walk close to each other as they made their way to the party's table, which only missed Dustin as Mike now sat next to Will.
The two girls put down the snacks, and Rue quickly took one of the cupcakes before the boys had dug in, leaving nothing but two broken candy canes and Nancy's cookies.
"Animals, I swear."
Max and Rue sat down, eating what was left on the plate. The table had begun to talk up a storm. Their conversation shifted from why red was better than the colour blue to which superhero universe was better.
Rue scoffed, sucking on the cherry candy cane. "What are you talking about? It's clearly Marvel."
"Thank you!" Lucas agreed, but Will, Mike and Max shook their heads.
"But DC has better stories!"
"No! Haven't you read The Web of Black Widow?"
"Yeah, and Wonder Woman is still better," Will said, and Mike and Max hummed in approval.
"Wait, what about X-Men," Rue suddenly brought up, and everyone at the table gasped.
"Yes! X-Men are the best!"
"They top DC,"
"Wait, but aren't they Marvel?"
"Yup," Rue grinned, leaning back in her seat as Lucas high-fived her.
Everyone stood up at the sight of Dustin, and Mike exclaimed, "Holy shit, what happened to you?"
The poor boy's smile was wiped off his face after his friend's reaction. "What do you mean 'what happened?'"
"What?" Mike asserted.
"Dude . . . " Lucas chuckled.
". . . Your hair," Will said, itching to touch it.
"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas joked, about to poke it, only for Dustin to smack his hand away.
"No, no! No what do you mean 'what's wrong with my hair?' There's no birds nesting in here, asshole. Okay?" he huffed, "I worked hard," Dustin pouted, fixing his hair that was sitting tall on his head.
"Don't listen to them, Dustin, you look handsome," Rue told him, patting his cheek softly. She scrunched her nose, trying to remember where she's seen that hairstyle before.
"Thank you, Rue." he said her name loudly, "The only one with respect." He spat. Only for them to let out a laugh.
They all continued to joke around until a rather romantic song went on. All the smile's the party had washed off as the group of thirteen-year-olds stood together awkwardly. They looked at the dance floor, where it was beginning to fill with young couples wrapped around each other.
Each party member looked at another, which was only for a little bit before they all avoided eye contact. Lucas shifted in his spot. Mike scratched the back of his neck. Dustin kept his head down. Max was playing with her hair while Rue hugged herself.
"Hey, Ruth, right?" beckoned a voice, causing the party to freeze and look at the girl who was called.
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