《Her Mixtape, Stranger Things》ix. she's a killer queen
she's a killer queen
this chapter does have
some triggering topics
such as homophabia,
abuse, vomit, slurs,
blood, death, murder,
& insanity !!!
hurt with this in the way," Ava Fleur pointed out, kicking a rusty pipe that stuck out from the grass in the Baseball field.
Rue Newby stared at the pipe, it was old and pointy at the end, and she winced at the thought of someone playing backfield tripping and probably getting impaled by it.
She jumped slightly at the feeling of a hand brushing by hers. Rue looked to her side to see Ava smiling softly at her before taking her hand fully, their fingers interlocking.
Ava giggled, leading Rue towards the benched before sitting down. She brushed her thumb softly over Rue's knuckles before looking at her with puppy doe eyes. "Do you have to leave?"
Rue frowned, staring at their hands. "Yeah," she sighed, "But we'll keep contact. I'm only a phone call away."
"I bet Hawkins sucks ass," Ava chuckled.
"Can't be any worse than here."
They shared a short laugh. It's known to everyone who lived in Portland that the city was nothing like people made it seem. They'd might as well live in a small town in Texas.
"Is your dad even nice?" Ava asked, squinting at the sun as she looked over a Rue.
She pursed her lips, "Yeah, I'm sure he is, I can't remember much, though. I talk to him over the phone every once in a while. He seems like a sweetheart."
"I wish I could say the same about my dad," Ava rolled her eyes even at the thought of the man.
Rue nodded, her heart beating a little fast in fear of that man. She had been staying with the Fleur's for a few days while her dad figured out the situation with custody, and with every lingering second she was in that house, she wondered how Ava came out the way she did.
Ava's was big and full of muscle, but what scared Rue the most was the way he always wore an American flagged hat and how he talked badly about people of colour.
Even at Rue's mother's funeral, Ava's father wore the American flagged hat. It made her feel sick, and she wanted nothing more than to toss the stupid hat in the blender.
"One day," Ava started, pulling Rue away from her thoughts. She held Rue's hands tighter as a smile grew on her face. "One day, we can run away together. And move to Italy and live in those little apartments with tons of plants, books and cats!"
Rue found herself mirroring Ava's smile, and she imagined herself and the girl before her, living their best life in an apartment in Italy.
She was snapped out of her daze when she felt a hand cup her cheek, and that was when Rue noticed the tears running down Ava's face. "Why are you crying?"
"It's just — " she choked on a sob, "I don't want you to leave me here."
"I'm sorry — "
"No — Rue . . . It's not your fault. I'm just being selfish. I don't want to be alone, in the place, without you."
Rue opened her mouth to apologize again but shut it quickly. Her heart picked up when she saw Ava's eyes glance down her face then back to her eyes. Rue held her breath as Ava leaned closer.
"I fucking knew it!"
Ava quickly jumped away from Rue, dropping her hand and standing up. "Ace," she spoke in a shaky voice, watching as her older brother and his friends walked into the Baseball field. "Ace this isn't what it looks like."
"Don't fuck with me, Ava," he spat, "You know," he began, stepping closer to them, his voice laced with venom. "I always stood up for you when people said you were - this - but looks like they were right. You're a fucking Dy — "
"Don't say it," She warned.
Ace let out a maniacal laugh, his friends laughing with him. "Don't say what? The truth?" he chuckled, "Just you wait until dad find's out. You're dead."
Rue gulped, slowly standing up as well. She stood a little behind Ava, shaking with fear as she saw the older teenagers holding tightly onto their bats.
She quickly averted her gaze from the boys when she made eye contact with Ace.
"It was her, wasn't it?" Ace pointed at Rue with his bat. "She was the one who made you sick like this?"
Ava quickly pulled Rue behind her, shaking her head. "Leave her alone."
"No!" he yelled, and he and his friends stepped closer. "Tell me, did she fucking do this to you? You weren't sick like this before! Dad's warned us to stay away from people like her!"
Ava growled but decided to ignore her brother. She grabbed Rue's hand, pulling her away from them. "Come on."
The two girls had only made it a few feet before they got pushed down, earning a face full of dirt. Rue groaned, going to pick herself up before feeling a kick to her stomach. She felt like her breakfast was going to come back out as she fell again.
"Ace, stop it!" Ava huffed, scrambling up from the ground. A loud SLAP echoed the field, and Ava gasped loudly, her hand rubbing her reddening cheek where her brother had hit her.
"Don't talk to me," he spat at her shoe.
"I'm your baby sister!" she pushed him, only to get shoved back to the ground next to Rue, who tried her hardest not to vomit.
"Not anymore."
Ace kneeled next to Rue, his face scrunching in disgust at the sight of her. "I can't believe we let you stay under our roof," he scoffed. Ace began to laugh as a thought wandered his mind, "You know, you should've been the one who died," he teased, "would've done everyone a favour."
He stood up again, not before giving her another kick at her side, making Rue groan in pain.
She stared at the sky, tears prickling in her pretty green eyes. This was it, wasn't it? She thought to herself. Oh, how badly she wanted to get up and run away while she still could, but it felt like her body was paralyzed, with the throbbing pain coming from her side, to her breakfast daring to hurl back up, Rue couldn't move. And if she was honest, she was scared of what would happen if she did.
Ava let out a whimper, trying to crawl away as she saw them step closer with their bats at hand. "Wait — no, no, no — stop — " She let out a cry when one of the bats hit her knee, following with the loud CRUNCH that finally got Rue's breakfast to slip out.
Rue quickly shot her arms up to cover her head, pulling herself into a small ball when she felt one of the bats hit her leg. "Stop!" she began to cry freely, her body jerking as the bats continuously hit her.
"Stop it! Stop it!" She cried when she felt two hands grab her arms, pulling them away from covering her face, "Stop, please," Rue sobbed. For a second, she saw red when she felt a fist collide with her nose, and blood began to dribble down, coating her lips.
"Say you're sorry!" Ace yelled, "SAY IT!"
Rue kicked around, hoping she'd hit one of them hard enough to let her go as she felt another blow to her stomach with the bat.
Ava had tried to crawl away again, earning another hit to her knee, but this time, it didn't stop her. She grabbed onto the end of the bat, pulling it off their grip, and hit them over the head with it. The boy let out a girlish cry and dropped to the floor.
Ava kept crawling away before she weakly stood up, limping back toward her brother and his friends, who brutally hit the girl she cared for. They pulled on her arms to stop her from blocking the hits.
"Stop, d—don't — don't fucking hurt her," she began to hit them in the back with the bat, but they were big, eighteen-year-old boys. Which made her sick at the fact they'd happily hurt a poor thirteen-year-old girl who hasn't done anything. "Don't fucking touch her!"
Rue's vision became blurry. She didn't know if it was from the tears or the fact she was losing consciousness. She was gasping, crying, and yelling, but she soon felt like she was losing her voice. Was she drowning? She felt like she was. Her breaths were shorter, and she was choking. What was she choking on? Rue wheezed, feeling the liquid choke up in her lungs. Then she tasted it, the bitter, irony-like taste of blood.
"You should be sorry for what you've done!" Ace spat, "Fucking sorry, you hear me? SAY YOU'RE SORRY."
"I'm sorry!" Rue cried, "Please I'm sorry!"
She slowly began to stop kicking back. She stopped fighting back. "You'll kill her!" she could hear Ava's faint voice, "Stop it, please, you'll kill her!" she was crying.
Rue found her voice again, and the pain began to bubble up again. "Stop it!" she groggily cried as she got another hard hit from the metal bat on her chest.
". . . Stop . . . stop — s—stop it hurts!" she stammered, her voice as quiet as a mouse. "I said: stop it!" she finally screamed. "STOP IT"
Rue found herself staring at the sky once again. The beating had stopped, Ava's cries had stopped, their laughing had stopped, everything just . . . stopped.
What happened? Did she die?
No, she groaned, feeling the throbbing pain all over. Crying in pain as she tried to move to see what happened, Rue wished she had died.
Rue laid on the dirt for a few seconds, tilting her head to the side to see the blue and gold glowing from her hands again. She made a fist and slowly stood up.
She looked over at herself, her clothes covered in dirt and blood, and she could only imagine how she looked under the clothing. Rue brought a hand up to her nose, trying to wipe away the blood that kept flowing.
And then she saw it, the six boys laying around the field, groaning in pain. But they didn't stand. It was like they stuck to the ground. And it seemed so because their hands and feet were buried into the ground.
Rue felt her heart drop to her stomach, finding Ava shaking and gasping not too far from her. "No," Rue cried, limping her way towards her, "No, no, no. Ava," she sobbed, dropping to her knees before the girl.
Tears ran down her freckled cheeks, her eyes wide as she stared at the rusty pipe that stuck out from Ava's stomach. The tube didn't look so rusty anymore, but instead, the usual dark orange was a dark - almost black - red, coated with blood.
With shaky hands, Rue tried to pull Ava out from the pipe, only to freeze in her action as the girl cried in pain. "Rue — stop," she choked, and Rue whimpered.
"I can still save you — "
"No . . ."
"I'm sorry — " she cried, pushing Ava's hair out of her face, "I-I-I — I'm so sorry."
"It's . . . it's not your fault."
"Yes it is," she sniffed, "Yes — I—I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you — I'm sorry."
When Ava didn't say anything, Rue began to panic, "A—Ava?" she looked over at the girl, who wasn't staring at her anymore, but she stared at the sky. "Ava — no — no. Please not you, too."
Rue shakily stood again. A low sigh slipped from her lips as she stared at Ava. Rue stumbled back, her feet pulling her away from the field. She ignored the calls from the boys who stuck to the ground. ("Where the fuck do you think you're going?" — "Come back here, you freak!" — "What did you do?!")
She felt like she was on autopilot. She could feel her feet taking her somewhere, but she had no idea how. Her mind was running miles per hour. She probably looked insane, walking through the city, covered in dirt and blood. She didn't want anyone to see her, she wanted to be invisible, and luckily, no one batted an eye as she walked towards the police station.
It was when she stepped inside that everything went back to normal speed, and Rue didn't feel very numb anymore.
She blundered towards the front desk, trying to focus her eyes. Rue barely made it to the desk when an officer rushed up to her, "Oh fuck, are you okay?"
Rue looked at the man, her face showing an expression that screams; does it fucking look like I am?
"Who did this to you?"
"I got jumped . . ."
"The Baseball diamond."
His voice began to buzz away, and all Rue could hear was the phone ringing. It rang about three times before the lady at the desk picked it up. "Portland's Police Station — What . . . ? Who?"
She looked back at the man, tears brimming in her eyes. Rue was sat down, and another female officer came to her aid, fixing up her wounds.
"Chief," the lady at the desk spoke up, calling the man who spoke to Rue, "A woman called, she said when she was walking her dog, she found a girl's body. Then there were six boys half buried . . ."
She should not have come here. Oh, God, they knew. She needs to leave.
"Hunny, what's your name?" The officer helping her asked.
"Rue Newby."
The woman hummed, standing up and putting away the first aid kit once she finished. The man from before came back to Rue, raising his eyebrows, he kneeled to her level. "Were you with Ava Fleur?"
Rue held her breath, taken aback by the sudden question. When she didn't answer, the chief asked again. "Were you with Ava Fleur? Her body was found in the same place you got jumped, kid, we need to know who jumped you — "
"Ace did it," Rue said quickly. "Ace Fleur."
The chief stepped back and stared at her, unsure. Rue panicked when he eyed her down.
She took a breath, staring back at the man. Then all sounds around the station had droned away. They were pushed into nothing but the buzz at the back of her head as the Whisper filled her ears. It was in the chief's voice, it was distant, but she could hear it. It sounded tired, he was tired. And as it seems, he would believe whatever she said. Or at least, she'd make him.
"Ace Fleur killed Ava," Rue told him, her voice wasn't shaky or quiet, but stern and certain. Her voice was laced with an echo as the man stood up again, her voice in his head, — Ace Fleur killed Ava.
He nodded curtly, turning around. "It was the brother."
Rue leaned back on the seat, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. Had he believed her? Why was it so easy for him to believe her?
Rue shivered, she should feel bad.
Rue should feel guilty. Why doesn't she feel guilty? Rue frowned at the thought. She doesn't feel as horrible as she thought she would. And fear began to trickle in her veins at the thought that she was probably a psychopath.
No. Rue Newby wasn't a crazy psychopath.
Was she?
No. They were accidents. Rue didn't mean it. She didn't even know how it happened.
But the man who crashed her and her mother's car. She said she'd kill him . . .
No! They were accidents.
( ₊˚. ✰┊📼 ! )
i'm sorry if this chapter
was disturbing in any way!
here you can see
why i said that rue
can relate to billy in the
second chapter !!
thinking about how
she just blamed it
on ace. eh i never liked
him anyway but STILL
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One more message
Неизвестный: Привет Эль. Прости меня, повел себя как идиот. Не надо было мне тогда сосаться с Майклом. Софи: Чувак я конечно не Эль, но сосаться с парнем, если ты парень это уже слишком! Она - девушка с непонимающими родителями и старшим братом. Она - открылась миру благодаря ему.Он - её кумир. Он - человек который поможет ей. Он - однажды ошибся номером и поменял её жизнь. Он - Люк Роберт ХеммингсОна- София Элизабет АдамсонВсего одно сообщение и так много изменений в жизни.Если я хоть немного вас заинтересовала, то страницы моего фанфика открыты для вас.
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