《insane | will x reader |》•sex ed•


It was lunch time and I was sitting on the colourful bench with the rest of the group. I wasn't really paying attention to what everyone was saying, I think they were talking about some girl. I put my hands in the pockets of my jumper and I feel something in there. It feels like a wrapper. I take out the small packet and it is the silver ring shaped packet I found in the cupboard the other day. I look at it and I hear a gasp,

"Will! Your girl wants to plan something with you!" Dustin screamed.

I turn around and everyone's eye is on me. Wills eyes widen and just looks at me in shock.


"Where did you get that?" Will whispers.

"From the cupboard, in the bathroom."

Lucas chokes on his juice and Dustin starts laughing. Mike is looking at Will in shock and Will, well he is speechless. Dustin stops laughing at looks at Will,

"Have you?" Dustin giggles.

"No!" Will yells. I am confused and I put the packet back into my pocket.

"She saving it for later, you guys have all of your periods together so you could just sneak out" Dustin nudges Will.

Will sighs and I look at him, confused as hell. It goes silent for a few seconds but it felt like years. It's awkward. Really awkward. Max shuffles a little bit and tries to start up a conversation again,

"So Lizzy?"

Dustin looks down and blushes,


"For how long?"

"A few months" Dustin smiles and he looks over at another one of the coloured tables, a red one. A group of girls were sitting down at it. His eyes were fixed to the one in the middle, and I wouldn't blame him for liking her. She is gorgeous. I turn my head back to Dustin and he is smiling at her.


"So go talk to her," I speak up.

Dustin scoffed,

"What? No, she won't like me. I'm just a nerd, she's popular and pretty."

I turn around fully so I am facing Dustin,

"Dude, you are great. You are kind, smart and funny. Go talk to her and if she doesn't like you I will bash her."

Dustin smiles,

"Thanks. We are in the same drama class so I might talk to her."

"What class do we have next?" I say to Will.


"What are we doing again?"

Will clears his throat,

"Um, Sex Ed"

The boys all laugh and I slightly giggle. We hear the bell go, signalling us to go to our next class. I grab my books and close my locker. I wait for Will to get his books and we walk to our class. We walk into class and sit down next to each other. I look at the front of the class and our health teacher, Mr Kington, was standing behind the desk waiting for the class to quiet down.

Once the class quiets down he turns around and writes a word on the board. Mr Kington was standing in front of it and I couldn't see the word. But I think Will saw it because he awkwardly clears his throat and looks down.

I look back up at the board and it has 'condom' written on it. I look at Will,

"What's a condom?" I whisper.

"You'll find out" Will whispers, not even looking at me. I am confused, what the fuck. I look back at the board and some students start to giggle.

"Kington do you have any rubbers? Brie and I need some" Daniel yells. I look over my shoulder and all the popular boys are laughing and Brie is looking at Daniel in disgust.


"Quiet!" Mr Kington yells, "Yes I have a tub here" He lifts up the tub sitting on the bench and shows a full tub of the little silver ring shaped packets. My eyes widen and I look over at Will. He's looking down at his desk and he clears his throat again.

"So most of you know what a condom is but take notes," Mr Kington says to the class. Will takes out a pencil and workbook. I take out my workbook and pencil and start to take notes, "Condoms are a 'barrier device' used during sexual intercourse. It is used to prevent pregnancy or a sexual transmitted infection. There are condoms for males and females but it is more common for males to use it."

My mouth opens slightly and my eyes widen even more. Shit. Shit. Shit. I write down what Mr Kington wrote on the board and I rest my head on the desk. I put my arms under my head and try to forget the conversation at lunch. I feel a tap on my right shoulder and I pop my head up and see Charlotte handing me a piece of paper. I take it and open it up.

Stay away from Will okay. He's mine and you haven't even been here for a week and you are already fucking him. Fuck off Slut.

I feel my eyes burn and I scrunch up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. I look over my shoulder to see if anyone is looking at me. Someone in this class has to be the owner of this note. No one is laughing at me or looking at me. They are all paying attention to Mr Kington. Should I tell Will? Maybe not now, it's too awkward. When we are walking home. Maybe when we are home. Yeah, I'll do it when we get home.

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