《insane | will x reader |》•the note•


I walk into our room and place my backpack on the floor next to the bedroom door. Will places his bag next to mine and he closes the door. He takes out his English and Math textbook and sits down on the bed with me. I look down on the bed and I debate about telling Will.

"Are you okay?"

I look up and Will is looking at me with his soft precious eyes and I shake my head and jump into his arms. I try not to cry, it's just a stupid note. Will hugs me tighter and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"What happened?"

I pull back and take out the note I got in Health class. I straighten it out and I hand it to Will. Will hesitantly takes it and I look at his reaction the entire time as he reads it. I see his jaw clench and his eyes start to go red. He put the piece of paper on the bed and hugged me. I could hear him softly sob which made me burst into tears. We both hug each other until our sobbing settles down.

He pulls back and looks into my eyes. His eyes are watery and red and his nose is a light shade of red as well. I close my eyes and I let a tear fall down my cheek. I feel Will's thumb wiping my tear away, I open my eyes and I bring my hand to his face. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"You are not a slut. Okay. And she is just jealous of you, you don't care what people think about you and you are yourself. She wishes she could be you." Will said. I nod my head.

"Do you know who it is?"


"I don't know. No one has ever admitted that they like me."

I smile,

"I like you."

"I like you too" Will smiles and I lay down on his bed. Will lays down on his back and I rest my arm over his chest and I rest my head on his arm. Will wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Should we tell Joyce?"

Will softly chuckled,

"She will actually murder whoever said that to you. She doesn't put up with anyone's crap."

I softly chuckle and close my eyes. I feel Will kiss my temple and my swollen eyes start to go to sleep.

I walk into Will's bedroom to tell them that dinner is ready. I walk down the hall,

"Will! Y/N! Dinner is ready" I hear no answer. I reach Will's bedroom and knock on the door. I wait five seconds but no one answers the door. I slowly open the door and Will and Y/N are laying on the bed, asleep. I smile and walk up to them slowly. Y/N's head is resting on Will's shoulder and his arms are wrapped around her.

I get a piece of paper off Will's desk and write a note.

Dinner is in the fridge once you wake up.

I put it on Will's bedside table and I look at them one last time before I close the door. I see something hanging out of Y/N's pocket. I walk up to it and it looks familiar. Shit. I carefully take the silver packet out of Y/N's pocket and I cover my mouth. Not in this house. I put the packet back into Y/N's pocket and walk away. I won't tell Joyce, she will freak. I'll just tease them a little bit, it'll be funny.

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