《insane | will x reader |》•caught•


So some shit happens in this so be prepared

I wake up to hear muffled noises, voices. My head is now on Will's chest and his arm is around me. I can hear Will's heartbeat and as I wake up I start to slowly trace my fingers on his abs. I breathe heavily then-

"Wake up you horny fucks"

I sit right up and so does Will and we see at Will's door is Dustin and Mike.

"What?" I say rubbing my eyes. Dustin looks at us both and throws Will a jumper. Will looks down and sees his shirtless body. He sighs and looks back up at Dustin.

"Nothing happened. Y/N just got scared so she slept with me." Dustin smirked and turned to Mike.

"So that's why your shirt is off" Mike smirked. I giggled a little bit and Will looked at me and I could tell he was trying not to smile.

"No, I get hot okay." Will snapped started to put on his jumper.

"Yep, Y/N makes you drool." Dustin snapped back.

I rolled my eyes playfully and hop out of bed and Dustin gasps,

"You are wearing Will's clothes. Couple goals."

"Dustin shut up" Will yells as he walks out of the door, "We just met"

Us four walk into the kitchen and see Jonathan making six meals, all with bacon, eggs and toast on them. The boys sat down and started talking about some Science project. The kitchen smelt incredible and it was gonna be way better than the cheap cereal the 'chefs' provided us at the lab. Jonathan places a plate in front of me and I said thank you and started eating it. Jonathan gave a plate to the boys, himself and Joyce. We all were sitting down at the dinner table in silence and Joyce looks at me,

"So Y/N we have enrolled you at Will's school and I made sure you are in most of the classes with him. I have some share clothes in the laundry and tonight after school we will go shopping for some new clothes."

I smile and finish the food that was in my mouth, "Thank you so much."

Once we all finish our food and I get changed into some jeans however I still wear Will's Hawkins High School hoodie. Dustin, Mike, Will and I start walking to school.


"So Y/N, do you want to hang out with us at lunch?" Will says.

"Of course, but um...I'm really nervous. I haven't been to a school in a while now."

"Don't worry, you are in most of my classes so I can help you with everything and if you are struggling with anything just ask me and I can help you study"

I smile and glance at him and he is smiling at me with his perfect teeth. Once we get into the school Dustin and Mike walk off and Will walks with me to the office and he helps me with all of my classes and he gives me a quick tour of the school. We went to our lockers and Joyce arranged that my locker is next to Wills. We both have English first then Maths second period. Will helps me with my locker and we grab our books and go to our first class. In English the only people I know in that class is Will. In Maths, I have Will and Max; In Science, which I had for my third class, is Dustin, Lucas, Eleven, Max, Mike and Will.

After my first three classes, I started to feel a little more confident, I was still nervous as hell, but I was more comfortable with the group. It was lunch time and I look into my backpack and Joyce had made me a ham and salad sandwich with a little post-it note on top saying 'have a good first day at school y/n. joyce J. I smile as I bring the food out of my bag and show Will.

"Your mom is treating me like I am her own daughter." I chuckle.

"Well, I did say she would be excited to have a girl in the house."

Will grabs his sandwich and we both walk up to an old wooden table that the others are sitting on. They are all talking about random stuff and Will and I both sit down at the table with them.

"So Y/N, how is your first day of school going?" Max looks at me as she takes a bite out of her sandwich.

"Yeah good," I smile, "I'm really happy all of you are in my Science class"

"Don't you and Will have the same classes?" Dustin smirks as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. Will gives him a look,


"Yeah, we are in every class together except Physical Education." And thank fuck for that. I suck at sports and I would hate to embarrass myself in front of Will. I only run when I am in danger not when I want to get fit or have fun.

We continue talking and eating until the lunch bell goes.

Will and I arrive at his house and we look around and no one is home. We both go into his room and he closes the door behind us both. I sit on his bed and he does the same.

"So do you have any homework?" He says as he grabs out a few of his books. I nod my head and bring out my Science and Maths books.

"I don't understand Science at all" I chuckle. Will takes my book and opens up the page we have to an assignment on.

"It's easy, I'll help you." Will takes out his book and two pencils and we start doing my assignment questions. There are twenty questions and Will helps me with all of them. Whenever he was explaining the answer I could help but smile at how smart he is. I finish writing down the last question and I drop my pencil and smile at Will.

"How are you so smart?" I giggle. Will looks at me and smiles.

"I don't know; I have an interest in science I guess" He smiles. I go to reach for my Math book and Will does the same causing him to touch my hand. I look at his hand on top of mine and my breath stops for a second. I don't pull my hand away and neither does Will. I turn my head and Will is already looking at me. His eyes soft and his lips are slightly parted. He looks at my lips then back to my eyes and he starts to lean in. I couldn't help but do the same. His nose presses against mine and he starts to lean in,

"I'm sorry Will but I'm not ready. We just met and-"

Will clears his throat and leans back,

"No, no, it's fine. I understand."

"I'm really sorry, I mean you're smart and cute but we just met"

Will softly chuckles and starts to pack away his books, "Y/N it's fine, I get it, we just met and I am already trying to make a move on you, I'm sorry."

I smile and pack away my books and I sigh. I tell Will I am just going to go to the bathroom and he grabs a comic book and starts reading. I walk into the bathroom and grab onto the basin. I look at myself in the mirror above the basin and sigh, I just fucked things up with Will, I think to myself. I grab a hand full of water and wash my face. I take a face washer and dry my face and I look back up at the mirror. I scream.

My eyes are pitch black and the bathroom had vines and white dots everywhere. The room was dark with a shade of dark blue. I look around and start to shake. I run my fingers through my hair as I slide down the bathroom cabinet. I start to cry and the door swings open. I look and see Will in pure shock. He looks around he sees what I am seeing. He runs to me and kneels down to me and hugs my shoulders as I hug his waist. He holds my body tighter as he looks around the bathroom.

"It's the upside down" he whispers.

"You see it too?" I whisper back. He nods and runs his fingers through my hair. I stop shaking and crying and I just melt into the hug. He lets go of the hug and looks at me.

"I told you, I am weird. I look normal and I act normal but I am crazy and weird. I don't have powers like Eleven but I am insane. Will please help me." I hug him again and he hugs me back.

"I am exactly like you. I used to see the upside down all the time. Everyone thought I was okay and normal but I wasn't. I was...possessed but I can help you okay. I am here for you" He rubs my back and I bite my lip my head still resting on his chest. I close my eyes and then Will let's go of me making me open my eyes and the vines were gone. The bathroom was back to normal.

"Let's go back into our room."

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