《insane | will x reader |》•goodnight•


So I got to meet Jonathan and he is really nice to me already. He also made a really good lasagne. Will and I washed the dishes together listening to music while doing it. I haven't listened to real music is a while now. It felt nice where I could dance around and not care. Once we finished the dishes, Will walked off to have a shower and I talked with Joyce in the kitchen. She already feels like a Mom to me. She talked to me about what I like to do and we talked about enrolling me into the same class and school as Will. Once Will got out of the shower I had a shower and washed the rest of my body and hair.

I finished my shower and I walked into Wills room and he is drawing in a sketchbook.

"Hey what are you drawing?" I say, walking over to him. He looks up and me and smiles.

"I'm just drawing a sunset." I sit on the bed next to Will and wow. He is hot, kind and talented.

"It looks beautiful, how are you so talented?" I say in awe.

Will looks down at the drawing and I can tell he blushes a little bit. "Thanks, d-do you want some paper?"


He hands me a piece of paper, a clipboard and a pencil. I lay down on the bed next to Will and I start to sketch a pair of brown eyes. I start to draw Will's eyes however I don't want to make it too obvious cause he might get freaked out that I am drawing his eyes.

"Wow, you are an amazing drawer as well." I look up from my paper and see Will admiring my art piece. I blush a little bit and smile,



We continue drawing in silence as Will's music is playing in the background. Will places his sketchbook on the bed and tears out the page and places it on his desk. He looks back at my drawing.

"Have you finished?"

I look back up at him, "Yeah I have," I sit up on the bed and hand him the pencil, clipboard and paper, "Do you want my drawing because I don't want it?"

He looks at the drawing and places it on the desk, the clipboard on the floor and the pencil on the desk as well. As he sits on the bed with me his bedroom door swings open and Jonathan is standing there.

"It is time for bed you two." He walks off and Will looks at me.

"Do you want to have some pyjamas or do you want to sleep in the clothes you have on?"

"I will just sleep in the clothes I have on."

Will nods and takes out a jumper and pyjama pants from under his pillow and places them on the bed. I walk out of the room so he can get dressed. I walk into the kitchen and see Joyce and Jonathan watching TV in the lounge and I say goodnight to them both. They both say goodnight and I walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Once I drink my water I see Will walking into the lounge saying goodnight to Joyce and Jonathan. Will and I walk into his room together and I hop into bed and he turns the lights off. Will's room was dark but not completely pitch black because the street lights were shining through the fabric of the curtain. Once Will got into bed he took off his jumper and omg.


His toned body was just wow. I pull the covers up to the chest and so does Will.

"Goodnight Y/N"

"Goodnight Will"

Then I closed my eyes.

I sat up, gasping for breath. I look at Will's clock, 3:53am. I had a nightmare about the lab again however they found out about Will and they hurt him as well as me. I was crying. Hot tears down my face as I try and control my breathing. I must have woken Will up because he threw the covers off himself and sat next to me, holding onto my arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." He whispered to me.

I stop crying and look at him. He opens his arm and I hug him. Fuck he gives good hugs. My cold hands up against his bare back. He hugs me tighter and I melt into his arms.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He said still holding me. I nodded and look at him. I wipe the tears off my cheeks and clear my throat.

"I just had a bad dream about the lab again but I'm okay now. Thank you."

He smiles and stands up. "Let's go get you a drink of water." I stand up and walk with him into the kitchen. Will didn't put on a sweatshirt or hoodie but I'm not complaining. Once we got into the kitchen Will turned on the lights and you could see his abs perfectly clear this time. He walks over to the kitchen and carefully takes two glasses from the cabinet and pours water into both of them. He turns around and hands me a drink and he leans against the counter as he drinks his water.

Once we both finish our water we both sneak back into Wills room and he closes the door. I sit back on my bed and he sits on his.



"If you are too scared to sleep by yourself you can hop into bed with me."

Holy shit. Um, yes please.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, if you want to."

I stand up and sit on Will's bed and he lays down and put the covers over him. I lay down and he puts the covers over me as well. Will lays on his back while I lay on my side, facing him. I close my eyes and try to move closer to him without being totally obvious.

"Um Y/N"


"Lift your head" I lift my head and have my elbow supporting me and Will puts his arm out. I hesitantly place my head onto of his arm and I go back into the position I was in, me laying on my side facing him. It was warm and comfortable and Will was just perfect.

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