《iMessage -REDDIE ☾》he'd beg u to top.


do u like the title hoe?

; hey.

; yeah hi

; so i thought about going on an almond diet

; okay?

; but thats just nuts

; yeah... thats what almonds are

; do u get it

; get what

; the joke

; what joke?

; smh little man smh

; why did the scarecrow win an award?

; ayyyyy

; go on eddie, guess.

; idk cause he didn't get scared?

; no. cause he was outstanding in his field

; hahahahaha

; but- no.

; but yes

; lmao

; ben, when u said ayyyyy i thought u said gayyyy

; hahahaha

; speaking of gay how did it go with richie?

; he's a fucking asshole.

; what did he do?

; more like who'd he do.

; u have been stopped

; he fucked that girl that kept hanging around him at school today

; but did u tell him everything?

; yeah. he said 'im over it'

; just 'im over it'? or 'im over it eds'?

; just 'im over it'

; yeah he's not over it

; yeah he wants to be under it... if u know what im saying

; ew. also i would never top

; he'd beg u to top. trust me

; did u secretly fuck him or something?

; hahahahahaha no

; ur acting sorta suspicious

; tell him u love him

; that seems more of a thing to do in april

; boy its january

; i cant wait that long

; rt

; listen im pretty sure he's dating that girl

; only one way to find out

; do not say ask bev

; what. no. he'd never tell bev


; we ask stan

; shittt thats a good idea

; no

; i'll ask

; no

; ill ask

; no

; im asking


; stop being dramatic

; hahahahaha

; no.

; byeeeeeeeeeee

-Richie to Stan-




; I KNOW (can we clarify who we are yelling about)


; oh what happened this time

; he didnt fucking care that i fucked a chick


; u did what

; i fucked stacy

; and why did u do that?

; stan... stacy... most of the letters are the same and her name popped up first

; so u wanted to fuck me?

; no i wanted to vent to u on ig but her name popped up and i was like she cute lemme fuck

; ya know

; bitch ur a fucking idiot

; i am not


; well what was i supposed to do?

; imma tell him u love him

; i told him i didnt so ha

; whose he gonna believe?

; hopefully me

; but then u'd start ur relationship off with lies

; ok hoe listen. just because i had a crush on eddie for like 24 days doesnt mean we are in love

; but ya could be

; i think the fuck not

; bev, we need bev in this

; but ur my best friend

; and so is bev

; but she'd tell eddie everything

; mike just texted me

; and said?

; eddie said ur a fucking asshole

; and mike wants to know who the fuck u think u are

; who i am? uh that bitch didnt even talk to me all day

; omg ill text u later rich. mike seems interesting rn.

-Mike to Stan-

; hey stany my dude hows life

; yeah its gr8. richie is bitching about eddie and its getting on my nerves

; yeah, eddie said richie was a fucking asshole

; who the fuck does richie think he is

; richie said eddie didnt even talk to him all day

; thats bc that chick was all hanging over richie

; yeah that was a funny thing

; funny?

; yeah he was trying to message me on ig and stacys name appeared first and so he was like fuck it

; ^ hahaha fuck it. ha. thats funny... cause they fucked.

; eddie is no so amused by that

; me either

; whats up with richie anyway?


; he really really likes eddie and he doesnt do a great job at the whole rejection thing so he gets cold and distant and sad and depressed... but he gets like that randomly sometimes too

; he told u all this stuff

; he doesnt have too, im his best friend and can see it from a mile away before he even realizes what he's done

; why is he that way?

; i think his mom.

; dont get me wrong though, his parents love him, especially his dad.

; his dad thinks he could be a great comedian

; then why his mom?

; she's bipolar and i think he might be too

; he hasnt told me

; really?

; yeah, but swear u wont tell eddie

; i swear

; ok Richie is getting antsy bc i stopped texting him to text you so have a nice night

; u too stan.

; 👍🏻

; just one question

; okay

; do u think Richie or eddie would top?

; uh probably depends on if eddie wanted to top or if richie was in the mood

; wow u really know him

; yeah he's really talkative

; hahah okk bye

a/n ok guys ik in the book richies mom and richie arent bipolar but i just thought it would be more interesting so yeah. this is also a long chapter. hope u hoes liked it.

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