《His one and only》XX


‼️Same skies (A mafia romance), is out now‼️

"mommy , did I do some mistake? I am sorry mommy please don't be sad" Anna tugged my hand as I turned to her gave her a sad smile "no princess you did not do anything, go have your breakfast because I am fine" Anna nodded and ran out of the room.

Bad day, bad memories. If I could cut out one day from the calendar it would be this damn day. Too much to cry over. Today....the day of my divorce. I clutched the thing in my hand a bit tighter. I tried, I really did try to move on and throw this damn ring away but something or the other happened and this piece of metal which seems to be my weakness always remained with me.

"Mommy we have to go to granny today, right?"Anna asked jumping on to the bed, granny always requested me to drop over once a week so I decided to crash over her place on the weekend and Anna seems happy about the change" go get ready princess, I have your dress ironed so you can wear it if you want to or else tell me whatever you want to wear."

I myself got out of bed and headed t the washroom, when I had a look at my face in the mirror I realized that my face looked pale and there were dark circles under my eyes. If someone would see me like this they would surely mistaken me as a ghost especially due to my stupid hair.

I got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a random top which came in my hands and applied enough make up to hide my vulnerable face, slipping the ring back into the chain I freshened u and went down to have breakfast. All the while I was having breakfast Anna was playing on my phone.


Both of us me and Anna reached over granny's place after a long 30 minute drive, Anna jumped out of the car and ran inside the house as the door was open and I followed by after taking my bag.

The moment granny saw me she gave a tight hug which I needed and gladly returned after pulling out of the hug I smiled weakly "sunshine, even your excellent makeup skills can't hide the truth" I was about to say something when Anna came up to me and reached up by opening her arms, I picked my princess up as she hugged me tightly nuzzling my neck, finally Anna pilled back and turned to granny still in my arms "do you have a candy floss big granny?" I smiled at what Anna nick named granny "no my dear but if you need it I will ask someone to get it for you "granny replied but I interrupted "princess you had a lot of sweets yesterday" Anna nodded and answered "I don't want to eat it" granny seemed confused like me so she questioned "then why do you need it, dear?" Anna smiled brightly "because when I am sad mommy gives me candy floss and I become happy." I smiled back at my little princess "I am okay my dear, don't worry about me go see a film in the room I and granny will join you soon."

Anna ran up to the room and granny turned back to me "even the little girl can see it sunshine" I tried to control my emotions "I just have some an answered granny and I need to find the answers soon" I replied but my voice cracked up "both of you seem to have questions" I looked up at granny as she continued "my stupid grandson whom I love dearly is always in his farm house today. He dosent like to see anybody nor talk to anybody " I simply starred at granny ""what went wrong in our relation granny?"a tear escaped my eyes as I continued" was I not good enough....?"Granny held my hand but remained silent" or do I disgust Dexton do much that he could not leave with me" when I said this granny gasped "no my dear , don't think for yourself in such a way" I let tears flow down my eyes "I just don't understand Granny what was I to him..... what am I to him?"


After an hour or so granny calmed me down and both of us went to the kitchen because I felt like baking "I want to meet Dexton's cousin granny, she is living here with you right?" I questioned "yep Amy lives here and she too want to meet you but both of you seems to have bad timings, Amy is not here right now."

I was talking to grand ma when her phone ringed but since granny had cake dough in her hand I answered the phone because it was Cara, when I picked the phone Cara was sobbing "Cara, Cara! What happened?" instead to answering Cara started crying even more "mo-mom" she answered I got hit by wave of panic "what happened to mom?" oh my go what's wrong ""he-heart a-attack."

No, no, no, no, no! I need clear my mind. Not good, why do we have dates if they only remind us of the past. Was my love not enough or was Cassidy never in love with me, was it all fake?

Hundreds of questioned passed through my mind and I had the answer to none, only one thing in this entire world had the capability to break me my family and Cassidy. They were always my weakness I never should it to them but it comes to Cassidy I fall miserably.

I just don't understand what went wrong in our marriage? I tried my best but then why, was my love not enough?

I took out a bottle of whiskey and poured some on a glass when my phone rang it was Cara, I rejected the call but she called me several time. Everyone knows I don't like to be disturbed today I was about to switch off my phone when she called again and I picked up "mom is in t-the hospital come fast" for a moment I stilled "message me the address, I am coming I might take some time am away from the city, and hold on sister we love her nothing bad is going to happened just hold on..................


sorry for such a late update actually my laptop is not working and I tried typing through my phone but it was a difficult job, but today finally I took my dads laptop and tipped everything....hope you enjoy

luv u,

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