《The Billionaire's Awakening (Unedited Version)》Chapter 6: Courtship Begins


"Sweet words are not always true. True words are not always sweet. But no matter what words can say, Actions will always tell the truth." - Unknown

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I stared at her still surprise I'm seeing her again after a month. She looks stunning as always in her white dress. She looks like the goddess Venus up close, with her smokey eyes, I felt suddenly intimidated.

Why did I let her go when she's everything that I need?

I held the bouquet tightly, and I let out a deep breath before closing our gap with my heart hammering loudly in my chest, my stomach felt like butterflies just erupted inside. "Hi," I gulped inaudibly as I handed her the bouquet. I don't know what kind of flower does she likes. I assumed every girl likes roses. The crimson red rose looks so beautiful and it looks like her tonight. So desirable and tempting, rare with awestruck beauty.

"Oh, hi!" she reluctantly smiled and glibly took the roses. "Thanks," as she held it glancing at the roses before bringing it to her nose and smelled it.

As soon as our eyes met again, I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I involuntarily close my eyes drinking in her familiar addictive scent as I took a deep breath and then gave her private space back, not wanting to push my luck.

She still looks bewildered, uncertainty filled her eyes. "You look definitely amazing on the runway," I commented trying to break the tension slowly filling our gap and her cheeks turns a brighter pink.

"Thank you!" she murmured her eyes sparkled with pride. And I really mean it when I said that. When I saw her walking like owning the runway, with overflowing confidence in her, the way she struts on the runway with drama added to it captivated everyone, elevating the clothes to its new level, creating allure where there is none. The way she effortlessly gliding around the runway, but with an edge of determination which makes her one of the best walkers I've seen.

"You took my breath away when I saw you in that green sheer chiffon feathery dress with plunging neckline and cross-back detailing," as I recalled the moment when she came out with the sheer fabric, hugging her body like its own. The hem dances with her body in rhythm as she struts gracefully around the runway. She looks like a goddess that just descended, I so badly want to take her away from the crowd and have her all to myself.

"Oh, ... w-well ... thank you!" her smile widens, looking unsure what to do.

I remember the party after the show for the success of their fashion week. I knew the designer behind the Valentino success, and I was ushered right immediately as soon as I entered the place, in the front row.

"Shall we?" I said as I gestured her my arms and she place the flowers on top of vanity close to her and hesitantly link her hand on mine and I led her outside. As our skin connected, an instant familiar feelings courses throughout my body. It felt really good holding her this close.

I so badly want to press her body against mine, hug her tight and never let her go, but I stifled it. I've done so much damage that needed to be repaired and I will slowly heal it, no matter what it takes.

"Why are you here, Xandrous?" As soon as we join the party, she stops and stood in front of me.


I stared into her eyes, ignoring the flashes of cameras to our directions and around us. Reporters and paparazzi taking photos at every fashion designers, models behind the event, swarmed the place.

"I need you in my life back, Vi." Her eyes suddenly turned darker. The shade of soft honey-brown dissipating and turning into darker brown. "Please, don't be mad. I know I've done so much damaged already and I'm willing to do everything to win your heart back, no matter what it takes. I will wait, I will, Vi." I stared at her eyes with intensity. Her eyes didn't alter. I don't know what to think at the moment, but I'm not going to give up.

"Please say something," I beg after a lengthy pause.

"Ms. Victoria, can you please give us a smile here with your company," a photographer yelled in our direction, but it seems she was lost as I was.

"Mr. Mailov, Ms. Victoria, over here," another man yells.

"I don't know what to say, Xandrous. I'm ..." she searched in my eyes, "I'm still ... I guessed .. shock..." she trailed off.

"I'm not forcing you now, Vi. As I say, I can wait." I smiled. "Let's just enjoy this moment," I loop her hand around my arm again and faces the photographers who were constantly crying out for our attention.

Their smile widens when we took a pose and give in to their whims.

I took two champagne from the waiter and gave one to her. "Oh my god, Alexandrous?" A familiar voice made us both turned to look at her.

"Oh, hi Sidney!" I smiled.

"I missed you!" she squeals softly and then before I could react, she suddenly snake her hands around my neck and kissed me on the lips. Just then I realized what was happening. Pulling her away from me, my eyes suddenly snap to Victoria's direction and she gave me this, willing-to-make-it-up-huh look.

I quickly move to Vicky's side and consciously curled my hand around the small of her back, like my life were depending on it. Sidney's eyes shifted back and forth between us and Vicky.

"Are you guys dating?" in her disbelief tone.

"Yes! Is there any problem?" Vicky's eyes turn icy and intimidating. No wonder they called her the B. Sidney just cocked her eyebrow at her and then she shot me a sweet inviting smile.

"Do you?" she asked with her eyes pointing at me.

"Yes," I smiled with pride and then anxiously shot Vicky a worried look. She still looks impassive. I watch her as she made a tentative sip of her champagne. Her eyes didn't leave Sidney who seems to no care after confirming it.

Oh God, I hope I'm not screwing this up!

Sidney made a sip of her wine. Her eyes suddenly lit up. "How about Deshawn?" She turns her attention to Vicky.

"What about Deshawn?" Vicky rebutted.

"You know what I'm talking about, Victoria," Sidney smiled but filled with disdain.

"We just talk. Deshawn is just a friend and if you think that we are hitting each other, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you're assuming things." Victoria said in a bored tone. Then, she held my hand, "please, excuse us," she said and then pulled me away from smiling Sidney.

"How did you meet her?" Victoria asked as soon as we are far from her hearing circumference.

"At Alex's party," I responded briefly.

"Did you two hit each other?" she asked bluntly. She stood in front of me.


Sidney Alberts. A runway model, I met her couple years ago at Alexander James' wild party. We hit that night, we were both drunk. She called me multiple times but I just brush it off the sexual innuendos until she decided to stop calling me.

"Not lite-"

"Alexandrous Mailov," I heard my name and Vicky's eyes look over my shoulder. I turned to see the man behind me.

My lips curled into a smile. "Jerrod Lombardi," I acknowledged as I shook the hand of the real estate mogul of Italy. We met through a friend when I went to assess the land we are going to build condominiums.

"I didn't expect to see you here," he grinned and then his eyes darted to Vicky. I suddenly move to Vicky's side and introduced them together.

"Jerrod, I want you to meet a special friend of mine, Victoria Pallos," I gestured with my palm hand as I look at Vicky with pride then back to Jerrod. "Vi, this is my friend Jerrod. A real estate mogul," I introduced.

The two shook their hands and then my forty-years-old friend shot me with an amused look.

"Hey, I'm sorry." A sexy voice pulled our attention to the young model standing beside him and Jerrod turned his head to look at her. Jerrod is a divorced man and he's known as casanova. I'm not surprised if the runway model Zoraya Veller is his new flavor.

"It's alright, honey." Jerrod pulled her to his side with his hand possessively resting on her slim waist.

"Honey, this is Alexandrous Mailov. A friend of mine, and his girlfriend, Victoria," he introduced.

"I already met Vicky. We work together, babe," Zoraya beams at Vicky. and then her eyes sparkled when she looks at me. I always see those looks and I'm not new to it. "Alexandrous Mailov, it's a pleasure to meet you," she flashed me a very sweet smile as she took my hand and the way her hand held mine, she's surreptitiously sending me an invitation.

"Same here," I responded briefly as I took my hand away and rest it on Vicky's slim waist.

"Are you here for a new project, Xandrous?" Jerrod asked after a while.

"No. I'm on vacation," I responded briefly, then made a sip of my champagne. I felt Vicky's eyes staring at me. I met hers. Her eyes filled with curiosity and confusion. I just smiled, then glance back to Jerrod.

As the party progress boredoms started to fill me. We talked to several renowned magazine chief editors, designers, and famous actresses, and Vicky was enjoying it and that held my urge to ask her to leave the party.

This is her life and I have to get used to it. She loves parties as far as I remember. The one reason why I thought I got bored of our relationship. She'd rather go to the party with friends than going to my party, which is basically just a business gatherings.

This is the kind of parties she likes to attend other than wild parties, or clubbings, not the events I always go.

"Hey," her friend I saw a moment ago who suddenly left us without meeting her approached us.

"You must be Frankie, Vicky's roommate," I said.

"Yes," she smiled and I shook her hand. "Alexandrous Mailov. It was nice to meet you," I smiled as I pulled my hand back and drop it on my side.

"Same here," she smiled and then she turned her attention to Vicky.

"I'm leaving," she said. "Are you ready?" she then asked.

I suddenly squirmed inwardly.

"I can drive you both to your hotel," I pitched in and the two looks at me.

"Alright," Frankie smiled.

"But," Vi rebutted as she glared at Frankie then turns her attention to me with a scrunched face. "You sure we are not bothering you?"

"I'd love to drive you both. I don't mind it. I have nowhere to go. I came here to see you, you know that right?" I asked as I held her eyes sending her my sincere intentions with intensity.

"Alright," she agrees and then look away.

"I'll just go take all my things and then we can go," Vicky said and then turns to her friend and tug her hand, leading her back to the backstage adjacent to the hall where the party was held.



"Thanks for the ride," Frankie said as she retrieved her things out of the trunk. I help them and tried to help Vicky with her big bag but she refused it.

"I know you're tired Xandrous and so are we. Thanks for tonight and the flowers," she gestured the bouquet against her chest she was clutching with her other hand and I just smiled at her, brushing off the negative feeling slowly filling my heart at her subtle rejection.

"I'm staying here, tonight," I said and she made an "O" sound as she nodded her head. I didn't tell her I'm staying at the penthouse. The presidential suite were all booked so they gave me the penthouse suite.

"I took her quite big hand carry bag and followed them to the awaiting elevator at the lobby. I wonder why she didn't book in their own hotel.

When we arrived at their room door, she took her bag and then thank me. As much as I don't want to end this night, I have to hold on to my feelings and take it slow.

"Good night," I said and leaned closer before she could speak and kissed her forehead tenderly. I heard her sucking her breath softly.

"Good night," she smiled and then I watch her walk inside and close the door in front of me.

I rested my hands in my suit pockets and let my green eyes lingered at the number on their door, 518. Sighing deeply, I turned on my heel and headed for the elevator.


"Thank God, we are back!" I mumbled as I left my luggage just on the corner not far from the door and plopped down on the couch in our living room in our apartment, back to London.

"It's exhausting but fun!" Frankie remarks and I nodded my head.

"Our photo shoot is in two days, which means we have two days free time. Want to do something?" Frankie asked as she stood in front of me with her hands crossed over her chest.

"I don't know. All I want to do is sleep," I said as I lazily rose up from the couch and couldn't wait to hit my bed.

"I'll go have a shower then take a nap," I said as I walk back to my luggage and drag it in my room.

"I think I need one too," I heard Frankie before walking into my room then close the door behind me, leaving the luggage beside my closet door and then tossing my purse on my bed, then I languidly undress on my way to the washroom, then tossing it in the hamper in one corner of the washroom, not far from the door.

Not long, the warm water cascaded over my body, washing the exhaustion I felt, relaxing me. Memories from the other night flashed back to me. Xandrous suddenly shows up, promising to woo me. I'm still stunned why all of a sudden he changed his mind.

What happened?

Did he really mean when he says he comes to win me back? What changed his mind?

He kissed me tenderly, his voice were sincere, and his eyes were soft and so convincing. Can I trust him again? He broke my hurt multiple times. He hurt me and he didn't care. Would I allow him to break me again into pieces?

I finish showering and set the thought aside. As of the moment, I'm still bewildered. I'm excited though when he said he will do anything to win me back and at the same time, scared what was coming next. Mixed emotions settled in my heart at his sudden interest after all the rejections and pains he caused me.



"Guess what?" Frankie set the groceries on the table and I turned the stove off and turned to face her, bored.

"What?" I asked leaning the small of my back against the edge of the countertop with my palms lay flat against the cool granite countertop.

She sat on one of the stool and leaned forward pushing the two bags full of groceries in the middle of the island countertop across me, then she propped her elbows against the countertop, leaning forward with her right cheek resting on her palm.

"I saw Mr. Mailov just when I was about to enter inside our door!" she bit her bottom lip as she shot me with her dreamy eyes a mischievous stare. "You won't believe this girl, but he's living next door!" she squeals excitedly and my mouth hangs open, gawking at her like what she said was the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Close your mouth, Vicky!" She stood upright and grinned cheekily. "I could see your brain from here!"

My lips automatically connected, but my brain was still scrambled. "Is he courting you?" Frankie suddenly turns serious.


"I said, is he courting you?" Frankie's eyebrows furrowing as she shot me a curious stare.

"Hmm.. yes," I said, unsure. I turned my back and grab some plate on the cupboard and filled the two plate with the penne pasta with tomato and basil sauce.

"You are so lucky, girl," she remarks and the envy in her tone is too evident. "I wish someone as handsome as Alexandrous would be interested in me." She continued rambling and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't respond as I dumped the dirty pan in the sink. "How did you guys meet?" Frankie asked after a while. I grab the two plates with pasta and walk to the table adjacent to the island counter and set it. Frankie pulled the chair on my right side and settled in.

I didn't answer her question.

"Hmm..." she smiled as she sniffed the aroma of the basil pasta, then she grabs the fork and started digging.

"Want some white wine?" I asked.

"Sure, please," she said with her mouth half full. I smiled as I walk back to the kitchen and took one of the wine from the metal wine rack mounted on the wall on one corner of the kitchen wall and two wine glasses.

I'm glad she dropped the topic.

"How did you and Xandrous meet?" I heard Frankie asks and I heaved a sighed. I thought I could get away from this topic.

I set the two wine glass on the island counter, me facing Frankie as I unscrewed the cap of the Fortnum's Sancerre, then poured the two glass carefully until half full. Screwing the cap back on, I took the two wine glasses by the stem and walk back to the table.

"Our parents are best friends," I replied casually as I place her wine in front of her and then I took the chair opposite her.

"So you two basically grew up together? Nice," she sounded amazed.

"Aha," I replied nonchalantly and then started eating my pasta. I hope she could feel the boredoms in my tone.

"How's the pasta?" I asked, desperately dropping the topic.

"A little bland!" she blatantly replied and I pouted. I got the recipe online. I suddenly took an interest in cooking, since all we ate these past weeks were salad and I got tired of it. "But with the wine, it's awesome!" she quickly consoled and I gave her a look that says, tell-me-honestly.

She just shrugs her shoulders and resumed eating. "Eating salad almost every day makes even the bland food tastier," she playfully said and I threw her a sharp glare.

"The commentators gave an excellent feedback and it's rated five stars," I said defensively and she chuckled.

"It's alright, Vicky. There's always a next time," she playfully remarks.

"You're going to cook next!" I firmly said, but she just shook her head furiously.

After we had our lunch, we decided to settle the food before going for a walk. Frankie put the groceries away and I cleaned the dishes. After were done, we settled on the couch. She watches TV as I went through my email, placing my laptop on my lap.

Not long, our doorbell rang.

I look at Frankie and she was too engrossed watching the Ninja warrior UK show. I decided to go check who was our intruder.

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