《The Kidnapped Orphan》Kayleigh's Lie.


I completely ignored Kayleigh in class. I was pretty sure she was talking about me. I opened up my exercise book and wrote down the date.

"I told you I didn't trust her." James whispered.

"Yeah. But she has been lying to me for over 5 years. Of course I would trust her. I just don't get why she is doing this." I complain, taking second looks at Kayleigh who was texting someone on her phone.

She was driving me crazy. She could be talking to her dad about me!

I raised my hand, keeping my eyes on her actions.

"Yes, Daisy?" The teacher shouts from the other side of the room.

I have second thoughts. Everyone would call me a snitch anyway.

"Erm..nothing." I say, looking down at my book.

"We need to tell the police, Daisy. Right now, the kidnappers daughter is Kayleigh and it sounded like he was on the run.."

"But she's my best friend James.."

"No, she wasn't and isn't your best friend! Didn't you hear her on the phone!"

"Anyway, I have to sit next to her. We are meant to be a couple. Well, I'm pretending anyway. Don't worry, Daisy. We will sort this out." He doesn't pull a smile and walks over towards Kayleigh.

"Hey." She giggles, pulling out the chair next to her for James to sit on.

Jealousy and anger built up in me. I rolled my eyes and ignored them both.


"So you're telling me Kayleigh told you something that had something to do with Joe?" I say, folding my clothes up and packing them into a suitcase.

"Um yeah. She said her father was Joe and it was Kayleigh's plan for him to kidnap you.." He passes me the clothes.

"How does that work out then? She was physically abused too!" I collect my shoes.

"She said she didn't know he was going to hurt her too. Probably trying to make it look real.." He packs his stuff too. Grabbing his t-shirts and trousers and folding them up neatly.

"Still doesn't explain a lot of things, James." I sigh, walking to the bathroom and picking up my sponge, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash.


"Anyway, where exactly are we going?" James asks, grabbing his stuff too.

"Somewhere where I can get away from here and somewhere, where I won't get brutally murdered." I calmly speak.

"But where!" He shouts, more demanding this time.

"Look. I know somewhere we can go. I just need you to get my passport from downstairs. Then we will go to yours, get your passport and we will take it from there." I sigh.

"Are you being ridiculous! We don't have the money to go abroad!" He storms downstairs.

He should really think before he speaks. I unlock my safe, taking out money I had saved since I turned 4. I start to count the notes.

'£4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000'

I had that amount of money due to how much I would work. Since I was 4, I offered to do chores for the exchange of money. I guess I was intelligent at 4 years. I'd clean the stairs banister, the stairs itself, mop the floors, clean the bathroom, do the dishes. I'd do that every day and get paid £20 a day. I managed to reach up to 1000 pounds and I had to carry on. But one day, I gave up. I stopped at £8000 and have saved that money ever since. When my mum and dad gave me up, they left me an amount of money in the bank. £50,000. They were extremely rich.

"I've got your passport." He throws it to me and I pack that too.

"So, we don't have money." He carries on.

I show him the money and he gasps in surprise. I just chuckle and shove it in my purse.

"Come on. We need to get out of here." I say, opening the bedroom window.

He passes me my suitcase and his and climbs out.

"Say goodbye to our old home." He waves to the tall, old building.

We get his passport from his and walk to town.

"There's one more stop we need to go to." I grin.


"Just the cashier point.." I mumble walking to the closest one.

I slide my card in and look to James who is looking at the screen.


"Now don't look. I need to put my pin in!" I demand, typing in my pin.

I select £9000 to take out.

"How much is there!" James shouts in disbelief.

"Oh, just 9 grand." I smirk, taking all the notes and stuffing them in my purse.

We get a taxi to take us to the airport. I hated leaving countries. I always feel home sick and want to go back, but if there is a man out there wanting to kill me, I wouldn't. James and I sit in the back seat. Quiet. It was very awkward between us two.

"Daisy, I got something to say." James breaks the awkwardness.


"Kayleigh is just messing with us. Joe being her dad? Pathetic! After all, he's 17. He can't be her dad! He would of been 5 years old when her mother had her!"

James was exactly right! We were so dumb enough to believe what she was saying! She probably knew we were coming over to her, so she got her phone out.

I laughed, "You're a genius, James."

"Driver? Could you take us back to town." I smirk.

"Sure. You'll have to pay extra though." He chuckles.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever! Just take us back!" James says.

When we arrived back. Kayleigh had some explaining to do. I mean, loads!

"Let's go to Kayleigh's house. She would of been responsible for us going abroad by ourself." I say, dragging my suitcase across the hard gravel.

"Let's go tomorrow, Daisy. I have homework to do and it's in for tomorrow." He complains.

"Fine." I mumble.


We arrive at the Orphanage, to be greeted by an angry social worker.

"And where have you two been?" She crosses her arms, staring at us for as long as I can imagine.

"Um..out for a walk." I smile, barging past her.

"Come to my office Daisy." She sternly shouts.

"James, I'll be with you in a sec." I walk off.

I enter the horrible, damp walled office. My social worker seems like she wasn't very happy.

"Take a seat." She points to the brown chair.

I take a seat on it, looking around the room. It was awful. Shame really. Dead flowers were planted all around the room, the blinds were all bent and snapped, the carpet was stained. What the hell happened to this room.

"You say you went for a walk..want to tell me the real reason?" She takes her pen to her lips. I guess that was a bad habit. Chewing the pen lid.

"Yes. We did go for a walk. With our suitcases. I was going to sleepover at my friends hou-"

"Well, that wasn't the reason I took you here." She leans forward.

"The reason was because we had a phone call from the police this morning. Your kidnapper, Joseph Dale, he escaped from the police van. They are trying their best to find him. That's why I was worried when I went."

He escaped! What if he has came back for more! To settle his score!

"From now on, all the kids here including you, are not allowed to leave here without permission."


"What about James?" I say, curiously.

"I'm sorry but James is no longer our problem. He has a family now. But I'll get in touch with his family, ok?" She logs into her computer.

"Ok." I mumble, walking out the office.


Just a couple of notices.

1. I can't always update quickly because of school. I'm becoming more busier and busier. But I'll try my best updating and writing when I can.

2. Just some comments on my writing. Yes, I agree and admit, I might not be good at writing like some other people but I will write if I wish. You know that saying, 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all'. I'd like advice on my work, not just some comments such as; I am 12 too. Blah, blah, you're saying you can't write a story, blah, blah.

I really don't care if I am not as good as writing. In the FUTURE, my writing MIGHT improve as the stories I'm writing are like practices. I'm still learning.

Anyway, have a good day and don't let bitches bring you down or tell you wrong. They aren't worth it at the end of the day. :)


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