《The Kidnapped Orphan》Getting Help


My back pressed against the wall as I was speechless. Joseph couldn't harm James.

"I c-cant. I d-don't..want her hurt." James whispered, holding my hand.

"I won't harm her if you give her to me now." He spoke with a serious face.

I couldn't let him kill James. I pushed past James and stood in front of him.

"Daisy, no." James tried pulling me back.

"Joseph. If you want to..hurt James, you'll have to go through me first."

I never thought I'd say that. I saw people say that in movies and it was hilarious. But I couldn't even pull a smirk. I was terrified.

"Don't do this, please." I begged, starting to cry.

"Don't cry, it will be alright." Joseph smirked.

I gave him a disgusted look and James pulled me into him. His arms around my waist.

"Go, so you don't get hurt." James whispered in my ear.

I couldn't go. If I did, Joseph would hurt me and if I didn't go, he'd either hurt me or James. I'd never had a gun pointed at me before. One shot could kill me and it would all be because I stayed with James. Maybe I had to go. I looked at James, as he wiped the tears away from my cheek.

"Try and be safe." He encourages.

I nod and slowly walk towards Joseph, every step I feel pain. I stand in front of Joe who is smiling at me. He turns me around violently, so my back is pressed against his chest. I gasp. He holds the gun up to my temples.

"You're going to be a good girl now." He rapidly speaks in his harsh tone.

He stands still for a bit, taking the gun away from my head. He puts his finger on the trigger and shoots James in the leg. I scream as he quickly drags me and throws me in the car. I bash on the window and we drive off.


James' POV

I fall to the ground in agony and pain. I yell for help as I carefully lift up my school trousers. I have a massive hole in my leg. So much blood is pouring from my leg and I can just see the bullet. I need to remove it quickly but I shouldn't. I had science and if dirt gets into your cut then it can infect. My hands were dirty. I sighed as I held on to the wall and lifted myself up from the floor. I limped to the end of the alleyway. The street was busy.


"Please help." I cried several times.

"Please." A police officer came over to me.

"What's wrong son?" The police officer said.

"D-daisy..sh-she has..been kid-n-napped." I cried. I could hardly speak.


Daisy's POV

I cried even more as I thought about James. I can't believe he got shot. He could be dying and no one would know. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of girls walking together. Kayleigh was in that crowed.

I banged on the window to get their attention. Kayleigh looked at me.

"HELP!" I screamed as she looked terrified.

Joe saw me shouting for help and started speeding. I saw Kayleigh running after us. She was a fast runner as she was an athlete.

We got to the kidnapper's home and Joe dragged me out of the car and down the path.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed as I saw Kayleigh speeding round the corner and saw me. I was delighted. She ran towards us but it was too late. I had been gagged and shoved inside the house.

"Shut up." He speaks, pulling me into the living room.

He locked the front door and closed the curtains in the living room. What was he doing?

"Babe, relax. I'm going to get you a drink. Choose a film." I looked at him in confusion. Why was he being nice? Wasn't he meant to lock me up in his dungeon and beat the living crap out of me?

I shrugged and chose a horror. 'DeadLine'. I put the disk into the player and looked outside. Kayleigh wasn't outside. Why did she go!

The door slammed open, revealing a youngish hand flapping about.

"Daisy, get here." He instructs as I follow him into the dungeon. He's carrying a body. My heart beats so fast I want to die..

I ran past him and saw the young girl. "Kayleigh!" I screamed. She had blood pouring from her nose and she seemed frightened.

"Let her go!" I shout, trying to pull Kay from Joe.

He pushes me back as I bash into the wall. "Ouch." I whispered.


"I'm sorry, babe." He smirks at me.

He ties Kayleigh up in a corner with chains. He was more violent with her then he was with me.

"Let me go!" She screams, trying to punch him.

"No! Now shut up before you get another punch." His fierce eyes makes me shiver.

"Do you know why she's here, Daisy?" He asks.

I shake my head as my legs become dead. I fall and land on my back. Joe rushed over to me.

"Stay still." He whisperes, running out the room.

"Manual." Kay whispers. What did she mean? Was she trying to tell me something?

"The on- I made." She tries saying.

I suddenly get the message and get up to run to my school bag. I throw everything out and see the piece of paper at the bottom. It was the kidnapping manual she made me. I read through all of it, but it's no use.

"I told you to stay still, babe." Joseph walks in, handing me water.

"I want water! How come I don't get any!" Kayleigh shouts.

"Because you're the punishment, bitch." Joseph harshly speaks.

What did he mean 'punishment'?

"What do you mean?" Kayleigh and I ask.

He grinned.

"It means, if Daisy is a naughty girl and doesn't behave and do what I say, I will take it all out on Kayleigh and hit her. So if you don't want your poor friend to die, I suggest you behave good."

Kay and I were speechless.

"Kayleigh. I'm so sorry, I'll behave so you won't get hurt." I said before getting dragged out the dungeon.


Joseph's POV

I wanted Delilah. She was mine. I had to train her well. I didn't care if Kayleigh got hurt, she wasn't mine and if I let her go, she'd tell the police where I live and what I've been doing. I pick up Daisy and take her into the living room. I lay her down on the sofa and lay next to her. She's so cute.

"Babe, you know I won't hurt Kayleigh if you don't wind me up." I say, trying to take her small hand in mine. She agreed and we watched a film together in peace.


James' POV

"So you're telling me, Delilah Smith has been kidnapped twice and the man called Joseph Dale shot you in the leg?" The police officer asks me in the office.

"Yes." I want to cry so much. I don't know what she's going through right now.

"Ok. We are going to search around the town first and we will find her, don't worry." The man says.

I nod and walk out the room. All I've heard is tons of police are searching for Daisy and they're going to try their best.

A thought shoots through me as I stand up and start banging on the Mans door.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You can track down her phone, right?" I say with hope.

His eyes widen as he rushes to the other officers and tells them that.


I wait half an hour before they come in and tell me. I just hoped her phone would be switched on and they would know where she is..

"James?" A man calls. I stand up immediately.

"We've got news if we've tracked her down or not."

My heart pounds in excitement. In less than 10 seconds, I'd know where she is and officers would rush to where she is with guns and arrest that crazy retard.


Hmm...I'm not sure if this chapter was good enough or not.

Anyway, we know that Daisy was taken again and James was hurt! :O

Will Delilah behave to save her friend's life or not?

Do the police know where Delilah is or not?



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