《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Long Gone


Kyle held me tightly around the waist and I could feel his breath on my neck. I could smell his cologne and his minty fresh breath from gum he must have chewed. Marcus had his gun out and ready which terrified me because I knew they were going to kill my dad. I had totally forgotten about being in shock and I didn't really feel sick like I did earlier. All I felt was emptiness.

It must be my adrenaline kicking in. My dad knew he was going to die and that I would be stuck with Kyle forever if he was killed. Why was Kyle making me watch the execution? I started crying because I knew my dad was going to be killed and there was nothing I could do. Everything seemed to stand still as I watched in horror. What surprised me was that my dad didn't look scared. He wasn't going to show Kyle the fear he craved. I envied my dad at this point because I couldn't control my emotions.

Taking Kyle off guard, I ripped myself away from his grip and darted towards my dad. I heard Kyle warn Marcus not to shot me. I wrapped my arms around my dad as tightly as I could. I never expected this to happen. I never wanted to let him go. If we somehow survived this, I'd never leave my dad's side. He wasn't able to hug me back because of the duct tape that was binding him to the chair. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as tears ran down my cheeks. I knew what was going to happen but I didn't want to believe it.

"I'm sorry." I whispered in his ear.

Then Kyle ripped me away from my dad kicking and screaming. I wouldn't give up with a fight. I couldn't just let my father die right in front of me without trying to help. At this point, I didn't care if Kyle killed me for fighting him. If it meant saving my father then so be it. Where was the rest of the police at? I kept trying to listen for sirens but only silence greeted me.


"Please, Kyle, don't do this. Just let him go and we can leave here together." I pleaded.

"I can't do that because he would never stop looking for you. He needs to die." Kyle said, emotionless.

"Don't do this or I will hate you forever." I snapped, as I struggled to be free again.

"Any last words Matt?" Kyle asked, completely ignoring me.

"You could tell Kelly that I'm all she has now since both her mom and dad will be dead." Kyle added.

Was my mom really dead? Tears filled my eyes from his words. It couldn't be true. My parents fought all the time but I still loved them more than anything. This just couldn't be true. My mom couldn't be dead, she just couldn't. Kyle wouldn't kill both of my parents. I wouldn't believe it until I saw her dead body.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I killed your mom when she was leaving work. Now you won't have to worry about mommy and daddy fighting. Anyways, Matt, anything you want to say?" Kyle said.

The look on my dad's face told me that it was true. My mom was dead and then my dad was about to die. I would have no one left in my life. We weren't close with my parents' families so it had always been the three of us. Tears poured down my face when the fact that my mom was really dead hit me. Kyle held me tighter as if wanting to comfort me for what he did. He killed my mom and soon my dad. I'd never forgive him for this.

"Kelly, I love you. You will not be with him forever. Someone will find you." My dad said to me.

I wanted to believe him but I knew he was just probably saying that. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I replayed those words in my head. His eyes for once filled with tears as he stared at me. Never in my life had I seen him cry until today. I went to say, "I love you too," but Kyle cut me off before I spoke.


"Blah, blah, blah. Marcus, go ahead and do it." Kyle said gesturing for him to kill my dad.

Marcus aimed the gun at my dad's head and he flinched. He closed his eyes and Marcus loaded the gun, his finger on the trigger. I was sobbing uncontrollably right now and didn't want to see my dad die. I fought my hardest against Kyle, wanting to wrap my arms around my dad and protect him from Marcus. This couldn't be real. Please say this was a sick nightmare.

"No! Daddy!" I screamed while also crying my eyes out as I struggled even harder against Kyle.

Then I saw his finger pull the trigger. Boom! Blood splattered on the walls behind my dad. One bullet hole was in his forehead. I started choking on my sobs as I looked at my dead father. He was all that I had left. Kyle killing my mom added to my devastation. I had no one now and I would be stuck with Kyle forever, even if my dad said that wasn't true. Even if I did escape, my family was gone. What would I do then?

I sank to my knees, crying my eyes out as I continued to stare at my dead father. I remember how I trusted Kyle with my life and how he taught me everything I knew about protecting myself. I just didn't know that I would need to use it on him. I can't protect myself either because he knows how I fight and everything about me. He knows all my moves and my next moves after that. He killed my family, ruining my life in the process.

Would he kill me? I had a feeling that he wouldn't kill me but I wasn't a hundred percent sure. Kyle let go of me and I sank to my knees on the floor crying. He ruined my life and I would never forget that. I would hate him for all of eternity. If I wasn't in shock before, I would be now.

"We need to go, the police will be here soon." Kyle said to Marcus.

Marcus nodded and grabbed Brooke and went outside. Kyle went to grab my arm but I pulled away and glanced up at him even though I didn't want to. I didn't want to see his murderous face. All I wanted to do was kill him like he did my parents.

"How could you?" I cried. He reached down for me again but scooted backward away from him. I didn't want him to touch me or to even look at me.

"Really, Kelly? You want to do this?" He asked me, frowning.

I knew I couldn't win in the fight but if I could stall until the police got here, I would be good. I kicked him in the shin causing him to curse. He walked over to me and grabbed my legs so that I couldn't kick him. I went for a punch but he grabbed my arm and was now sitting on me so that I could only hit him with the arm he didn't have in his hand.

I couldn't kick or punch but I tried to anyway. I swung with my other hand but he also grabbed that and forced both of my arms down to the floor. He knew what all I could do and what I tried to do. He had a tight grip on me that was hurting my wrists. I tried to throw him off of me by using my hips but it didn't work. I tried to wiggle my way out and fight by trying to kick and punch him but that didn't work either. I was tiring myself out and he was barely doing anything. After I finally gave up because I was exhausted, he asked, "Are you done?"

Sadly, I nodded to his question and he slowly got off of me still holding my arms in his hands. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me still holding both of my arms. There was no way I could escape right now. I barely could move. We walked outside and to the car. In the distance, I thought I heard police sirens, but no one came for me.

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