《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The Kill


Kyle stared at his friend at the top of the stairs pointing his gun at him. He never liked Matt anyway, it was all an act. He was really cruel, wasn't he? Marcus was waiting for the perfect time to attack Matt but if Matt tried anything, Kyle wouldn't hesitate, not even for a second, to shoot him. He would make sure to hit him right in the forehead guaranteeing that he would be dead. Kyle guessed that Matt had a bullet proof vest on so there was no need to shoot in the chest and waste a bullet. Sure it would hurt like hell but it wouldn't kill him. Matt wasn't going to walk out of here alive, not if he had a say in it.

Kyle wondered how long he would have until back up came. At least thirty minutes, more or less he wasn't sure. He knew Ross was outside waiting for Matt. Marcus may have gone outside to deal with him because Kyle had Matt taken care of for now.

"So what's your plan?" Matt asked, standing at the end of the stairs, weaponless.

Kyle smiled at the question because he didn't really have a plan yet since his cabin was discovered but he was good at lying so he did. Sure, he had an idea of what he wanted to do, but he didn't plan on having to leave his cabin and getting exposed, but improv would work for now.

"I'm going to make you suffer by keeping your little girl with me forever until the day I die." He said and Matt frowned.

"That wasn't your plan in the beginning though." Matt said, crossing his arms.

"You're right, at first I wanted my friend back and when I got him, my plans changed." Kyle said.

Kyle then heard a loud bang come from outside. Matt jumped but Kyle stayed calm and didn't even flinch. He knew what had happened.


"Don't move, Matt." Kyle demanded, and Matt stayed still not risking getting shot.

Both men knew that Ross and Marcus were outside and one of them got shot. Whoever came in through the front door was the shooter and Kyle had a feeling it was Marcus who had shot Ross but you never know. Marcus can be stupid and arrogant. Kyle waited until the door opened and he saw his friend walk in. He had his gun in his hand and sweat dripped down his forehead. Kyle smiled and said, "Glad to see that you weren't the sorry one that got shot."

"He didn't even see me coming." Marcus said looking at Matt.

"Want me to kill this one?" He asked Kyle, pointing the gun at Matt. At first, Kyle wanted to say yes but then he had a better idea.

"Not yet, just go and tie him to a chair and I'll be down in a minute." Kyle said.

Marcus grabbed Matt and dragged him fighting to the living room. Kyle turned and walked to the bedroom where Kelly and Brooke were. He wasn't sure what was wrong with Kelly but he was going to find out. He opened the door and Kelly was sitting on the bed with her head resting on her hands and Brooke was sitting next to her. Both girls looked up at his presence.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think she may be in shock." Brooke replied.

Kyle frowned but said nothing. He turned and left the room and headed downstairs. Sun was rising and the house started to fill with light. Out in the living room, Matt was tied up by Marcus to a chair. He had duct tape binding him to the chair. There wasn't duct tape on his mouth though, so he would still talk.

"So Matt, did you really think you could just come and get Kelly?" He asked.


"Why do you even want her?" Matt asked.

Kyle smiled and said, "I have fallen in love with her, Matt. The time we spend together, made me realize that I wanted her more than I thought. She had always been a very beautiful girl."

"No! You don't get to say that! You are disgusting excuse of a man. She hates you!" Matt yelled, struggling in his restraints.

"Well, who has taken care of her through all of this? I think she will thank me for that. She will love me since we are spending forever together and when I'm done, she will only have me left in her life." He said.

"You are a monster!" Matt yelled.

Kyle loved getting him worked up. He loved being in control and once Matt was dead; the police would stop looking for the girls because Matt was the main person on the case. And if they still searched for Kelly, it would be delayed and Kyle would have time to make a new plan.

"Listen, Matt, you will never see your daughter again. We will be together forever and she will love me like I love her. Her dad will be dead and I killed her mom so I'm all she has left." Kyle said.

"You're crazy! If you kill me she will hate you forever." Matt yelled.

"I may be crazy but I'm in control and once you're dead, all four of us will disappear, off the face of the Earth, where no one can find us. And time will heal her pain for losing you. I'll be there when she moves on." Kyle said looking at Marcus who smiled.

"Now here's another question I have to ask, should I make Kelly watch her father get killed?" Kyle asked, smirking.

Kyle left and went up the stairs to get Kelly and Brooke. Matt yelled as he left but Kyle ignored him. Upstairs, Kelly and Brooke were sitting on the bed and Kelly didn't seem like she was getting worse. Part of him felt guilty for making her watch when she was possibly in shock, but the other half didn't care. He wanted Kelly to remember who is in charge here. She would think again when trying to escape.

"Let's go." He said to the girls.

"Where's my dad?" Kelly demanded.

Kyle grabbed them both by the arms and led them down the stairs. As soon as Kelly saw her dad, all tied up she tried to run to him but Kyle grabbed her by the waist and said, "No, no, no Kelly." Kyle held her against him, making sure she couldn't run.

"Brooke, go sit on the couch." Marcus demanded.

She listened to him like a dog listens to their owner. He had her scared so much that she did whatever he said. Kelly would eventually be that obedient. Marcus pulled out his gun and was ready to kill him when Kyle said to. Kelly struggled even harder against him as she stared at her dad. Kyle's grip on her tightened and her struggling decreased.

"Matt, you really do have a beautiful daughter." Kyle said kissing Kelly on the cheek and neck. Kelly tried to pull away but Kyle was too strong for her to fight. God, he loved kissing her like that. Once they were away from all the police, he would get more of that. Despite what was going to happen to her dad, Kelly would start to like Kyle. He smiled as Matt yelled, "Don't touch her!"

Kyle could feel tears from Kelly falling onto his hands and arms. She knew that her dad was going to die and so did Kyle. They needed to hurry though because backup would be here in about eight minutes or so.

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