《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The Escape


I thought of my plan over and over until I decided that it was my best choice. Once I was for sure that he was asleep, I would try and get up. If he woke up, I would hit him in the face and hurt him so that I could escape. I was scared that he would get me and my plan wouldn't work but I needed to try something. I couldn't just lay there acting like this was normal. I had no opportunity to escape underground but this is different. It was my only chance of escaping. It had to be around three in the morning but I was confident that Kyle was asleep. I glanced down to see his hands still around my waist.

Slowly, I grabbed onto his hands and removed them from my body. My hands were trembling and I hadn't realized that I wasn't breathing until I had set his hands down on the bed next to me. That was the hard part and he was still sleeping, I was almost there. I counted to three before I sat up. My heart was pounding inside my chest. Please don't let him wake up. I put one foot on the ground and then glanced over at Kyle who was still soundlessly asleep. I took that as a sign to place my other foot on the ground until I was standing up from the bed. So much for Kyle holding me to make sure I didn't escape.

Contemplating whether or not I should move, I stood motionless. All it took was one little sound to ruin everything. Standing on my tiptoes, I stepped forward. No noise. Slightly paranoid, I looked back at Kyle to see him unaware of what I was doing. Not wanting to waste any more time, I quickly walked to the door walking soundlessly on the hardwood floor. The metal of the doorknob was cold to the touch. I started to turn the knob so slowly that I wasn't even sure if I was really turning it. Little by little, I opened the door as a quiet creak echoed the room. Sweat started to run down my face as I whipped around to look at Kyle. Thankfully, he was still sleeping.

I needed the element of surprise when escaping. He couldn't know and when he found out, hopefully, I will be with the police leading them back here to save Brooke. Part of me felt guilty leaving her with Marcus, but there was no way we both could escape. I needed to go and get her help. I didn't bother shutting the door, not wanting to waste valuable time that I needed.

One by one, I made my way down the old stairs fearing that they would make noise and wake up one of the men. On the last step, I heard the loud creaking noise as I stepped down from it. I closed my eyes, fearing that someone heard me but no one came. I headed to the front door but as my hand came in contact with the metal a pulsating electric shock ran through my body.

"Ow." I cried out, tears filling in my eyes as the smell of burning flesh filled the air.


I shook my hand to stop the hurting but then I heard a noise come from upstairs. I knew it was one of the men waking up, realizing that I was gone. My hand was throbbing as the burn started to sink in more. I couldn't let that slow me down. Kyle would be down soon and I needed to be gone when that happened. Heading away from the front door, I headed towards the back of the house, praying that back door wasn't rigged like the other door. Marcus must have been the one to do that since I was with Kyle all night.

I was running out of time. The back door was in my view but I hesitated before opening it. I didn't want to be shocked again but I had a feeling it would be rigged as well. Not caring about the consequences, I needed to try and open it. It took everything I had not to cry out when the door shocked me like the front door. I glanced down at the same damaged hand to see it was bright red and blistering starting to take effect. I knew that meant I had a second-degree burn since it was blistering. Footsteps started to walk around upstairs and I knew my time was up. I ran to the closest window and yanked on it, ignoring the stinging of my hand. A tear ran down my face when the window wouldn't open. Why was this happening to me?

I ran to the next window and thankfully, I was able to push up on the heavy window, giving me enough room to escape outside. At this point, my hand was trembling due to the pain rather than fear. Footsteps pounded down the stairs, heading for me. I climbed out of the window as Kyle shouted my name. I was so close to escaping, I could practically taste freedom. It was like everything was moving a mile a minute. My heart was slamming against my ribcage when my feet hit the ground. The cool air of the night hit my skin, refreshing my burning body. Adrenaline rushed through my veins knowing Kyle was seconds from finding me. I glanced at the window before turning around to run.

As I turned I heard a voice say, "So where are you going?"

It was dark out so I couldn't see but when my eyes focused I saw Marcus standing before me with his arms crossed and a pissed look on his face. How did he get out here? It was still one against one at this point. I could take him, even with my injured hand. Another voiced echoed the silence of the night, causing me to jump. Oh God, I was caught now. It was over.

"Not your best idea Kelly." Kyle said.

I spun around to see Kyle hanging out of the window staring at me, shaking his head slightly. I had lost; I knew it couldn't have been that easy to get out and escape. He climbed out of the window and was now standing right in front of me. His face was full of anger and his fists were clenched. I had to do something. I couldn't just stand here and wait for him to take me back inside. But, God, I was terrified. Fighting wouldn't get me anywhere since it was two against one.


"You're foolish to think that I would fall asleep before you. You can tell by someone's heart rate if they are asleep. You're not the only actor here. If I was really asleep, I wouldn't have heard you get up. I applaud you for your stupid attempt." He said with an emotionless look on his face.

How could he be so calm about this? His eyes stared into mine, probably trying to figure out what I was thinking. I was angry at myself. I knew I should have just stayed where I was, yet I made a stupid mistake. I wanted to cry but didn't. I wasn't going to cry in front of him or Marcus. What if Kyle decided to kill me because I tried to escape? No, he wouldn't do that, right? I would have to face the consequences of my actions, as bad that I wished none of this was real.

"I see our traps took a damage on your hand." He noticed that I was cuffing my hand, holding it close to me. I didn't say anything.

"What are we going to do with you?" Kyle asked, tapping his pointer finger on his lips, as he pretended to think.

I looked down at the ground, not making eye contact with him. The burning of my hand started to subside but the pain wasn't completely gone. The coolness of the air made me involuntarily shiver. What was Kyle thinking of doing to me? Whatever it was, I really didn't want it to happen. I needed to try and escape them but I had already failed the first time. I was a pretty fast runner, maybe I could outrun them. It was a long shot but maybe I could catch them off guard and outrun them.

"I have some ideas on what to do with her." Marcus said, amusement in his voice. I turned my head and saw him smirking at me. I got the chills of his thoughts. I didn't even want to know what he was thinking. Actually, I knew exactly what he was thinking but I didn't want to picture that happening.

"Let's go back inside." Kyle said.

That was the last place I wanted to go. I took a step away from Kyle and he raised an eyebrow at me. He was giving me the 'are you really challenging me' look. He reached out for me, but I took off running not having any time to rethink my decision. I wasn't sure where to go, besides far away from Kyle and Marcus. I stumbled over branches and rocks in the yard as I made my way to the side of the house. Adrenaline kept me going along with fear rushing through my body. Footsteps were approaching fast, but I refused to look back. Run faster. Push harder. Don't quit now.

Then everything came crashing down. Before I knew it, I was on the ground with Kyle on top of me. I was flipped onto my back and forced to see Kyle's enraged expression. He was breathing heavily that was probably the anger rising and having to chase after me. I struggled against him, flinging my arms and legs as best as I could until he overpowered me. My bones were throbbing as I desperately fought against Kyle. I was about to give up, but his grip on my legs loosened some.

"Let me go!" I screamed, managing to kick him in the stomach when one of my legs was free from his grasp.

He clenched his stomach and I took advantage of this and forced him off of me. I staggered to my feet, my body aching at every move I made. It was hard to breathe, my heart was about to beat right out of my chest. Tears lingered in my eyes as I realized how physically and mentally exhausted I was. Everything was a blur and hard to focus on. I pivoted around only to find Marcus standing inches away from me. I stumbled away from him, but that was a big mistake.

Kyle grabbed onto my ankle and yanked me to the ground. I let out a shriek as I hit the ground. I groaned as my face hit the grass underneath me. I couldn't help myself but tears poured down my cheeks. I could feel blood trickling down from my forehead. My hands were trembling in mostly fear, but there was an excruciating amount of pain too.

Kyle stood up and hovered over me. He jerked me up onto my feet and I stumbled to keep my footing. I didn't bother fighting again because I was in too much pain and Marcus was blocking my path that I would run to escape. Kyle grabbed me by the arm so tightly that it was stinging. He walked around the house to the front door. He dismantled his shocker or whatever it was and opened the door. We walked in and Marcus said, "I'm going to check on Brooke."

He left us in the living room while he went upstairs. My head was pounding and my body felt like it was going to fall apart. My breathing was still heavy but I would be fine. I hated how close I was to escaping but I failed. If only I had been a little faster and then Kyle couldn't have caught me. I couldn't be thinking like that though. I needed to stop asking what if questions because they would only tear me apart.

"I don't know what to do with you. I told you to behave. I really should let Marcus do what he wants with you because you clearly can't behave yourself." Kyle snarled, looking at me in disgust.

"Kyle, I'll behave, please don't." I begged, not wanting to experience any more pain and suffering. I hated to beg to him but I didn't want Marcus near me and Kyle was the only person preventing from Marcus having his way with me. He sighed and said, "I just don't know if I can believe you now."

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