《Kidnapped (Book 1)》The First Kill


The man was angry, no furious. He had come out from his cabin, a complete plan in mind to finally kidnap Kelly, but it all crumbled. The man must have been out in the open too long. He can't have people getting suspicious and now Kelly was very suspicious. The stupid boy ruined everything. The thought itself, made the man want to go over to his house and slit his throat. No one got in between the man and Kelly. No one.

The man had the perfect opportunity to abduct her, she was walking alone at night. More mommy and daddy problems, he guessed. He noticed tears falling down her perfectly blushed cheeks. She didn't need makeup since she had natural beauty. The man was following her and was about to snatch her when the boy called her over. Everything would have worked out perfectly, but no, that boy had to ruin it.

The man would have killed the boy later on, but decided against it, since Kelly was close with the boy and it would break her heart. She needed to be with the man and know she is loved before he could ever do something so drastic. His anger was spiking when he watched the two talk on the boy's porch.

Quickly, the man got back in his car and drove away, knowing he had been caught lingering around. This stupid mistake would cost him. Now he had to get a new car, which he didn't have time for. The man drove under the speed limit, not wanting to risk getting pulled over. The man's anger was getting the best of him. He had made a stupid mistake and now someone was going to pay for it when he got back to the cabin.

He drove about thirty miles passed his cabin at a rest stop. There were so many cars to pick from. The man was like a kid in a candy store, which car would be his next one? He saw a sleek, black Mustang parked away from all the other cars. Probably a rich, prick who doesn't want his precious car to get damaged by others.

The man quickly glanced around for the owner, who was nowhere to be seen. He pulled on the door and was surprised that it was unlocked. The man chuckled, maybe being rich does mean you're stupid. He carried hiss duffle bag filled with several guns, license plates and other things he may need. He always carried this bag in every car he had in case he needed it. The man quickly hot-wired the car, a task he had learned early on in his life to do.

Being prepared as normal, the man opened the trunk of his old car. Inside was gasoline, which the man poured throughout the interior of the car. He pulled out a lighter from his pocket and walked towards the Mustang. Just as he was about to get into the car, he tossed the opened lighter, watching as the car caught flames. He quickly drove away and shortly after he heard the loud boom. He watched in the rear view mirror the flames consuming the car and the owner of the Mustang, screaming at him as he drove away.


He drove back to the woods where he had put his previous car. Once he parked his new Mustang, he covered it with leaves and took out the fake license plates to put on the car. Despite having fun stealing the car, he was still angry about Kelly. As he started to walk back to his cabin, he tried to figure out who he wanted to make pay for his mistakes. Sure, it wasn't fair that someone had to pay because the man was angry and made a mistake, but he didn't care. Life was never fair.

The man knew eventually he would have to kill one of the girls since it was apart of his plan. It's just happening sooner rather than later. He entered the basement of the cabin and entered through his secret passage. He turned on the TV, watching each girl carefully. Who did he want to kill? Which person would have a huge impact? He decided that Faith Hanks would be the lucky winner, more like unlucky.

The reason he was going to kill her was to attempt to give the police a clue as to why he is doing this. There were several reasons for his plan but one major one that the police would eventually get, whether that meant more dead bodies or not, would be up to the police. Let's see how smart these cops are. Once they found Faith's body with a note talking about her mom, they would know a minor reason which would help them.

He could feel his heart start to beat fast in anticipation. The gun in his pocket clung to him like a wet piece of clothing. He put on latex gloves, making sure that another mistake didn't happen. He had to play this out carefully and make sure that no one could identify him. He opened the door slowly, letting the suspense build up. The man slammed the door behind him. The rooms were sound proof so no one would hear a thing. Everyone would assume everything was fine.

"Hello, Faith." He grinned sadistically.

The poor little girl shrank further into the corner of her bed. She was only twelve years old, but age meant nothing to the man. He smirked, knowing that soon he would hear the loud boom of his gun echo the tiny room as it pierced Faith's skull, tearing her flesh within seconds, and finally the beautiful crimson blood splattering in a perfect pattern on the wall. She wouldn't even get a scream out before she was dead, her lifeless body laying in a heap of blood around her. The thought made the man's hands shake with excitement.

He loved seeing the terror in their eyes. The very second where the light leaves their eyes is the man's favorite part. When they no longer cease to exist. He loved that the girls feared him and would obey him at any cost of surviving. Control was a very powerful essence to possess. Having power over someone is impossible not to love after a while.


His muscles tensed as he walked towards the cowering girl. Still smirking, he bent down to her level. If it was even possible, she retreated further into her corner. She didn't speak but her trembling hands and paling skin proved that she was scared. Her eyes were locked onto the man's noticeable gun, which his hand was resting on.

He leaned in close to Faith's ear and whispered, "I'm going to kill you."

There was no need to sugarcoat it. He didn't care how blunt and heartless he was being, none of that affected him. The little girl's eyes widened as they filled with tears. Most people would feel something at the terrified little girl, but not the man. Once he had his mind set on something he didn't stop. He thought it was funny that he didn't have the need to kill others, yet when he had to kill someone, he loved it. It didn't make much sense, but it was the way he was wired. Seeing her start to cry only made the man want to kill her even more.

He leaned over and kissed her forehead, then pulled out his gun and placed the cold metal against her forehead. The anticipation was building up inside of him, it was amazing. He loved the desperation and will to survive. Yet, none of that would matter. No matter how badly she wanted to live, it was impossible. She'd be dead within a minute.

"Please don't." She begged.

He placed his finger on the trigger and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced her forehead, the force causing the body to fling backwards, hitting the concrete wall. The body slumped against the wall, blood covering the bed and surrounding walls. The sight would make anyone sick to their stomach, but not him. Blood and death had no effect on the man.

He stuffed her lifeless body in a trash bag and left it in the living room while he cleaned up her blood from the room. He had a feeling he would have to take the boy that Kelly seemed to be around more often, that or a friend that she usually hangs out with on the weekends, so this room would be needed. He needed to be prepared for any situation that could happen. He would get Kelly. Nothing would stop him. After cleaning up the blood, he sat down at his desk in the living room to write the note.

"Dear Colorado Police," he wrote.

"This is Faith Hanks. I'm sure you know her mother. I hate her. I'm not going to tell you why. That's your job to figure out. Faith is obviously dead and I wanted to give you all some type of clue because you all are idiots. You have no idea who I am and can't find anything out about me. Actually, that just makes me a genius and you all idiots but what does it matter. All of the girls I have taken, well most at least, are with me for a reason. Mrs. Hanks, this is payback, bitch. Here's your little girl back." He stopped writing; he was done with the letter.

It seemed good enough to him. No mistakes. They can't find you with this. He had written the note different from his usual handwriting just to be safe. He gathered the body and walked to his new car. He shoved the body in the trunk and got in. The note was in his pocket and he was still wearing his gloves for precaution. He couldn't be giving the police finger prints now. He drove about 20 miles away from the woods and near the police station. It was at night so no one was out. It was around three in the morning at this point.

He looked around for cameras and didn't see any. He had on his fake disguise which would help in case someone saw him. He had brown colored contacts and a blonde wig on to hide his identity. He even used prosthetics to create a mask to resemble a new face structure. He always wore this disguise because no one needed to see who he really was. He got out of the car, finally ready, and opened the trunk. He got the bag out and reached in and put the note inside of the girl's shirt. They would find it for sure. Now was the quick part.

He was across the street from the police station and need to be fast. He got the bag out and emptied the girl's body out on the sidewalk. He made sure the note was still there and he shut the trunk and rushed back into his car. He drove away not even looking back at the dead body. The Colorado Police would have a nice treat in the morning. He hoped that Faith's mom would find the body. He was going to drive home and sleep. He was tired and tomorrow was going to be a big day when the police find Faith's body.

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