《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 12: Heaven


First a shout out to all the reader who commented on the last chapter and who have been commenting throughout the book it means a lot to me and thank you so much.

Surijane danceparty123 Sheffy_Korona lajacks1 HMetayer SilvanRoz Antonique85 (p.s: You're name is like my brother’s Antonio combined with mine Dominique. I like it.) Dazhane123 bedpeace lalalifetime MidNightAngels21 yes_impossible marybevley KittyOh48 Kimmy6978 xxAniaxxp

Morning Coffee


Naomi rolled over and smiled, she felt Sebastian’s arms around her and it was the best feeling in the world. The thought that had been lost in her dream state came back, they had to talk. Something was going on, something was wrong. The only way to fix that, was to bring everyone together. Everyone.

Naomi gently got out of Sebastian’s arms and went to his office, she first called Jeffrey and his parents, they all agreed to come over. Jeffrey told her that he would bring Abby also. Next she called Julia, and well, ordered her to come over. She was furious with her friend but she was still that, her best friend. She then called Sebastian’s parents, and ask them to come also.

Naomi didn’t know what she did was for the best or not. She really didn’t she looked up when she heard the door open. Sebastian was dressed in a suit, “I called everyone.” Naomi told him.

He smiled at her, “I know. Why don’t we get some food ready, everyone might be a little hungry.”

Naomi nodded, she first went to get dressed and meet Sebastian downstairs. Who was making what looked like pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, grits and toast. She took in the site of the man in his white dress shirt cooking a meal, she wanted this. She wanted it to stay this way. She went over to start orange juice, and cut up fresh fruit.

Giovanni looked behind him, his wife was still angry. He wanted her back, he wanted her in his life again. He hoped that she was going to be there so he could talk to her. He knew he fucked up, at the time he didn’t think. Dean had told him something and he did the next thing that came to his mind. He knew it was wrong and now he thought Dean might have lied, but he was not completely sure. He was pissed to hear that he tried to marry his his own son off, which Giovanni was very confused by. Why would he be mad if he tried to get his own son Sebastian to marry. It just didn’t make any sense, and now the man did know what to do. He walked out of his house and stopped.

There in his driveway next to his car, was his wife. “Grace.”

The woman turned around and looked at the man, “Giovanni, I am still so disappointed in you. You can not believe how andy I am with you, but the fact at the end of the day. You are my husband and I love you so much.”

Giovanni walked over to his wife, he cupped her cheek. “Grace. I am so sorry, please stay with me.”

Grace smiled and kissed his cheek. “Yes baby, now lets go get everything solved.”


The man smiled and nodded, he place his hand around her waist and walked her to the car.

Ashton slammed the phone on the hock, her like Naomi and Sebastian. But the thought of having to be in the same room as Julia made his blood boil. He got up fixed his suit, he stopped and looked at himself making sure his hair was in place.

He went to his bedroom and looked at his wife that laid in their bed. He had let her sleep in longer than usual. He went over to her closet and picked out a beautiful blue dress, that was made of silk and very soft. He laid it on the bed under her and went to make a bath.

He could not help but let his mind wander, he was so excited to have a grandchild. It had been too long since he had heard the sound of little feet hitting the floor of his mansion. He loved it when Abby was over it make the house glow, and to find out it was all a lie. It hurt the man, he never slow emotion to anyone, tried to keep it all in. But the tears he felt made it past his defences, and went down his face. He loved that little girl, for the short time she was here.

He was sad that she was not his grandchild; but he knew that if she needed anything that him, Angelina, and Jeffrey would do anything for her.

He walked over to his wife and killed her ear, “Baby it is time to get up. I got you some clothes and I ran a bath for you.”

She smiled up at her husband and kissed his lips, “Thank you.” She rolled out of bed and watched her husband’s back walked away and out the door before she went to her bath.

Jeffrey sighed after he got the call from Naomi he knew everything was going to come out. He peaked on Abby and watched as the beautiful little girl slept, the horrible thought of her not being his broke his heart. He shut the door and went to get dress, he would wake it up in a bit. After his shower which Jeffrey took extra long to get his nerves under control. Jeffrey got dressed into a pair of navy shorts and a white tee. He went into Abby’s room to wake her up, but stopped short.

She was not in here anymore.

Jeffrey ran down the stairs, looking all over the house. He stopped outside looked over his ground but still no sign of Abby. “Abby?” He yelled.

He heard a noise to his left and looked over to find his butler, “Sir her uncled on her mother’s side came and got her.”

Jeffrey tilted his head, he could not remember Julia having and brothers. Did she? “Are you sure it was her uncle?”

The man nodded, “She yelled that and ran to him.” Jeffrey nodded, he was better now, Abby was in safe hands. He walked over to his car and speed off to Sebastian’s house.

Julia looked in the mirror, her once pale skin was cover in dark bruises. She didn’t feel the pain as much anymore. Her guilt, hatred, and emptiness were more eating her alive. The beautiful child didn’t deserve this, she was taken as a baby. For the fact she looked like Jeffrey and her. She will never know her parents, she will never make it pass this mission, that is if it was not already over.


Julia didn’t know what to feel anymore, she didn’t know what to do. Dean was in charge and at the end of this she would be order to kill that child. Julia picked up the make up kit and made herself more presentable. She walked to her room, and picked out a long sleeved shirt, a pair of tight jeans and black boots. She put her hair up in a bun and listened as the door to her apartment was opened.

She reached into her nightstand and pulled out her gun, loading it, and walked out to the hallway into her living room. “Julia.” Julia stopped and put the gun down to her side, there in her living room was Dean and Alexander. “It seems everything is coming out. We need you to finish this.”

Julia looked to her left towards the door, there in the big arms of a bald headed man laid Abigail. She was dressed in her princess sleepers with her hair everywhere. She was knocked out and not the sleeping kind.“What do you need me to do?”

Alexander sat down, “You have fail this mission, you were suppose to stay close until they got married. Seeing as that is not going to happen you have to now clean up your mess. Kill the girl, and handle your other problem. I trust I do not have to tell you.”

She nodded, “Put her in her room.” Julia looked at the bald man and he nodded, you could see in his eyes he did not want to do this. Julia didn’t know what she wanted.

She felt hands on her face, and it was forced to face Dean. “After you are done you are to come to me. Understood.” Julia nodded.

Alexander smiled, “Now kill the girl, and go have your meeting. Do not tell anything you should not. Go with the cover story, and the cover name we gave you, to blame it on. Handle Jeffrey and his parents so we have no problem in the future.” Julia nodded, “Good.”

Julia watched as all the men left her house she went into Abby’s room, lifted her gun and aimed at the girls head. Julia was lost, tears streamed down her face. She knew she had to hurry, and finish this. With that in mind she opened her eyes and put her finger on the trigger.

Dean walked out the door with Alexander behind him, “Do you think she will do it?”

Dean looked back at the dark skinned man, “Yes I do believe she will. She’s not stupid, she knows what will happen if she doesn’t.”

Alexander nodded to him, and looked him up and down. He let his hands slid over the man's arms and up to his neck. “Now that we're alone.”

Dean smiled down at him, and took his wrist and pushed him in the car. He climbed on top and smiled, “We can have some fun.”

He didn’t feel bad about anything he did, taking the girl from her real parents.

Making Julia do his dirty work.

Making the man under him become his sex slave.

Or soon ruining Naomi’s life. It was quite easy, all he had to do was tell the old man a few lies to cover up the old lies. He took the words like a submission takes sex from his domate.

It was all necessary, and if he got what he wanted in the end. Then he was more than happy. Everyone was a pawn in this life to someone, he refused to be the pawn. He was king, and he ran this chess game. Now and forever.

In fact he was looking forward to everything coming out, it only made everything more enjoyable. “How is the family.”

Alexander stopped short, he hated it when Dean did this. He was sure the man just like fuckign with him and his head. “They are well.” Dean stopped he saw a flash of light and his eyes meet the metal box from Naomi’s house, he gently knocked it under the seat before Alexander could notice it.

Dean smiled and back at him, “The wife?”

Alexander looked at him, he looked like a devil. A very handsome, rich, sexy devil that hide their horns. The man found happiness in inflicting pain in others, part of Alexander loved that about him.

The other part wanted to punch him in the face with a 50 pound lifting weight from his private gym. “She is well also.”

He didn’t want to say anymore, so he leaned forward and kissed the man on his sweet spot. He knew this would shut him up, and when he heard the groan.

He smiled, he had him.

Naomi smiled when she heard the door. She walked over and in front of her was Sebastian’s parents. “Hello welcome. We made food. You can go in and start eating if you want.” They nodded at her not speaking a word and walked by.

The next to arrive was Jeffrey, Naomi notice the man did not look good. Bags were under his eyes, and his face looked completely drained of color. Naomi smiled at him, “Go eat something. When I get in there you better be eating.” Jeffrey nodded his head and walked all the way in.

Naomi smiled at Julia but stopped the girl, “Where is Abby?”

She could tell Julia was forcing her smile. “With her uncle.”

Naomi nodded to her and pointed the way to the dining room. Last to arrive were Jeffrey’s parents, she smiled again and walked with them to the room. Naomi could feel the tension in the air. It was strong and she could only eat a little bit off her plate even though she was hungry.

She looked up at Sebastian, he sigh, he set his fork down and cleared his throat. “Well now that were all here. Why don’t we just get down to businesses?”

They all nodded, but Naomi could see Julia set her eyes to the table.

She knew that look, “Julia is there something you want to say.”

Her eyes flickered up to Naomi and then to everyone around the table. “No.”

She was lying, Naomi could tell. “You're lying.”

Julia nodded, “I am.”

Jeffrey to the side -------------------->

- Dominique

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