《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 11: 9 Boys, and 2 Girls


Morning Coffee

9 boys and 2 girls

Sebastian looked at his father, then to his friend Jeffrey. “You okay?” Sebastian watched as his friends once bright eyes, were empty and vulnerable. Sebastian knew that he had to get everyone out, not only for Jeffrey’s mind but his own. He needed to talk to his best friend, then his beauty. Nothing only that but he had to sit with her family tonight.

The bigger question that Sebastian was trying to ignore, but knew he couldn't, was he going to let her past be that; past. Or was he going to dig up the past, and risk losing her. Sebastian looked up to make eye contact with his father, “Get Out.” He turned to Jeffrey’s parents, the girls and their parents. “All of you. Now.”

Sebastian remained calm and watched all of them leave, his father stopped at the door. “Son you know I only ever had you're dream in mind. I will come by tomorrow and talk to you.”

Sebastian shook his head, “No father you want me to live you're dream, that is just not going to happen. Leave.”

Sebastian watched as his fathers eyes darken with and his furious gaze landed on him, “I will be back. I will get what I want.” His father excited and slammed the door behind him.

Sebastian’s eyes turned to his mother. “Mom?”

He watched as his mother looked up, tears on her face. She got up and walked to him, “I am going to stay at my mothers for a little while.”

Sebastian nodded to his mother, “Call me if you need me, or just need to talk mom.”

She nodded and walked by Jeffrey, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Go talk to her.” Then left, Jeffrey’s head raised. He then nodded to Sebastian and walked out the door also without uttering a single word.

Sebastian got up, “Let’s get ready, we have a dinner to go to. Then after we can talk.”

Naomi looked up at him, “I don’t remember not telling you anything.”

She watched as he leaned against his desk. His black eyes looked up to meet her brown ones, “Even if you had, I am a huge believer in what's in the past; stays in the past."

Naomi walked up to Sebastian, "I am going to head home and get ready. I'll meet you back here."

Sebastian walked to the door, "You have plenty of clothes at my house. Let's just go there and get ready."

Naomi nodded to Sebastian and together they went down stairs to head to his house. When they arrived Sebastian lead them to his room where they both got dressed. Sebastian was wearing a brown sweater with a blue undershirt, dark blue pants with a pair a nice brown loafers. Naomi put on a simple dark blue mid thigh strapless dress with a pair of black heels. Her hair went into curls and down her back. "You looks amazing."

Naomi turned around and looked at Sebastian, "You look handsome.”

Sebastian walked up to her and planted a kiss on her neck,”You ready?”

Naomi titled her head back to give him a better advantage, “No, I will never be ready. I know my family loves me, and I love them. It’s just their different.”


Sebastian laughed, “Have you meet my family, more importantly my father?”

Naomi smiled at him, “I guess you have a point.” The couple walked down to Sebastian’s garage and they both got into his black viper car, and headed to Naomi’s parents house.

Sebastian stood in front of Naomi’s father, the man stood at 6ft but still looked small compared to Sebastian. “Sir.” Sebastian shook the man's hand and almost smiled when he felt the man try and squeezed his hand harder than necessary.

The man smiled, “My name is Alexander,” Sebastian, Naomi and Alexander all walked to the living room where the rest of the family was waiting. Alexander point out each person while telling Sebastian their names. “My wife Victoria, my oldest Daniel, then Anthony, the triples Joshua, Jackson, and James. My quadruples Samuel, Seth, Sean, Steven, and my twin girls, Naomi who you know and Natalia.” Sebastian looked around trying his best to remember all of them.

Natalia lifted her head, “I’m oldest.”

Naomi ignore her sister and laughed at Sebastian face, “Don’t worry just point and ask it works better.”

Sebastian looked at her and nodded. They all sat down for dinner and Naomi was dreading the conversation that might start. At first no one spoke and Naomi was happy about the silence, but of course Seth had to say something. “So you're rich.” Sebastian raised an eyebrow at him. “Dude you're driving a viper.”

Sebastian nodded but before he could say anything, Samuel slapped Seth on the back of the head, “Stop be so nosey.”

Of course Seth had to hit him back, “Stop being annoying.”

Then Sean and Steven together said, “Both of you shut up!”

The boys were about to say something to their twins, but Alexander ended it. “Enough. God you guys bicker like children.”

The triples snickered, “They are.”

Naomi looked at them, “You are not any better.”

Natalia smiled, “I agree.”

Victoria shook her head, “Do not start with them.” Sebastian looked at the family, they may be different and into certain things. but Sebastian knew they family love each other a lot.

Alexander looked at Sebastian, “Sebastian, what are your intentions with my daughter?”

Naomi spoke up before he could, “You don’t need to answer him at all.”

Daniel smirked, “Yes he does. I would like to know.”

Natalia looked at her sister then to their eldest brother, “I would like to duct tape your mouth but I am not allowed. Pity right?”

Naomi laughed even if Natalia disagreed with her she would always take her side, and the same was for Naomi to her. The girls looked at each other and giggled, while most of their brother rolled their eyes. Anthony smiled at them, “Always picking each other side huh?”

Victoria looked at them, “Like you and Daniel done do the same thing, you all do.”

The family snickered, “Well my intentions are to date and one day very soon, to marry your daughter.”

Alexander smiled, “Maybe then we can talk about our companies. Join them maybe.”

Naomi dropped her fork, “No.” She looked at her father, “Not now, not ever. He made his company it is all legal, you are not going to mess that up. Nor are you going to use me as a way to make more money.”


Alexander put his cup down his once bright brown eyes were dark now, “I gave you life, and gave you everything you needed or wanted. Now you must give back.”

Naomi looked at him, “Give back. Why did you have me then? Huh so I could give back?”

Victoria slammed her hand down on the table, “All you're sibling gave back even you sister, who went to jail with me! Without us even asking.”

The boys looked at Naomi, they had understanding in their eyes. They knew it was wrong and still did what they were told. “That is them I am me.”

Her father looked at her with a blank face, “Then you are not apart of this family.”

Daniel, Anthony and the rest of her brothers looked at him, “Bullshit.” Daniel said, “She is our sister just because she is smart enough and brave enough to stand up to you asshole, does not mean you can shun her. You shun her you shun me to.”

All the boys nodded and Natalia looked at her father, “I agree.” A phone went off, and Sebastian got up to answer it. He walked out the door and Naomi sat their with her family, she had called him. When he didn’t come back for a minute she was glad he got her slient request.

Naomi looked at her siblings and smiled, “I love you guys, if you ever need a place to stay or anything at all call me.” Her eyes went to her father, “I love you also but you're head is so clouded with greed that I don’t even know what to do with you father. I am still your daughter, but I refuse to do something that I do not believe in. You are heading down a path that will get you kill, that will get all my siblings killed. For what? Money, power, you are blinded by the thought of being king, and sadly you are to hungry for it.” Naomi stood up, and wrote her number down and handed it to Daniel, “Call me, and give it to the rest please.”

Naomi walked down the driveway towards Sebastian and his car, she stopped, and looked up at the sky.

Naomi didn’t know why that one song popped into her head but it could not have been anymore on point. She looked back and there stood Sebastian with an umbrella in his hand. She had not even notice it was raining and she was not wet to the bone. He hair stuck to her face, the makeup she had one, she was more then sure had ran. She felt Sebastian’s fingers on her face and the piece of hair was moved away, “How about we go to my house, watch a movie and lay down?”

Naomi smiled at him, “That would be nice.” Naomi felt herself smiling, she walked hand in hand with him to his car and the song rang in her head.

Everyday is a battle between what I wanna know

And what I don't wanna figure out

And everything in between in these thoughts of mine

That you know I can't live with out

And I find myself in need of a pause

I'm not sure why, but I think that it's because

Of this desire to be what others want me to be

Which is nothing close to me”

Yeah it was more than perfect for the moment, but Naomi refused to let herself get upset over her family. She still had Sebastian right? She hope it stayed that way.

Sebastian did what he said he would, they went home. He out her in the shower and laid out one of his big shirts and boxers with a pair of his black fluffy socks. He changed in silk paints and a white tee. They both sat down on his very large couch and stuffed their faces with ice cream and pizza Sebastian had picked up. Naomi looked at Sebastian, “I, well, I…”

Sebastian stopped eating, and looked at Naomi. “What is it.”

Naomi looked down at the bowl of cookies n’ cream ice cream she had. She took a deep breath and smiled, “I really don’t know what you father has to tell you.”

Sebastian sighed, “Is that really bothering you. Like I said I don’t care about your past, you have told me everything and I believe you.” Naomi smiled, and Sebastian got up. “I am heading to the bathroom, I’ll be back.”

Sebastian headed to the hallway but took a different turn, opening the door to his office he sat down at his chair. Dialing a number he knew by heart he wait for an answer.

Naomi stared at the tv, Sebastian had gotten her favorite movie. Howls moving castle, she loved that movie. Naomi looked over to the direction of the door, she heard the doorbell ring and went to get it. “I have that miss.” She looked to the left and there stood a man that looked to be his mid 40’s. Naomi smiled and nodded to him. Going back to the couch she watched the movie and waited for Sebastian to come back.

Sebastian’s hand slammed down on his desk, “Bullshit. I know for a fact that shit is not true. Who the fuck are you getting this from? Huh?”

Sebastian heard his father’s very annoyed voice some throught the phone. “It is true son, you have to believe me. I would not lie about something like that. A friend of mine told me.”

Sebastian got up and paced the room, it could not be true. He knew it was true he felt it. So there had to be something else behind it. “Who is this friend father?”

Ashton sighed, “His name is Dean.” Sebastian then hung up the phone, what his father told his was all a lie.

He could not believe it, he didn’t. So he went back to Naomi sat beside her and pulled her to him. She looked up at his with her big brown eyes and snuggled into his neck. “Are you okay? Umm that too you quite sometime.”

Sebastian smiled at her, “I am quite alright.”

Naomi looked at him, and kissed his cheek, “How was you talk to with your father?”

Sebastian chuckled, “You don’t miss a thing do you?” Naomi shook her head at him, “I don’t believe him whatsoever. Lets not worry about it right now. I will tell you everything in the morning and we will talk.”

Naomi nodded at him, “In the morning.”

Sebastian looked down at his woman, his black haired beauty, no way could any of it be true. He knew it for sure.

The bigger problem is what’s happening, and who is Dean?

Sebastian outfit to the side -------->

- Dominique

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