《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 10: My Fluffy Teddy Bear


Morning Coffee

My Fluffy Teddy Bear

The truth and dare lasted for another 5 lights, with them both winning, they had each learned something new about each other and Naomi was having the time of her life. She spotted the lights ahead and smile, she biked towards them. She stopped at a bike rack, and looked back to find Sebastian right behind her, she put her hands on her hips. “Did you let me win some of those races?”

Sebastian looked up, surprise was clear on his face. His lips pulled back into a smile, and Naomi had her answer. “Of course not, you beat me, fair and square baby.” He hocked the lock into the bikes and the rack and took her hand into his. Lifting it to his face he placed kisses on it, and smiled at her.

Naomi stared back at him, “Hmm, yeah sure I did.”

Sebastian laughed at her, “Shall we?”

Naomi smiled, “Yes!”

They first went to all the rides, and Naomi was screaming on all of them. When they went into the ‘Terror Tunnel’ Naomi clinged to Sebastian, but the man didn’t seem to mind. In fact every time her hands, gripped his tricep he smiled, because every time she would run her hands along his muscled arm. Sebastian then pulled her to another scary ride, after the 3rd one Naomi change their direction to the ferris wheel.

They got on board, “Were you not having fun with the other rides?” Sebastian looked at Naomi.

She sent a glare his way, then smiled sweetly, she went to sit next to him and put her hands on the side of his face,“I was, but you see I needed something strong, and sturdy to hold onto.” She then frowned, “Though all I was met with was soft, fluffy cushion. It just was not working out.”

Sebastian was against her in a flash, his body pressed up to hers. His lips went to her neck, he place soft bites to her skin. “I told you, I am not fluffy, and I am most certainly not soft.”

Naomi giggled, “Are you sure? I am certain that you were the boy next to me. That boy was very soft.” The ride came to a stop and Naomi slipped out from under him and walked ahead of him.

Sebastian came up from behind her, and grabbed her waist. “You are very bad, honey.”

Naomi choose to ignore him, but Sebastian didn’t miss the smile that grace those perfect lips of hers. Naomi led them to a stand, “You want something.”

Naomi eyes looked at all the items on the wall, her eyes landed on a small black bear with dark eyes. The toy bear reminded her so much of Sebastian, she pointed to it. “I want that one. Please.” She looked up to him.

Sebastian smiled down to her, and picked up one of the balls. He pulled back his arm and released the ball. Knocking over all the white glass containers. Naomi smiled and grabbed the bear that was handed to her by the man.

Naomi snuggled into it, and Sebastian smiled. She looked so adorable to him, “This bear reminds me of you.”

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her, “How so?”

Naomi’s big brown eyes, looked up at Sebastian. “Dark, mysterious, strong, gentle, softly, and most importantly fluffy.”

Sebastian laughed, and walked up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. “You can call that bear fluffy all you want and also baby girl I'm honored. What are you going to call him? Sebastian, seems a bit long.”


Naomi looked down at the bear in her arms, “Ash.”

Sebastian hugged her tightly, “I think that is a perfect name. Shall we head home?” Naomi nodded, they got on their bikes. They were back at the house in no time.

Naomi watched as he took of his jacket, and hung it up. “Are you still coming with me tomorrow to my parents?”

Sebastian looked back at her. “Yes I am.”

Naomi nodded, “Good luck. I will try my best to keep them in check.”

Sebastian chuckled, “I have handled men with egos the size of an entire country. I am sure I can handle you're family.”

Naomi looked at him, “I think I have meet a man like that.” Naomi put her finger on her chin pretending to think.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her, “Really, who?”

She looked back at him, “You.” She took of running, and she heard his heavy footsteps following behind her.

Sebastian loved this, he was chasing a woman around his house, while she giggled, and held onto a teddy bear that cost him left then a dollar. Yet she held it like, he had given her gems worth billions of dollar. She loved how she was happy with the simple things, it was not only a breath of fresh air; but something that he loved.

He loved her, more than anything. He caught up to her rather quick, and picked her up bridal style. The laid her down on his bed, he nuzzled his head into the crock of her neck. Naomi hands when to his soft hair, and tugged it, she locked eyes with her greek god and smiled. Placing a kiss on his waiting lips. She pulled his head down so her ear matched up with her mouth, she placed a kiss on the lobe; and whispered to him, “Take me.”


Sebastian didn’t need to be told twice, but he wanted to take this nice and slow for her. He showered her neck with kisses, and his finger undid her dress. Pulling it off of her, he trailed his lips down her chest and unclasped her bra. Taking it off he gazed at her body, his tongue ran over her right nipple. He listened to her moan, and growled, his hands pulled down her silk panties, “Beautiful. Just Beautiful.” He moaned.

Naomi stopped him, his eyes went to hers, “You're still fully dressed.”

Sebastian smiled at her, he stood up and spread his arms wide. “Then help me take them off.” He wanted her to feel safe, and comfortable with him.

Naomi’s eyes met his, and she got up in all her glory. Sebastian groaned, “You better hurry my love.”

Naomi did that, she took his belt off, and let it drop to the floor. Her fingers when to the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head, she kissed his chest. His hands went to move around her but she stopped them. “Wait.” She told him softly. She ran her hands over his sexy eight pack, and licked and kissed each one of them. Her hands found the top of his pants, she unzipped his zipper and pulled down his pants. She was meet with Calvin Klein boxers and underneath them, a pulsing cock that she was eager more than to touch.

Sebastian took control, he could not handle just sitting there and feeling her soft hands on his body.

Sebastian took Naomi’s dark naked body against his, sticking his head in her neck he laid kisses all over her skin, “Are you sure?”


Naomi tilted her head to him and she thought he looked sexy as hell. His head was still in her neck, and his grey stormy eyes were staring at hers. She knew that if she told him to stop he would, but she didn’t want that. Naomi put her hands under his head, and lifted his head. She laid a kiss on his lips, “I love you.”

Her voice was soft and low, but Sebastian heard it loud and clear. He laid her down on the bet and took of his boxers, laying on top of her, he gently rub circles on her inner thighs. His lips went up to her ear, “I love you too.” That was all Naomi needed, she wrapped her legs around his waist, while Sebastian sucked her breast. His other hand playing with her nipple. He landed his pulsing cock up to her pussy, and started pushing in. He listened to her moan, but felt her body tense, he waited.

When Sebastian felt her hands in his hair, “Move.” Naomi told his, as she tug his hair. Sebastian rocked his hips into her, grabbing her thighs into his large hands, he went faster and harder into her. Naomi was a moaning mess, Sebastian listened to his name roll of her lips, and pick up his speed. He latched his lips onto hers, and let his hands roam her body. He pounded into her fast and hard not holding anything back, he was letting her know how much she meant to him.

Naomi felt herself coming, “Seb-Sebastian.” She moaned.

Not even a minutes later Naomi heard her name come out his mouth and felt him release inside of her. “Naomi.” Sebastian grunted as he slammed into her one last time, riding out his climax. Both were breathing heavily, and Naomi nuzzled his neck. Sebastian pulled out of her and laid next to her, pulling Naomi’s body into his and wrapping his arounds around her.

Sebastian smiled as he left her breathing got heavier, she was asleep. He kissed her forehead, “Good night Naomi. I love you.”

***(END OF SEX SCENE)**** (A/N: Not to good at sex scenes, I try and make it better later.)

Naomi woke up in a rush, she went to get up but soon realized that she couldn't. Naomi looked down at her body that was cover in black silk sheets, on top of those sheets laid a muscled arm that was currently holding her in place. Naomi wiggled, and the arm tightened. She wiggled again, and heard a groan, “Baby stop moving.”

Sebastian’s head came into her view and he put his face into her neck. She wiggled again, and kissed his skin, “Sebastian I have to pee.”

He groaned, “Why?”

Naomi laughed at him, “I think you know why. Now let me up.” Sebastian reluctantly let her go, Naomi raced to the bathroom to relieve herself, she stopped in the mirror to fix herself up a little.

Sebastian heard a ringing noise, but decided to ignore it. He rolled over and put the pillow over his head. The only problem was the noise started again, and he was forced to get up. Taking his iPhone off the nightstand he slid the bar, “What?” Sebastian was well aware that his voice was deep and angry but he didn't care.

He heard a laugh and knew who it was, “Well hello to you to mate.”

Sebastian got up in all his naked glory, he walked over to his dresser and took out a pair of black boxers. Slipping them on his legs, he turned to the sound of the bathroom door opening, “What do you want Jeff?” Sebastian watched as Naomi hid her body from him and went to the closet to grab some clothes. Her response to him seeing her made a frown on his face appear. Has she not figured out that he loved her for her, and loved her body so much.

He smiled he will have to fix that, “You are needed back at the company.” He heard Jeff’s voice tell him through the phone. Sebastian walked up behind Naomi and took her body into his arm, while the other held up his phone. “Today man!”

Sebastian sighed, “Fine I’ll be in before 1. Make sure you're there man.” Sebastian hung up the phone, and twisted Naomi’s naked body in his arms. “Do not cover up again in front of me, I love you and I love your body. I thought I made that clear last night, but if not I am more than happy to re tell you.” Sebastian smirked when he felt her shiver in his arms. “Now get ready we have to get back into the city.”

Naomi nodded to the man and went about to get herself ready, she choose a simple black dress that had dark and light black straps going around it, she pair the dress with simple black high heeled shoes. She pinned her hair up in a neat bun and did her make up. Naomi looked in the mirror and she felt sexy.

For the longest time she never liked her body and for once she felt sexy, powerful,.... confident.

Sebastian walked out of the bathroom in a black suit, while fixing his tie. He looked up at Naomi and stopped, Naomi watched as his black eyes started to get grey with lust, “How about we go in tomorrow?”

Sebastian walked up to her and placed his large hands on her hips, “Oh no.” Naomi pushed him back, “I am already dressed, you should have thought about that earlier.”

Sebastian smiled, “Baby I have not stopped thinking about you're sexy body on mine since last night, hell the day I meet you.”

Sebastian chucked when he notice her eyes widened, “Well to bad. Off we go.” Naomi turned and grabbed her black purse, and walked out the door.

She giggled when she heard Sebastian groan, maybe she was being bad. She swayed her hips and bent forward more then need to get in the car. When she heard the front door slam, she knew she was in for in. She hopped in the car, shut and put her seat belt on before he could get her. “You're having fun, aren't you?”

Naomi put on her best confused face, “What ever do you mean?”

Sebastian’s black eyes snapped to her, “Oh really you want to play that game, okay, just you wait baby. Just you wait.”

Naomi giggled at him, “Oh what’s the worst you got?”

Sebastian ginned, keeping on hand on the wheel and his eyes on the road, Naomi watched as his hand landed on her exposed upper thigh. Slowly he trailed his large hand up and under her black dress, his fingers trialed the line of her panties. He smiled when he heard her struggle to hold in a moan. He felt her fingers on his hand, and smirked when she threw it back on to his lap, he watched her sexy legs cross blocking him from his little treasure.

Naomi looked out the window ignoring his chucked, and watched the forest go by. Not long after the city was playing in front of Naomi’s eyes. When they pulled up into the company’s parking garage, Naomi watched him put on his CEO mode. He once again looked like the stick, and hard CEO she had met before. Stepping out the car she followed him to his private elevator and soon they were in their office. “It’s been a while.” Sebastian looked up from his desk and smiled at her.

Before any words could come out his mouth the door busted open. Naomi sat at her desk and pretended to do work, while she watched Sebastian parents walk in the room. Grace smiled at Naomi and walked right over to her, Naomi stood and the ladies hugged each other. “How are you doing dear?”

Naomi smiled at his mother, she loved this woman, “I am well thank you, you?”

Grace giggled, “I am well also. So tell me, is my son treating you right in bed? I want gran babies soon.”

Jeffrey’s laughter filled the room, while Naomi’s eyes widened, and Sebastian choked on air. “Mother!”

Grace looked at her son and placed her hands on her hips, “What? I want babies, and you finally find the perfect woman and you're taking forever. I am not getting any younger here.”

Naomi just stared at the woman then looked at Giovanni. While Grace was happy about the idea of children the look on Giovanni’s face told Naomi he rather die than have his son make a baby with her. Naomi didn’t say anything, and went to hug Jeff. The big man hugged her then smiled down at her, “So, how is he in bed?” Naomi gasped and turned away from him.

Sitting down at her desk she watched at Sebastian took a pack of pens and threw it at his friend, “Not you too, shut up man.”

Jeffrey just laughed and was about to say something, but it seems Giovanni was done. “Enough! We came here for important business, not foolishness.” Giovanni sat down on one of the couches, and looked at Naomi, “You can leave.”

Naomi looked down, she knew he didn’t like her but he was being beyond nasty. “No father, if you are going to act like that you can leave.” Naomi felt Sebastian behind her, and stood up when he grabbed her hand. He lend them to the other couch, and Naomi watched at Jeffrey and Grace took the chairs.

Grace made it well known that she was mad at her husband, and Naomi saw a flash of hurt pass through the mans eyes. “Baby?”

Grace looked at her husband, “Don’t you dare baby me, you are being rude. Do I have to decrease your ego, you stubborn old man!” Sebastian and Jeffrey did horrible jobs, at disguising their laughter, and soon it came out at full force. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Jeffrey hid his face in a pillow, and Naomi felt Sebastian put his face in the crock of her neck. She watched as Gio’s face turned completely red, but the man said nothing, and turned to looked at her and his son. “That’s what I thought, now hush!” Grace turned to Jeff and Sebastian, “You too boys that’s enough.”

The boys looked up at her and they both sent grins in her directions, “Sorry mom.” Naomi smiled when both the boys called her that. Sebastian cleared his throat and sat up straight, his hand was around Naomi’s waist and he smiled. “So, what’s the news. I have not seen anything wrong with, well anything.”

Jeffrey nodded, “Me too, I really don’t know why I’m here. You're father said to come in.”

Sebastian turned to his mother completely ignore his father, “Mom?”

The woman shrugged her shoulders, “He won't tell me, but says you will love it. I am not sure if I believe it but he’s stubborn as an ox, so we just have to wait and see.”

The door opened again and Jeffrey’s parents walked in along with two very beautiful woman, and what it looked like their parents, as they sat down Jeffrey turned to his parents. “Ma, dad, what are you doing here?”

Angelina looked at her child, “Baby these girls are the daughter.”

Jeffrey was about to say something, but Ashton stopped him. “Let your mother finish.”

Jeffrey sat back and nodded, “We as in me you're father and Sebastian’s parents.”

Grace looked at the women, “Do not add me into that. I have no clue what's happening.” Sadly Naomi did and she put her head down, but not before she saw the smiled on Giovanni’s face. Naomi wanted to cry, but she would never let him see her that vulnerable.

Angelina looked at her then to Ashton, “You didn't tell her.”

The man just frowned, “No, get on with it.” He received a glare from Ashton, but simply ignored it.

Angelina, frowned and looked at Grace, “We thought it would be best if you married into a well known and good stable family. We are all going to sign a contract giving you boys power of their company to add to your own. In exchange you will marry these lovely ladies take care of them and will have children until a boy comes along to follow in your steps.”

Giovanni leaned forward, “Before you say anything, think about it. These woman you have are nothing. They are pathetic, this is a golden opportunity.” Naomi felt herself sink farther into the seat, she didn't dare look up. She didn't dare say anything. “I mean look at her, she’s fat, ugly, poor and black.”

Naomi felt the stinging in her eyes, and was about to bolt out the room. A loud smack rang in the room, that had Naomi looking up. Grace stood over her husband, his check and angry red, from what she assumed was her right hand. “How dare you! What in gods name has gotten into you? Are you fucking mad!?”

Sebastian looked at Naomi and caught the tear that fell from her eyes, Naomi stared in his dark eyes as he pulled her closer. That was all she needed, she knew that he would not leave her. Sebastian looked at Jeffrey the the two seem to have a silent conversation. “Father.”

Giovanni looked up, “You must be smoking something. God only knows what. I want you gone. You are not to contact me, or come to my home, company or anything that I or Naomi might be at, until you apologize to her.”

Jeffrey looked at all of them, “I don’t know what made you think that we would go through with this!?!”

Giovanni smiled, “Well for starters little sweet Abby is not your child.” Then Giovanni looked at Sebastian, “The woman you're holding, do you know her background, her past?”

Naomi froze, she went over in her head about anything she might have not told Sebastian. Though she came up with nothing, she had told him everything.

She had right?

Sebastian to the side. ----->

- Dominique

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