《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Fifteen


He exhales, and clasps his hands together. "I want to apologize."

My mind race trying to find the best thing to say, should I forgive him? I nervously play with the hems on the blanket. I will seem too easy to get I have to play hard.

You can do it, Maya.

I face him prepared, I opened my mouth but all that came out was a high pitched "uh".

He looked confused but then he smiled flashing his pearly whites at me. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and dirty.

"Apologize?" I cracked. I looked at him, studied him intensely making sure he was apologetic. His face was tense, and tired as if he lacked sleep.

"Yes, apologize." He says deeply.

I chuckle. I could not believe.

"Apologize," I repeat. "After you treated me like total shit."

He seemed surprised he opens his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off.

"Do you think "sorry" helps?" I ask slightly cracking. "Do you how much pain I went throu-

I stop there, and watch his reaction. He stayed serious, same old face expression.

What did I except?

"Pain?" He mocked. "Do you know that I was worried about you?" He says softly.

The uncomfortable feeling hovered over me again.

"Worried?" I repeated.

I laughed. "Then why did you act like you didn’t know me."

He shakes his head, and chuckles.

"Maya oh, Maya" He says. "You’re really clueless."

"Shut up." I say softly. Anger ranged in me.

Does he think I am that easy?


"Just shut up." I say sternly. My arms had scratches, and bruises. I sigh; I look back up at Chase. He was staring at me.

There was an awkward silence, and then the door opened.


He stares at me, and shakes his head. His gaze reaches Chase and he instantly tenses.

"What is he doing here?" I hear the anger in his voice.

He points to Chase. "You caused this."

Chases looks defenseless, and pitiful.


"David, please stop." I plead. "It’s a hospital, for crying out-

"Shut up, Maya." He cuts me off. He approaches me slow, and steady.

"You’re really a fool, aren’t you?" He laughs. "After all he’s done you still haven’t kick him out of the room."

He shakes his head, his floppy afro hair moving with every shake.

"Do you like him or something?" He asks.

My heart begins beating rapidly.

"N-no." I shuttered.

He chuckled. "Okay sure."

He turns back to Chase. "Listen pal I don’t think you got the message."

Chase stands up facing David. Chase was a little taller, but David did not back down.

"I was just apologizing." Chase said sternly.

"Apologizing?" David laughed, and laughed. "After making her cry, and wear slutty clothes?"

"Dude, as a bro. That’s sad." David says between laughter. "Go back to your slut Hannah."

Chase grins, "My slut?"

David nods, "Yes, that bitch."

"Did you know Hannah was trying to apologize to Maya?" Chase says.

I listen in disbelief. "She did what?" I say confused.

"She was trying to say sorry, but you freaked out on her." He insists.

I shake my head, "Is that what that bitch told you?" My voiced ranged.

"First my mom then you" I say softly. "I’ve been through hell since you’ve came."

I feel my eyes moistened, "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

"Why I’m I doing this to you?" He mocks, "Why are you giving me headaches each night, and day."

I feel like punching him, really hard.

Instead, I draw my hand into a fist and clench.

"David please leave." I pointed to the door. David stood with his hands cross, glaring at Chase.

He did not budge.

"Leave." I yell. He sticks the middle finger at Chase and leaves the room slamming the door hard.

I stare back at Chase. "Why aren’t you with Hannah?" I cracked.


"You’re more important right now." He replies.

"Right now?" I say mockingly. "What I’m I a toy that you play with and use when you want?"

He shakes his head. "Maya, come on now." He says softly. "I care about you."


No, do not fall for it Maya. Hang in there.

"Chase, I have one favor for you." I say softly turning my head to face the opposite direction.

"What is it?" He asks running his hand through his thick blonde hair.

"Pretend we never meet, pretend you don’t know me." I wipe my falling tears with the back of my hand.

I hear soft footsteps, "Nice meeting you." And the door was slammed.

I look around the small room feeling scared, and alone.

I fall into a deep slumber, which was not filled with pleasant dreams.

A soft knock was at the door barely noticeable.

"Come in." I mumbled.

The room stayed still, was it David again?

I gaze at the door intensely, my heart race excepting to see Hannah or even worse Chase again.

I feel frustrated, "You can come in." I repeated with slight annoyance in my voice.

The door opened slowly, and cautiously. My eyes strained to see the thin figure behind the door.

Suddenly, I recognize just who it was. The soft, but wrinkled skin was so familiar, the long dark auburn hair.

"Mom" I cracked. I rubbed my eyes making sure it is not the medication that is causing me too hallucinate.

She pushed the rest of her body into the room. I could not believe it. I press my back roughly against the metal frame.

She gave me a small smile.

"Maya, how are you?" She asks, she sits in the small chair Chase sat in previously.

I just nodded.

She sighs, a sigh I have not heard in a while, a sigh that makes my heart swell, burst, and repeat.

"Momma" I cried. She smiles, and moves closers to the side of the bed. She soothes down my hair that suck to my forehead.

"Why are you so timid?" My mother stern voice asked.

I turn away; my gaze went down to the soft, blanket that covered my lower body.

I shrug, why am I so timid?

She sighs again, before shifting her spot.

Her eyes beams, "Who was that boy?"

I feel my face flush, "I don’t know who you’re talking about."

"He resembles Chase Walker a lot." She says trying to jog my memory.

I shake my head. "You must have been seeing things."

"I know no Chase Walker." I spit out, instantly regretting it.

She nods.

I gaze at mother her dark auburn hair flows to her back landing perfectly in the middle, similar to mine. She wore a bright red lipstick, which made her look seductive.

"Mom" I say softly, the picture of the incident pop up making me shudder.

"Yes?" She says, I hear her but I do not bother answering.

"Maya" She nudges me.

I want to say sorry, but I do not have the urge. A part of me is telling me I did nothing wrong, and another part is telling me something else.

"Mom, I hate boys." I scoffed.

She chuckles, and pats my head. "You sound like me when I was younger."

"About that night Maya" She drains. "I’m so sorry."

"I’ve been trying to find you ever since but-" She stops there, and wipes her eyes.

"I never felt strong enough." Clear tears run down her face. "I’m a horrible mother."

I clutched my chest; it feels as though someone stabbed me with a knife.

I lean over to give her a hug; her small torso feels thin in my arms.

"I love you, momma." I smile in her shoulder.

She squeezes me tightly, "I love you too Maya Ina Peirce."

I appreciate all the comments, and votes I am getting. Anyways, the upcoming chapter will talk more about Chase and his family, Stay Tuned!

OOTC: Does Maya have a sibling that we don’t know about?

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