《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Fourteen -Part Two-


Walking down the hallway, I try to come up with a possible solution to get out of this. I inhale, and exhale calming myself. I brush my shoulders, and brace myself. I pushed on the door using all of my upper body strength. I inhaled, and exhale once more before examining the basketball court. There were people gathering around in a circle. I rumpled up my dark brown hair hiding my face, as I make the opposite turn avoiding the basketball court.

"And where do you think you're going?" A high pitch voice wonders, as I make my way down the path out the school.

I cursed quietly, and turned around.


I laugh as I gazed up and down at her blonde hair was in a high ponytail covering the ripped out hair from her injured scalped.

Her eyes widen, "This is not funny." She hisses.

"Look, I don't want to hold any grudges." I admit trying to talk myself out of this. "I'm sorry."

I hold my hand out awaiting an agreement shake.

She stares at my hand as if it is shit on the sidewalk. She seems hesitant but she slowly puts her hand out I quickly grabbed her hand and twisted it pulling her towards the ground. She squeals, as she tries to pull herself out of my tight grip. I pushed her down again this time with more force. I watched as her blonde head bounces off the pavement.

My heart quickens fear boils in my blood. She rolls over and groans a puddle of blood drains from her head.

"Hannah?" I say breathlessly. I shake her shoulders repeatedly, No answer.

Oh god no, Oh god no.

She picks her head from the ground smiling widely. Her teeth were cover in blood and her lips were stain, blood ran from her nose. She spit on the ground, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She picks herself of the pavement swaying. She took a couple swings but missed.


"Come here, you bitch." She says between her teeth. She chuckles.

"You think wearing this is gonna get you Chase?" She grins, as grabs my collar. "Can't you take a hint?"

She pushes me on the ground hovering over me. The blood from her nose drained on to my shirt staining it.

"He doesn't like you." She screams and she lifts my head and slams it unto the ground.

I struggle to push her off. The pain traveled through my body, she lifts my head again.

"He'll never like you." She bangs it onto the pavement. She continues repeatedly. I felt warm liquid drain from my forehead, and nose, a salty fluid flows into my mouth.

People were surrounding us staring pitifully. I struggled to keep my eyes open. Whispers and murmurs stared up. I heard people cheering on Hannah, telling her to continue then suddenly they fell quiet, and everything went dark.

"Mom" I say quietly. "Where's daddy?"

She looked at me with tired, red eyes. She soothes my hair down. She pulls my head towards her chest and pats my back. I listen closely to her heartbeat it was fast. She softly cried.

There was a knock. I eagerly ran to the door hoping for daddy. I opened it wide with a big smile on my face. My smile quickly dropped; behind the door was not daddy. There stood two police men with notepads. They let themselves in and searched around the house. I felt confused and out of place.

"Where's your mother?" The chubby one asked. I pointed the living area; they nodded and hurried into the small, tight area. I followed closely behind them.

Inside the room, Momma was curled up in a ball her body was quivering.

"Ma'am" The bald one said sternly.


Momma looked up her eyes widen when she saw the two men. She quickly straightens herself up.

"Where's my husband?" She softly asks. The two men did not answer momma.

Momma hates when people do not answer her. She asks again.

The bald one-steps forward. "I'm sorry miss but your husband past away two days ago"

I felt light, as if I could float up in the air. The last thing I heard was momma bursting out in tears yelling daddy's name.

I waked up sweating, and crying. My head aches. I looked around the room confused, and scared. I was in the hospital I tried to jog my memory.

"You're up?" A familiar voice asks.

I turned my head,


I quickly looked the opposite direction avoiding eye contact.

"Why are you here?" I whispered my voice barely audible.

He chuckles. "Maya chill."

I shake my head. "No. Don't tell me to chill."

He stays quiet for a moment. My head cocks around to face Chase.

"What happened?" I ask. I stare at him his perfect face structure tensed.

"You and Hannah had a fight." He breathed.

My heart quickens as I search my mind, suddenly remembering the flyer.

I turned back to him. "Where's Hannah?" I ask nervously.

"At the police station" He replies. He fiddles around with a cubic box.

I gulped. "I thought you were mad at me." I said quietly.

He looks at me, peering at me with his wolf greyish greenish eyes. "Someone took a video of the fight." he starts. "I heard what Hannah was saying."

I laugh my throat feels dry. "So, why are you here?" I asked again.

He exhales, and clasps his hands together. "I want to apologize."

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