《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Thirteen


My tears blurred the roads. I squint my eyes, as I search for Randi’s block. She was just a couple blocks down from me. Diana was on the other side of town.

I parked my car in front of her driveway. I stumbled from the car. The frigid wind hit me suddenly, causing me cough. I slowly walked taking one-step at a time until I reached Randi’s door.

I knocked three times, nothing happens. I raised my hand to knock again, but the door swings open.

"What the hell?" The tall, slim Randi Richard is glomming behind it. She looks at me up and down, her eye widens. She swings the door open wide.

"Oh, Mimi. What happened?" She asks she opens her arms to pull me into a hug.

I drag my suitcase along behind me, "Sit down, and make yourself comfortable." She said warmly. I forced my stiff knees to bend. I gave her an earnest smile.

Recently, Randi bought a cheap three-roomed apartment for herself. She was dating this dude for a while. When her parents found out, they freaked out and were against it. She didn’t break up with the dude, so they kicked her out; she stayed with Diana for a couple of weeks before finding her own place.

"I need a place to stay." I mumbled. "I-I caught Anya having-

"Hold up, when did you start calling your mom by her first name?" She said softly raising her blonde eyebrow. I set my suitcase down unto her carpet, and spilled out the items. "Since right now." I mumbled.

Randi nodded, her blonde curls shaking with every nod. "Well, you’re always welcome here." She smiles, showing off her perfect teeth.

"You know I envy you." I laughed, pushing my dark brown hair behind my ear. "You’re perfect."

She chuckles, not even a blemish to be found upon her flawless face. "You’re so funny Maya."

"Hungry?" She pushes a bowl of barbeque chips in front of my face. I shake my head,

"No thanks. We have school we should probably go to sleep now." I insist. She smiles,

"So, Chase?" She asks. "We’re did you go after detention" She gave a little wink. The picture pops into my mind,

"I went to his cabin…" I started. She brightens up,

"Oh my gosh, really?" She beams. I slowly nod unsure of why she’s so happy.

"There was this picture with him, and his family but there was another boy." I stopped to witness her reaction. She looked confused.

"Did you ask if it’s his brother?" She says. I shake my head.

"Brother?" I repeated mockingly. I never thought about that. He seems so private.

"He kind of got all piss, and said I should go home." I began, "but the boy looked exactly like him."

She nods, as if she understood everything. "Was the boy hot?" She grins, raising her blonde eyebrow.

I sigh, "He looked like Chase, but with brown floppy hair, and gray eyes." I murmured.


"Oh, and he had freckles."

I gaze at Randi to see if she is still listening to me.

"Randi." I shake her shoulders, snapping her out of imaginary daze.

"You have to find who the guy is." She cries. "He sounds like a dream."

"I don’t know." I say unsure. "It’s kind of invading his privacy."

"Plus it could be his cousin for all we know." I imply. She rolls her eyes, and pushes off the couch.

"Well, I’m going to bed." She yells out from the room. I heavily sigh,

I put aside a shirt that looks fitted on me and reveals my cross belly piercing, and really short shorts.

I sluggishly removed my body from the couch, and hurried to the bathroom.

I glance into the mirror. "I look like shit." I blurted out softly.

I examined myself, My dark brown hair gloomed down my shoulders resting in the middle of my back, my straight small nose that stood out occasionally, my caramel thin pointed face looked tanner than ever. My chin trace with a dimple on the end just like my mother. My deep brown eyes were red from tears. Black ink stained my lowered eye, trailing down to my mouth.

I step into the steaming shower, wincing in pain from the sudden heat. After quickly drying off I put on the robe Randi had folded up. I admire my body in the silky red robe. I dragged myself down the short hallway and stopping as I hit the guest room.


I wake with a pit in my stomach. I wish I could yank the blanket up and lie there all day. The sun attempts a smile through the small window in the guest room. Gently tugging the quilt blanket off my body, I drag myself off the bed groaning. My legs ache, and my head pound.

I limped slowly too the living room, greeted my Randi bouncy curls.

"Oh you’re up?" Randi shot me an innocent smile. "I have some cereal." She looks down at the box beside her.

I struggle to keep my eyes open. "I’m not that hungry." I whispered, barely audible.

She shrugs, and stuffs a handful of cheerios in her mouth. My stomach turned with fear, and distress.

"Can I leave my car by you?" I ask quietly. "I can take the bus with you." I push.

She nods, and puts on her jacket and grabs her small cashmere purse. "Ready?" Her blonde curls are flowing perfectly at her waist, making me jealous by the second.

I nod, "How do I look?" I ask in a small voice. She gazes at me up and down.

"Perfect curves." She winks; she looks at towards my stomach and gasps. "When did you get that?" She gestures toward my cross belly piercing. I felt my face flush, as I yanked down the shirt.

I roll my brown eyes, "Let’s go." I urged.


She slams the front door behind us, making me slightly jump.

The bus took a couple minutes to arrive, but today I was oddly patient. I felt relive, and free.

The bus seats are not exactly the most comfortable seats. I felt myself shifting, and moving. The seats itch at my bare legs, as I sat regretting wearing shorts. I sighed.

Randi looks up from her pink diamond case phone. "Why so bummed?" She asks, raising her eyebrow.

I certainly did not feel like starting a conversing so I ended the question with a shrug. When the bus halted, we scurried off like squirrels going for nuts.

During first period all I got was stares, and whispers. On my way to second period, I spot Chase hugging Hannah. I tug at my shirt trying to cover the revealing skin. The last thing I need is to start being called a slut. I hesitate as my eyes land on them; I could not help but to feel jealous.

Why do always feel this way? I grabbed my chest as it ache from staring. I stood and stared for a while. My chest throbbed, as I clutched my breast bowing my head to ease the pain.

I turned around, quickly walking away. Chase and Hannah rang in my head causing me to be distracted in my classes.

"So, do you know the answer?" Ms. Shelby retorted. I hear Chase, and Hannah chattering away in the back about her boobs. No one bother to answer the question.

My hand fires up, "The variable would be B in the equation 4b + 2b," I explained.

"Well done. Mrs um-

"Peirce." I sighed.

"Yes. Of course." Ms. Shelby smiled, and went back to scribbling formulas on the board. I felt the urge to look back, but then Chase would see me.

"You’re so beautiful." Chase would whisper to Hannah, and Hannah would reply with her annoying high-pitched giggle.

I sighed, which felt like the millionth time. I sat desperately waiting for the bell the ring, so I could run out without bumping into Chase or Hannah. I looked down at my stomach, and fiddle around with the small sliver cross piercing.

Remembering how much I begged my mother for one. All was good, and well then.

I traced letters on my thighs, and drained out the surroundings. The bell finally rings, interrupting the letter F. I waited until the classroom emptied to leave.

I hobbled down the hallway, feeling so useless.

"Maya" I spun around, franticly looking for Chase. Feeling disappointed to see David.

I sighed, and faced the opposite direction.

"What? Don’t wanna talk girl?" He snapped. "Wanna talk to that white boy huh?"

I rolled my eyes, "Just leave me alone."

David spins me around, squaring me right in his eyes. "What are you wearing?" He asks, staring at me.

"Clothes" I snapped back sarcastically.

"Are tryna impress that white boy huh?" David said, staring intensely at my piercing.

"I am not. I have nothing to do with him." I admit annoyed. I didn’t have anything to do with him. He was just being friendly, or he probably just felt bad. Right.

"Uh huh that’s not what I saw in the library-

"Just drop it." I groaned, turning on my heels. Randi, and Diana are probably looking for me, and I am wasting my time with some jerk.

The kiss, the sensation tingled my lips, and I slid my tongue over my white, slippery teeth. My fingers messed around with my lower lips as the sensation felt so real. I quickly made my way to the lunchroom, turning sharply on my heels on each turn.

The school was large, with probably 3000 students, at least. I sigh, as I suddenly remember my freshman year. How happy I was to be in high school, but now I hate this place with a passion.

Pushing the cafeteria doors open with force, I make my small entrance, causing more attention than needed.

Was it my clothes?

I glance down at my self-trying to find out what was causing all the stares, and murmurs.

I heard a small giggle, slowly turning around bracing myself.

Please don’t be Chase, Please, Please.

I let out a small sigh of relief. It was Hannah She stood with her hand cross, and a smug expression on her face, she hawked at me with her beady brown eyes.

She slowly approached me hesitating at each step.

Should I back away?

I struggled to think, but before I knew it, I was slapped. I stood holding my cheek, unaware of what just occurred.

She smirked at me, ready for me to attack.

She just messed with the wrong girl today.

Without thinking, I grabbed a handful of her blonde hair, and furiously swung her slim body to the floor, smiling as she cried in pain.

I breathed heavily as Chase hurried over to Hannah. He shot me a grim expression, saying ‘you didn't have to go this far.’

I watched in disbelief as Chase pampered, and cooed her, smoothing down the hairs that were slightly ripped out.

I chuckled, "I thought you were different." I gazed at him, wanting to confess that I liked him.

He stared at me in disgust; his light green eyes were a dim color.

"Look at you, Maya." He points to my clothes. "Who are you trying to impress?" He laughs.

"No one" I whispered, slowly cracking, knowing that these clothes were meant for him, meant for him to notice me. He notices Hannah, because she wears slutty clothes.


He shakes his head; and bends down and lifts Hannah up from the ground, as if she 's a new wedded bride.

Hannah shot me a small smirk.

My knees felt weak, I looked around the cafeteria eyes gleamed at me, they blamed me.

I wobbled out of the cafeteria, collapsing to my knees at the door, and cried.

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