《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Twelve


Maya POV~

It was as if he wanted to me to leave, he kept urging that my mother was worried.

"Can please stay a little longer?" I asked pouting my lower lip. I gaze at him, waiting for his response. His olive skin toned face, look as if he was in deep thought.

I waved my small hand in front of his face. "Chase hello?"

He bolted up,

"What?" He asked dragging his fingers through his curls.

"Can I stay longer?" I repeated.

His faces soften. "Why? Isn't your mother worried."

I nodded slowly, swallowing deeply. "But I want to stay here..." I drained off.

He looked slightly sad, and confused.

He shifted his spot on the couch; he flips his blonde curls out of his face. "Maya as long as it's okay." He whispers. "I don't want to get you in trouble."

I feel relieved. I could stay here, with Chase...

"Want to watch another movie?" I gestured to the pile of movies that were spill out on the floor.

He shakes his head, "Nah, I'm going to get some wine..." He pushes off the chair and disappears around the corner of the room.

My mind ran off on my mother, her frail body, and her dark hard face, which looks like she has been through war, and back. A cold chill ran through my spine, as I imagine her with a bottle of vodka in her hand downing it down her throat.

My eyes scanned around the room, small pictures frames were turn around. My hand felt around the neatly detailed frame, something caught my fingers letters were carved into one of the frames.

I lifted up the frame, and slowly turned it around. It was a picture, there was man who was dressed in a tuxedo and a beautiful woman who was in a lace dress she had long flowing blonde hair, and below her was a small boy, older than ten years old. He had bright green eyes, light blue braces and white gleaming teeth that curved into a smile. Besides the boy, was a smaller boy his eyes were light gray, he was not smiling. He had curly brown hair, and freckles that covered his nose and cheeks. On the bottom were the words


Who was he?

Chase. He looked so happy; I remember seeing him on the cover of G.A.P Kids. His blonde curly hair always perfectly combed, and that smile.

The boy... looked so much similar to Chase.

"What are you doing?" A low voice startled me, nearly causing me to drop the frame. I twisted my head around, Chase stood there with a grim expression. He slowly walked over, and grabbed the small frame from my grip.

"Maybe you should go home now." He whispered. His green eyes went dull, as it did earlier. He tossed the small frame over to the pile of the movies on the floor, it made a slight smashing sound as it hit the floor.

I stood unknowing of what just happened it was getting real close to midnight. I should start heading home.

"Y-yeah, I should probably go now." I stuttered.

As I put on my leather jacket, I stole short glances at Chase. He kept looking at the photo. I wanted to ask who the boy was, but he already seemed infuriated.

"Bye." I mumbled I did not wait for a response. I slowly close the door to the cabin, leaving Chase. The night air was cooler, and misty.

Sadly, I did not know the way back. I drove around the area until I found the high way. The dark roads were empty. My fingers tap along with the beat, the radio was playing

"21 Avenue." I whispered. My car tinged with sweet smelling cologne that Chase wore earlier. My hand gripped the steering wheel tightly as I turned unto my neighborhood. Before hitting my street, there was, a black car was park up in front of my house. I narrowed my eyes, and nervously bit my lip. This brings back memories, waiting for my father to return, waiting for days, and nights.


Then one day a car came, along with a couple police officers and told us the news.

After parking my car, I looked I took a quick glimpse at the car, It was too dark to see inside.

I bravely marched up to the door.

I scrambled through the items in my bag, in search for my keys. After jingling to find the right one, I popped open the door.

I removed my sneaker wedges from my feet's and placed them to the side of the door, I searched around my house in search for my mother, it was quiet.

Quiet moans suddenly filled the house. "Mom?" I whispered.

I crept up the stairs, the moans were louder, more intense. My mother's door was closed; my hand gradually went to turn the knob. I gasped. I felt my heart pound, unknowing what to do.

Here I was thinking my mother was worried about her daughter but no, she was too busy having sex.

"You disgusted me." I yelled, my mother winced as she removed herself from on top of the man.

"Who the fuck is this?" I screamed, I gestured to the man who was pulling up his pants.

My mother's face looked scared, and surprised. "Let me explain." Her weak voice whispered.

"No, no, no. That is it. I've dealt with this way too long." I pushed past her causing her to lose balance, I ran into my room, and tousled through my closet, looking franticly for my suitcase. My blood boil, as the picture of my mother on top of the man played like a broken tape in my mind. I grabbed a bunch of clothes, and things and stuffed them into the suitcase.

I cannot believe I actually thought she cared.

"Wait, Mimi." My mother cried, as I made my way down the stairs. I turned around,

"What? What is so important?" I yelled, causing her to gasp. My gaze searched down her body, her top was torn, revealing her bare breasts. She wore no pants; her dark skinned curvy body stayed covered in bruises and scratches. Tears formed in my eyes. Memories of my mother pushing me on the swing filled my mind.

"I love you, Maya." She wailed. Her hazel eyes were blood-shot red, and her lip was busted, and swollen.

"I'm sorry mom, I can't say the same." I whispered, "Please, stay out of my life."

I stomped down the stairs, my suitcase following behind. I cried, and I cried until I started gasping for air.

I could not live with this anymore; I cannot call her my mother. All she has ever been was a nuisance to me.

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