《Urban Divinity》28


The car came to a quick stop in front of a busy store. The words were faded out from wear and tear but there were still plenty of people inside, grabbing food and drinks. I clicked my seatbelt off quickly and reached for the door only to be stopped by a hand on my thigh, "Lemme open the door." Dion frowned and I sat back down, kissing my head as I watched him walk out.

He fit into the aesthetic of the city so perfectly. Black sweatsuit and bubble coat with a thick black beanie to match. His chain sparkled around his neck as he adjusted it. Even the rings on his fingers were flashy and bold. As if his outfit wasn't enough, his attitude could make any girl melt. He held himself with pride, puffed chest and a confident gleam in his dark brown eyes as he looked around the area. His fingers clenched and unclenches before he finally looked at me, turning my insides to goo.

He opened the door slowly and I quickly made my way out, keeping my eyes from looking into his as I let him take my hand into his own. He pulled me into his chest as he closed the door and locked the car, "You good?" His hand moved to my lower back, making my knees weak. I could only stupidly nod my head as I looked up at him.

He is too fine for his own good.

"We can get food in here but it's crowded.. You good with that?" He nods towards the open doors and I frown lightly. It looked so crowded and busy inside. I could feel my lip curl in disgust as I imagined all the germs and diseases in the one little shop. I look to Dion who watched me carefully. I sigh softly before nodding, "Yeah.. I think I can do it." I give him a small smile and I could tell he was still weary, "Lemme know if it's too much.. I'm not forcing you to do this." He speaks slowly and I nod my head, "I know, babe.. Now let's get some fries!" I give him a big smile and he chuckles softly before leading me into the shop.

I held my breath every time we passed someone as I pressed myself into Dion's coat. He stopped in the line and pulls me to his front, letting me bury my face in his shirt, "You good?" I nod my head slowly and peek up at him, "Just.. stinky.." I mumble and he frowns, "It smell jumpin' in here. They got cheesesteaks, fries, hoagies, pizza.. And the food look good as shit." He eyes the food through the glass and licks his lips slowly, "I'm gettin one of them cheesesteaks." I peek over and eye the food, my vision instantly stopping on the big bucket of fries.

"I want fries and.." I finally peek at the menus and narrow my eyes, "A lemonade." Dion hums softly, "Okay but don't go lookin at my food when you finish yours.. You always tryna snatch a piece of my plate." I giggle softly and wrap my arms around his waist, "Because you always order good food.. I just want a lil piece to try it." He laughs as he pulls me closer, "Nah you be tearin up my plates.. That's why I get doubles." I laugh and let him lead me to the front counter.

"Aight." The lady behind the counter says and looks to Dion as he pulled me closer, "I want a large cheesesteak and a small one of them jawns too." He points to the fries, "then lemme get a large one too for her... For the drinks I want.." He looked up at the menu as he ordered and I couldn't help but step back further into Dion as the woman behind the desk eyed me carefully. Looking me up and down with a nasty look before looking back to Dion, "Ard.. Y'all together?" She said it nonchalantly but I could tell she was serious by the look she gave me. "Yeah. I want a lemonade and then get me one of them cokes." Dion didn't skip a beat as he pointed to the fridge of soda cans.


She nods her head and taps the screen a few times before stepping back to the fridge, "Can she fight?" The woman asks and I cock my head to the side, "Excuse me?" My brows furrowed as I peep what the girl just said. She doesn't miss a beat, "Can you fight.. U gone fight for him?" I take a small step closer, "Why?.. U tryna get beat up?" She looks me up and down, "Ain't nobody scared of you." I raise my brows, "And I don't give a fuck.. Now what you need to do is worry about getting my food and not my man." She looked taken aback for a moment, "You hype as shit like I don't gotta do shit for you." She cocked her head to the side and I did the same, "I'm waiting.. Go head and get my food. Serve me." She rolled her eyes hard before grabbing our fresh food and bagging it before tossing the food messily on the counter, "Ya total is 17.50.. if u can pay for it." I scoff and take out my card, "I got enough money to pay ya rent three times and still throw a twenty in ya face.. bye." I scan my card and grab the food before shoving it into Dion's hands who looked at me wide eyed.

"Whatever, bitch." She grumbled and I roll my eyes, "Talkin big shit for someone taking orders." I send her a nasty glare before leading Dion out the stupid shop, "Who does she think she is? 'Can she fight?' Like bitch I will fucking drag y-" lips connected to mine in a hard kiss, melting my anger and stress away. I slowly reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him deeper as my eyes fluttered closed. His hands were warm around my waist as he slowly disconnected our lips.

"I don't know what the fuck happened in there but you keep up with this attitude and it's gone be trouble for you.." His eyes darkened as he looked me up and down slowly, making my heart beat quicken. I shyly take a step back and look down at my hands, "I couldn't help it." I shrug lightly and watch him smile and lean coward to place another kiss on my lips, "I like it.. You stood ya ground." I smile and nod to the car, "Let's just go.." He opens the door and I slide in but not without sending a glare to the lady who watched me angrily.

Dion closes the door gently before walking around the car and sliding in next to me, "I saw dat." I giggle softly and take the bag of food from him before grabbing my hand sanitizer, "I don't know what you're talking about." I place some in my hand and look to him as I hold out the bottle. He rolls his eyes and opens his palm for me to squirt some. He laughs softly but rubs his hands together, "You so extra. We ain't touch nothing but the food bag." I look at him and scoff gently, "The air alone feels dirty... all them bodies in one building can't be sanitary." He shakes his head as he pulls back off, "Baby, this is New York.. We finna be in crowds the whole day and the rest of the trip." I frown slightly but fix my face as he looks back at me, "Well then imma just keep my hand sanitizer in my purse at all times and stay close to you." He chuckles softly and nods his head, "Yeah okay."



The drive was way shorter than I thought as we only sat in the car for three minutes. I reach back in the fry bag and put another in my mouth before feeding one to Dion. He ate it greedily and already looked to my hand for another one, "Imma need more than one fry at a time." I giggle and grab three before feeding them to him, making us both laugh.

We pulled up to the curb silently. By now the sun was already setting and the lights began to shine brighter. I wait patiently as he stepped out the car and came around to my side. I more than happily climbed out as he opened my door and looked up at the building. It's brick was worn and old but held a grand feeling from the black swirled iron rails and glimmering chandelier that can be seen through the glass doors from outside. I look to Dion who was already walking towards the trunk, "It's to pretty!" I smile and he nods, "I've been living here for years now.. So it might be a mess since it's been a while." I nod my head and wave him off, "My room can get messy sometimes.. It's okay." I give him a small smile and he returns it, "You are the biggest germ freak I know.. Ya room clean and you know it." He gives me a knowing look and I shrug lightly, "Sometimes my plants leave dirt on the f- Oh no!! My babies!" I gasp softly and think of my poor plants. It's been so long since I've been home and I just know they are all dead by now.

My poor little aloe. :(

Dion looked at me confused but brushed it off as he grabbed our bags, "You ain't never have to bring this big ass suit case." He chuckles and I pout, "I can wheel it up so you don't have to." I reach for it but he shakes his head, "Nah. I got the bags, babe." He reaches back inside and grabs his bags to place on top of my suitcase. I frown deeply and he ignores it as he loads them all into his body. I reach for one of his small bags, "Lemme help a little.." He pauses for a second before giving me the small bag, making me feel a little better.

"Now you can keep feeding me fries." He smiles and opens his mouth, making me laugh and put some in. He chews happily as he closed the trunk and locks the car before leading me inside the building.

I looked around excitedly as the brightly lit entry way was decorated in pretty gold designs and had portraits hanging up. I didn't even know I was falling behind until Dion snapped his fingers, making me keep up and feed him another fry. He shakes his head, "You gotta stick close to me, remember?." I nod my head and step closer, "Yup!" He smiles and leads me to the elevator. He presses the button with his finger, making me cringe, "Stop doing that!" I pout and he looks at me confused, "I ain't do nothing!" I shake my head, "You touched the button with your finger! Atleast use a knuckle or something else." I scold lightly and he chuckles but nods his head, "M'kay babe." His voice was sarcastic, making me pout, "I don't wanna share my fries anymore.. your diseased." He pouts and looks at the food bag, "Nah you wrong for that.. You know I'm hungry and that food smell jumpin." I put my nose in the air and pout, "Then don't be germy."

The elevator opened with a small ding and we load on. He raises his hand and makes a fist before pressing his finger on the 14th button. I smile and feed him a fry, making him smile too, "You annoying." He shakes his head and I giggle, "Just a little." The elevator opened back up with a small ding and I follow him down the long hallway.

"What number did you count to?" He looks back at me as we stop at door 146. I frown slightly, "I forgot to count.." a sick feeling settled in my tummy as my smile slowly dropped. I look back at the elevator and scrunch my nose, "It didn't blow up but.. something bad is gonna happen.. I-I'm gonna go ride it again.." I start walking back over but Dion grabs my arm, "Lemme put these down and I'll go ride it with you." My eyes widened but I only nodded as I watched him open the door and slide all the bags in.

He grabbed my hand as we walked back to the elevator, making my heart beat faster and my cheeks burned. Embarrassment filled every inch of me as we stopped at the elevator, "What number are we counting to?" He looks to me and clicks the button with his knuckle. I shrug lightly and look to my feet, "I dunno.." It took a lot to push back my tears as my stomach sank lower and lower.

I look so stupid and childish for needing to ride the elevator again.

I could feel his eyes on me as he gently pulled me into his side, "Why you actin like that?.. You don't wanna do it?" I shrug lightly and he sighs softly but rubs small circles on my back, making my eyes water up. I could feel my nose start to run and I tried my best to sniffle quietly but he still heard. "Woah woah woah!" He looked at me surprised and I looked up at him this time, "Why you crying, babe? I don't got any problem riding this jawn again! We can ride it three times if you want just don't cry." His sweetness made my eyes water more until tears started to spill down my cheeks. I know he hates when I'm upset but my emotions were so jumbled and I was getting overwhelmed. I didn't even know he was still talking until he pulled me into his chest as we stepped into the elevator, "You stay here and I'll count, okay?" I nod my head and listen to him lick the button, "Imma do 40.. okay?" I shake my head no, "You have to do sixty o-or it's not gonna work.." he nods his head slowly before planting a kiss on my head, "Okay, baby." I close my eyes as I listened to him count slowly.

I could feel myself calling down as the numbers got higher and we reached the bottom. He clicked the button again and we started going back up, "40..41..42.." I counted softly with him until the elevator stopped at the top. We stepped off together, "57." I say softly and he kisses the top of my head again, "Feel better." I nod my head and smile lightly, "Yeah.." I mumble softly and lean against him as he walked me back to the apartment.



This is a long ass chapter and y'all got some sweet moments and our baby girl being a bad bitch!! 💅🏾

Imma write more soon I'm dealing with finals rn so a bitch is STRUGGLIBG

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