《Urban Divinity》27


Jocelyn Pov:

I could have screamed in excitement as my view of endless grey roads and white clouds changed to a sky line full of skyscrapers and sparkling lights. I could barely contain my excitement as my legs began to bounce, "We're in New York!" I look to Dion who watched me with a smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with something I couldn't put a name to.

"You ready for it though?" His arm reached over to touch my thigh, "New York mad pretty but dangerous. You got hobos, druggies, dealers, and weirdos all over the place," My tummy felt like it was full of butterflies and moths.

One side of me was excited to go out and adventure in the world but my other half was extremely nervous. What happens if someone grabs me? Will I be able to handle the crowds? Will Dion get mad having to babysit me the whole time?

He must have seen the look in my face from how he gently grabbed my chin, making me look at him, "I'm gone be there the whole time so don't worry too much. Nobody touchin you but me. Aight?" I nod my head slowly and watch his lips lift to a smile, "One of them bum ass big gas look at you wrong, you let me know!" He points to his chest and I nod my head quickly, fighting my smile as he eyed me.

"If a man try to grab you, what you gone do?" He asks and my eyes widen slightly, "I-I try to run away." He nods his head, "You punch that bitch in his left eye and run ya ass to me." He corrects and I can't help my giggle as he makes a fist with his hand, "If a nigga try to talk to you, what you gone do?" I raise my own fist, "I-I hit him and run to you." He shakes his head, "Nah! You beat his ass and get me!" I look at him confused, "I said that." He shakes his head, "Nah there's a difference." I roll my eyes, "Yeah okay.." He gives me a side eye, making me giggle.


"And if somebody try to grab you and won't let go no matter what?" He looks to me and I give him a smile, "I scream for you and fight back." He nods his head, "I want you to swing as hard as you can, understand?" I nod my head again and he smiles proudly, "That's my girl." I look down at my hands as my cheeks became warm. His fingers were soft as he moved my chin up for our eyes to connect again, "But that shit won't happen because I'm here." I nod my head and smile as he pulls me closer slowly, "I know.. You always keep me safe." He presses his lips gently against mine, holding me in place before pulling away slowly, "Thats right, baby.. Ain't nobody finna touch you but me." I place a small kiss on his nose before laying my head on his arm, watching the road as we turned into the city.


The traffic was absolutely horrible just like in the movies. People cursed and honked thier horns as others ran across the roads with absolutely no warning.

I could tell Dion was getting angry as his grip on the wheel tightened, "Can't nobody drive?!" He yelled and eyed the car next to us that's been trying to squeeze its way in front of us. I did my best to look at my lap as the driver stared Dion down and vise Versa.

Dion scooted up further, blocking him out, "He got me fucked up if he think he gone skip past everyone here." I look over to the driver and gasp as his window starts rolling down, "Yeo! Aye! Lemme in!" His face was red with anger, making me look back to Dion who was flipping him off, "Suck my dick, stoopid!" I gasp and grab Dion's hand to lower it but it was too late as I heard a car door open. I look out my window to see the driver walking up, "Who you callin' stupid?! Step out the fuckin car, dickhead!" His knuckles tapped my window harshly, making me look to Dion who was already undoing his seatbelt, "You got me fucked up!" My head hurt as they screamed back and forth, cursing and swearing as Dion got out the car.


"No!" I yell and grab his jacket but he was already standing up, "C'mon pussy!" He yelled at the man as he flipped him off, "Come get ya ass beat!" The driver hesitated, eyeing Dion up and down before stepping up, "You not about it.. Just let me in and this whole thing over!" I could hear the quiver in his voice but Dion didn't care as he swung first, knocking him straight in the jaw.

I gasp and watch the man stumble back, holding his face, "I'm calling the cops!" He took out his phone but Dion was too quick and smacked it out his hand, "Nah you wanted to fight so let's fight, pussy!" The man hesitated before stepping back and running back to his car, "Asshole!" He swore at Dion before ducking back into his car.

I couldn't help but stare wide eyed and stupid as Dion got back in the car, his breathing heavy and his face angry. "You punched him.." I spoke slowly and Dion looked at me before looking back at the road, "He a pussy.. But I told you, I'm fighting anyone who get near you." Butterflies fluttered wildly in my tummy as I looked down at my lap, "Okay.." His hand was warm as he grabbed my chin, making me look at him, "Don't get all quiet and shy on me." I giggle softly and lean into his hand, "I'm not.. I'm just happy." I give him a smile and he laughs softy, "Let's get something to eat.. make you even happier." I couldn't lie and say I wasn't hungry.

"I want fries.. Giant fries." I mumble softy and feel myself almost drooling at the thought of the salty warm taste. He smiles, "You can get fries.. When I get my kiss." I smile and lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He shakes his head, "I punched a nigga in the jaw and all I get is a kiss on the cheek? Nah." He points to his lips and I press a gentle kiss on them.

I pull away just as he leans in and he frowns, "Why you stop?" He pouts and I giggle softy, "Because you're driving." He chuckles and shakes his head, "I'm getting more when we get out." I raise a brow, "Says who?" I smile as he looks at me, mischief sparkling in his deep brown eyes,

"Says Daddy."

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