《Urban Divinity》15



A soft sigh left my lips as I leaned back in my chair, slowly rubbing my beard as I eyed the laptop in front of me. "If this party goes well then that's bank for the company.." My mind reeled with thoughts and ideas as I looked over to Jocelyn who seemed lost in her work.

Her nose was scrunched as she wrote down notes before looking back at her own computer, a small mumble or two leaving her glossy lips. I couldn't help my smile at her dedication. She hasn't stopped to snack or eat all day which worries me but also fills my chest with pride.

That's my girl.

"Yeo." I watch her head snap up to look at me before a soft blush covered her cheeks and her lips lifted into a small smile, "Yes?" Everything about her was so soft and sweet from the way she looks at me to the way she speaks. "You hungry?" My eyes move to her lips as she bit it in thought before shaking her head, "N-No I'm okay. Thank you."

That damn stutter.

She's been getting better with talking but she needs more time to drop it. I can tell she doesn't even realize she does it when she talks with me. It's one of the many things that makes her so innocent.

She can't make eye contact, be alone too long, touch most surfaces, and wear certain colors. Her own habits keep her trapped in a small box and it's been that way for so long that she doesn't even realize she's trapped.

I look her up and down one more time before getting out my chair, "Lets go home." I nod towards the door and she quickly begins packing up her stuff, "I-I was working and I was thinking a party be really up to date for the cars since they are b-bright colors." She scoops up her purse before making her way over to me, her pencil and pad in her hands, "I-I drew some stuff too.." Her eyes dropped to the floor as she mumbled softly, her hands gripping her little notepad as her cheeks began to heat.


I hold my hand out for the book, "Let me see." She held out the book as I held out my hand, "You always bein cute." I chuckle and gently take the book from her. A soft laugh left her lips as she began to play with her fingers, gently rocking back and forth on her feet, "Thank you." I chuckle and flip through the pages, "Damn, Lyn." My eyes widen slightly at her talent. She drew the cars perfectly and even designed the set up for the party. "Is that me?" I chuckle as I point to the buff little stick figure and the short one next to it. She nods her head quickly, "Yeah! I-I can do it better next time if you want.." she shyly looks away and hugs her purse to her chest.

Warmth spread through my chest as I eyed her for a moment. I gently grab her chin and bring her to face me, her big brown eyes sparkling and addicting, "I like it.. It's perfect." Her lips lift up to a smile before she nods her head quickly, "Yes, sir." I gently let her go before tapping her thigh, "Go 'head. Let's get outta here." She was quick to turn around and hides her face in her purse as she walked towards the door.

Her hips swung with every step and I couldn't deny that I was looking at her ass. It was amazing. "It's mine." My hand fisted at my side at the idea of another man just looking at the innocent angel in front of me. Even now as she tried to make her way down the stairs, I couldn't help but admire her.

She's an addiction. Like whiskey in a drunkards hands and if that's the case then call me an alcoholic because all I want to do is drown in it.

"Dion.." She stopped in the middle of the steps and looked back up at me, "Can we get food?" I nod my head as I make my way down to her, "I thought you wasn't hungry?" I tease and watch her lips fork a cute pout, "I'm sorry.." My chest tightened as I wrapped an arm around her waist "I was playin, Lyn..What you want? Chinese?" I guided her down the stairs and let her think as she scrunched her nose. As we reached the bottom she finally nodded her head with a little smile.


"Words." I slap her thigh gently, making her jump, her doe eyes snapping to mine, "Yes please." She corrects herself and I almost groan at her breathy voice. Even now she didn't realize the spark of lust in her eyes or the way she slightly presses her body closer to mine.

I stop right before the doors, "You know the r-" "Sir?" Williams peeks around the corner, his eyes on my arm around Jocelyn. "What?" I snap and his eyes narrow as he looks to her before he moves from around the corner to walk towards us, "Nothing.. I'm guessing this secretary is doing her job well.." He snickers softly as he gave me a knowing look. She gasps softly and looks to the ground, shrinking into herself as she stepped away from me.

My chest tightened as I watched her bring her purse to her chest, hugging it tightly. I look to Williams who then eyed her, something weird in his stare.

Lust. Anger. Disapproval.

His eyes seemed wild. His pupils dilated, chest puffed, and his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. I gently bring Jocelyn back into my side, making her look up at me with a surprised face, "She's a secretary. Not a whore." I snap and watch his eyes look back at her before looking at me, "She's just trying to get your money, sir... She's a scammer. Con artist. Wh-" I hold up my hand and feel anger rise in my chest.

"This month you have had four different secretaries and all left with white on their shoes. You have no room to speak." I snap and his eyes widen before he looks away at the floor, "Thats different." He defends himself but I can see the guilt in his eyes. "Yeah. You hire whores. I don't." I wave him off, dismissing him .

"Fine.. Goodbye, Ms. He reluctantly steps back before heading back to his office but not before giving her one last look. I turn back towards the door and open it for Jocelyn who looked close to tears as she hugged her purse. I lead her back to the elevator and click the button before stepping on with her slightly behind.

"Look at me." I turn to her as the elevator door closes. She shakes her head as she hugs her purse tighter. I sigh softly, "5..4..3.." Her eyes reluctantly look up at me as a tear slips out. "Williams is an asshole and testin you. That's it." I spoke gently as I pulled her into my chest, "I know you sensitive but ignore him." She nodded her head slowly as her arms hesitantly wrapped around me.

She was always shy with physical contact. Even now as I hugged her, I could tell she wasn't used to is from how tense she was. I gently tighten my arms and feel her relax slightly, "Will food make it better?" I look down at her and smile as she gives me a lil head nod.

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