《Urban Divinity》14


My heels clicked softly against the wooden floors as I made my way to the bathroom for my last minute touch ups. My sweater was black and my bodycon skirt was a soft cream color. I tie my hair up in a high pony tail with a matching ribbon before fluffing my curly hair to make it bigger before grabbing my hoops and sticking them in my ears. "Who you gettin cute for?" I look over to Dion who wore a crisp black sweater that exposed his strong muscles and black slacks that seemed to be tailored perfectly to expose his strong thighs. I could have drooled from the way his tattoos peeked out through his collar and the silver rings he sported on his fingers.

"Hi.." I shy away as I look down at my feet. He chuckles and I watch his feet approach me, "Look at me." His rings we cold against my chin as he tilted my head up to face him, "Good girl.. Spin for me." I slowly spin in a circle and watch his eyes darken as his eyes scanned my outfit.

"Nah.. You gotta change." He frowns and I do the same, pouting as I look myself up and down, "Why?" His lips lift to a smile, "Because all them niggas finna be lookin at you.. Iont wanna have to beat somebody ass." My cheeks burned as I giggled, "You would win." I mumble and he steps closer, his chest almost pressing against mine, "Damn right.." His eyes dropped to my lips and I slowly lick them, nervousness and excitement making my tummy flutter.

His phone rang behind us, ruining the moment and making me inwardly groan as he steps back, "Shit.. We 'bout to be late." He looks over his shoulder at it before groaning softly.

I step back and fix my top before walking towards the door, my purse tight in my hands as I nervously clasped it. Every cell in my body was dying for another moment like before but I could tell by the grimace on his face that we had no time to play around.

His hand moved to my lower back as he lead me to the front door, making my cheeks heat and the fluttering in my tummy return. I grab my coat and scarf with shaky hands as he turned away to quickly grabs his car keys, "Aight lets go." He rushes me out the door and we practically run to the elevator.

I press the button with a tissue and blush as he chuckles, "Lil ass tissue." He teases and I laugh, "Hush it." We step on and I press the floor button before starting my count down.

"Ten.. Nine.. Eight.." "Seven.. Six.." He counts with me and I feel my cheeks heat as the doors fly open and I step out quickly. He laughs, "Why do you count?" I nervously play with my fingers as he leads me to his car, "Because the elevator will blow up if I don't get off on time.." I mumble and he hums, "How do you know?" My shoulders shrug, "I don't wanna take the chance." He hums again and I shyly look to the ground as I follow him to his car.


"This one." We stop at an all black expensive looking car. "You're rich?" I ask and look at him as he smiles, "Not any more." He nods towards the car and I couldn't help my giggle as he opened the door for me. I slid in and look around the clean interior. It still smelled like fresh leather and his cologne.

"How far is it?" I look at him as he sits down and closes his door, "'Bout fifteen minutes.. I can make it five." He boyishly grins before starting the car. I quickly put my seatbelt on and look to him, "Seatbelt, please." He raises a brow but complies, "Imma good driver." I roll my eyes and smile as he pulls off down the street.

The city was lively as usual, making my lips curve up in a smile as I people watched. Warmth covers my thigh, making me inhale a short breath, "Relax." His soft voice makes me scoot closer to him, my hand coming down to rest on top of his.

"When we get inside," He pauses as he turns the corner, "Dont look at nobody. Don't even smile." He looks to me with a serious face, "You're my assistant and I'm serious 'round here." I nod my head quickly, "Yes, sir." A smile fought its way onto his lips as he turns back to the road, "Damn you cute.. can't even stop cheesin'.." He mumbles the end, making me giggle and look down at his hand.

The car pulled up on the curb and he looked at me, "Serious. Focus on me. Only me." I nod my head quickly and move to open my door but he snaps his fingers, " I got it." I patiently move my hands back into my lap and watch as he climbs out and smoothly walks around the car to open my door. "Good girl." He speaks low as I stand up before leading me into the building.

The inside was decorated with sleek black marble walls and gold carvings that reached up to dangle down as crystals on the giant chandelier. It took everything in me not to look around as I quickly followed Dion to the elevators.

"Our floor is the 48th.." He presses the button and rests his hand on my lower back as he guides me into the elevator.

I start counting down from one hundred in my mind as I listen to every pass of the elevator. I grip Dion's sleeve as I feel it getting faster and faster, "I don't like it.." I whimper softy and he hums before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close.

The elevator stops on 47 and I look at him confused, "Why did it stop?" He pulls out a card, "This is what is needed to access the highest floors." He swipes the card and the elevator moves up one more floor before opening up.

43 seconds left.

I look around curiously as I step off behind Dion. It was so silent ya could hear a pin drop. Eyes suddenly landed on me as people stopped working to peek over their cubicles. I quickly duck behind Dion and feel my anxiety raising as people began to mumble amounts each other. "Work." He snaps his finger loudly, making me straighten up and people look back at their computers. "C'mon." He nods towards two grand doors and I quickly follow behind him as he leads me forward.


I look back to see curious eyes and even a few glares. I turn back to Dion as he swings open the grand doors,"This is my office." My eyes widen as they land on the huge penthouse. I look at him completely astonished and he chuckles while closing the door behind us. "This is an office?!" I look around at the neatly decorated space, it's modern design was so sleek and elegant. "Lemme show you where you work." He begins to walk through the living room and to the steps.

I carefully follow behind him, noting to not wear these heels as the granite floors are too slippery. I look at the glass stairs and inwardly scream, "Okay.." I mumble shyly and follow him up slowly, making him look back from his place half way up, "You good?" He frowns and I look down at my shoes, "It's really slippery.." I pout and he makes his way back down, "I gotchu." I look at him confused before squealing as he scoops me up. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me bridal style into the office.

"I can just take them off.." I mumble shyly and he squeezes me closer, "Too late." He chuckles and walks behind the desk before sitting down in his office chair. I look at his giant glass desk and giggle at our distorted reflections, "I like it here." He smiles and moves me so I straddle him, "I like you here too." My cheeks redden as I look away, "Where do I work?" My eyes follow his hand as he points to his desk, "There but you could work here too." He points to his lap and I slap his chest gently, "No!" I whine and he smiles.

"Sir?" A mans voice echoes from down the hall and I quickly scramble out of Dion's lap, making him chuckle softly. "In here!" Dion yells back as I fix my clothing and find my place next to the desk. The door opens up slowly, "I got the progress reports you asked for." My eyes widen as he walks in.

Bright blue eyes and dark brown curly hair. Freckles that fanned his tanned cheeks and a scar across his temple. His eyes lock on mine before a smile spreads on his lips, "You must be Mr.Miller's new assistant.." I nod my head quickly and look to Dion who didn't pay much mind as he held his hands out for the files.

I walk over and grab them from him before giving them to Dion. "Your name?" He asks and I look down at my feet, "Jocelyn.. Davis." I spoke slowly as his eyes narrowed before a smirk lifted at his lips. "Sounds familiar.. My name is Jason or Mr. Williams." He holds his hand out and I wave lightly, making him frown deeply, "We'll work on it. Mr.Miller can't have a rude assistant.." He mumbles softly and I look away at my feet and take a small step back.

"That's enough." Dion snaps, grabbing both of our attention, "You're dismissed." He glares towards Jason, making him nod and reluctantly walk away but not before sending me one last harsh glare.

"You okay?" Dion turns back to me, a small frown on his lips. I nod my head quickly, "Y-Yeah.." I mumble but the queasy feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away. I could tell he didn't believe me as he scooted his chair back and tapped his lap, "C'mere.. You look sad." Despite the anxiety that screamed at me to stay in my spot, I couldn't help sitting in his lap and laying my head on his shoulder. His strong arms around me felt like a security blanket as he held me close.

"I can fire him.. get him jumped.. anything you want." He speaks after a moment and my lips lift to a smile, "Get him jumped? You're goofy." I giggle softly but he only mumbles, "I'm deadass." My eyes widen as I look up at him, "Y-You don't gotta hurt him.. it's okay." His eyes locked into mine before a soft sigh left his lips, "Okay.. I won't this time." I lay my head back down on his shoulder and watch as he begins working, typing on his computer.

Time passed quickly in his arms. The slow rhythm of his breathing mixed with his warm embrace was good enough to almost send me to sleep. I fought hard against my eyelids as I watched his computer screen full of numbers and stats.

"I know you comfy but you gotta work, Lyn." He rubs my arm slowly, coaxing me to relax deeper into him. I couldn't help my pout at the idea of leaving his warm embrace, "It's cold.." I whine and he gently taps my thigh, "You'll be warm when you move. Go 'head." His arms move from around me, making a whimper slip past my lips as I hesitantly sit up, "Meanie.." I mumble softly and squeal as his hand comes down on my thigh, "Say some shit under your breath again.." His eyes darken as they lock onto mine. I close my mouth and shake my head quickly before getting up. "That's what I thought.. Go get your laptop and check your email. I sent you your work." I couldn't help my pout but I nodded my head and turned towards my desk.

His hand slapped my bum hard, "Words." He snaps gently and I gasp softly, heat pooling between my thighs. I turn back at him as I nervously played with my hands, "Yes, sir." I mumble softly and he hums before grabbing my hand and gently pulling me back into him, "Bring your work over here." I nod my head quickly, "Yes sir." The corner of his lips lift up in a smirk before he let me go.


Writing this chapter was hard as a mother fucker but I did it :)

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