《Perfect Stranger》Twenty-four
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
October 23rd
"Oouu no some fried fish does sound good right now" Lani groaned a little, while on the phone with Matthias while she was at the park letting Sarayah and Kennedi play.
"That's why you want me to cook?" He asked.
"Whatever you want to do is fine wit' me. I'm just hungry right now" She smiled at a little boy that walked by staring at her.
"You didn't eat lunch again? Why? " He asked and she could hear the disappointment in his voice. This was the second time this week she missed lunch which wasn't good because she barely ate anything in the morning.
"Because my appointment ran over them. It seems like everyone just been booking wit' me this past week. I needa talk to Lyric about hiring more people" She stressed, putting her phone on her lap and opening the bag of hot fries she had.
"You do since y'all jus' fired that girl" He chuckled. She laughed a little "Noo, Lyric fired her. But she had every right to, yall you gotta try ta' steal from us and lie when you get caught?" She shook her head, putting three chips in her mouth.
"I'm still wondering what she was going to do wit' allat wax?" He laughed.
"Prolly sell it. You know I make that stuff and our clients love it. It doesn't break them out and it's smooth" She replied, looking at her nails that she desperately needed a fill-in on. "But I was thinkin' of hiring people that are about to graduate Aesthetician school." She told him, fixing her airpod that was in her left ear.
"I think that would be a good idea, baby. Especially since some don't have job offers all the time after graduating"
"Right. Ima look into it after talking to Lyric about it. But her ol' pregnant ass doesn't wanna answer the phone anymore" She chuckled, sticking four chips into her mouth.
She heard him laughing "I know baby boy gon' come out lookin' just like Kei with how much he gets on ha' nerves" He chuckled.
"Right, I'm so excited tho. We are finally about t— MOMMY! MOMMY!" Lani was cut off. She looked up seeing Sarayah running toward her.
"What's wrong?" She asked alert, putting her chips down while Sarayah was trying to catch her breath "T-there's a lady messing with me and Ken and—and" She tried to explain, pointing over to the playground.
"What?!" Lani Immediately jumped up and ran over to the playground. It wasn't that big but from where she was sitting on the bench, she couldn't see the other side.
"What's going on?" She heard Matthias ask in her airpod.
"LET ME GO! PLEASE! I don't wanna go with you" Kennedi cried as Cora tried to drag her towards the woods, yelling at her to shut up.
"LET HER GO!" Lani snapped, running over towards them. Cora's eyes widened and let Kennedi's hand go.
"Mommy" Kennedi cried, running to Lani and she picked up. "It's okay baby, I'm here" Lani tried to shush her as her blood was boiling at the sight of Cora. Cora just started back with anger written all over her face.
"You stupid bitch! Really Ken?!" Cora yelled.
"I want my daddy," She cried harder, on her shoulder as Lani tried to check her for bruises which she had one forming on her wrist.
"Stay away from me and my family. That's yo' first and last warning. Don't take it as a threat either cause I promise I'll whoop yo' ass next time I see you" Lani spat at her before grabbing Sarayah's hand and rushing off to the car.
She could hear Matthias yelling her name thru her Airpod but she was too focused on calming Kennedi down and making sure Sarayah was okay. She wanted nothing more but to go beat Cora's ass but she knew right now with two scared little girls wasn't the time.
She didn't know how Cora found them either, the park they go to is kinda far from the house since Lani believes it's more space for them to play and activities along with them being able to get ice cream afterward sometimes. She knew on the way home she had to pay extra attention to.
"Aight, Preciate it pops," Matthias said over the phone as Ailani silently crept into their shared office. "We love you too," He said before hanging up the phone, putting his phone down on the desk, and letting out a long breath. He put his head in his hands, he's been irritated and mad since he got home today. He's barely said a word to her honestly.
"Bubba" She spoke softly, walking over to him. She walked behind him and started to massage his shoulders, feeling how tense he was. Ailani was equally angry but she always tried not to show it and just be there for him.
"C'mere real quick," He said, picking his head up and standing up, causing her to stop. He grabbed her hand, leading her towards the closet that she's never been in nor asked about. He punched him with the key code causing the door to unlock. They stepped in and it was a big safe inside.
"The code is 6583952," He said while typing it in and she focused along and tried to memorize it. She only assumed that's what she had to do since he was showing her. It opened and her eyes grew big when she saw stacks of money, two guns, and two passports inside.
"It's 500k. If something ever happens ta' me, I want you to use it and get out of her or use it to bail me out of jail. I know you still have yo' gun license so these are in here. And this is me and Ken's passport if you ever need it." He rambled on explaining everything.
"Matthias! Calm down" She stopped him, he was scaring her honestly and she didn't like the way he was talking as if he wasn't going to be here anymore. She was concerned about why he had so much money on him.
"Nothin' is going to happen to you, stop talkin' like that" She frowned up at him.
"I'm deadass Ailani. I told dat bitch if she ever came close ta' my daughter again I was gonna put ha' in a body bag and that's what Ima do. Bitch think cus a nigga gotta nice job and shit I won't beat da' fuck outta ha' over mine?" He scoffed and shook his head.
"Stop. I understand you're mad, I really truly do but you can't be doing allat. What are Kennedi and Sarayah going ta' do wit' you in jail? Huh?" She asked, he sucked his teeth and leaned on the door, not looking at her.
"Nah I'm being forreal. I get your angry which you have every right to be but don't talk about getting your freedom takin' away ova' her. I'm not finna let you either" She grabbed his face to make him look at her. She could see the rage in his eyes.
"You're going to get full custody and she is going to get jail time and a restraining order put out on her. But you in jail? Negative. Okay?" She asked, as his jaw clenched. "Bubba," She said when she felt like he wasn't listening.
He took a long sigh and nodded "I hear you mama" he said then put his forehead on top of hers.
"What did pops say?" She asked, grabbing his hand to lead him back into the office area and sitting on the couch with him sitting next to her.
He sighed "He's gonna talk ta' someone ta' gets the date for the custody hearing moved two weeks from now instead of December. I have to talk to Dr.Miller to testify since she's still her therapist. My lawyer says I need two more character witnesses, I was thinkin' Jabari since Ken be talking about certain things to him. I wanted to ask you—"
"You know I'll be happy to testify" She almost immediately said. She wanted nothing more but to get Cora out behind bars.
"That's I have to talk to my lawyer first. I don't want it to be a conflict since we are together and all" He said, she nodded understanding. She hoped it wouldn't be, she wanted to be as much of a help as ever.
"Apricot isn't still her lawyer is she?" She asked, beginning to straddle him. She couldn't help it sometimes to be on him, it felt like a security thing for her since how much he made her feel safe.
He chuckled, putting his hands on her ass. "Nah, they said it's a conflict of interest because of the restraining order." He said, looking down and watching her fiddle with his gold chain.
"I'm sorry" She blurted, he frowned and looked up at her. He lifted her chin so she was looking at him "Sorry for what?" He asked.
"I should've been paying more attention to them. What if Rayah didn't come over there to get me? What if she took both of them? It would have been all my fault, I wasn't paying attention" She said, looking back down. Lani couldn't do anything but blame herself. She thought maybe if she was watching them more carefully, Cora would have never gotten to Kennedi.
"You didn't tell Cora to follow you. It's not your fault that SHE tried to do something she knew was good and well she shouldn't. They were on the other side of the playground, it was no way of knowing unless you were sitting over there. I don't blame you, Ken doesn't either" He tried to assure her.
She shook her head "I feel like it's still my fault." She sighed. "Umm, I took pictures of her wrist and sent them to you. I put some ice on it. I don't think they should go to school tomorrow either. They're both stressed" She chuckled a little. It took them two hours to get both Sarayah and Kennedi to sleep before just letting them both sleep together.
He nodded, looking down at her breast while still rubbing her ass but Lani didn't notice. "I already text Bari about them not going to. And—" She stopped talking when Matthias started lifting her shirt up. Revealing her breast and her hard nipples since it was a little cold in the house.
She straight-faced him "Really?" She asked, he started groping them and smiling up at her. She shook her head already knowing what he wanted "Go ahead Matthias" She chuckled. She loved her breasts more than her most.
He attached his mouth to her right breast and started to swirl his tongue over her hard nipple. "Mm," She softly moaned, throwing her head back some as she was enjoying the feeling.
Atlanta, GA
October 24th
"Mommy! you didn't wake us up" Kennedi came running into the room in a panic while rubbing her eyes. Ailani chuckled looking up from her phone while she laid comfortably under the comforters.
"I told you last night y'all weren't going to school Munchkin" She pulled the comforter as Kennedi started climbing into the bed. "Oh, I forgot" She yawned a little and cuddled up next to her.
"You didn't wake Rayah up too?" Lani asked, looking down at her, watching her eyes slowly drift close. "I tried to but she told me to leave her alone or she was going to scream" She laughed a little.
Ailani started laughing knowing it was true. Sarayah was the grumpiest person when asleep. She had the worst attitude when you woke her up every time. You wouldn't think she was like that because of how sweet and quiet.
"Where is daddy?" She asked. Lani rolled her eyes "He went into the office but he should be home early today" She told her. Ken just hummed.
Lani honestly thought he would have stayed home today just because of everything going on with Cora and what happened yesterday but she was mistaken. She wasn't going to address it because it wasn't that serious but she thought he could work home today but she was just going to let it be.
"Mommy," Kennedi called out quietly. "Hm? You hungry?" Lani asked, looking down at her again.
"No, not yet. I-Is Cora gonna take me away from you and my daddy?" She asked. Lani wanted to laugh so bad at her calling her by her name but she held it in.
"No baby. You're not going to have to ever go to her" Lani assured her. She honestly thought if Cora got custody of Ken after everything she pulled and did, the Judge was sick in the head.
"She kept saying I was going home with her b-but I don't want to. S-she's still mean and hates me" Her voice cracked, breaking Lani's heart. No child should ever feel like that about the person that brought them into this world.
"She scares me. But if she hates me so bad I hate her too" She wiped the lonely tear on her face. Ailani went to her camera and started recording without her knowing. She knew whatever she said could help with the case.
"Don't be like her munchkin. Don't hold any hate in your heart like she does. I'm not saying you have to love her but don't hate, it's so much you can do rather than hating someone forever" She said.
Kennedi looked up at her with tears in her eyes "Why did she say she hated me so much? She used to tell me every day how much she hated me. Why? Why couldn't she love me like you and my dad do? What did I do?" She started to cry, and Lani just hugged her.
"Y-you didn't do anything munchkin." She hugged her tightly, trying to hold back her own tears. "You deserve so so soo much. She just couldn't see what a blessing and how much of a sweet, beautiful, funny, and loving lil girl you are. Everyone doesn't deserve to see part of you, no matter how much you want them to" She expressed. "You deserve to be surrounded by love, not hatred. She's going to realize what a big mistake she made and it's going to be the biggest regret of her life." She kissed the top of her head.
Ailani knew this feeling all too well. The feeling of thinking your mother is never going to love you like everyone else. Especially at a younger age like Kennedi's, it hits more differently because you don't know the real truth or understand it.
"B-but you love me right? Forever?" She sniffed, leaning off her chest and looking at her.
Lani smiled and wiped her tears away with the pad of her thumb"I'm always gonna love all of you Munchkin forever and ever." She kissed her forehead.
"I'm home!" Matthias called out as he closed the garage door. He yawned, putting his keys on the key chain before removing his shoes. "Stop runnin' Sarayah," He said sternly when he heard little beads running on the hardwood floor.
"Sorryyyy" He heard her apologize and she came into his view smiling "How did you know it was me?" She asked, hugging his legs.
"You have a lot of beads when Ken doesn't" He chuckled, picking her up and kissing her cheek. Kennedi just had two braids with beads on them while Sarayah had a head full of them.
"Oh," She started laughing when he put her down. "Where are your mama and Ken?" He asked, after realizing Ken and Lani didn't come to greet him at the door like they usually did.
"They fell asleep on me while we were watching a movie an hour ago. Very mean" She shook her head with a slight frown on her face.
He chuckled at her while looking through the mail "It was, make sure you tell them about themselves later" He joked, she nodded "I will" She said rocking back and forth on her heels.
"Before you go upstairs, can I ask you something?" She asked.
"Mhm, everything okay?" He asked, concerned.
She nodded her head "Yes, I was just asking could we go get food for my mommy. She hasn't eaten all day" She said, playing with one of her beads.
He furrowed his eyebrows "Have y'all eaten?" He asked very confused.
"Yes. We had these lemon pepper wings and fries that she made. They were sooooo good." She started rubbing her stomach and smiled. He chuckled a little "So she didn't eat with y'all?" He wondered.
"No, your plate is in the microwave. I asked why she wasn't eating but she said she wasn't hungry. Butttt she hadn't eaten all day so why isn't she hungry?" She explained.
He slowly nodded, grabbing her hand and going to the front of the house to get her crocs and his slides. He noticed Ailani has been eating less and less this week, he was confused about why and wanted to ask but he didn't want to make her upset when he asked.
"What do you think we should get?" He asked, grabbing her a jacket out of the closet since it was chilly outside.
"Umm...Ouu! let's get the Poké bar" She smiled, taking her jacket from him and putting it on. He shook his head, walking back to the garage door so they could leave and come back before they woke up.
"You just want that Lil bit" He chuckled, opening the door for her and opening up the garage.
"Yes I do but she was talking about it over the phone today" She giggled, getting in the backseat after he let up the seat. He wasn't going to get the booster seat since they were going somewhere 10 minutes away.
He pulled the seat back before getting inside. He turned the car on, letting it roar. He made sure her seatbelt was on before putting on his own. He sent a quick text to Ailani that he had Sarayah just in case she woke up before they got back.
He clicked shuffle on his apple music before pulling out of the garage. "Matt, how long have you and my mommy been together?" Rayah asked.
Matthias thought about it for a minute "6 months" He said then raised his eyebrow. He didn't know why, but to him, their relationship felt longer than six months. It felt like they'd been together for a few years.
He started to think more and realize, that real love honestly doesn't have a time limit. He felt like maybe sometimes they did rush into a little like moving in together so soon but it honestly worked for them. It brought them closer.
"Are y'all going to get married?" She asked excitedly. He looked in the rearview mirror, seeing her smiling really hard. She was really starting to look more like Ailani every day.
"We are. Are you okay with me marrying your mommy?" He asked, coming to a red light.
"Yes! She's going to look soooo pretty. She's so happy and smiles a lot more than she did before"
He laughed "What do you mean? She always smiled when I saw her" He said. "Yeahhh but now she has a happy happy smile. Because of you. You make her happy" She said, making his heart warm as he pulled off when the light turned green
"You and your mommy makes me happy happy too," He told her.
"I know. My mommy says I'm that gworlll" She giggled, and Matthias busted out laughing.
"Yeah, you're about to walk home," He laughed.
Cora has entered the chat again🙄
They better stop playin' with Matt. They bout to push my baby to his limit.
Wanted to show the little moment with the girls and them.
Y'all still feeling this book? Be honest with me.
480 votes for an update!!!
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