《Perfect Stranger》Twenty-two
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
September 19th
"Come in Zeke," Matthias said once he saw his assistant at his glass door. Perks of his office being straight glass, he could see out but nobody could see inside.
"Your wife is here but she wanted me to make sure you weren't busy before she came in" Zeke laughed a little, after popping his head inside the door. Anytime Ailani comes to the office, everyone refers to her as his wife because that's what he tells them. It helps with his manifestations, he has to speak it into existence.
Matthias laughed to himself "You can send her in, thank you" He shook his head at Ailani coming to his job unannounced. Zeke nodded before leaving out. Matthias stacked the papers on top of his desk neatly before his door opened again.
"Hiiiii bubba" Ailani sung happily walking inside with a place bag with what looked like food containers inside. Matthias chuckled at her the happiest inside her voice. He was thinking he should wake her up every morning with sex from now on.
"Oop, don't look at me like that." She giggled, putting the bag on his desk as he had his brow raised while giving her a look. He loved her company of course but he also liked to be aware if she was coming first so he could move things around before.
"I know yo' hardheaded self didn't eat so I thought why not bring you lunch with my presence of course" She smiled brightly, walking around his desk to him.
He bit his bottom lip slightly looking at her in her scrubs. They were her company's uniform and he loved how good she always looked even when she had a lazy day and didn't do her hair or anything.
He looked at the time on his Apple watch seeing it was 1:30 PM "Damn" he mumbled, he didn't even notice he ran over his lunch break.
"Mhm, so eat please" She stood in front of him, he looked her up and down before she leaned down to softly peck his lips
"I see you still limpin' huh?" He teased, she rolled her eyes and mushed his head making him crack up laughing. Matthias was very cocky went it came to sex most being he had something to be cocky about. He knew how to please Lani more than she knew herself and that's what he did every time no matter if it was a 5-minute quickie or anything.
"See this is why I need'a stop being a nice girlfriend. Over here trynna bring you lunch and you wanna crack jokes like something funny" She frowned, folding her arms across her chest while he still laughed.
"Akiki. It won't be funny when yo' ass sleeps on that couch and gettin' no pussy nomo. Or how hilarious it's gon' be when someone else beat my sh— OUCH!" She was cut off by a clipboard hitting her in the head.
Matthias mugged her "You always takin' shit too far" He shook his head, picking up his pen and throwing it at her. She started laughing, picking the clipboard off the floor and pen.
"You're right. When You take it thea', I take it to hell" She stuck her tongue out, putting the clipboard and pen back on his desk.
He shook his head at her, she did sometimes drag things but that's because she is petty and had a clap back for mostly everything. Sometimes it was better to just shut up when talking to her.
"But, I'm sorry for coming unannounced. I just wanted you to eat so please do. Don't make me mad na' " She stressed, taking a white container out of the bag. Sometimes he forgets to eat and it makes him grumpy for the rest of the day because his stomach would growl and would annoy him.
"It's aight, sit and eat baby," He said, taking the container from her. She shook her head "No, I really shoulda called first. I'on wanna take you away and your work starts to pile up because your mine this weekend" She smiled, picking up the bag with her food inside.
"Bari gettin' the girls today? After school?" He asked, going inside his first draw. He grabbed his hand sanitizer, squeezing it into his hand before rubbing it in.
"Yeah. Just gonna be me and you" She winked, and he started laughing.
"Okay but sit and eat unless you have ta' go back to work," He said, opening his container. His mouth started to water at the sight of the Philly cheesesteak with honey garlic wings and fries. His stomach started to growl even more at the sight.
"No, I don't have any more appointments today," She sighed, taking a seat at his desk. He gave her some hand sanitizer before they prayed over the food and began to eat.
"Why don't you have any more appointments today?" He wondered, taking a bite out of his Philly.
She covered her mouth while chewing before speaking "I'on know. I had like two no shows today and I was gonna do some walk-ins but I had enough staff to do that already" She explained, opening her ginger ale.
"So did you talk to that lawyer?" She asked, he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, Bari wasn't lyin' when he said the man meant business. But guess who Cora's lawyer is" He bitterly chuckled.
"Who?" She asked, sipping from her drink.
"Annika" He scoffed, Lani started to choke on her drink. She looked at him crazily "What? She's a lawyer and doin' all this stalking and harassing?" She twisted her face up.
He nodded "You would think she had more common sense but she doesn't." He shook his head. He felt like this Custody battle was going to be even messier than it had to be. Two bitter women who just can't accept that he is happy and his daughter is happy.
"But how is that gonna work? You have a restraining order against Annika. She can't be within a certain amount of feet from you" She pointed out.
Matthias thought about it. He forgot all about the restraining order on her "Damn, maybe she gonna have ta' change lawyers or something now" He shrugged eating a french fry.
"You think we should wait to fully move in together?" She blurted, his head snapped upwards to look at her and frowned.
"Huh? I thought the trial.."
"It is! I loved it and I do wanna move in especially with how comfortable the girls are" She explained.
He nodded, listening intently, "Okay so, what do you mean then baby?" He asked, confused.
"I never had to go through something like this and I don't want us living together to mess anything up. I don't wanna be the reason you lose Kennedi" She started moving around and poking at her food.
He sighed and unbuttoned his jacket and leaned back into his seat "What goes on in our household isn't any of Cora's business. She wasn't worried about it until she saw that video, now she wanna come back like she's a good mother when she isn't. She's just jealous of you but she can't use that against me in our case." He explained, she nodded listening and taking everything in.
"But are you sure you aren't trying to use the case as an excuse for not being ready?" He raised his brow.
She frowned "Noo, I'm ready. I already sold my living room set and put my house for rent. I just wanted us to be sure because our trial is coming up soon and I don't want to be homeless" She joked the last part, he chuckled a little.
"But yeah, it's not gon' be a problem" He nodded, leaning back upon his desk to eat.
Atlanta, GA
September 20th
"Lani I'm gay" Sydney blurted when they got back into the car.
They just came back from getting their nails done. Ever since Sydney confessed to her about her depression, they have been talking a lot more and hanging out a lot more. They told self-care days just to relax and talk about things they might not be comfortable talking about with others. Mainly only Sydney because Lani can talk to her boyfriend about anything without feeling judged.
Lani felt bad for not telling him about what was going on with his sister but she felt like that was the only way for Sydney to be able to trust her. And Also be able to confide in her more. She's been trying to help Sydney speak up to her parents and siblings.
She just hoped not telling didn't come to bite her in the ass later in life.
Lani started laughing "Syd, why did you have to blurt it out like that" She laughed, pressing the start button and putting her foot on the brakes. "I'm sorry it's not funny but you just caught me off guard" She chuckled.
"But when did you come to this realization?" She asked, backing out of the parking spot while looking at the camera on the dashboard.
"I-I been known honestly." She sighed, putting on her seatbelt as Lani drove out of the parking lot. Lani nodded, listening "I meant someone too," She said.
Lani started smiling "Really? When? Where?" She asked, glancing over at her while Sydney was blushing.
"Umm, like a month ago. She's in my English lecture. Her name is Marlee." She said.
"You like her?" Lani smirked.
Sydney shrugged "I'on know right now. But when I talk to her, I don't feel so alone ya know? Like I feel different when I talk to her and not so bland" She smiled proudly.
"That's good Pea" Lani smiled, happy for her "But make sure you're talking to her for the right reasons and not the wrong" Lani reminded her.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Like don't like y'all talking become unhealthy. As in, don't make your emotional dependence be on her. Don't gain an unhealthy attachment. It's okay to heal while with or talking to someone just don't let it get unhealthy" Lani explained the best way she could.
She has seen a lot of depressed people get taken advantage of in a way emotionally. The person would always make them feel as if they needed them to just be emotionally okay. She didn't want that to happen to Sydney.
"How would I know she's doing that to me?" She asked.
"You'll know, just don't ignore the first red flag. That's everyone's first mistake," She said, pulling into the Chick-fil-A line. She grabbed her phone from her lap. She opened it and went to facetime to call Matthias.
"Yes, mama?" He answered on the third ring. She smiled looking at his background seeing he was still at the store. He looked at the camera and smiled back at her.
His fresh cut made her want to do some things and say some other things but Sydney was in the car "You look so handsome. But you want something from chick-fil-a?" She asked, looking back up and pulling up some.
"Get me whateva' you get," He said.
"You sure? I'm getting grilled nuggets " She raised her brow, and he twisted up his face in the camera, looking like he stopped moving.
"I'on want dat baby," He said, making her laugh at him sounding like a child. This is exactly where Kennedi got it from sometimes.
"I know Bubba, that's why I'm askin" She glanced up seeing the girl was taking the people in front of her order.
"Whatever you choose is fine, I want a large fry tho"
"You got large fry money?" She joked, rolling her neck. He smirked and raised his brow.
Her eyes widened remembering who she was joking with "Wait! No! I was just playing. Matthias do not send me any money" She said while he just laughed. It upsets her how she can't joke with him about things like that because he would send her money faithfully.
She had to learn the hard way that money was never a problem when it came to her boyfriend. He never let her spend her own either. If they went out, she had to leave her debit cards and credit cards at home. When going out to eat, she was allowed to tip and nothing more.
He told her that her money was for emergencies only.
"I'm serious Matthias. I have to go, I love you" She said seeing the young girl approaching her car. "I love you too mamas, check your account" He winked before hanging up.
Lani groaned, rolling her window down. "Y'all so cute" Sydney chuckled.
"I'm so ready to get out of Atlanta" Ailani sighed, closing her computer as she sat at the island. She jumped down, fixing her shorts before walking into the kitchen.
She walked up behind Matthias who was standing in front of the stove. She wrapped her arms around his torso and then put her head on his bareback since he didn't have on a shirt. "What did Atlanta do to you?" He joked, grabbing the back of her hand and kissing it.
"This traffic? Oh, I wanted to fight. It makes no damn sense most of the time. But there's traffic everywhere so" She shrugged. "Aw bubba you're really turning 27" She rubbed his chest and he sucked his teeth making her laugh.
Matthias's 27th birthday was in two weeks. October 1st which is funny because Lani's birthday is February 1st.
Ailani planned a trip for them to go to Los Angeles for the weekend of his birthday since he never did much. She knew they both had never been before and thought it would be a nice little vacation for him.
This was also the first birthday she was going to spend with him. She didn't meet him until a few days after his birthday and they spent her 23rd birthday together, at least at the club.
"3 years closer to 30 is crazyyy" She teased. "Ouch! You know you can't be doin' that! " She whined after he pinched her arm, she immediately let go of him and frowned.
"You actin' like you ain't finna be 24 soon" He turned around, rolling his eyes before walking past her to the refrigerator.
"And?" She laughed, rubbing her arm "Ima be 6 years closer to 30 and you old ass still gon' be 3 years closer" She stuck her tongue out at him.
"You still want my old ass tho" He rolled his neck, closing the refrigerator after he got the eggs out.
She nodded "And do. I'm like my men old almost on their death bed" She joked and ducked when picked up a spoon and threw it at her.
They started laughing "You always playin' so much." He chuckled, putting the eggs in the pot. She picked up the spoon and put it in the sink. She started to make the dishwater so she could wash the dishes for him.
Matthias whipped his head around at her and sucked his teeth "Baby go sit down somewhea'. I got it" He fussed, taking her hands out of the water.
"What?" She looked at him confusedly. "I'm just trying to help" She frowned, watching him dry her hands out with the drying cloth. "I'm supposed to wine and dine you tonight. Go relax" He kissed her forehead.
"You don't have to do that bubba," She said. He rolled his eyes, turning her around and gently pushing her "Yes I do. You cook, clean, do everything else around the house, especially with the girls and still go to work every day. Let me cater to you tonight" He said walking her into the living room.
She sighed, sitting on the couch. Lani was what Jabari and Matthias referred to her as Miss make it happen or super mom. She was always one to worry about others and make sure others were good before herself at times. If she cared about you, she dropped everything to make sure you were straight.
Matthias often fussed at her to sit and relax and stop trying to do everything. He wanted her to take time for herself even if it was small because she didn't do it as much. But it was weird for her to sit down and let everyone else do everything.
"I'll go pour you a glass of wine but stay here and watch a movie or something until dinner it really. Aight?" He leaned down to peck her lips repeatedly.
"Yes sir" She giggled when he started kissing her face.
Atlanta, GA
September 21st
"I'm so irritated and when I slap him den Ima be in the wrong" Lyric ranted as they were walking into the mall. Lani chuckled, grabbing her arm so her 5-month pregnant self didn't bump into anybody and try to cuss them out.
"What did he do now, Lyric?" Sierra chuckled as they walked into Carters.
"Breathing!" Lyric whined "He keeps trying to get me to stay with him all the time like boy you ain't my daddy" She rolled her eyes and started looking through the racks.
Lani just shook her head "Why are you giving that man a hard time Best?" She genuinely asked. She wondered how Lyric was acting towards Keith was how she was acting towards Matthias.
"I'm not but it's frustrating sometimes being around him and damn pregnant." She huffed then mugged them "Why the hell are we in here and don't know the damn gender?" She fussed as Sierra and Lani were looking through baby racks.
"Unt unt ms, gworll. Have that attitude for Kei, not us" Si laughed, Lyric just rolled her eyes again, going into her purse and pulling out some chicken wings in the sandwich bag.
"Really Lyric?" Lani straight-faced her, trying so hard not to laugh at how funny that was. She had never seen that before and it still looked hot.
"You want some?" Lyric chewed, handing the bag to Lani. She busted out laughing "No but thank you" She shook her head.
Lyric shrugged and went into her bag again to pull out some fries "Damn bestie. You go the whole wing spot in thea' " Si laughed. Lyric smirked "Y'all God baby has to eat. Duhh" She playfully rolled her eyes.
"Anyways. It's good to get some neutral stuff too before you find the gender out" Lani said, looking at the grey baby onesies. Lani was super excited about her God baby. She really missed when Rayah was a baby.
She just knew Lyric was having a boy. She could tell how low her stomach was. She hoped it was a boy because they need one with all these girls.
"C-can I get y'all opinion on something?" Si asked nervously as they walked around the store now. Both Lyric and Lani have concerned looks.
"Everything okay?" Lyric asked worriedly. "We need to leave?" Lani asked about to put the stuff she had in her hands down.
"No, no. I didn't mean to scare y'all like that" She chuckled, and they both relaxed "But me and Ruben have been talking about adopting" She said.
They both smiled "Really? I think y'all should." Lani smiled.
"Me too. I think it would be good for y'all especially with home much why want kids" Lyric added, Lani, nodded in agreement.
"Right but I-I feel a little hesitant about it"
"Why?" Lani asked, going to the girl's section to see what they had and what she could get for Rayah and Ken. She knew they both needed some more winter clothes.
"Because we want to adopt a baby. And I don't mean to sound selfish but I don't want their parents to try to come and take them from us later in life. Any child of that matter if we adopt someone older" She explained.
"I mean you don't want to lie to them either. Some kids grow up to not like the fact you hid them being adopted from them" Lyric said.
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