《Perfect Stranger》Four
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
November 2nd
Lani sniffled, wiping her tears away as she pulled the shirt over her head. She sighed when she heard her phone ringing.
She quickly wiped and cleared her throat a few times before answering "Goodmorning granny" She answered, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Goodmorning Lani pooh, how are you baby?" Her granny, Lisa, angelic voice came through the speaker making her slightly feel better.
"I'm fine, how are you?" She asked, putting the phone on speaker before getting up from the bed and going into her dresser, pulling some compression shorts then putting them on.
"Good, I got up real early this morning and took a walk. Me and Lynn 'bout ta' go to the Casino down in Biloxi" She chuckled, making Lani do the same while sitting back on the bed.
Her granny loved her casinos. She and her friends stay going to one every other weekend.
"But how are you really? You don't sound okay baby" Lisa asked.
"Ye-Yes ma'am, I'm okay" She strummed as her voice started to crack. "Um, granny, can I call you back?" She asked, trying not to break down and cry over the phone.
"Yes, call me when you want to talk about babe. I love you"
"I-I love you too, have fun on your trip," She said before hanging up.
She started taking deep breaths, Lani didn't like to cry, especially in front of others. She felt like it was a way for them to use it against her in the long run and she was always trying to be that brave person and keep her emotions to a limit.
She sighed when she heard the door. She wasn't expecting anyone, she slipped on her house shoes before grabbing the rag she had and wiping her face.
She huffed and rolled her eyes when she heard them ring it again. Maybe if they would have asked to come over they wouldn't be out there that long, she thought.
She turned the alarm off before looking out the peep hole. She furrowed her eyebrows before opening the door for Lyric and Sierra.
"He-" She was cut off when they both hugged her, confusing her even more than before. "Y'all okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, but we know you aren't," Sierra said.
She sighed "I'm fine y'all" She assured them.
"We remember what day it is Lani, it's okay, it's just us," Lyric said, closing the door after pulling from the hug.
Lani didn't say anything and just walked into the living room. She sat done on the sofa without saying a word on the verge of tears.
November was always very hard for Lani since it was the 17th anniversary of her brother and dad's death as well as both of their birthdays.
She tries her hardest to get through the month with a smile on her face especially since she never wanted Sarayah to see her cry. She wanted her to know her mom was happy. She felt like if Rayah didn't see her happy all the time she would think there was something wrong and she didn't need that for her.
Lani was doing okay this morning until she was going through a photo album and saw a picture of her and her brother and just broke down because today was his birthday and he would have been 29 today.
Her dad Jayce and older brother Malachi died when she was 6 years old in a house fire after her mom Abigail shot all three of them and set the house on fire afterward.
She grew up in a very toxic household mainly. Her mother used to abuse her father. She used to always argue with him, degrade him as a man, and hit him from time to time. Her dad never told anyone before. He couldn't, her mom was a police officer and everyone in that Atlanta police department wasn't going to believe anything he said.
The night Jayce tried to take his kids away and escape from her, Abigail came home, drunk once again before they came to leave. She was angry that he would try to take her children away from her and started screaming and yelling and hitting him.
When he finally decided to defend himself, she called it getting physical with her and 'defended' herself by shooting him. She shot Malachi and Lani as well so there wouldn't be any witnesses left behind then set the whole house on fire.
Firefighters were able to pull Lani out first and when they went to get Jayce and Malachi, the whole house blew up and it was too late. Lani survived since she was shot in the stomach and passed out due to the smoke going through her lungs. She almost died but Doctors were able to save her just in time.
Her mom is in jail for life without parole since Lani had to testify which he was nervous to do since she was only 6 years old.
"I-I miss them so much" She broke down into tears, Lyric and Sierra both hugged her again.
"We know pooh, we know pooh" Si rubbed her back as she laid her head on her shoulder.
Atlanta, GA
November 3rd
"PawPaw!" Kennedi squealed when Matthias' dad Adonis opened the door. Adonis smiled "Hey Babygirl!" He picked her up and kissed all over her little face.
Matt walked into the house after them. He got used to everyone seeing Kennedi only and not him when they came somewhere.
He walked into the kitchen, looking for his ma Autumn and momma Vanessa. When he didn't find them, he walked to the second living room and saw them cuddling.
Matthias didn't have your normal two parents, he had three. 2 moms and 1 dad. They were in a polyamory relationship, Adonis and Vanessa were already married but wanted to spice up their relationship. They ended up meeting Autumn and they have all been in love since.
It's been 28 years and they all were still deeply in love with each other.
They all wanted kids so Adonis and Vanessa had Matthias first. Adonis and Autumn tried but were unsuccessful for years until they had his twin sisters Brooklyn and Sydney.
"My babyy" Autumn cooed, letting Vanessa go, he smiled when she hugged him "Hey Ma" He chuckled.
"I missed you" She smiled then her eyes widened when she looked at his hair "Wheew, what are you doing with all this hair of yours?" She asked, touching the ponytail he had in his head.
"Can you re braid it for me?" He smiled, she curled her lip up "No sir, those days for me have been over" She laughed.
He looked over at his momma as she blankly looked at him "What I do?" He laughed, going to sit next to her. She mugged him, pushing his head away "Boy move, didn't I tell you don't come ta' this house until I'm done being mad?" Vanessa rolled her eyes and looked at her wife.
Autumn just shook her head at her "Baby, I know you ain' still mad forreal"
Matthias sucked his teeth "Really momma"
"rEaLlY mOmMa, Shut up" She mugged him, "What if I was dying and you ain't call me back" She deadpans him.
He started laughing "Momma, I forgot. I was going to call you back after my meeting but it went over longer than I expected" He chuckled.
"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. How are you, pooda?" She pulled him into a hug as Adonis and Kennedi came into the living room.
"I'm straight," He shrugged.
"Hi Meme, Hi GG" Ken smiled while eating the ice cream cone.
Matthias squinted his eyes at her "She not supposed to be eating that, she in trouble"
"She is in trouble at yo' house, not mine. Leave my babygirl alone" Adonis fussed, giving Kennedi the ice cream back when she gave it to him.
"What did she do?" Autumn asked, picking Ken up.
"Been on red all week, even after I talked to her teacher" He shook his head.
Matthias understood why she was acting out but she only did it at school. Kennedi just didn't know how to handle her emotions and would yell and scream if her teacher made her mad.
Vanessa gasped, looking at her crazily "Mami, why?" She frowned. Kennedi pouted, handing the ice cream back to Adonis, he shook his head, taking it back.
"We needa have a talk princess," Adonis said, with disappointment laced in his voice. He and Autumn walked out to go talk with her.
Matthias ran his hands down his face, sighing loudly. "What's wrong, pooda?" Vanessa asked.
"I'on know what I'm doin' wrong. I'm tryin' to understand what's wrong with her but she doesn't act out at home, it's only school and I'm trying to figure out what's the problem but she doesn't even understand herself" He explained.
"She probably has anger issues." She suggested.
He nodded "I know, she has a therapy session on Tuesday" He shook his head. He did not want to put his 5-Year old in therapy but he had no other choice anymore.
She couldn't be lashing out at her teacher every time she said something she didn't like. He just hoped she didn't have to get put on any medication, she was really too young for that in his opinion.
"It's probably for the best for her so she can channel that anger she has into something else or talk about it," Vanessa said, he nodded, slowly.
"Do you ever think Cora did something to her before she left that affected her?" She asked.
He frowned and shook his head "No, like what? Besides her leaving her home alone with no food and water?"
"I'on know but you need to ask Ken to see. She may be only 5 but she understands more than we know."
He prayed Cora didn't do anything to Kennedi or he might just end up in jail. He never thought about her harming Kennedi but he didn't expect her to leave her home alone with no food and water either.
"I made one friend. She's not annoying like the other kids. Her name is Sarayah" Kennedi smiled as they all sat around the living room after dinner, talking about Kennedi making friends.
"Not she made friends before meee" Sydney laughed.
"You're not likeable," Kennedi shrugged.
Everyone busted out laughing as Sydney jaw was on the ground. "I can't stand you" Sydney started tickling her. She was laughing trying to get out her aunties hold.
"I'm sorry!" She screamed, then Sydney stopped and kissed her face.
"Mami, who were you this year for Halloween?" Brooklyn asked.
"Camryn from Twitches. Rayah was Alex. Daddy, show them our pictures"
He unlocked his phone, going to his camera roll first before he handed her the phone. Kennedi gave it to Sydney, Brooklyn leaned over her sister's shoulder to see the picture too.
"Aw, y'all look so cuteeee" Brook cooed, Ken smiled "I know right"
Everyone laughed at her "Wait, who is the lady?" Syd raised her brow. Vanessa snatched the phone to see who she was talking about before anyone could reply. She smirked at Matthias while handling the phone to her wife and husband.
"That's Rayah's mommy, Ms. Lani. Isn't she pretty?" Kennedi smiled. Autumn nodded "She is gorgeous, isn't she Matthias" They all smirked at him.
Matthias shook his head at all of them, he already knew what they were thinking. He hasn't dated in years since he never had time and they all wanted him to find Kennedi a mommy but he simply didn't have time for dating.
He wasn't focused on finding Ken a mommy either because he didn't know how she would react to him dating or calling someone else mommy.
"Daddy" Kennedi called out, he raised his brow "Don't you think Ms.Lani is pretty" She bucked her eyes at him, waiting for him to agree.
"Yeah baby, she is very pretty" He chuckled.
Everyone went into conversation as Sydney and Brooklyn talked about them ready to graduate in May.
Lani was now on his mind more than earlier before. He hasn't heard from her since 2 days ago. She hadn't texted him back, he hoped he didn't say or do anything for her to not talk to him. He also hoped she was okay and doing well.
Matthias silently closed Kennedi's after he pulled her to sleep for the night. He went into the kitchen to fix Ken's lunch for tomorrow.
As he was putting a small blue Powerade in her lunch box, he started thinking about Lani and how she only drank Yellow Powerade which he thought was so weird.
He sighed as he started to think about her again for the 5th time today. He was confused on why he kept thinking of her when they have only known each other for not even a full month yet.
He finished making her lunch then wrote a small note, something he always did and put it in her lunches. The notes consist of motivation and a big word so when he picked her up, they could talk about the word and understand the meaning.
Kennedi was very smart and loved to read. To boost her vocabulary, he gave her words to sound out and they went over the word later. She would also write a sentence about the word once he explained the definition.
After he finished, he put it in the refrigerator. He turned all the lights out in the kitchen before going into his office. He turned a little lowly music on his apple tv.
At your best (gangstar child remix) by Aaliyah began to play.
Matthias loved to listen to old R&B while working, it kept him focused and relaxed at the same time. He grabbed himself water out of his mini-fridge before walking over to his desk and sitting down.
He pressed the power button on his desktop Mac book computer. He placed his phone and water beside him, typing in his password. His emails that he never closed out on popped up onto the computer.
He bobbed his head to the music, sending out emails to his employees regarding his new project on the apartment homes he was doing.
Would like facetime...
He glanced at his phone and froze. He looked around to see if someone was watching him. He was just thinking of her not too long ago.
He accepted the call and popped the phone up against his computer.
Ailani appeared on the screen, smiling. It wasn't the same type of warming smile he always sees, it looked fake or she was upset but didn't want to talk about it.
"Wheww, I thought you were asleep" She chuckled. He laughed a little "Sleep? At 8:15 Ailani" He asked.
She laughed "Yes, old people are in the bed by 7:30 sharp" She joked. He laughed, she always called him old because, in her words, he is 4 years closer to 30.
"I'm not even old yet" He chuckled, watching her move around. He assumed she was packing up some orders, seeing her putting little bottles in plastic.
"But umm, I really wanted to call and apologize for disappearing on you this weekend." She said.
He nodded "It's fine mama, you okay though?" He asked, genuinely wondering since he could see a little in her eyes that she was sad.
"Yeah," She said simply.
He could tell she wasn't being honest but he wasn't going to pressure her to talk about it "Whatchu' do today?" He asked, happy to talk to her now.
"Wow, so do you think your momma is right?" Lani asked, looking visibly upset as she put her bonnet on.
The two have been on the phone for 5 hours now, talking about everything. It was now 1:30 AM and they both had work in the morning but didn't want the conversation to end.
He told her about Cora and how she abandoned Ken and that's why Ken acts the way she does. He also told her about what his mom told him earlier and how much it's been bothering him. He thought she was so easy to talk to, he never had a deep conversation with anyone and it felt nice honestly.
He got to know her better and how she got pregnant at 17 and Jabari cheated on her and that's how she and he are in the situation they are in now. He thought Jabari was crazy as hell to cheat on such a good-hearted person like her.
She even was comfortable enough to talk about her childhood with him and explained why she really disappeared on him this weekend.
He felt awful for her that she had to go through that at such a young age, at all even. He would have never been able to tell because of how much she masks her pain behind her smile so much.
Ever since he met her, it felt like he had known her for years, that's probably why it was so easy for him to talk to her.
He shook his head as he washed his face "I'on even kno'. I was planning on asking her tomorrow but something tellin' me, I'on wanna kno' or I'ma go ta' jail"
"I feel that but at the same time, you need to know to get a better understanding of her. I hope not tho" She frowned.
He nodded, agreeing with her. To know someone might have hurt his child, hurt him because he wasn't able to stop it.
"Don't beat yourself down tho, it's not your fault. It's whoever did it and trust God is going to handle them in his own way but don't beat yourself down as a parent from it." She advised as if she read his mind.
He couldn't help but beat himself down about it. He has been beating himself down for not being a good father to Ken for a year now. He thinks so much about how he's not enough for her and wishes he could be.
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