《Perfect Stranger》Three
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
October 29th
"I just don't know a girl. I'm tired of trying to stick around for a nigga that just doesn't giva' fuc" Lani's client ranted as she was giving her a wax.
"Breathe in," Lani said, preparing her.
"Shittt" The girl dragged out when she ripped it off and placed her hand on the area, applying a little pressure while massaging at the same time. Lani put it on the side before putting wax on the girls bikini area.
"But yeah, you gotta put yourself first, girl. Stop letting him put you second and find a man that's going to put you first." She advised her.
Her wax section with clients were always like therapy sessions. She knew everyone's business but you would never know because she doesn't go around repeating it. That's why her clients trusted her so much and she was glad they did.
She felt like some women needed that open space to speak on how they feel without being judged. She wasn't going to lie to them and sugarcoat anything. She always gave her honest opinion on things and after that, it was on them if they took it or not.
Lani was a very caring person and was always a listening ear but one thing she wasn't going to do was go tell someone else's business. She was far too busy and had other things to do with her life then that.
"Ye— Breathe in"
The girl blew a breath out when she ripped it off and quickly placed her hand on the spot, applying a little pressure while massaging at the same time.
"I know but, we got history and It's hard to leave all that behind when literally my whole life has been—Shit!" She was starting to say until Lani quickly ripped the other side off and placed her hand on the spot.
"I get y'all got history but don't let that history hold you back from knowing how you should be treated JJ" Lani said, putting the light closer to her vaginal area to see any ingrowns.
"It's easier to say then it be done but for once, pick yourself. Stop picking him because he's going to keep showing you every reason why you shouldn't and continue because he knows you're going to stay." She advised, removing the leftover wax residue with the wax lotion.
This was a every month thing Lani felt like. JJ would come and complain about her boyfriend of 7 years on how he doesn't care about her. He never cheated but he did always invalid her feelings and Lani tells her the same thing to just leave him.
"I know, and I'ma try fr Lani," She sighed.
"Don't keep telling me, actually do it and do it for yourself. Way too pretty to be stressing like this babes" She said, disposing her gloves in the trash once she was finished.
"You always callin' someone pretty," JJ chuckled, getting up from the table to put her leggings back on.
"Because you are pretty" Lani smiled sweetly while sanitizing the tools that she used. Lani loved giving other women compliments.
"Ugh, you're so sweet. Be makin' me want to fuck you" JJ joked.
"If only you were single, love" Lani winked at her.
JJ blushed "Gurrrllll" She giggled.
"Here, remember this," Lani said giving the aftercare instructions that went over the do's and don'ts to do after a wax. She kinda got tired of saying it 24/7 so she just started writing them down.
JJ throw her head back "You be killing me with this no sexual activity for 24-48 hours" She groaned.
"Were you quick to have sex when you were wolfing it down there?" Lani raised her brow and tilted her head to the side.
"That's what I thought. Go book yo' next appointment girl. I'll see you next month" She chuckled, pulling her cleaning supplies out to clean off the table.
"Okay, see you next monthhh and I already sent my tip to cash app. '' She said before walking out of the room. On cue, she got the $15 cash app notification on her watch.
She glanced at the time seeing it was 4:30. She quickly finished cleaning around the room so she could go pick Sarayah up. She and Jabari had a thing where he took her to school every morning and Lani picked her up.
He worked closer to her elementary school and she was a bit closer to the daycare.
"Best, hurry up. I have a dick appointmenttt" Lyric came in the room, smiling.
"Who's the lucky person today?" Lani chuckled, grabbing her jacket and putting it on before she grabbed her phone.
Lyric doesn't do relationships. She says they're too much stress and she is too pretty to be stressed over a nigga. She gets hers and goes about her day. She doesn't mess around with just anyone though but she did have two people she would have sex with.
She didn't care either, she told them about each other and all. One thing she wasn't going to do was hide it, if they wanted to leave then they left and she moved to the next.
"New York" She shrugged nonchalantly, using code names that they used "I think I need to start my roster over. I don't have a favorite anymore" She dramatically sighed, walking out the room. Lani followed behind her, closing her door then walked up to the front.
They always closed at 4:20 PM. Sometimes Lani's last appointments ran a little longer because of the talking but Lyric would have counted the drawer and made sure their other 4 employees cleaned up and left for the day.
"I thought New York was your favorite?" Lani asked while turning the alarm on and they both walked out.
"No, not anymore. He's starting to want more than what we are. I'on like that, he doesn't know his place anymore so after today i'm done" She shrugged while they walked to their cars that were parked right next to each other.
"You think you're ever going to settle down tho?" Lani asked. Lyric had every man she walked past kissing the ground she walked on but because she's stuck on never giving them the time of day in that way, she doesn't.
"Nope. I'm DTN for life and they can't do a damn thing for me that I can't for myself" She shrugged.
Lani chuckled "You ain' lyin'. I'll see you tomorrow tho boo, love you" She said, opening the door.
"Love you too, text me when you make it home" Lyric said, getting into her own car.
On & On by Erykah Badu began to play as she pulled out the parking lot.
"Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned, If your knowledge were your wealth" She sung happily, excited to see her daughter.
"You're on yo' phone but couldn't text me back" Ailani jumped at the sound of a deep voice. She turned around and looked up to see Matthias smiling down at her.
"For your information sirr, I was just texting you back" She chuckled while waving the phone at him. She stepped back since she was leaning on the desk.
After he finished, signing Kennedi out, he turned around and looked down at her as he headed over her. Lani wasn't short, she was 5'8 but him being 6'4 made her look short.
"I'm waiting for you to text me back," He said blankly.
She started laughing "Matthias, you're right in front of me. What do I need to text back now for?" She shook her head.
He stepped to stand beside her "It's just the principal" He shrugged, pulling his phone out of his pocket. She glanced over at him, taking over his outfit. He was even more fine in a suit. He also smelled really good.
"So how did your meeting go?" She asked, remembering him telling her that he might start a new project on some apartment homes.
After that night they met, they exchanged numbers. One so they could work out a play date or something for the girls. They also wanted to keep the conversation going. They talk every single day now. He sends her good morning texts or goodnight texts.
"I start planning everything out next week so we can get construction started as soon as possible" He nodded. Lani found his career fascinating. You could see how excited he gets when talking about it. He was very career-driven, he had so many things he wanted to do and design.
When she thought of an architect, she thought of someone just doing structures of houses but he did so much more than that. He did office buildings, skyscrapers, and hotels. He hasn't designed anything else as far as those things but he was working on it.
"That's— MOMMY!" She was cut off when she heard a little voice, instantly putting a small smile on her face. She turned to look and saw Sarayah and Kennedi walking towards them while holding Kimmy's hands.
"Hey, jellybean!" She matched her energy and bent down, holding her arms out for her. "I missed you" Sarayah wrapped her small arms around her neck.
"I missed you too baby" She kissed her head before standing up.
"She didn't have a good day today. She was in red today is what her teacher told me" Kimmy told Matthias as Kennedi was looking down at her feet.
Matthias sighed "This the second time this week Ken" He shook his head in disappointment.
Rayah poked her lips out and hugged her "It's okay Ken"
Lani smiled at the scene. Reminded her so much of her and Lyric when they were younger, it was crazy. Lani used to always give Lyric a hug when she wasn't feeling right or even just because she felt like she needed it.
"I gotta go tho, bye pretty girls. I'll see y'all tomorrow" Kimmy waved before walking off.
Lani grabbed Rayah's bookbag and grabbed her hand before they all walked out. She could hear Kennedi crying a little, it was breaking her heart.
"Ken, you can't be doin' this every day. This the 6th time you've been in red the last 2 weeks" Matthias fussed as they walked to the cars.
"I-I told her I didn't want to talk today but she-she kept messing with me." She cried.
"It's true" Rayah jumped in. "Rayah, that's- No mommy it's true. Mrs. Martinez kept trying to make her read but Ken kept telling her she didn't want to" Rayah looked up to Lani.
Lani couldn't stand when teachers tried to force students to read out loud when they didn't want to. Some teachers didn't understand that a lot of kids didn't like to red out loud.
"What else happened Rayah?" Matthias asked, picking Kennedi up to calm her down.
"Mrs. Martinez told her if she didn't participate, she was going to go to blue. Ken told her that wasn't fair then Mrs.Martinez moved her to red because she said she kept talking back. I ask could I read for her but she wouldn't let me" Rayah explained.
"Why didn't you want to read? You like reading Mami" Matthias rubbed her back as she started to calm down.
"Because someone in class said I sound like a robot" She mumbled.
Lani scrunched her face "Little kids are so mean for nothing" She grumbled, shaking her head.
"You do not sound like a robot mami. They were just being mean, you have to ignore them. I'll talk to Mrs. Martinez tomorrow when I drop you off, Okay" He kissed her cheek.
She nodded "Okay, I'm sorry" She hugged him tighter. "It's okay, I'm not mad. We're going to get this fixed" He said gently. Lani smiled at them, they were so cute.
"Umm, I didn't feel like cooking today and was going to take jellybean to juicy crab. Y'all wanna come?" Lani asked, she thought Kennedi needed some cheering up.
"Oouu can we?" Kennedi asked, excitedly. "Yeah that's cool, I'll follow you there," Matthias said, she nodded before getting Rayah inside the car.
"What are you doing this weekend?" Matthias asked Lani as they sat in the booth of juicy crab.
"Work" She chuckled "My baby is going to be with her dad this weekend so I have nothing else to do but work. Maybe make some more rose oils" She shrugged, drinking some of her ginger ale.
Matthias was glad to see two parents not together and actual co-parents without the toxic stereotype. That was something he wanted for Kennedi after he and Cora broke up when she was 2 but Cora wouldn't let that happen, unfortunately.
She even tried to not let Kennedi see him for months but he shut that down quickly and took her to court.
He nodded "If I buy some stuff I gotta order it or you gon' bring it ta' me?" He smirked.
She playfully rolled her eyes "Since your my friend now I guessss I'll bring it to you instead of you ordering online" She chuckled.
"It's not gon' break out my face or nothing right? I'on play 'bout my skin" He shook his head. He used to have really bad skin a few years ago and didn't need it to go back. He used to look like a crunchy bar.
"Umm no, I don't think so. I haven't got any of those complaints, mostly all my stuff is for sensitive skin since I have sensitive skin" She explained.
Rayah tapped her shoulder, Lani smiled looking over to her "Can Ken come trick-or-treating with us on Thursday?" She asked.
"You have to ask her daddy first baby" She pointed to Matt.
He looked at Kennedi who was already looking at him "You don't wanna go with Syd and Brook this year?" He asked, referring to his little twin sisters.
"No, Rayah said she gets the big candies on Halloween," She said, she and Rayah started giggling.
Lani shook her head, he nodded "It's cool with me then, if you don't mind" He said.
"Oooh, Ken let's be twins! from Twitches!" Rayah smiled, Ken's eyes lit up "Okay!" She said excitedly.
"I thought we were doing that Rayah" Lani fake pouted.
"We can match a different day mommy" She giggled putting their cheeks together. "Naw, you get a new friend and forget all about me now," She said all dramatically.
Matthias chuckled watching them. He thought she was such a good mom, just off what he has seen over the past two weeks.
He looked over at Kennedi as she watched them, looking sad. He knew it was hard for her to watch other people with their moms and she didn't have one that wanted to be in her life.
He never knew what to say when she asked about Cora. He was trying his hardest to be both parents for her, something she deserved but he felt as if it wasn't enough sometimes.
"You'n wanna match with daddy either?" He started tickling her, in hopes to make her feel better.
She started laughing "No!"
"Dang that's how it is now Nolle?" He put his hand on his chest, calling her by her middle name
She smiled and put both of her small hands on both sides of his face. "Love youuu" She shook his head.
He laughed "I love you too Mami" He kissed all over her little face.
I know it's going real slow right now but give it time
How yall feel about Matthias?
How yall feel about Ailani?
115 votes for update!
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