《Heaven Warrior》eleven pt. 2
You by Jacquees got the crowd hype as Bambii got on stage in her halloween costume. She had on a pink leotard with a white bow tie and white furry bunny ears. Fishnets lined her legs and her platform heels were sparkling in the light. She was a playboy bunny.
Zylin, Derrick, Jayda and her babydaddy sat in a VIP section right next to the stage so that they could see her up close. Of course Heaven made sure that they had good seats. The only person she was focused on tonight was Zylin.
Just as she took the pole, she looked Zylin dead in the face and winked. Zylin shifted in his seat and brought his lips to the glass that his liquor was in. Tonight he wanted to be drunk.
Malachi sat in the corner, secretly taking pictures of Bambii. He wanted to hang the pictures up all around his room so that he can see her at any time of the day. It was clear that he was becoming obsessed.
As everyone chanted her name, Bambii's hands grabbed the pole as she slowly walked around it. She stopped in the front so that now her back was facing the crowd showcasing her figure. Off the back, people immediately started throwing their bills at her.
Being that she created her own playlist, Jacquees's voice faded out being replaced by Fly Boi Keno's song Bubblegum. Kenzie had joined Bambii on the stage as the crowd got louder seeing both of their favorites on the stage. She had slipped Bambii a piece of bubblegum so that they could do the part that the crowd would go crazy for.
Both girls had thought it would be a good idea to perform one song together so they picked the twerking song Bubblegum. Just like Bambii, Kenzie was a playboy bunny but her leotard was yellow.
As soon as the beat dropped both girls dipped down and started twerking with their Meg knees. The crowd went crazy seeing that both girls were keeping up with the beat. Zylin smirked as his eyes were fixated on Bambii's body.
Bambii and Kenzie turned so that they were now facing the crowd and when the beat dropped again they blew bubbles with their gums and started twerking again. Like they had thought, everyone was now out of their seats and now standing at the stage throwing money.
Once the song started changing beats, Kenzie exited the stage so that Bambii could finish the song off. Bambii had laid down on the stage with her stomach to the floor as her ass bounced up and down with ease. Zylin had stood to his feet and went in his jacket pocket that held stacks of hundred bills. It was 8,000.
Bambii held a innocent smile on her face as she plopped into a split and started moving her ass. Some of the girls standing at the stage started reaching trying to touch her ass, but Joe stopped them. Jayda was in the section going crazy, throwing all of her money at Bambii.
The song had switched to Ciara Body Party which would be the seductive song of the list. The lights had shined on Bambii while she glided up the pole giving every man in the room something to fantasize about. Some even undressed her with their eyes picturing different things they would do to her.
Bambii climbed the pole until she got all the way to the top. Flipping herself upside down, her legs opened as she slid down the pole, before she touched the ground she quickly flipped into a extended split. Zylin bit his lip hard, leaning on the banister of the section. He took the rubber bands off of the money and threw two stacks at her. He wanted to save the rest for a private show.
She stretched so that she was touching her toes and caught a glimpse of Zylin staring at her. She rolled over on her back and took one of her hands moving it up and down her body as she stared deep into his soul.
"I swear if I was gay, I'd fuck her ass up." Jayda groaned, trying to keep her composure. Bambii was very enticing, she had a way with her eyes and her body movements.
Zylin stared back into Bambii's eyes licking his lips. Bambii broke eye contact and arched her back so that her ass was now in the air. She crawled to the pole making sure that every movement was precise. Finally at the pole she jumped on it into an position as one of her legs were in the air to the side, while the other secured her on the pole. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth and used her hands to gain all of her body's weight. Next thing you know both of her legs were in a full blown split in the air while her hands kept her on the pole.
Money was being thrown from all directions. Joe had to keep swiping some of it into duffel bags so that she wouldn't fall on it. As the song ended Bambii let her hands glide her down so that she ended in a spreaded eagle position. One of her hands caressed her breast while the other caressed her lower half.
Zylin groaned and cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. The whole time he watched her, he was in awe. The way she moved her body so effortlessly and how easy she made everything look.
Once the song was completely off, a couple girls tried to jump on the stage to touch Bambii. Joe quickly pushed all of the girls off, and grabbed Bambii by her mid-back to escort her to the hallway, while he picked up her money.
"How you feeling?" Derrick asked Zylin.
With hooded eyes Zylin only smirked bringing his lips to the cup that he was sipping on. "I see why that girl jealous of her, she literally had everybody eating out her palms."
"I don't know Zylin, we may have to rethink this. I want Heaven to myself." Jayda whined.
"Li gay ass." Her babydaddy chuckled.
"That's what the fuck I'm talking about, that's how you make money." Cane shouted, pulling Bambii in for a hug. Bambii had broke the record for tonight. She had brought in the most money just from her stage performance so far.
"You ready for ya privates?" He asked.
"I'm not doing privates tonight, don't act stupid." Bambii chuckled, playfully pushing Cane. She convinced him to let her have the night off from privates so that she could chill with her friends, and surprisingly he agreed.
"Damn Bambii this seven bags of money." Joe stated. Him and a couple other security guards held her duffels waiting for her to give them further instructions.
She whispered something in Joe's ear gaining a nod from him. She didn't want to keep all of the money in her car at the moment or in Cane's office so she instructed him to take it to one of their secret hide-outs.
"I'll see y'all later, I'm about to go have fun." Bambii playfully twerked, with her tongue sticking out.
"You better be safe li girl." Cane waved off.
Bambii had walked back out to the club area and when people saw her they instantly tried to bombard her. She literally had to run just to get in the VIP section away from the crowd.
Malachi was secretly recording every step that Bambii took. He recorded her whole performance and took pictures of every pose she did. In his eyes, she was playing hard to get and he wanted to teach her a lesson.
"Bitch, you did yo shit." Jayda yelled.
"Thank you." Heaven blushed.
Zylin had stood up and towered over Heaven. "You look sexy as hell." He whispered, bending down into her ear, making shivers run down her spine.
"So that means we have a date?" Heaven asked.
Bending down to whisper in her ear again,"Either way it went, I was still taking you on one." Butterflies started swarming in the pit of Heaven's stomach at the cool breath hitting her neck.
Malachi watched Heaven and Zylin converse and was fuming on the inside and out. Zylin was in his way, and Heaven was disrespecting him. He made sure he took pictures of the both of them and thought of ways to get rid of Zylin.
Zylin sat down in his seat and pulled Heaven into his lap. Jayda smirked seeing the huge smile Heaven wore while Zylin repeatedly whispered in her ear. Jayda had been waiting so long for Heaven to smile, and she was finally seeing it.
"Damn you ain't gone introduce me?" Derrick asked Zylin. Jayda smacked her lips and rolled her eyes, she didn't like Derrick and she always made it known.
Heaven shifted in Zylin's lap a little bit and turned her attention to Derrick. She had to admit that his stare was making her very uncomfortable.
"Derrick this Heaven, mama this Derrick." Zylin introduced. Heaven had caught him calling her mama and blushed so hard that her cheeks were starting to hurt.
"Nice to meet you Heaven. You looked good as hell up there." Derrick stared, holding his hand out waiting for Heaven to shake.
"Thank you." She nodded. For one, she didn't like how he stared at her and for two his energy was off. Heaven sensed it and she didn't like it. Jayda felt Heaven's energy and made a note to talk to her.
"You staying with me tonight?" Zylin asked rubbing Heaven's back in small circles.
"What about Nevaeh?" Heaven asked.
"She at my mom. We not gone do nothing, just want you in my presence." Zylin made perfectly clear. Although he wanted to admit that he would bend Heaven over in front of everybody he knew neither one of them were ready for each other. Plus he wanted them both to get tested first.
"I will." Heaven nodded.
Jayda's phone constantly vibrated in her purse making her quickly whip it out. She always kept her phone on vibrate whenever Angel was with somebody other than her or her dad. She frowned seeing one of her coworkers constantly text her.
Get here now. It's Daloni. The message read making Jayda's heart drop to her feet. She knew how much fun her friend was having but she knew Heaven would want to hear about the text.
"Heaven." Jayda called out.
Heaven giggled at Zylin and gave her attention to Jayda. When Jayda made eye contact with her best friend, tears formed in her eyes. "Daloni."
Heaven's whole chest felt like it was caving in. Hearing the name made nothing but the worse go through her head. Tears formed in her eyes as she shook her head. "No. Jayda no." She shook her head.
Heaven jumped to her feet and ran out of the section. Zylin tried to run behind her but Derrick held him back. Zylin used all of his might to push him back so that he could get to Heaven.
Gunshots rang out in the club making everyone start running. Heaven had tripped and fell over some glass that was on the floor instantly cutting her hands and arms. People started trampling over her, trying their best not to get shot.
Zylin, Jayda and her babydaddy were pushing through the crowd, trying to find Heaven but they couldn't. "HEAVEN!" Zylin yelled, ignoring the continuous gunshots that rang out.
Heaven was on the floor trying to get up but failed miserably. Everytime she tried to get up she was trampled back to the floor. She tried to shield her face more than anything. People just kept running her over.
"BAMB!" Joe yelled, manhandling everyone just to look for Bambii. He wouldn't know what to do if she got hurt in his presence. Bambii was the little sister he never had.
Once the shots let up the club was nearly empty, besides a couple of dead bodies and injured people. Heaven was near the stage on the floor trying to crawl out.
"Heaven!" Jayda yelled, spotting her fall to the floor. Jayda, Joe, and Zylin ran to Heaven. Her leotard was now stained with liquor and dirty footprints.
"I-It hurts to move." Heaven cried, trying to her best to get up again.
"No don't move." Jayda instructed, taking a pair of scissors that she kept in her purse out. She cut the side of Heaven's leotard to check her body for bruises.
"Fuck. Babe your whole side is purple." Jayda sighed looking at the side of Heaven's body. She was sure that she had either broken or bruised ribs.
"I-Just take me to Daloni." Heaven sniffled, trying to get up once again.
"Heaven stop moving!" Jayda accidentally shouted.
"Mama you can't move." Zylin said, crouching down to Heaven's level attempting to wipe her tears away.
"I need to get to him!" Heaven yelled followed by wincing. She didn't care about what condition she was in, she needed to see Daloni.
"Please Jayda, I'm fine. Take me to him please." She begged.
"I can carry her." Zylin spoke up. He saw Heaven cry before, but this time it did something to him. Her eyes held nothing but pain. He watched as Heaven's chest heaved up and down and could tell that she no longer cared about what happened to her.
"I'm scared that if we move her wrong, it'll puncture something." Jayda admitted. She couldn't tell what Heaven's condition was, but she knew that if they made one wrong move, it could turn into worse.
"I'll be careful." Zylin replied.
"Jayda please." Heaven begged.
"Zylin please be extremely careful. One wrong move and it can go bad." Jayda stated, cupping her god brother's face in her hands. Her medical instincts were kicking in.
Zylin swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded his head. He wiped his hands on his pants and carefully picked Heaven up despite her screams in agony.
"Wait where y'all taking her?" Joe asked.
"The hospital on fourth." Jayda quickly responded, guiding Zylin through a straight path so that he wouldn't slip on anything.
"Joe, drive my car to your house, I'll come get it later." Heaven yelled out.
Police officers surrounded the building along with a couple of bystanders. Cane was busy talking to a detective until he saw Heaven being carried out.
"Yo you straight?" He asked, looking over Heaven.
"I'll text you." Heaven replied.
"I told y'all I'm fine." Heaven mumbled laying on the examination bed. Doctor Grey shook his head at her usual stubbornness.
"Says that girl who has two cracked ribs." He shrugged, looking at the X-Ray. Heaven had two cracked ribs, but luckily they weren't puncturing anything but they needed to be removed.
Heaven ignored her diagnosis and fiddled with her fingers. "P-Please just let me see him." She whispered. Every since she had arrived at the hospital everyone kept her away from Daloni's room.
"I can't let you right now." Grey sighed.
"Just one last time please." Heaven begged.
"I'm sorry, but I can't." Doctor Grey shook his head, leaving Heaven in the room with her emotions and thoughts. You could hear her sobs from the other end of the door which made Grey feel bad.
She needed to see Daloni.
hey my loves!!
I was going to write more in this chapter, but I don't know if y'all like long chapters so I stopped lmao. 😭
So first let's get into Heaven's costume, just imagine her in the pink leotard baby, just know she looked right!!
How y'all feel about her and Kenzie doing a song together?? Y'all think they killed it? Y'all had to listen to the song while they danced to get the picture lmaoo
Lol not Jayda thinking about going gay for Heaven, yall think she was just tipsy talking?
So we have a problem, Malachi is becoming obsessed with Heaven..how y'all think this gone turn out? Y'all think he will go as far as hurting her or Zylin?
Zylin seemed to enjoy Heaven's performance, so much that he brought her 8,000...y'all think him and Heaven are playing dangerous games?
How we feeling about Derrick? He seems weird, and personally I don't like him.
What y'all think happened to Daloni!!???
Heaven was trampled and injured, yall think she was being stubborn or she was just trying to make sure Daloni was okay?
Why y'all think they won't let her see Daloni?
vote and comment pls!!
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