《Heaven Warrior》nine
"Daddy I want more." Nevaeh stated, scraping the empty bowl of food. She licked her fingers and around her lips smacking like there was still food left.
"That's your second bowl dooda." Zylin frowned, not even done with his first bowl. Nevaeh had gotten her nickname because when she started potty training she would always tell him or his mom that she had to dooda. Nevaeh hated being called her nickname in public or in front of company.
Nevaeh mugged Zylin and Heaven embarrassed. Zylin knew what he was doing, she had embarrassed him in front of Heaven earlier so now it was his turn.
"That's not my name." She fumed crossing her arms around her chest and rolling her neck.
"Dooda, yes it is." Zylin smirked.
Nevaeh's eyes started to water. Zylin burst out laughing making her put her head on the table as sobs released from her mouth. Heaven lowly chuckled at Zylin's pettiness.
"Leave her alone." She stated.
"She was just messing with me, but when it's time for me to do it she turn into a crybaby. It don't work like that." Zylin shrugged, ignoring Nevaeh cries. Zylin always taught Nevaeh that if she could dish it out she had to be able to take it.
"Leave me alone...th-that's why I don't like y'all!"Nevaeh cried, sticking her tongue out and rolling her neck. Zylin leaned over and mushed her head. Heaven put her hand over her chest, fake hurting.
"I'm not crying, I'm emotional." Nevaeh sniffled, wiping her face. Heaven stifled a laugh at the little girl's dramatics. Heaven liked Nevaeh, she was just spoiled.
"Can I get ice cream?" Nevaeh asked.
"You sure can't. You think I forgot about earlier." Zylin chuckled. Nevaeh had gotten a red at school because she asked her teacher why she didn't have hair. Nevaeh didn't think she was being mean she was just curious.
"Ms. Heaven can I have ice cream?" Nevaeh asked Heaven making Heaven choke on her food. Nevaeh had kept her laughing the whole time. She could tell that she gave Zylin trouble.
"Your dad said no boo." Heaven chuckled. Nevaeh was trying to get Heaven caught between her trouble. She though that Heaven would be on her side, but obviously she was proved wrong.
"Ms. Heaven do you like my daddy?" Nevaeh asked smirking at her dad. Zylin mugged Nevaeh.
Heaven glanced at Zylin and decided to tease him. She leaned down into Nevaeh's ear and whispered, "Yes I like your dad, but it has to be a secret." Nevaeh nodded her head and put a bubble in her mouth.
"What you told her?" Zylin chuckled. He wanted to hear Heaven's answer.
"Aht you're being nosey sir." Heaven smirked, picking up her glass and taking a swig of her water. The look on Zylin's face told it all that he was nervous. She only teased him because she knew how she made him. She wanted him to relax.
"Daddy do you like Ms. Heaven?" Nevaeh asked placing her hands under her chin. If her dad liked Heaven, then she would tell him that Heaven liked him.
"Nope." Zylin shrugged, popping the P. Heaven let out a loud laugh. She knew he was being petty, all because she wouldn't tell him her answer. Zylin was only fooling himself.
"Damn that's mean." Heaven said after her laughter died down. Zylin only shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating his food. If Heaven wanted to be petty, he was going to join her game.
Heaven stared at Zylin while he ate, pushing her empty bowl forward. When he looked up their eyes made eye contact. Surprisingly, Zylin held contact with Heaven making her stomach fill with butterflies.
"Why y'all staring at each other?" Nevaeh frowned, scrunching her eyebrows together. Besides the sudden silence, she thought that her dad and Heaven was being weird.
"Go take a bath." Zylin told her.
"Can—Now Nevaeh!" He said cutting her off. He knew she was about to come with an excuse. Nevaeh was asking questions on purpose. She wanted to catch all of their buisness so she could go and tell her maw maw.
Nevaeh stood up with an attitude and stomped to her room slamming the door. Zylin chuckled and made a mental note to deal with her later.
"Look at ya cheek bones getting happy." Zylin pointed out. Heaven's cheeks were indeed blushing making her cover her face with her hands. Zylin was the only man that she knew that held eye contact and she loved it.
"Zylin stop it." She whined.
"Zylin stop it." He mocked in a girl's voice. Heaven's jaw dropped. Her hand found it's way to his arm. Before Zylin could even blink he let out a loud yelp from the pinch that Heaven gave him.
"That shit hurt." He mugged, rubbing his arm. For the first time Heaven saw his mean face and she liked it. Everything about him was just so perfect to her.
Heaven got up and in a quick instance Zylin did as well, trying to grab her arm. Heaven took off running around the house to get away from him. Zylin chased her around the living room, while Heaven giggled.
"Let me get my lick back." Zylin said, trying to think of a way to out smart her.
"No you gone do it harder." Heaven whined, standing behind the love seat that was located in the corner of the room. She had no other place to go or turn.
"No I'm not." Zylin smirked. He went towards the front door making Heaven's heart drop. She knew he was about to let Bullet in. She was still scared of the dog and Zylin knew it.
"Ok! I quit!" She immediately yelled, coming from behind the love seat. Her hands were in the air like she was surrendering, making Zylin burst out laughing.
Heaven pouted walking up to him. Zylin calmed his laughter down and wiped the tears that were about to escape his eyes. Heaven had fallen for his trick, he wouldn't dare let Bullet in the house knowing she was scared of him.
"You know I'm scared of that dog." She mumbled, now in front of him.
"I wasn't gone let him in here." He replied, softly pinching the side of her stomach. Zylin found it cute when she pouted, he liked seeing the softer side of her.
He could tell that Heaven had been hurt before. The way she kept her guard up and busied herself with work just made him want her more. He wanted to be her peace, her safe place.
Heaven rolled her eyes and softly pushed his chest. Zylin chuckled and sat on the arm rest of the sofa so that he was now her level. "You're cute when you pout." He said, licking his lips.
"I'm not pouting." She frowned, standing in between his legs. Honestly Heaven was surprising herself. The only time she was this close to a man was when she was giving them a private dance. Zylin was different, he made her feel different. She didn't need money to be around him.
"If I kissed you, would you still be pouting?" He asked, pulling Heaven closer by her waist. He allowed for his hands to rest on her hips and his thumbs circled.
"No." She shook her head.
Zylin pulled her chin down gently and connected his lips to hers. They were very soft like he expected and he could taste the mango flavored chapstick that she wore. Fireworks erupted in the pit of Heaven's stomach as their lips danced together.
Zylin pulled away and pecked her lips one more time as they stared into each other's eyes. "I like you Heaven." He stated, looking into her eyes seeing them light up.
"I like you too Zylin." Heaven whispered. She was gonna wait to tell him but she couldn't hold it in anymore. Even though they had only known each other for five days, it felt longer. Neither one of them felt rushed they allowed things to flow naturally.
It was the next day and Zylin was out with his homeboys at a sports bar having drinks and lunch. Zylin only had two main friends Kelson and Derrick. The three were liked peas in a pod.
"Tell Vaeh she better do good Saturday all that damn money I paid for a ticket." Kelson said, locking his phone and engaging in the conversation.
"Nigga the ticket was only ten dollars." Derrick frowned. Kelson was very cheap, he complained about spending money on everything except for food.
"Nine dollars to many." Kelson shrugged.
Zylin was too busy texting Heaven to even realize what his friends were talking about. Heaven had told him that she was having a bad headache. Did you take medicine?
Yes, two hours ago but it hasn't helped yet
Did you eat?
Earlier, I just don't know what it is. I can't even sleep because it hurts that bad.
It's probably stress related, if you want I can come over until it's time to pick up Nevaeh.
Okay, my address is Roosevelt Towers tell the doorman to bring you to the the penthouse.
Got it! See you in a minute.
"Nigga who the hell you texting?" Kelson asked his friend. Zylin had been occupied by his phone the whole time and his friends were curious.
"That girl from the cookout. No lie shawty had a nice whip." Derrick nodded with a small smirk. Derrick was closer to Zylin and he had already know that his friend liked Heaven.
"Y'all some nosey ass niggas. I'm about to head out though." Zylin mentioned. Derrick and Kelson frowned that they were being ditched.
"Excuse me, me and my friends just came to tell you guys that y'all are fine." Diamond stated, looking at Zylin like he was her last meal.
Zylin nodded and stuffed his phone in his pocket, while Derrick and Kelson talked to Diamond's friends. Diamond arched her back a little and poked her butt out so that Zylin could see what she was working with.
"Y'all should come see me and some of my girls Saturday night." Diamond suggested, whipping her phone out to go to her camera roll. She pulled up a flyer that had all of the strippers from Club Empire posing on the front.
Diamond passed the phone around and when Zylin caught a good look his heart kinda dropped. The last thing he expected was to see Heaven on the front of a flyer as a stripper. It caught him off guard.
"Damn ain't that the girl you talking to?" Derrick asked, pointing at Heaven. Diamond frowned and snatched her phone from him. She was tired of Heaven taking all of the men she wanted.
"You talking to this hoe? You know she fuck niggas for their money?" Diamond mugged in disgust. She knew she was lying, but Zylin didn't have to know. Derrick and Kelson frowned, seeing their best friends frozen.
"Nah that can't be right." Zylin chuckled, rubbing his hands across his waves. He was so confused. Honestly he didn't know if Diamond was telling the truth or not.
"Boy everybody know Bambii is a hoe. She fuck niggas to get their money and then dip on they ass." Diamond chuckled, convincing herself that she was getting in Zylin's head.
"What's ya name?" Zylin asked.
Zylin nodded his head and walked away from the group. His mind was trying to process everything. He didn't know if Diamond was lying or not. He wanted to talk to Heaven before he assumed anything.
Putting her address in, Zylin drove in silence to her place. He was trying to gather his thoughts. The last thing he wanted to do was to offend Heaven, he simply just wanted to hear her side.
It wasn't that he was upset about the stripping part, he wondered about the gold digging part. Heaven had a good job, so Zylin was confused as to why Diamond would even say something like that.
Taking only six minutes to get to Heaven's place, he sighed loudly and killed the ignition on his car. Following the directions that she sent, he asked the doorman to escort him to her penthouse.
"Take the elevator to come back down." The man instructed.
Zylin nodded and knocked on Heaven's door. It took a couple of seconds for her to answer being that she was in her art room. Heaven rocked a silk pajama set and a satin bonnet.
"That was quick." She chuckled, allowing him to come in. Zylin gave her a smile and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Heaven noticed his quietness and frowned.
"You okay?" She asked, closing the door.
"I'm good. How you feeling now?" He asked, taking in her appearance. He still couldn't help but to be hypnotized by her natural beauty.
"Same." Heaven shruggged.
"You probably need to turn the lights off and just relax. Sometimes lights can trigger migraines. Sometimes it triggers mines." He shrugged.
"Zylin something's wrong, I can tell by your body language." Heaven sighed, scratching her hair from the bonnet. She pushed her glasses up on her face and rested her weight on her left leg.
"Some girl named Diamond came up to me and my homies at the restaurant I was just at." Zylin stated, watching Heaven's face turn into a full blown mug.
"She showed us a flyer from Club Empire that had you and some other girls on the cover." He added on.
"Then she proceeded to say that you slept with men for their money and then dipped." Zylin nervously finished. He watched Heaven's entire face language and could tell that she was now pissed.
Heaven shook her head and walked past him into her spacious living room. "You believed her or something?" She asked, taking a seat on her couch.
"No, I wanted to talk to you first." Zylin replied, following her.
"Yes I'm a stripper at Club Empire. The last part was a lie though." Heaven shrugged. She wasn't afraid to admit that she was a stripper. It was her hustle that brought in money to pay off student loans.
Zylin sighed in relief. He knew it wasn't true. Diamond was clearly jealous of Heaven, that's why she made up lies. "I knew it wasn't true, ole girl must be jealous."
"So you don't care about me being a stripper?" Heaven asked. Even though she wasn't embarrassed of her hustle, she was nervous about how Zylin would look at her.
"Nawl, I mean everybody got they hustle. I ain't knocking you for that. Plus that means one of these days you can show me your moves." He smirked, making Heaven blush.
"Boy you couldn't handle me even if you tried." Heaven laughed, waving him off.
"Aight, how bout this. I come see you Saturday. If I like what I see, you let me take you on a date." Zylin stated.
Heaven smirked and felt bold. She straddled Zylin's lap and cupped his face into her hands. "And if you don't?" She asked as their lips were just inches apart.
Zylin brought Heaven's ear to his mouth. "Then I still take you on a date." He mumbled, licking the side of her neck followed by a soft kiss. Heaven's downstairs area was now drowning. When Zylin looked back into her eyes, Heaven broke eye contact. For the first time she couldn't hold it.
She laid her head in the crook of his neck relaxing at the cologne that he wore. He took one of his hands and rubbed her back while the other rubbed her head. Deep down he knew that Heaven just needed someone to be at peace with.
Rubbing her back made Heaven sleepy. It only took her three minutes to fall asleep. Zylin looked down feeling her breathing even out and nodded to himself. He could get used to this.
hey my loves, how are y'all today?
lol I said I wasn't gone update anymore, but I can't help it. I just love this book so much. I promise I'll update the other books this week!
This chapter is very close to 3000 chile
So we got Nevaeh aka Dooda who's a little dramatic don't y'all think?
How y'all feel about Nevaeh asking her dad and Heaven if they liked each other? Y'all think she can feel it?
Not Zylin lying saying he don't like Heaven, we all know he do.
What y'all think Heaven would've done if Zylin let that dog in? I think she would've cut him off lmaoo. I would have!
Omg y'all they then kissed!! How we feeling?
Diamond tryna start trouble, yall think she gone cause a lot of drama between Zylin and Heaven?
How did y'all feel about the way Zylin handled the situation?
Y'all think they gone get to go on their date?
vote and comment!!
60 votes for an update!!
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