😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
July 18th
"Pookie, you didn't call dat girl mama a bitch" Cameron gasped, stopping in her tracks in the middle of the aisle of Walmart. Crystal gave her an unfazed look on camera as she, Cameron, and Lex were on a group facetime call.
Lex started dying laughing "Dats crazyyy" Lex's phone fell over from her laughing so hard and laying in her bed.
"And Ima do it again. Da' fuck? Ha' momma can disrespect me and shit but when I say her mama bein' a bitch and gon' die lonely, I took it too far? Chile anyways " Crystal vented, rolling her eyes referring to her now ex-girlfriend's mom.
Lex came back to the camera with tears in her eyes and her face turned red from laughing so hard. Cameron chuckled, glad she had on her AirPods or everyone was going to be in their business. Cameron started back walking down the chip aisle, grabbing a family-size bag of cheddar popcorn.
She honestly wasn't surprised at what Crystal said to Logan's mom but she was surprised she didn't go off years ago. Logan's mom was the weird type of mother. Usually, people would think only a mother could be obsessed with her son but Logan's mom was obsessed with her daughter.
It was very weird and honestly annoying. Crystal has been taking all types of disrespect from Logan's mom calling her fags, and telling her she isn't good enough for her daughter. She even went as far as trying to purposely break them up maybe a year ago. It was only a matter of time before Crystal honestly hit her breaking point.
Especially with her trying to keep a distance from Logan's mom.
"Bro I can't breathe! And she deadass told you to apologize?" Lex still laughed, wiping her tears away.
"Yes! I told ha' if gon' be a cold day in fuckin' hell befo' I apologize ta' dat lady. When has she ever apologized ta' me? Why should I be da' bigger person when dat lady damn near her ancient age?" Crystal scoffed.
Cameron started laughing, making her way off the aisle. She looked back at her grocery seeing she only needed a few more things like juice "Damn, I liked Lolo too. Y'all foreal broke up, like no goin' back? " Lex frowned.
"Yep. She said if I don't apologize den we're over so I helped her pack her shit. I'm not about ta' apologize if I ain' wrong. I didn't lie earlier. I kno' I'm right when my mama said I didn't have to apologize" Crystal explained.
Cameron and Lex could both hear it in her voice that she was sad but didn't want to show it. Logan was really the first person Crystal started dating when moving to LA. First-person she actually loved so they knew this was taking a toll on her.
Crystal was the type that hated showing other emotions when it came to being sad. She thought she had to always have a brave face even though it's okay to cry but she didn't care nor listen.
Cameron was about to say something until she heard someone calling her name repeatedly as she walked to the self-checkout. "Who dat?" Lex asked. Cameron turned around to see. She scoffed before turning back around once she saw Salvador trying to get her attention.
"Salami. This nigga so annoyin', it makes no damn sense. It's like he doesn't understand I don't wanna talk to him" She huffed, pushing her cart to the slide and just leaving it there. She knew if she stayed any longer, she was going to grow even more annoyed.
She didn't even want the groceries anymore.
She didn't understand why Salvador didn't understand if she stopped talking to him, that means she doesn't want to talk. She also didn't understand why he continues to try to get in contact with her after he has a girlfriend and had been in a relationship for 3 years now with the girl.
She did kinda feel bad for ghosting him with no explanation as to why but that immediately went away after she found out he had a girlfriend. The whole time he had a girlfriend and had been lying to Cameron when they were getting to know each other.
She only found out when the girl Dm her on Instagram, sending her pictures of them together two weeks ago. Cameron just blocked her since she obviously was trying to be petty over a nigga she didn't want. Nor was she entertaining anymore.
"Cameron! I kno' you h— Don't touch me. What is the matter wit' you" She cut him off, snatching her arm away from him after he caught up to her and grabbed her wrist.
"Do I needa call Kani?" She heard Lex ask in her airpod. "Fuck dat, we'll jump his ass ourselves," Crystal said, sounding like she was moving around.
"Why are you walkin' away when I'm just tryin' to talk to you" He followed behind her as she was walking towards the exit. She honestly hoped the police were right there to step in with him following her.
"Clearly I don't wanna talk to you. Leave me alone" She rolled her eyes, walking a bit faster out of the Walmart.
"I swea' you bitches be weird as fuck" He scoffed, still following her.
"BITCHHHH?!" Both Lex and Crystal said and Cameron immediately stopped in her tracks, midway out of the store. She turned around with the biggest mug on her face while he looked her up and down.
"I never called you out so don't ever call me out of mine. Your da' one followin' me, not da' otha' way around. So stop bein' fuckin' weird and leave me da' fuck alone" She snapped, looking at him funnily.
"Pop yo' shit peanut!" Lex started clapping. Crystal was fake sniffling "I feel like such a proud mom. Our baby growin' up Lex" She fake cried.
Usually, Cameron was a soft-spoken girl who didn't argue, especially with men since some of them liked to put their hands on women. But being in therapy made her realize, that you can be a soft-spoken girl and still defend yourself against a man. She learned that's what she did a lot with Seth, always let him talk to her any kinda way and let him get away with it.
But she learned to speak up and use a soft, slightly squeaky voice.
"Leave me alone. Stop trolling my Instagram and youtube. Go be wit' yo' girlfriend, I don't have ta' explain anything to you. If I don't want to speak, I don't have to, it's dat simple. We barely knew each other, get over it" She shrugged.
Cameron honestly never understands the point of people trying to get in contact with the person that ghosted them. Especially after only maybe a month of knowing them. It's not like y'all dating, y'all are just associates really.
Yeah, she would be hurt but she would never do so much to get an explanation from the person.
It was pointless in her opinion. And you shouldn't have to beg someone to be in your life. If they didn't want to, that's their fault and you move on.
"It's cool, I didn't want you for real anyways. Was jus' using you" He laughed. She carelessly shrugged, turning back around to walk away and out of the store only for him to still be following her.
"I only wanted to get close so I could be cool wit' your brother." He added.
"This is why I'm gay. Niggas are so pathetic" Crystal chuckled, and Lex agreed with her "They just don't kno' how to take nobody wantin' dey dumb ass and it's weird" Lex co-signed.
"Right," Cameron chuckled, looking across the street first to see an oncoming car.
"You think dat nigga you with want your foreal? He jus' usin' you too or feel sorry for you! Everyone can tell, you think you dat girl when the nigga act like he doesn't even want you foreal. You the joke of youtube and it's sad." Salvador laughed loudly as she crossed the street with her face frowned.
Everyone sees what? She questioned herself.
She glanced back, to see if he was still behind her. Once she saw he wasn't, she sped walked to her car, unlocking her doors. She quickly got inside, locking the door before she started her car up.
"Peanut— Umm I'll call y'all back later. Love y'all" She cut Lex off quickly and hung up. She went to her youtube channel, going to the last video she posted that had Sekani in it.
She barely read her comments because some were just too negative for her mental health and other times, it was far too many. As she went through the comments, she frowned even more at a lot of them telling her to leave Sekani. Telling her that he's a walking red flag from the way he treated her.
She clicked on the time '12:57' that someone commented saying 'He always calls her ugly but I bet he didn't do that to his light skin past girlfriends'
"H-he jus' bein' honest" Cameron mumbled to herself. Cameron never took offense to him calling her ugly because she thought he was joking and she also thought he was telling the truth. She didn't feel pretty except with makeup on.
'Maybe he doesn't really want her😭 he never acts like it, always clowning her. Poor Cam'
Cameron huffed, throwing her phone over to the passenger seat. Now she was stuck in thought. Cameron had a bad thing of not really seeing things for what they are. Like when it came to her feelings for Sekani.
Now all she could think of was if she was having one of those moments and Sekani really didn't want to be with her. And she just didn't see it.
"Hi handsome," Cameron smiled widely after Sekani answered the door before she could put in the code to his door.
"Wassam ugly" He leaned down, pecking her lips. Her smile faded away but she quickly fixed her face.
"You were goin' somewhere?" She asked, walking inside, trying to brush off a feeling she had. She couldn't help but let the comments she's been reading all day now, play around in her mind.
She removed her Yeezy slides, shaking her head "They're jus' outsiders lookin' in Cameron" She mumbled to herself after putting her shoes by the door.
He closed the door, locking it "Nah, I was finna come to see you. I jus' got back, I missed you" He said, walking into the living room to sit where she now was on the couch.
"You sure?" She blurted, immediately mentally beating herself down for it. He chuckled, sitting down "Yeah, why are you so far away? Whea' da' clingy Cameron I'm used to" He raised his eyebrow, seeing the good amount of space between the two.
Cameron was very clingy. Clingy to the point she wants to be in her partner's skin when they were around. Her love language is physical touch, she has to be touching her partner when they're around her. Even if it's as simple as holding hands, it was a must for her.
Sekani on the other hand wasn't the same. He wasn't used to all the affection and touch that came with Cameron. That's why she tries not to do much or tries to contain herself from getting in his shirt so they could have skin-to-skin contact.
"What's wrong?" He frowned when she just sat there quietly. She didn't know how to ask him or speak about what she wanted to say without coming off as believing everyone else.
"C'mere fats" He reached out for her. She sighed, going over to him, knowing that's where she wanted to be anyways.
Under her boyfriend.
"What's da' matter? Why are you bein' weird?" He teased, putting her into his lap and making her straddle him.
"I-I saw Salvador at Walmart today. But it wasn't on any talkin' to him type shit. I was trying to walk away but he kept following me" She said, making sure she clarified that. She knew they were still building a strong foundation of trust within their relationship and she didn't want to ruin that by her not telling what exactly happened.
Sekani jaw clenched and she felt his leg start to bounce up and down underneath her "Stop, it's okay. I'm okay" She leaned down to peck his lips, to calm him down just a little.
She knew he was mad, but she didn't want him to do anything. He was a celebrity and going out to fight like he used to because he became a celebrity would just ruin him.
He was already trying to fix his reputation, she didn't want him to mess it up by beating Salvador up.
"Why you ain' call me and dis nigga was harassin' you?" He asked with irritation coming through his raspy voice.
"Because your thinkin' wit' your hands and not wit' what you have to lose. I handled— I'on care 'bout nun of dat shit Cameron." He cut her off, trying to pick her back up to move her off him.
"Noo, stop." She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. "Zoeli, move," He said sternly, holding onto her waist.
"No." She mumbled, kissing the side of his neck "I said it's fine Tooda. It's not important anymore" She gently caressed the back of his neck. He sucked his teeth, sitting back onto the couch and just giving up.
"Y-you do like me right? Like you, not jus' wit' me cause you feel bad or anything?" She finally asked, just wanting him to put her mind at ease.
"Yes. I wouldn't be hea' wit' you if I didn't. Don't let what dey sayin' on the internet get to you. Dey don't kno' shit 'bout me foreal and jus' wanna start shit. Most of dey ass is miserable and like ta' think dey kno' somethin' when dey don't" He went under her t-shirt and rubbed her back.
"So you seein' what they sayin' too?" She asked, pulling back to look at his face.
"Yeah, I was gonna ask you if you felt da' same way. I'on mean any harm when I be jokin' wit' you doe fats. It jus' be jokes. I can stop if dey makin' you uncomfortable" He assured her.
She nodded slowly, she hated the internet and how she let it get to her. She's never been in the media like her brother or Sekani so she's not used to others wanting to be all in her business. It kinda made her want to go back to just being a photographer and not doing youtube anymore.
"I'm sorry for lettin' dem get to me." She apologized. He nodded "I understand it doe, dis is new for you. It takes a lot of gettin' use to and learning to jus' ignore it" He explained.
"I guess." She mumbled, he leaned up to peck her lips "We gon' be aight doe. Fuck dem" He smiled, causing a small smile to grow on her face.
"Fuck em"
Los Angeles, California
July 19th
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Stay positive, test negative ✨
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"Watch your step, mama" Sekani mumbled, as he and Cameron walked up the few steps of the steakhouse that Sekani wanted to try and support since it was a new place.
Being together for a month now, Sekani realized he never took Cameron on a proper date. With him at the center, working on sponsorship deals and her recently having more photography gigs than usual. They haven't had much time to get dressed up and go out.
Only going hanging out together inside their condos together. Cameron wasn't complaining, but Sekani thought it was bad he hadn't made time to take her out.
He was changing that tonight.
"Thank you," She said after he opened the door for her to go inside. He nodded, following behind her. Low R&B music played inside, a lot of talking over people at tables and some leaving out. Sekani liked it, and one of his teammates actually told him about it.
"Reservations for da' Cartier's " Sekani spoke, holding onto Cameron's hand after greeting the hostess. Cameron frowned a bit but fixed her face before looking around the scenery of the new restaurant.
The host looked at her tablet in front of her, nodding. She told them to follow behind her after grabbing 2 menus. Sekani made Cameron walk in front of him as they followed the hostess to the bad and more private part of the restaurant.
"Your server should be with y'all in a moment, enjoy" The hostess gave a warm smile after putting their menus on the table.
"Thank you," Sekani said, pulling Cameron's chair out for her. She thanked him, sitting down before he walked around to the chair in front of her and sat down.
"So, da' Cartier's huh?" Cameron tilted her head at him with a small smile. Sekani peaked up at her as he was looking through the menu "Jus' gotta speak it into existence" He shrugged with a smirk on his face.
"And who said I wanted to be Mrs.Cartier sir?" She teased, putting her purse on top of the table.
"It's not 'bout whatchu' wanna be its 'bout whatchu' gonna be love," He said simply with all seriousness. "Oop" She mumbled, picking up her menu, trying to hide the smile that Sekani could already see.
"Wait so you thought 'bout marrying me when you tried to drown me when I was 7?" She questioned, he sucked his teeth and dropped his menu on the table.
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The Dark Side of the Moon
"Fuck, baby. You can't say things like that to me. I want to, also. Trust me." His hand snakes down my body until he enters two of his fingers into my wet center. I can only moan in response."However," he kisses my neck possessively, finding the right spot to drive me crazy. "I need to build you up to that." He pushes his fingers in and out of me, hitting deeper and deeper as his strokes become longer and harder and faster. "You feel that? My fingers deep in your pussy that's dripping for me?" He licks the side of my neck as my breaths come out in short pants."My dick is going to stretch you out so much more. When I finally fuck you, you're going to be sore for days. And you're going to love it."----------Thea Brooks, an 18-year-old college student, lives her life by a schedule. She has school, homework, her job at the Coffee shop where she drinks way too much caffeine to be healthy, and the rest of the time she is watching her little sister while her mother is at work. She thinks that everything will remain the same as she starts her college classes, but that all changes when a new friend of hers introduces her to an attractive guy that she can't seem to get out of her head.Grayson Dark, a 22-year-old Alpha of his pack, has been searching for his mate since he turned 16. All hope is lost until one of his pack mates strolls into his home with the most magnificent scent- his mate's scent. After only slightly maiming his pack mate, it is revealed that his mate is close by- and human. Without understanding the supernatural world existing around her, Thea will have to learn to look past Grayson's faults- mainly his possessiveness and anger issues- while staying out of danger from unknown threats and learning her place at Grayson's side. Oh... and keeping her grades up. How hard can that be?
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The Third String.
" No! Get away from me. You are not my mumma and you will never be. I hate you and papa hates you too. I don't wanna talk to you.!" Sahil screamed." Sahil, baby I am not trying to take your mumma's place. Please just let me tend to your would or you will get infection." I tried to pacify my four year old son." No. I can do it on my own!" He shouted and ran back to him room.I sighed and knocked my mother in law's room. She is not fond of me either. Only two people in the house truly understand me, my father in law and my sister in law who is in her first year college. My so called husband wants nothing to do with me. I am only his son's nanny who is incapable of doing her job." Where is Sahil?" The deep voice roared in the living room." In his room." I replied not looking at him." You had one fucking job. To take care of my son and you couldn't do that too." He directed his anger towards me." 5...4...3...2...1" I counted backwards to calm my anger." I tried to aid to him. He wouldn't listen to me." I said honestly.Without a word, he stormed into Sahil's room." Like father, like son. God, why do you have to make things so difficult for me!" I exclaimed, climbing up to my room.Shivanya Sharma- A practicing criminal lawyer by profession, big softie at heart. She is loved by everyone and has a very supporting family. Has three close friends and can do anything for them. Is twenty five but still loves chocolates.Abhimanyu Singhania- A twenty nine year old entrepreneur. He used to be a jolly personality but after his wife Aditi's death, he built walls so high around him, no one can see the real him. He has a son, Sahil whom he loves to the moon and back and can fight with the world for him. Gets married to Shivanya only for Sahil.What has destiny in store for both of them? When two fireballs collide, will it lead to destruction or creation of something beautiful?
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Honeymoon Rivals
Two rivals. All around the world. On fake honeymoons.Poppy:All I've ever wanted to do was travel and see the world, every inch, every corner of it that I could. Everything in my life was going according to plan. Every day was summer vacation for me.Until Joshua Everett Nilsen walked into it.My co-worker, my rival, my nightmare. Everything I hate put together into one... I hate to admit it, devilishly handsome man. He's gorgeous and that only made me hate him more. As handsome as sin.But he's bossy, he's arrogant, he thinks he's always right, and now, he's my travel partner. Now, there's no escaping him because everywhere I go, I'll go with him. Josh:Escaping my past and traveling is the one thing that has kept me going so far. And finally making it and seeing the world has paid off. Everything in my life was going according to plan. Every day was summer vacation for me.Until Poppy Valentine obliterated it.My co-worker, my rival, the most annoying person I've ever met. She's everything I despise and more. With her attitude, her constant need to prove me wrong, her brighter-than-the-sun smile, and her annoyingly pretty eyes, I hated her even more.And now I'm her travel partner. It was her mess, her problem, and somehow, she pulled me down with her. Everywhere I go, she's coming with me....Travel Addict Weekly. The biggest travel magazine in the city of New York. Poppy and Josh. Josh and Poppy. The most popular writers. And the biggest rivals.When Poppy's travel partner is fired for breaking employment rules, she needs someone else to travel the world and write articles critiquing every city with her. And who would be better than the man she hates the most? Josh.It's pure attraction and intense chemistry hidden in the name of rivalry and hatred...ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Trădare. Inocență. O viață distrusă din nebunia jocurilor de noroc. Un tată aflat în vâltoarea propriilor ambiții, convins să facă orice pentru a nu ajunge nicicând în genunchi în fața rivalului și o fiică vândută din orgoliu. Aceasta este istoria Evei Stonebridge, tânăra de 16 ani căreia viitorul i-a râs în față și-a chemat-o la el, îmbrățișând-o strâns și-nchizând-o în colivia propriei inocențe, ca să ajungă să afle mai apoi ce-nseamnă jocuri de societate, iubiri secrete, iubiri interzise și jocuri periculoase de-a viața.
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"Why are you doing this?" Azrael questions, making me sigh as I look at the door, where I see Serena gesturing me to run."Because bad girls don't get stitches." I answer, glancing at him before I begin to run to the door, hoping to not get caught. ~Vivian, a twenty year old, is forced to work with Azrael, a man she despises with her whole heart.She has always been told to think with her head, and to never follow what her heart says. Cause it will be end of her if she does.Azrael is a mafia leader. He is a bit cocky, and a little more ruthless.
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two boys are friends from childhood.Kook what you want on your birthday?I want you.We are not lover just friends with benefits...(sigh)- taehyung ♡ ༶ ♡ kook I think I...l am in love with you I mean no..not only as a friend but more than that. - taehyungare you fucking kidding me tae ? I'M NOT A GAY ! for fuck shake. - jungkook● ● ●we are not friend anymore he don't even want to see my face .I have to go far from him . because I want him to be happy ...but guess (touching his tummy)wherever I go I don't have to be alone because you'll be with me right... * * *but someone crays and says to himself ......... how stupid I was I didn't even realize how much I loved you...my love... top-kook bot- taewarning ⚠️grammar mistakes (lots because my english is 💩 sorry 😅...so just ignore............. 👉👈)boy×boysmutmpregabusedif you're not comfortable you can leave thank you 💜
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