😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
July 5th
"I'll see you on Monday," Sekani said to Deontae after they pulled up in front of his house. Since Tae made the football team at his high school, Sekani would train with him if he wasn't busy. Just give him a few pointers since he made the junior varsity and he wants to be on Varsity soon.
Especially since Tae's goal was to be a quarterback.
Tae looked at his house and lowly sighed. Sekani caught it and locked the doors so he couldn't get out "Everythin' good hea'?" He asked concerned.
"Yea, me and my mama just ain' on good terms right now so it's weird" He admitted and shook his head. Sekani nodded understandingly. "What happened?" He asked and glanced back at the house.
"Manne she got this boyfriend who doesn't do shit but eats up all the food we barely have fa' ourselves. Then she be wanting me ta' give my all my checks from when you pay me but dat nigga don't do shit. But when I say dat I'm being disrespectful and need to stay inna child place but when she wants my checks she says I needa grow up and take responsibility." He ranted, with his leg starting to bounce up and down.
"It's just annoyin' how she wants me to help her but not that nigga. I hate bein' here sometimes because she and I always get into it" He added.
"If it's cool wit' ha', you can spend a night at my place tonight," Sekani said. He personally never experienced what he was complaining about but he did know what it was like not wanting to go home because you and your parents aren't on good terms.
He also could see how angry Tae was getting about the subject. He had a bad temper and they have been working on fixing it but he knew their work would go out the window once Tae got into with his mom. He didn't like the fact that he was uncomfortable in his own home either.
"Foreal? I don't need to ask her" Tae perked up in his seat. Sekani just laughed "Yes you do. You're still underage and I'on need folks comin' ta' my place arresting me fa' kidnappin' " He chuckled.
Tae sighed "Her miserable ass might say no" He muttered.
"Ay, dats still yo' mama. Don't disrespect her" Sekani warned. He understood they weren't on the best of terms but he wasn't about to let him disrespect her in front of him over it. Especially over something that could be fixed if they had a sit-down.
"She home? I'll come in and ask her" He said and started taking his seat belt off then turned the car off.
"Probably. She is never at work" Tae mumbled, reaching to the back to grab the gym bag that Sekani got him a few weeks back.
Sekani didn't say anything, he just got out of the car and Tae got out with him. They walked up the driveway towards the front door. Tae took his keychain out of his shorts pocket before putting it in the gold door knob and they walked in.
The smell of cigarettes hit Sekani nostrils and he tried not to make a face at the strong odor. He already hated the smell of cigarettes but this was ridiculously strong like they don't do anything but smoke cigarettes. There were clothes everywhere and finished beer bottles all over the small coffee table in the living room.
"Deon! What— Who the fuck is you?" A short darkskin woman with her hair in a bonnet and a robe on came into the living room from the back and mugged Sekani.
He put on a fake smile "How you doin' Ms.Jones. I'm Kani, it's nice ta' meet ya' " He held his hand out but she just mugged him even harder, looking between him and his hand. He put his hand down while Tae shook his head.
"Tae works fa' me down at my center durin' da' day and I help him train fa' football" Sekani said, still trying to keep being respectful even though he already didn't like this lady.
She scoffed, going into her robe pocket and pulling out a cigarette from her pocket. She held it to her mouth and lit it "You don't sound like you from here" She blew the smoke out, and shifted her weight to one leg.
"I'm not. I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana ma'am. I jus' came hea' ta' ask could Tae spend da' rest of da' weekend wit' me. We're supposed ta' train at da' field in da' morning anyways" He lied on the last part. He could see it on Tae's face how much he didn't want to be there. He honestly didn't blame him.
She pulled from her cigarette and then looked at her son. She rolled her eyes heavily "I guess. Can finally have my house to myself." She said. Tae sucked his teeth and walked away while muttered things under his breath but they didn't hear what he was saying.
"Ima be in da' car Tae," Sekani told him "It was nice ta' me'chu Ms. Jones" He fake smiled and turned around to head out the door.
"Mhm. Don't come to my house unannounced again" She said harshly before coughing disgustingly.
Sekani scoffed and just ignored her as he walked to his car. Glad he was out of that house since he was trying to hold his breath.
Sekani put the cocoa butter on his face while he walked out of his bedroom and into the living room where Tripp, Syn, and Tae were all playing the game on the sofa.
"Nigga you suck!" Tripp laughed at Karsyn. Sekani tried not to laugh at the face Syn was making, he could tell he was very annoyed that he was losing. "Nah nigga dats what yo' bitch was doin' ta' me last night" Syn resorted.
"You a damn lie. If I get a bitch I ain' bring her around yo' ass." He scoffed while Tae laughed at them going back and forth.
Sekani shook his head and grabbed his phone from the island. He sighed when he didn't see a text back from Cameron. She's been ignoring him all day, he understood nonetheless since he remembers what today is. But he still wanted to know she was okay at least.
"Fuck it. She gon' see me ta'day" He mumbled, putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing his keys. "I'ma be across da' hall if y'all need me. Tae text me when you're hungry and I'll go getchu' something" He said putting on his Nike slides that were by the door.
"It's snacks in thea' doe" He added and Tae nodded but furrowed his eyebrows "What's across the hall?" He asked.
"His girlfriend dat he acts like he'on like '' Syn answered before Kani could while still looking at the tv.
Sekani scrunched up his face "No I don't" He said, wondering where he got that from.
"I swea' nigga so damn mean to her. Everyone on her comments on Youtube sayin' you don't like her foreal and she needa leave" Tripp laughed, and Syn nodded in agreement.
"Shit, sometimes I think you' n like ha' my damn self. I needa get my baby mama back" Syn shook his head but Sekani just looked at them all weirdly.
He wondered if Cameron felt the same way as they did. He joked about her a lot but that's just how they always are. It didn't mean he didn't like her.
He hoped she didn't feel the same way as everyone else.
"Y'all don't kno' shit," He said before walking out the door. He stepped in front of Cameron's door and typed in the key code to her door before walking inside. He turned her alarm off, removing his slides and putting them neatly by the door.
He walked fully inside and saw the Tv in the living room was one but she wasn't in there. There were pictures everywhere, all of what looked like old photos of Michelle.
He sighed and grabbed the remote from the table to turn the tv off. He walked down the long dark hallway, seeing her bedroom door cracked open. He walked inside and saw her curled up in a ball on the floor and blankly looking at the wall. He guessed she was really zoned out since she didn't look up.
He walked over and picked her up, causing her to jump but she relaxed when she saw it was just him. He looks at her flush darkskin sees tear stains on her face and she looks exhausted. "What do you want?" She asked lowly as he carried her over to the bed, gently laying her down.
"Ta' kno' you okay" He walked over to her vanity, grabbed her 'Dior' label, pink and white bonnet, and walked back over to the bed.
"I'm okay. You ca' leave" She said blankly and took her bonnet out of his hand to put it on herself.
"You really want me ta' leave?" He asked softly. He honestly didn't want to since he hasn't seen her in maybe two days but if she really wanted to be left alone, he would leave to give her that privacy.
She started to tear up "No" Her voice cracked. He quickly removed his shirt before getting in the queen size bed with her and wrapped his arms around her body. She broke down in tears and hugged him back tighter than she had ever done before.
"It's okay mama, I'm here" He kissed the top of her head repeatedly. He couldn't imagine this type of pain she was going through or his other best friends. He watched all three of them do a whole 360 change after their mother passed.
Xzavier became mute most of the time. He talks but not as much as he used to. Reem became aggressive and mad at everyone but took his anger out on the people on the field. And Cameron became depressed and he didn't know before but very suicidal. This pain and change stuck with them for years and it's hard for Sekani since he wants to help all three.
Nothing can help besides therapy and being there for them. This was a long-lasting pain.
🎶Yeah, why did you leave?
If you was here, how would it be?🎶
Ghetto angels by NoCap played on the Tv while Cameron sat on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest and staring at a picture of Michelle from when she and Nassir got married. Michelle had the biggest smile on her beautiful face while Nassir was playfully mugging her with cake on his face.
They looked so happy with each other.
She sighed looking at Nassir. She tried to call him earlier and even pop up at the house. But the way he was looking when she came over told her being around him at the moment wasn't such a good idea. Her dad was always good at controlling his emotions when around his kids, not wanting to project his pain onto them like Michelle's mother does.
But Cameron understood that he was in pain too. He lost the love of his life. The look told her to just give him his space.
This was a pain that felt like it would never heal. She felt as if therapy helped her other problems but not this one.
She heard the door to her apartment open, knowing Sekani was back with the food. She honestly did want to be alone but she wanted to be around him even more. She brought her a lot of peace but she hoped it didn't get bad like it was with her ex.
"You want yo' food now or lata' baby?" He came into the living room. She slightly turned her head to look at him and shrugged "Now, I'on kno' " She mumbled then sighed and put the picture down on the table in front of her.
He nodded and sat down next to her. He sat on the edge of the couch, he pulled out two clear containers of the Publix salads that he's been wanting to try. Cameron stared at the side of his face before he got up to leave. After a moment he came back with two ginger ale bottles and sat on the couch again.
"I'm sorry" She mumbled and started to fiddle with her heart shape locket while looking down at her legs as she sat criss-cross. He lifted her head up "Don't be holdin' yo' head down. Too pretty fa' dat" He said sternly.
She immediately nodded knowing that's exactly what her dad would say or pop her for it. It was just something about it that the men in her life absolutely hated when the women in their life held their heads down. Any women for that matter.
"Whatchu' sorry fa'? You ain' did nothin' annoyin' yet" He joked and she laughed a little.
"I'm sorry for bein' too much' right now. I don't want to overwhelm you or— Have I ever said dat?" He cut her off.
She shook her head "No" She replied, wanting to put her head down so badly to avoid looking at him. "Den don't think it" He sat back on the couch and slouched a bit before grabbing her and putting her in his lap.
"You jus' be pickin' me up like it nothin' " She frowned before wrapping her arms around his neck and then placing her head on his shoulder. His thumb subtly rubbed her back in a circle "Cuz you are. And if I don't tell you dat you overwhelmin' me, don't believe it. You hear me?" He said seriously, leaning back to look her in the eyes.
He stared at her glossy eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.
"I'm so messed up Tooda." She just down sobbing. He sighed and held her closer to him "You aren't messed up fats. You jus' goin' through sum pain. You aren't messed up fa' dat" He kissed the top of her head.
"N-no. I told her-her dat I hated her. Right after she died, I-I would say I hated her" She broke down, even more, feeling like the worst person in the world. She always tried to push it to the back of her mind but deep down inside, she had some strong anger and resentment towards Michelle.
"W-why would you say dat?"
"I never said it out loud but I thought it fa' months and I still think it sometimes. She knew she was sick, Tooda. She knew! She didn't say anythin'! She jus'—jus' let us go around without knowin'. She knew She knew" Hot tears streamed from her eyes. She knew it was wrong and selfish to feel the way she did but she honestly couldn't help it. She lost one of the most important people in her life because they never spoke up about being sick and they all went around clueless.
Sekani gently pulled her away from his chest. He reached up and wiped her tears away with his thumb pads "You gotta put yourself in ha' shoes fats. She was sick, she was in pain, da' first thing y'all was gon' do is drop everything and try ta' help ha' and get her da' best help but she probably didn't want y'all to do dat. She wanted y'all to live y'all lives fa' ha'. She was already in pain and didn't want y'all ta' be in da' same pain" He spoke, still wiping her face.
"Dats why I feel so bad because I kno' dat but it's like a part of me won't understand dat. Why didn't she fight for us? why didn't she fight for me? I need her more than ever and I would kill jus' t-t—" She said crying again.
The topic of Michelle felt like a deep cut that would never heal. She was going through all the motions, Angrier, Sad, Guilt, Depressed.
She just wanted it to get better one day. She couldn't take it anymore.
Thoughts or Opinions?
Don't get on here talking about Cam cry's to much. You have to understand she lost her mother so she going to cry over it.
Do y'all think Sekani acts like he doesn't like Cam sometimes?
I really don't like this book anymore🥲 I have bad writers block for it now.
610 votes for an update!!!
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