😗sorry for any mistakes
Los Angeles, California
April 22nd
Cameron quickly rushed into the restaurant, she glanced around, spotting Lex and Crystal at a booth in the corner before going over to him. "Heeyy, sorry I'm late" She huffed, sliding in next to Lex.
"Girl we jus' sat down anyways" Crystal chuckled, sliding over the QR code for her to pull the menu up on her phone. "You got stuck in traffic? I neva' seen so much traffic besides dat one time we went ta' Atl" Lex shook her head.
Cameron pulled the menu up on her phone "Um no. I was comin' from therapy" She said hesitantly and looked up at their faces. They both had shocked expressions on their faces, this was the first time she brought up therapy to them.
"Therapy? Since when?" Crystal asked.
"Umm since New Year. It's been like 3 or 4 months now" She said "I didn't tell y'all because I didn't kno' if I was really gonna take it seriously like last time'' She said, already knowing what they were about to ask next.
They all never kept secrets from each other, even the smallest things so Cameron was surprised herself she waited so long to tell them.
"You didn't have ta' tell us until you're ready anyway," Crystal said, Lex nodded in agreement. "Do you like it? We don't gotta beat nobody ass?" Lex asked.
Cameron busted out laughing. She always thought it was funny all three of them didn't look like they were fighters but pissed them off one good time. You saw a different side of them.
"No, I actually like it. I don't feel pressured or anything. I'm actually really comfortable wit' her" She smiled. She was glad she listened and went to therapy. Suicidal thoughts haven't been floating around her mind. When she feels waves of sadness, Dr.Ford gets her to write them down and explain why she felt sad, and write solutions to fix them.
Her confidence in her looks and self still wasn't where it should be but she was slowly working on it. She just took it day by day.
"I'm glad your gettin' help peanut. You deserve ta' be at peace." Lex hugged her and Crystal nodded in agreement.
"That's my life update, what 'bout yall?" She looked back at her phone and saw Sekani texting her. She rolled her eyes with a slight smile and decided to ignore him since he was talking shit like usual.
"If one nigga don't work, get anotha' one. If dat nigga don't work, get anotha' one and if dat nigga don't work, get two niggas" Lex nodded. They busted out laughing at her.
"Best I jus' kno' you don't got two niggas" Crystal said, holding in her laugh while Cameron was still cracking up.
"And do. Why should I limit myself ta' one nigga?" She shrugged. "When one pisses me off, I go ta' da' otha' one," She said.
"You been 'round Leon?" Cameron chuckled.
Lex nodded and laughed "My boy been teachin' me da' game. Can't play a bitch dat already kno' da' game" She shrugged. They started laughing knowing nobody but hoe ass Leon told her that.
"What 'bout my li' bro?" Crystal asked, referring to Karsyn.
"What about him? He 'bout ta' start college soon, I'm sure he gonna find someone thea'." She said. "And y'all jus' skippin' ova' da' fact I'm turnin' 22 in 2 weeks and he's only 18" She reminded him.
"Men do it all da' time. What's wrong if a woman does it?" Cameron asked. She personally didn't see the big deal in the age gap. Men can be 22 and date an 18-year-old and people praise it but if women did it, people judge them. It was so double standard.
"Right, he 18 wit' da' mindset of a 24-year-old," Crystal added.
"And I'm sure he will find someone else. Syn knows what he wants and shit, got his life planned out. I don't, I'on wanna settle down and he does." Lex said. "Dats why I tell him ta' jus' stop. He wastin' his time wit' me and dat ain' right to himself." She added.
Crystal rolled her eyes "I guesss I understand whatchu' sayin' " She dramatically sighed. "No basketball wife for youuu '' Cameron pouted.
Lex laughed at both of them. "Y'all want me wit' him so bad fa' what?" She asked.
"My boy has been applying pressure since he was 9. I've been rooting fa' him" Crystal chuckled and the waiter came over to the table.
"My fault for the long wait. Can I star—" The man stopped speaking when his eyes landed on Cameron. She slightly raised her brow, wondering why he was staring at her. She couldn't lie, he was cute.
"I'm sorry" He cleared his throat and looked somewhere else. "Drinks? Can I start y'all off wit' y'all drinks or appetizers? or are y'all ready to order?" He asked, pulling the Ipad out.
"Y'all ready?" Crystal asked, they both shook their heads no.
"Is y'all Lemonade water down?" Cameron asked, and he chuckled. "Ion drink regular Lemonade but the mango one is good," He said.
Her eyes lit up as she was trying to avoid eye contact with him "I want dat please," She said, he nodded, taking Crystal's and Lex's drink orders before leaving them.
"What?" She chuckled when they both were giving her a look. "We gonna ignore da' way he was lookin' at'chu?" Lex asked. Cameron started blushing then shrugged.
"Mm," They both hummed.
🎶Touch what I never touch before, seen what I never seen before. Woke up and seen the sun sky high, sky high🎶
Black ice by Goodie Mob blasted through the speakers of the gym as Sekani, Leon, Kareem, and Xzavier were all working out. And listening to Kareem complain about his wedding.
"Nigga if you gettin' cold feet, jus' say dat" Zay laughed while leaning on the wall with his bottle of water.
"I ain' but damn she stressin' me out." Reem huffed, throwing the weight down. "Now what did the weight do to you?" Leon asked, Sekani laughed at the face Reem was giving him.
"All you gotta do is say yes ta' everythin' she asks. Dats what I did wit' Sam" Zay shrugged, picking his phone up.
"I do dat, den she wanna get mad and say I ain' helpin' ha'. I really don't giva' damn 'bout da' shit. I jus' wanna be married" He complained, grabbing his water from his gym bag.
"It's yo' weddin' to doe. Not jus' 'bout her '' Sekani said while sitting down and grabbing his hand towel from his gym bag and wiping the sweat from his head.
"Y'all supposed ta' plan together. Dis a day y'all locking in wit' each other forever. Betta' help ha', yo' weddin' is gonna be one of da' specialist days of yo' life besides when you have kids" Sekani said.
He understood the want of him just wanting to be married but he thought he should think of it a little more. He's about to marry the love of his life and best friend, it had to be perfect.
"Mannee ain' no plannin' wit' Wyn indecisive ass. She changes ha' mind every otha' minute." He shook his head.
"Damn, y'all nigga married and gettin' married. Personally, I wouldn't let that happen ta' me" Leon started to put his shirt back on.
"Nigga don't nobody wanna marry yo' ho ass anyways," Zay said and they all busted out laughing.
"I know, I'm happy about it too. I'on know how y'all do it" Leon said.
"Cuz we don't hold folks accountable fa' shit someone else did ta' us," Reem said bluntly. Leon scoffed and grabbed his water.
They always told him he couldn't hold other women accountable for what his mom did. Everyone wasn't going to leave like his mom, but Leon wasn't trying to listen to any of that.
"Let's not even have this discussion again" Leon shook his head, sitting down on the bench. His mom was always a sensitive topic for him, he was a mama's boy so her walking out on him and his dad cut him deep. But they always wanted him to see that you can't hold that hurt against every woman in the world and deprive yourself of love because of it.
Sekani was about to say something until his phone went off in his pocket. He leaned up a little to grab his phone out of his pocket and saw that Cameron texted him.
Aren't you proud😀?
Which one should I post?
He chuckled before liking both of the pictures and telling her to post both of them. He laughed out loud about her looking bow-legged. He looked at the second picture closer, she did look like it a little.
He saved both of the pictures to his phone before looking up when he felt someone burning a hole in his head.
"What?" He asked Reem since it was him staring at him.
Reem shrugged "Nun, but say, bro. Why you ain' tell me like Cameron?" He raised his brow, and Zay started choking on his water before busting out laughing.
"Woahhh" Leon mumbled with his eyes widened. Sekani looked at him like he was crazy "Nigga what?" He jerked his head back with his face scrunched up before he started laughing.
"I'm not laughin'," Kareem said seriously.
Sekani laughing started to die down and furrowed his eyebrows "Nigga you can't be deadass" He chuckled a little but Kareem's face didn't change and he looked at Xzavier who had a serious look on his face now.
"Nigga you like peanut?" Leon put his fist to his mouth.
"Hell nah." He said with his face twisted up.
"You ain' gotta lie. Angel is a beautiful girl, jus' wanted ta' know why you ain' say nun" Kareem shrugged, Xzavier nodded in agreement.
Sekani started laughing again, he didn't understand where they were coming from with all of this. "We talm 'bout da' same Cameron? Y'all li' sister Cameron?" He asked, looking at them weirdly.
"Dats da' only Cameron I kno'," Xzavier said.
Sekani couldn't help but keep laughing at them. "And how did y'all come up wit' dat?" He asked very amusedly at the two.
Kareem sucked his teeth "Nigga you don't see it? I peeped da' shit a long time ago" He chuckled, Sekani was still confused as to what they peeped.
"You don't see it?" Zay asked shockingly. "On Reem's birthday, yall was huggin' and shit. You took her home" Zay said.
Sekani sucked his teeth "I drove us thea' dat night and we live across da' from each other. I hugged ha' cuz she was cryin' " He said not seeing what they were saying.
Reem sucked his teeth "We all kno' you would've had us take her home because of how mad she was. And out of all our years of knowin' each other, you neva' hugged her befo' " He said.
"That is true. I neva' seen you hug her before until that night" Leon scratched the back of his neck.
Sekani waved him off "Y'all must think I like everybody I hug den?"
"Nah. Da' way every time we sumwhea', y'all always close together. Da' way you be starin' at ha' and y'all together 'bout every day when y'all could barely stand each other. But na' y'all 'best friends' ?" Reem explained.
"Nah, y'all trippin' " Sekani shook his head, getting up from his spot. Has he noticed how close he and Cameron have gotten over the past almost year? Yeah.
But they were only friends in his eyes. They really were both getting over breakups at the same time and they lived across the hall from each other. It made them closer, they were helping each other with their mental health.
He didn't know why they thought he would cross that line with them either. That's their little sister and he knew how they went behind her, he had enough respect for both Reem and Zay not to do that.
Reem chuckled "Aight"
"Hiiii, you missed meee?" Cameron cheesed while walking into the kitchen with something behind her back.
Sekani looked at her crazily and looked around, wondering how she got into his apartment"H-how da' fuck you get in hea'?" He asked.
"I'm a criminal" She shrugged, his eyes grew even bigger. "Y-you broke into— Sekani bye!" She cut him off and started laughing.
"You gave me da' code ta' yo' door da' otha' day when you asked me to bring your packages in. Remember?" She titled her head to the side.
"I forgot. Why did you remember it?" He chuckled, walking around the island. "I didn't, you texted it to me," She said as he now stood in front of her. He was about to hug her until he noticed her hands were still behind her back and she looked up at him with her big glasses on.
He thought she looked adorable with them on. He used to call her a geek with them when they were younger. They were really big and made her eyes look big too with them on.
"I got you some flowers," She said, bringing the bouquet of red roses from behind her with a big smile on her face. He frowned a bit "You bought me roses?" He asked, taking back some.
She nodded "Yeah, it was dis video on tik tok talkin' about how men never gets flowers until they die. And I never noticed how true it was dat men don't get flowers until they are 6 feet in da' ground. So I went ta' da' flower shop down da' street and got you flowers" She explained while pushing her glasses up on her face.
"You like dem?" She asked as he stood there in shock. Nobody has ever got him flowers before. It was so simple yet he felt so special and cared about. Small things like this really matter to men.
He nodded while looking at the flowers "I do. Thank you, fats" He said before she hugged him tightly. He looked down "You good?" He asked, a little concerned. She never hugged him tightly unless there was something wrong.
"Yeah, I'm a li' tried doe" She mumbled before letting go of him.
He grabbed her forearm before she could walk away "You sure? If you needa' talk you ca' talk ta' me" He assured her while eyeing her face. He didn't see any dried-up tears or anything which he was glad about.
"I'm fine Sekani. Foreal" She smiled before moving his hand from her arm. She put her phone on the island before going fully into the kitchen.
"You want me ta' cash app you or apple pay?" She asked, referring to the food he bought since he didn't feel like cooking.
He chuckled, putting the bouquet on the island "Since when do we send eachotha' money fa' food?" He asked, watching her heat up their food.
She just shrugged. He wondered what it wasn't she wasn't telling him. She usually would crack a joke about him or call him ugly but she wasn't.
He glanced at her phone and saw a piece of paper in the back of her case "What's dis?" He asked. She turned around to see what he was talking about before chuckling a little "Dis boy gave me his number while I was at lunch wit' Pookie and Lex today" She said and turned back around.
Sekani mugged the phone but fixed his face when she turned back around to give him his food "I haven't used it yet doe. I was gonna ask my therapist about it first to see if she thought I'm ready to date again" She informed him, going into the refrigerator and grabbing them something to drink.
"He was cute doe" She slightly smirked, giving him the bottle of water.
"Yeah, definitely ask yo' therapist first befo' textin' him," He said and discreetly wrong his eyes.
Thoughts or Opinions?
Mystery waiter👀
415 votes for a update!!!
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