《Unstable ▾ a.s》24{Better days are here}


Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Months turned back to weeks. Weeks turned back to days. The days became hours.


I'm just a couple hours, pro heroes would fill the wedding venue and bare witness to Eraserhead and Fiammetta settling down together. No one thought the the Erasure hero would ever stand at an alter, but he would be there in a matter of hours.

So much preparation had gone into the wedding and the couple was very happy with how it all turned out, even with all the work they had to do as heroes and teachers. It was well thought out. Hizashi and Nemuri had kept the couple away from each other the whole day. Neither had seen each other at all. Traditions were weird. They slept in their respective rooms the night before because of their friends. But it didn't stop them from texting


Your cousin's more annoying than usual today. I regret asking him to be my best man.


You decided to be his best friend.


Don't remind me. Where are you right now?


My aunts house. She kicked all the guys out so it's me, Nemuri, Eri, (S/n), my mom and her. Where are you?


My parents house. Hizashi convinced them to let us get ready here instead of at the dorms.

Your brother, uncle, and dad just showed up. I'm going to kill your cousin.


Do it after the wedding. We still need him.


No promises.

When are you heading to the venue?


After my sister finishes Eri's hair. I need to do some last minute things there and get my dress on.


Should have just gotten ready there.


Yeah. My family is still in the phase of 'I still have a mental disorder so they don't think I'm fully in control of my own body'.


You lived with it for half your life, that doesn't surprise me.


They'll get over it soon hopefully. I'm getting annoyed.

"Ms. (L/n)! Look at my hair!" Eri bounces over to the heroine. Her hair was in loose curls and had a crown braid with flowers braided in.

"You look so beautiful Eri!" The hero smiled as the child hugged her legs

"Time to go to the venue!" The R-Rated hero cheered

The girls got into two cars and headed to the venue. It wasn't a long ride, but it felt like it due to the anticipation of it all. Once they got in, the moms brought the dresses up to the bridal room as (Y/n)'s sister took Eri to practice her flower throwing.

(Y/n) looked over all the decorations with Midnight and told the caterers where to set up. Everything was going well so far.

"Are you reading to spend the rest of your life with Mr. Grumpy?" Midnight asked

"He's not that grumpy," (Y/n) defended her soon-to-be husband, "but yes, I'm ready."

"I hope so. There's no going back after you say 'I do,'" Midnight smiled

"Are you trying to talk me out of marriage?"

"Of course not!"

(Y/n) laughed at her friend as her phone ringed. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the text message.



We're on your way over. Be over in about 20-30 minutes



"The boys will be here in twenty or thirty minutes," (Y/n) told her maid of honor.

"That mean we have time with the bride?" A voice called from the front door.

The heroes turned to the door and smiled at the alters. "You guys are early," (Y/n) said as she walked over to greet them

"Problem with that?" Leryn asked as she hugged the alters

"No, just didn't expect it," (Y/n) answered

The six talked for a bit before (Y/n) was dragged away by her sister a little before the guys got there. Now she was held up in a room with her sister and friend. Her mom and aunt had gone downstairs with Eri to greet guest before the ceremony. Her sister was putting some finishing touches on her hair before she got into her dress.

"I can't wait to see Aizawa's face when you walk down the aisle!" Midnight said

"I can't wait to hear about the wedding night," her sister giggled with the pro

"Why the hell would I tell you guys about mine and Sho's sex life?" She asked

"You won't. But it's fun to being up," Nemuri smiled

"Have you guys had sex or did you decide to wait till the wedding night?" Her sister asked

"They have. That much I know," Nemuri answered

"Are you guys that loud?" Her sister asked

"No. Hizashi, Nemuri, Kan and I were talking after the Cultural Festival and Hizashi outed that Sho and I were dating and Sho walked in and Nemuri asked about how he is in bed," (Y/n) explained, "I didn't deny it and Hizashi freaked a bit and Sho thanked him for condoms."

"He got Hizashi to be quiet?" Her sister asked

"Yeah. And you and Hizashi have similar quirks so watch it."

The girls laughed as there was a knock on the door. The R-rated hero walked over and let who it was in. The blonde hero walked in.

"Your not dressed yet?!" He asked

"Your not standing at the alter?" Her cousin retorted

"I'm checking on you," he answered

"What's Sho doing?" She asked

"Talking with your dad," he answered

"Everyone here yet?" Her sister asked

"Just about. Some have started getting seats," Mic said

"Alright," (Y/n) said as her sister finished her hair.

"See you downstairs," the blonde was about to walk out but stopped, "Oh, before I forget!" He took a black box out of his pocket and handed it to his cousin, "Sho wanted me to give this to you."

"Thanks Hizashi," she hugged her cousin as she took the box.

The blonde left the room and the two girls helped the bride get in her dress on. She sat on the chair of the vanity and put her heels on.

"What 'Zashi give you anyways?" Her sister asked

"Good question," the pro answered and looked at the box. She noticed a note on it and opened.


I know your not one for big expensive gifts, but it's our wedding day and you deserve it. So, here's to death do us part. I love you.


- Shota

The hero opened the box and saw a necklace. It wasn't something she expected her fiancé to buy. It was a necklace with diamonds all around,along with a pair of matching earnings. "Shota Aizawa," she sighed as her sister and friend looked over her shoulders.

"Oh my. Those look expensive," Nemuri said

"They're real too, most have other things added in," (Y/n) said

"You and your damn metal quirk," Her sister said and she took the necklace and put it around the brides neck, clasping it.

(Y/n) put the earrings in and pulled her hair out of the necklace and sighed. She never thought she'd be sitting there, in a wedding dress. She didn't think someone would really put up with her. Let alone to the guy who she had a crush on in high school.

"You ready?" She heard her step-dad ask from the door.

"Yeah," (Y/n) smiled. Her sister and maid of honor walked down the stairs. Her sister went to sit with the rest of the family. Nemuri went to meet the voice hero.

"He's as anxious as you," Her dad said as he handed her her flower bouquet.

"I figured," she said as the two walked down the stairs.

They met up with the maid of honor and best man, "Damn, Sho might drop dead," her cousin joked as (Y/n)'s brother joined them with Eri

"Ms. (L/n)! You look like a princess!" Eri bounced

"Thank you Eri," the bride smiled wide

"All right kids, it's time to start," her dad said

The six of them got in position and the door opened. The best man and maid of honor walked out first and took their respective sides. Eri and (B/n) walked out next. Eri threw the petals on the ground and when they got to the alter, they stood next to the heroes. Then the music started and everyone stood.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and walked out with her dad. She noticed all familiar faces. Some were students from U.A. there with their pro parents. But she kept eye contact with Shota.

He looked like he was going to break into tears. (Y/n) could do the same. She walked with her dad to the alter and then was handed off the her soon-to-be husband. Her dad sat with her family and alters as the walked up to their own positions. Everyone sat down and the official began his speech.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate with (Y/n) (L/n) and Shota Aizawa as they proclaim their love and commitment to the world. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together." The officiant started, "(Y/n) and Shota, the relationship you enter into today must be grounded in the strength of your love and the power of your faith in each other. To make your relationship succeed it will take unending love. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you truly want what is best for one another and to learn and grow together. It will take faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds. If you both come freely, and understand the responsibility and work involved to make your relationship thrive, and are committed to not only each other but your family, please take each other by the hands and reply 'we do.'"

The officiant turned to the Erasure hero, "Shota, repeat after me. (Y/n), you are my best friend and everlasting companion. You have brought me the truest happiness I have ever known. I take joy today in committing my life to yours."

"(Y/n), you are my best friend and everlasting companion. You have brought me the truest happiness I have ever known. I take joy today in committing my life to yours." Aizawa repeated

"Now place the ring on her hand and repeat after me... with this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life, and cherish the memories we make together."

Aizawa took the ring from her brother and slid it onto her finger, "With this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life, and cherish the memories we make together."

The man turned to the heroine, "(Y/n, repeat after me. Shota, you are my best friend and everlasting companion. You have brought me the truest happiness I have ever known. I take joy today in committing my life to yours."

"Shota, you are my best friend and everlasting companion. You have brought me the truest happiness I have ever known. I take joy today in committing my life to yours." (Y/n) repeated

"Now place the ring on his hand and repeat after me.... with this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life and cherish the memories we make together."

(Y/n) took the other ring from her brother and slid it onto her fiancée hand, "With this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life and cherish the memories we make together."

"(Y/n) and Shota , prior to this moment you each walked a separate path. Now, you embark together on a shared path. Yet the journey is not yours alone, for you have already been blessed with beautiful children. It is the strength of your love that shall nourish you all together as a family. (Y/n) and Shota , today you have stood before these witnesses and declared your intent to commit your lives to each other in marriage. You have made promises to each other and your family. Your road to this moment has not always been smooth, but you continued to fight for one another. I hope you will never forget the fight and perseverance it has taken to get to this moment. And I hope you will never forget the love and joy you feel today, because these are the values that will keep your marriage, family and bond to one another strong. And so, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Shota, you may kiss your bride." The officiant finished

"Finally," The ravenette smiled and pulled his wife forward and kissed her as cheers came from everyone.

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