《Unstable ▾ a.s》19{Worry}
Don't worry about me.
I can handle myself perfectly fine.
I'm a pro hero, I'll be fine.
She didn't want them to worry, but that's all they could do. Her family. Her fiancé. The little girl who saw her as a mom. The students she helped through so much. The alters she let go. All of them. They worried.
Present Mic and Eraserheads phone didn't stop ringing all day. They had to turn them off during the school day. During lunch they checked their messages from their family and friends.
"You know, she's probably kicking her kidnappers asses right now," the blonde tried to lighten the mood in the break room between him and his friend.
"We don't know what the people who took her are capable of. Their quirks could be stronger than hers," Aizawa wanted to be optimistic, he really did.
"How do you know it's more than one person?" Hizashi asked
"You really think only one person was able to kidnap her? Have some faith," Aizawa told him, causing a little snicker from his friend.
Then the door swung open. The two teachers looked over and saw two of the former alters walk in and close the door behind them.
"Hello to you guys too," the English teacher greeted them
"Is it true? Was she kidnapped?" Mara asked
"We don't know for sure," Mic tried calming the two down.
"Your worried more than usual. She was, wasn't she?" Kencil asked
"She was," Aizawa told them, "the pros are working on figuring out her location."
"Are they really? I've been an actual person for a couple months, but in the world of pro heroes, that means they aren't trying that hard," Mara said
"We should have called Deirlot," Kencil told the blue haired girl
"We don't need to drag the other alters into this," Mic said
"We were supposed to protect her. She's kidnapped and we have to find her. That's our job," Mara stated
"You're not bound to her anymore. It's not your job to protect her anymore. If she were here she would tell you the same thing. Let the pros handle it. Focus of your studies," Aizawa's voice was more stern than he intended it to be.
"We're sorry. But it's hard to forget something when we've been doing it almost our entire existence," Kencil spoke.
She was never one to confront someone, but if it came to (Y/n), she could do it. But she was always so polite about it. Mara would rather confront someone and worry about the consequences later.
"Leryn's still in Japan. Kencil has contact with Coy and Deirlot. The three of them can—"
"You need to let the pros handle this, Mara," Aizawa cut off the third year.
"What if she relapses?" Kencil brought up the topic
"No, she won't..." Hizashi had to have faith his cousin was fine
"You don't know that. The fact that she had DID is now public knowledge. So is the fact that her alters can't protect her anymore, they could take advantage of that and there's the small possiblity that she can relapse," Kencil explained as best she could.
The room fell silent. Nobody said a word for awhile.
"Call the three of them," Aizawa broke the silence
"Sho, we have to have fai—"
"I really want to, Mic. But the alters know her the best. They saved her more times than either of us can ever. What's one more time?" The raven-haired man asked his friend
"Alright," Present Mic sighed
"I'll call them after school," Kencil told them.
"Tell them to meet with us at the teachers dorm when they get here, we'll go from there," Aizawa instructed.
The bell rang and the four left the break room and headed to their respective classes. Aizawa walked into 1-A and told his students to get heir costumes on and meet at Gamma Gym.
The class could sense something was wrong. They had heard the news report this morning and knew their teacher wouldn't answer their questions about it. They all unanimously decided not to ask.
So their day droned on as normal. They learned how to use their quirks the best they could that day and listened to what their teacher said. Even Bakugo listened.
When the final school bell rang, they watched their teacher leave with his stack of papers to grade. He sat down at his computer and began his work. He needed to distract himself from his fiancées current situation.
He didn't know what pros were currently out looking, but he prayed that they knew what they were doing or that this was all a bad dream.
'Oh how I wish I had the Alters right now," (Y/n) internally sighed.
She hadn't been this reckless in years. She also hadn't been kidnapped by anyone except Combustion. She had no idea what her kidnappers quirks were. Tactics she developed to get away from her father wouldn't work here. She needed to try something else.
Constraints. If it was a rope she could burn it away. Metal, she could manipulate it open. Get out of them and fight whoever kidnapped her then arrest them.
There was mumbling in the distance. She was in a different room, they were taking some precautions.
"Combustion said if he was caught, we kill her! There's no debating that!" She heard someone yell
"And that's fine. I'm just saying that I don't want to get burned to a crisp," Another said
"He didn't say just kill her, though. He told us to make sure she died with alters. He wants to know he won," a third guy said
'Combustion hired them to kill me if he was arrested? That doesn't seem right,' the (h/c) thought.
"So, we wait till now to call the five people who know her the best to save (Y/n)'s life?" Leryn asked as he walked into the teachers dorm with Mars and Kencil
"Deirlot and Coy will be here tomorrow. They have to fly in," Kencil explained
"We'll catch them up to speed when the get here," Midnight said
"Do we really believe this is our best idea? We would be putting two students at risk," Nezu asked
"They've saved (Y/n)'s life more times than any pro. Students or not, we have to put our faith in them," Present Mic answered
"Very well," Nezu sighed
Nezu began explaining the whole situation to the three. Some stuff they already knew, some they didn't. Then they all started thinking about who could have taken her. Then Kencils phone rang. She answered it and put it on speaker.
"Sorry that Coy and I aren't there right now. Her kidnapping is being taken very serious back here in (H/c)," Deirlot said over the speaker
"That's alright. We have three out of the five of you here for now," Nezu said
"Do you guys have any ideas of who could have taken her?" The former alter asked
"Not at the moment, we just got done talking about what happened," Leryn said
"Well, at least that's something. But I'm surprised you three haven't guessed it," Deirlot told them
"Are you saying this has to do with Combustion?" Aizawa asked
"No way! He's in jail halfway across the world!" Mic yelled
"That doesn't mean he has people working for him..." Mara said
"Coy and I will be there soon. I talked with Combustion before my flight. He didn't say anything. Just smiled and laughed. It's likely he planned this," Deirlot said
"That bastard..." Leryn sighed
"We'll see you soon Deirlot," Mara said
"See you soon," the first alter hung up and Kencil out it back in her pocket.
"We'll call the top heroes and let them know what Deirlot said," Nezu informed the three
"Can I make a request?" Kencil asked
"Of course. What is it?" Midnight asked
"When they find out her location, they call the five of us. We need to know we didn't fail in keeping her safe from him. That was our soul purpose for years and we can't give up on it easily," Kencil said
"I am sorry, but we cannot put your lives in immediate danger," Nezu told her
"They're not asking as students. We're asking as alters. Anyone with DID will tell you that they're alters are there to protect them. There's different triggers that bring each out. We're supposed to be there when she's in trouble. That's all we've known for most of our lives," Leryn said
"We understand that. But we can't let Mara and Kencil—"
"To hell with the rules about what Kencil and I can't do. We weren't born like everyone else in U.A., not like everyone else in the world. We were born from (Y/n)'s trauma. We were created to protect her, and right now we're failing. Before anything else, we're alters. That what we were in the beginning and that's what we are now," Mara cut the principal off
"Deirlot would of kicked your ass for interrupting someone," Leryn jokes to the blue haired girl
"Shut up," Mara punched her friends shoulder
"The short version of what we're trying to say is that, the five of us want to be the ones to save (Y/n). We know better than anyone how she reacts to everything," Kencil said
"I say we let them," Midnight agreed with the three, "If it had anything to do with Combustion like they think, they should be our first line of defense."
"I agree," Thirteen added
Multiple other teachers agreed. The three alters smiled at them and thanked them.
"If she still had use I would have the where ever she is now ablaze, but that's just me," Lwryn said as the three left the building.
The two girls went back to their own dorms as Leryn left the campus. The staff left to living area. In a few minutes, all that was left was Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri.
"I'm sure she'll be fine," the r-rated hero said
"I'm just hoping that this is all a bad dream," Aizawa said.
"We all are, Aizawa. But we have to gave the reality that someone did take her," Nemuri told him
The two noticed the bone was unusually quiet. Aizawa nugged him, which seem to bring him out of his thoughts.
"What's going through your head?" Midnight asked the voice hero
"If this goes how I'm thinking it will, she's going to push every single one of us away. If whoever kidnapped her doesn't cause a relapse, she might accidently do it herself," Hizashi said as his phone rang for what might have been the hundredth time that day.
He excused himself and stepped into the kitchen to answer it. Midnight said goodbye to the two and left the room. Aizawa felt good phone buzz in his pocket. He took it off and looked at the screen.
So sorry to hear about your fiancée. She should have played right.
Who is this?
He was confused. No one except their families and friends knew about their engagement.
How don't know you're fiancées own father? How sad.
Was he out? If he was how? "Hizashi," Aizawa called to his friend.
The blonde walked over and told the prison on the other end to give him a minute. Aizawa showed him the messages
"Tell her parents that Sho had contact with him," Hizashi told the other end, it was either his mom or dad, "okay," he said and put the phone on speaker.
"I'll get Nezu," Hizashi said handing his friend his phone.
The ravenette took the phone from the blonde as he ran off. "What did he say?" (Y/n)'s mom asked through the phone. She sounded panicked
"In the first message he said he was sorry to hear about my fiancee. The. That she should have played right," Aizawa answered her and the blonde came back with the animal principal.
"He shouldn't know anything about your engagement," the blonde took his phone back as the hybrid principal looked at the messages.
"Can you keep talking to him. Maybe we can get information," Nezu said handing the phone back to its owner
"No. That's not a good idea. We don't know how he got his hands on a phone," her mom said
"Your Ms. (L/n)'s mother, yes?" Nezu asked
"Yes. Call me (M/n)."
"(M/n), can I ask you that you let the pros handle this? I understand your concerned for your daughter, but I believe she wouldn't want you to be so involved in this," Nezu explainen.
"I understand. Hizashi, Shota, make sure you get my daughter back safely..." The line cut off and the blonde put his phone away.
How did you get out of jail?
Even if I could tell you that, I wouldn't. That's for me to know only.
Why go after (Y/n) again? She's done nothing
She's my daughter. I shouldn't explain my action to you. Someone who's only there temporarily.
"Sho, I don't think this is a good idea," Hizashi told his friend
"Yes, I thought it was at first but now I'm having second thoughts," Nezu added
"He knows something. I'm going to get it out of him," Aizawa ignored both of them and typed
You tortured her for years, you have no right to be in her life.
Mhmm... You may be right. But who am I to listen to a hero?
What did you plan?
I didn't plan anything. I simply told some people what they could do if I were arrested. That's all.
Why? Why try and destroy your own daughter?
No, no, no! I'm not destroying her! I'm making her better! If she survives this, my plan will be in perfect motion. Just have to make sure those pesky alters don't find her
Why? What has she ever done to deserve this?
Everything will work out in my favor. It always does.
What are you talking about?
Error 32434: the subscriber you are trying to reach is no longer in service. Please try again later.
Aizawa dropped good phone on the coffee table and say back on the couch.
"Mr. Yamada, could you get me a pen and paper?" Nezu asked looking at the messages.
The blonde left did a minute then cashew back with a pen and paper. The animal began writing down on the paper. After a few minutes he finished. The two teachers looked at the pair at the bottom was a message from the texts. The first letter of each sentence matched the letter in the message.
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