《Unstable ▾ a.s》18 {In Town}


By the time the two teachers got back to the campus and into the teacher's dorms, there was on the blonde student on leave with Eri. "Aizawa already finish up with Monoma?" Midnight asked the third year

"Yeah. He went to go grade some papers," Mirio told them

"You can head home if you need to Togata," (Y/n) told him as the two heroines put their shoes away

"Thats okay. I don't have anything going on today so I dont mind staying and playing with Eri. I just need to be home by dinner," the blonde informed the two.

"Okay. Just making sure we're not keeping from friends and family," (Y/n) said as she headed up up Aizawa's room.

She got up to his room and knocked on the door. There was a faint "come in" on the other side of the door. (Y/n) walked inside the room and closed the door behind her.

"You were gone for longer than I expected," Aizawa said as he turned to her and away from his work

"Ran into couple people I didn't think I would see again," she told him

"Who?" Aizawa got up and walked over to her

"Leryn and my ex," she answered

"The ex that raped you?" His tone changed. It was more protective than usual

"Sadly," a sigh left her lips as he placed his arms onto her hips

"Did he do anything?"

"No. We had a civil conversation, till he joked about my alters. Then I just kind of went off on him."

"What he say?"

"I said I was engaged to you and he said it send like a good choice in case one of the alters went off the rails."

"I should have went with you," Aizawa let out a heavy sigh

"Don't put yourself down. You had other priorities. Eri is more important than me right now. Besides, I handled it fine. Plus, Leryn and Nemuri were there," (Y/n) reassured him.

"Ok. As long he didn't do anything to you."

"I'm perfectly fine Shota, you don't need to worry."

"I still will," he placed a kiss on his forehead then the two got to work filling out their wedding invitations.


The day came to a close and everything winded down. (Y/n) was putting Eri to sleep while her fiancé finished their wedding invitations.

"Miss (L/n)?" Eri asked the pro

"Yes?" (Y/n) answered

"Are you and Mr. Aizawa going to live happily ever after like in the stories?" The six-year-old asked

"I hope so," (Y/n) smiled at the child as she laid in her bed, "Goodnight Eri."

"Goodnight," the girl gave one more smile before she closed her eyes.

The pro got up from her bed and turned her lights off and left the room. She headed back to her fiancés room.

"Did you finish the invitations?" She asked as she entered his room.

"Most of them. Only the our families are left," he stretched in his chair.

"Did you ever tell your parents that we started dating?" She asked as she stood behind his chair and rested her arms on his shoulders


"I did. Just haven't told them about the engagement," he told her has a tilted his head back to look at her, "Did you tell your family about the engagement?"

"Not yet. If I tell one of them, it then becomes public knowledge apparently."

"I have a sense your outing your sister."

"Oh I am. She got her personality from our dad for sure."

Aizawa laughed at her and stood up from his chair causing her arms to fall off his shoulders.

"It's been awhile since I've even seen your parents," (Y/n) sighed as she looked at the guest list, " I remember when I'd go over to your house with Hizashi after school sometimes. Your mom was always so nice,"

"Yeah. You used to make fun of our English. Made my dad laugh. He even told me that I should have asked you out way before you got on your flight," Aizawa told her

"What'd he say when you told him you finally asked me out?"

"Something along the lines of, "fourteen years ago, you had the guts to be a pro, but not tell a girl you liked her. But congratulations." Then I heard my mom yell at him over the phone."

(Y/n) laughed at what he said, "can't wait to be an Aizawa then," she told him as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"I'm sure it won't be as entertaining as the Yamada family," Shota told her

"Maybe but I need a change of pace from the Yamada family sometimes."

"So do I and I'm not even in the family yet."


Work seemed to fill everyone's schedules lately. Along with hero duties, teaching, taking care of Eri, classes for the internship students, and classes for the students that failed the provisional license exam, it was a lot to handle at the moment.

Somehow, (Y/n) managed to drag Aizawa to finish up the bigger parts of their wedding— the venue, the officiant, photographer, and videographer. The two had also managed to get invitations out. Everything seemed be coming together.

Currently, (Y/n) was waiting at the airport with her cousin for her parents. Her sister wouldn't be flying out till the week of the wedding as her brother was still in school back in (H/c).

"Why couldn't they have just pulled (B/n) out of school?" Hizashi asked

"I don't think you should be saying that as a teacher," (Y/n) told him as both their names were called

The two pro heroes looked over and spotted their family. The two met the older couple half way and hugged them.

"Congratulations on your engagement! I'm so happy for you and Shota!" (Y/n) mom said

"Where is he anyways?" Her dad asked

"He had to go to training classes for the two students in 1-A that failed their provisional license exam," Hizashi explained

"Two students in his class didn't pass?" (M/n) asked

"One has a huge ego and failed the rescue portion of this years exam. The other one is Endeavors son who apparently got into a sort of quarrel with someone from Shiketsu," (Y/n) explained as best she could.


She wasn't at U.A. when the first and second years took their provisional license exam. She heard about the situation through the staff of what happened with the 1-A kids.

"Was it that Bakugo from the Sports Festival?" (D/n) asked

"How did you see the sports festival?" Hizashi questioned

"I have my ways of watching my nephew announce events," he answered

"We watched the live stream on YouTube," the older mans wife let out his secret

"Where are you and dad staying?" (Y/n) asked

"With your aunt and uncle have a couple spare room so we'll be staying there. Then when (S/n) and (B/n) come out, they'll be in the other room," (M/n) explained as the four headed to the car.

"They're going to fight over the bed," (Y/n) said

"Oh, did (S/n) tell you that (B/n) is going into the hero course?" The older female asked

"Yeah. Then Hizashi suggested you guys move out here so he could go to U.A.," (Y/n) told her mother.

"I wouldn't object to it," (D/n) said

"Someones finally on my side!" Hizashi announced as they got to the car and the two cousins put their families luggage in the trunk and got in and started off to the voice heroes parents house

"How would you feel with all your family living out here? Including Shota's parents once you two marry," The man asked his daughter

"And once you and Sho have kids, oh man, you'll never get rid of us," Hizashi commented

"We practically already do with Eri," (Y/n) told him

"Eri?" Her mom asked

"Shota and I were part of the Shie Hassaikai raid team. The plan was to infiltrate the Eighfold Cleansers— a Yakuza group— and save a little girl, Eri, because of experiments they were running with her blood to erase quirks from existence," (Y/n) explained, "We succeed and U.A. became Eri's transfer location. Shota's been her caretaker since. He's been raising her and I've been helping where I'm needed along with the rest of the staff."

"Well, I'm glad you two are getting experience. You'll need it," her dad said as they arrived at their destination.

The four were meet out front by the voice heroes parents. The four parents all hugged as the kids grabbed the luggage out of the car and helped them put it inside the room.

"So, when are we going wedding dress shopping?" (M/n) questioned her daughter

"Yes, I need to know how much money to put aside," her dad added

"Next weekend. I'll let you know what time. And you won't be paying for my dress, I make enough money as a pro hero and a teacher," she told them

"We should get going. We've got patrol soon," Hizashi earned his cousin.

"Go and save the country, we won't hold you up," the voice heroes mom ushered the two out. The two cousins said goodbye and headed back to U.A. to get their costumes on.


The night was quiet on patrol. (Y/n) was occasionally stopped by people on the streets for photos and autographs, but that was it. Nothing interesting was happening that night. Until she walked by that alley.

She probably shouldn't have. But she did. She heard noises and her instincts kicked in. She turned the corner and ran into the alley, a hand lighting with a pure blue flame in an instant.

"Oh look, some hero come to save the day, thought I told you to be quiet," a male voice said.

"You should take your own advice," Fiammetta told him as she used her free hand to take control of the metal on his body. A necklace, zippers, earrings, multiple other piercings, a few silver teeth, and a knife. She used all that to pin him on the opposite wall and his victim ran away.

"This seriously had to be the highlight of my patrol?" She muttered to herself and she walked towards the petty criminal.

"Right on time," the petty criminal smiled

Before she could ask what he was talking about, everything went dark.


The morning rolled around and there was a confused Aizawa. He must have fallen asleep while waiting for (Y/n) to get back from patrol, that was normal. But he never once woke up alone since the two had started dating. No matter how late she was out, she was there in the morning. He immediately called her phone.


He called her agency

"Hello?" The secretary on the other line picked up after a couple rings.

"This is Eraserhead, Fiammetta's fiancé. Did she get back from patrol last night?" He asked, keeping as much worry out of his voice as he could.

"Let me look real quick," there was typing on the other line, "it looks like she never came back to the agency to clock out. I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Aizawa hung up and got ready for the day. He'd have to look into it later. Right now, he had to get ready to teach the next generation of heroes.

He put his costume on after finishing his morning routine and headed downstairs. Meeting with the rest of the staff, Eri was already awake and playing as the news was on as some of the staff stood and watched.

"A report was just filed to look for Pro-Hero Fiammetta. Her agency claimed she did not return after her patrol time, which was very out of character for her. Some witnesses have already come forward and said she went into an alley to help someone, but never came out. If you have any information, please call the number below, now to the weather," the reporter stated

"She's couldn't have been..." Midnight trailed off

"It seems as one of our staff members fell victim to the villains this time," Nezu sighed.

'Damn it, (Y/n). This is why I should worry about you,' Aizawa thought as he gripped his coffee cup.

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