《Unstable ▾ a.s》15{Back to Work}⚠️


Monday morning was interesting for the newly engaged couple. Not everyone knew about their relationship, to begin with. But when you tell a loud mouth blonde that his best friend is engaged to his cousin, by law, he has to announce it at the morning staff meeting.

"Why'd you set my jacket on fire?!" The blonde asked as he walked with his cousin down the hall, putting the small flame in his arm out

"Because you weren't supposed to say anything about the engagement. Half the staff didn't even know Shota and I were together until you said something," the (h/c) told him

"You didn't need to set fire to my costume. Now there's a hole!"

"I've tried knocking sense into you, literally, for years. Didn't seem to work," She said as she opened her office door

"Sometimes I wonder what your and Aizawa's kids would act like," The blonde said as he followed her in

"I'm going to punch you, Hizashi," the (h/c) told her cousin

"No seriously. You guys act so differently. He's tired all the time and mops around. You're energetic and actually brighten up the mood!" Present Mic told her

"Don't you have better things to do?" She asked, sitting at her desk

"Nope," He said, "hey, what are you going to name your kids?"

"Get out Mic," I told him as I started filling out some paperwork

"I think their quirks would be interesting," the bell went off, signaling the start of the first period

"Saved by the bell," (Y/n) said as she waved her cousin out of the office

"Love you too cous," he said as he walked out of her office

The hero sighed and took her hair out of his ponytail. She loved her cousin and everything he's done to help her, but sometimes he was too much. She had absolutely no idea how someone like Shota had managed to deal with him for all these years.

The hero put an end to her thoughts and got back to work. Sadly it just wasn't going to happen as the R-rated hero walked into her office and sat down on her desk.

"Did you need something, Midnight?" She asked her

"What are you working on?" She questioned

"Figuring out what students I still need to talk to before the end of the year."

The other hero grabbed the paper she was reading and looked at it, "Bakugo? I would have thought he had been the first."

"Well, Eraser had him on house arrest when I got here and then we were dealing with the yakuza. Just recently finished fighting my biological father. Also didn't want to deal with him right when I got here. From what I've heard, the kids' ego is bigger than FatGum," She said taking the paper back.

"Understandable," Midnight shrugged, "I'll see you later then. Just came by to annoy you," She said as she walked out of the room

The (Nationality) hero sighed as she continued reading over the student's paperwork till lunch when her door opened and slammed shut, "Is it possible to drop out right now?" the familiar voice of her former alter came


"It hasn't even been a day and your trying to leave," The former host said

"That doesn't answer my question."

"No. You can't do out. I'm telling you that as one of your teachers and as your former host."

"I hate you."

"Says the girl who protected me for how many years?"

"I see your point," she sighed and sat on the couch, "Why couldn't I have gone off on my own like Deirlot, Coy, and Leryn?"

"Because according to Japanese laws, your are still a minor till age 20. How are those provisional hero license courses going by the way?"

"I hate it. I know just about everything that's the kids you failed are learning. I feel like I'm wasting my time."

"Just be patient. By the time you get your provisional, you'll have a little bit of time to get involved in a work study before getting your license."

"Technically, I have a hero license."

"No you don't. My hero license states my name. Not any of the alters, you're not getting out of this easily. Now go eat lunch."

"You act like I have friends to eat with."

"Kencil. Knowing how shy she is, she might not have made any friends yet."

Mara sighed and stood up and walked out of the office. Opening the door as Aizawa was walking in, "Not enjoying your first day of school?" He asked her

"Not one bit," she said and walked away.

Aizawa gave a small chuckle as he stepped into the room. "What was she doing in here anyway?"

"Trying to drop out," she told him

"It hasn't even been a day yet and she's already trying to drop out of school," Aizawa leaned against her desk next to her

"She's always been like that. I almost dropped out because she took over once and talked to my principal during my first year in the hero course."

"Glad she failed then. If she succeeded, we wouldn't have met."

"We might have, but it's a slim chance."


"I came to Mic's graduation. I could have met you then, but I more than likely wouldn't have."

"I didn't know you flew back here for that."

"I probably should have said hi to you, but it seemed to work out anyways," she cast a smile up at him

"I'm glad it did," he smiled back and leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Did you have a reason for coming in here?" She asked him

"Wanted to have lunch with my fiancée," he told her as she got up to grab something

Before she could go any further, the raven-haired man pulled at her waist so she was against him. He smiled as her hands landed on his shoulders.

"I swear, you are a completely different person when we're alone," she told him

"Don't let your cousin know that. Otherwise I will never hear the end of it," Aizawa stated

There was a knock on the office door and the two pulled apart, "Come in," the heroine called and walked over to one of her filing cabinets.

A familiar mop of purple hair walked in and froze as soon as he saw the Erasure hero, "Sorry, I didn't know—"


"You're fine Shinso," she told the first year then turned to her fiance, "I'll see you later."

"Alright," he said and stood straight, "Class 1-A is fighting 1-B today, stop by and watch if you want," he said and walked over to Shinso, "Come find me in the break room when your done talking with Fiammetta," was all he said then walked out.

"What's on your mind this time, Shinso," the hero asked and motioned for him to sit down

The purple haired boy sat down with a sigh, "Well, it's almost the end of the year," he stated

"And your wondering when Eraser is giving you your entrance exam into the hero course for next year. That it?" The teen nodded as the pro sat back down at her desk, "Well, I haven't heard anything from him or Vlad King. I'm also not in the know of things having to do with the hero department unless there's an attack on the students."

"Sorry. I figured since you and Aizawa-sensi seemed close you would know," Shinso said

"Go talk to Aizawa about it. He'll have more answers than me," the boy simply nodded.

After the conversation, Shinso walked out and the counselor continued her work


The day was coming down to a close, which meant less students to see towards the end of the day. So, asking with Midnight and All Might, (Y/n) walked to Ground Gamma to watch 1-A fight 1-B.

"So who do you think will win?" Midnight asked the two as they walked up the stairs to the stage

"Who indeed... Class A has overcome numerous crisis, and they are strong, without a doubt," All Might explained, "However, looking at their grades and data, Class B has actually undergone more growth. Thanks to staying out of trouble, they've been able to steadily hone their strengths."

"That's all true, but Class A has had the real works experience Class B hasn't. If they're smart, they'll use it to their advantage," Fiammetta stated as the three got into the viewing stage and the first match started. Displayed on the screen for others to watch.

The foreign hero gave a small smile when she saw the general studies student fighting with 1-A students. She had a feeling her fiance works so something like this. But it was a good way to see what he could do.

As the matches went on, they class going back and forth between winning, it was the last match. The tie breaker. Vlad King had been narrating the part for four rounds; being very biased towards his own class, of course.

The final match was interesting. On 1-A's side, it was Izuku Midoryia, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido, and Minoru Mineta. One 1-B's side it was Yui Kodai, Nirengeki Shoda, Reiko Yangai, Neito Momoma— who, (Y/n) was very concerned for his mental health after hearing him talk when she first went into 1-B's classroom— and Hitshoi Shinso.

The match was bond to be interesting. And if she remembered correctly from the sports festival earlier this year, Shinso seemed to hold a sort of grudge against the hero course students; more specifically Midoryia. Something bad was going to happen this match, she could feel it.

Midoryia took off from his team to scout for Class B. It wasn't a smart strategy, but it could work if they played their cards right. The other three Class A members were walking as the stuck Minetas balls to some type and floated it. They stopped for a moment them materials came flying at them.

Then something happened to Midoryia in his fight with Monoma. He looked as his he was going to flick his fingers and cause a blast, instead black whip like things came out of his body; and he couldn't control it. Everyone was confused, but when All Might told the hero course teachers something was wrong, the staff knew what had to be done. Midnight took over the narrating and the two teachers, joined by All Might and the counselor headed inside the arena.

By the time they for in and we're able to see, everything seemed fine almost. (Y/n) heard Shinso yell at Midoryia, them the black whips stopped. "What should we do, Eraser?" Vlad asked

"All Might..." Aizawa quietly sighed, "Let's keep watching for a bit," he answered

"Aizawa, what are you—"

"The fifth match shall continue," Aizawa cut him off.

Vlad seemed so confused, "Continue?! But... There was clearly something strange going on with Midoryia's just a moment ago!" He protested

"Did you not hear Shinso? He asked Midoryia a question then it stopped, meaning he was able to stop whatever was happening," Fiammetta said

"She's right. If that happens again, we'll stop it immediately and have Midoryia retire," Aizawa told us, "But the fact is, Shinso was able to stop it with his quirk, like Fiammetta said. As long as it falls into the "quirk" category, I can stop it too."

"Aizawa... But why?" All Might asked

"Because they've still got fight left in them," Aizawa stated, "both Midoryia and Shinso. Everyone's still trying to win this battle."

"You know, you're softer than I thought," Vlad said

"That's what Fiammetta tells me almost everyday," Aizawa said

"Because you do things like this, even after threatening to expell students," the heroine told him

Vlad and All Might gave a small chuckle and the four turned back to the fight. Everything was going fine again, then it happened

"The black stuff came out again!" Vlad and Aizawa stood and went to stop it

"Wait!" All Might stopped them

"Why?" Aizawa questioned

"Something's clearly different from before. He most likely relied on young Uraraka's quirk so he could focus on his own power," All Might explained then muttered something to himself.

"I don't think he knew he had that power till it exploded out of him. So how did he gained that much over it in just a few minutes?" Fiammetta questioned, too which none of the other pros could answer.

Almost as quick as the appeared, they vanished. Shinso ran. This might have been the falling action of the battle, because Class B was then taken down and Class A won.

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