《Unstable ▾ a.s》13{plans}


"I still don't understand how you do this," the lavender haired boy said as he looked at the dark haired male, who's binding cloth was floating above his shoulders as usual when his quirk activated

"Frankly, none of us understand how he does that," the (h/c) said as she walked into the small clearing with her former blue-haired alter.

"Is that, one of the alters?" The first year questioned

"Yes. She'll be fighting against you," Aizawa told him

"I didn't sign up for this but I'm ready for it," the blue-haired girl smiled

"Aizawa and I are also seeing what your new quirk can do. Try not to kill him," the female pro told the girl.

"You both have full use of your quirks and support items. If either (L/n) or I feel either of you is in danger, we'll stop you," Aizawa told them

"Was this a good idea?" (Y/n) asked the man next to her as the two started their fight

"No, but neither is putting a girl who just became and actually human being into a hero course during her third year of school," Aizawa leaned against a tree as he watched the two teens

"I feel like that was an attack," the (h/c) said

Aizawa just smirked in response as the two pros watched the young heroes fight. After a few minutes, they stopped the fight, and the training all together.

"You both did good. I hope you both took something away from this, keep up the work. Mara, we'll see you at school on Monday, Shinso, I hope your ready," Aizawa left without saying anything else.

"He's been acting weird," Mara quickly said

"Glad I'm not the only one who noticed," the two kids walked off to their dorms as the counselor headed to the staffs dorm.

Walking in, she was immediately greeted by the young girl who was living with them. "Hi Eri, did you have a good morning?" I asked the small girl as I kneeled down to hug her.

"Mhm!" She nodded "I've had a yummy breakfast and had lots of fun playing with my toys!"

"Sounds like you've had a busy morning," The older woman smiled as the child pulled her over to her toys

"(Y/n)! I'm stealing Shota for the day!" The schools English teacher yelled as he dragged his dark-haires friend out of the home of the rest of the staff

"Okay. Have fun then," she told the two as they walked out

"They are up to something," Midnight said as she joined the other staff that was with the white haired girl

"You don't say. Mic's been louder later. And Eraser seems, happier," Snipe said as he walked past the staff

"Their planning something," the (h/c) haired hero said

"You sound so sure of that," Thirteen commented

"I grew up with Hizashi for most of my life. I can tell when he's planning something," she said

"And Aizawa's been a bit too happy. Can you explain that? Not taking in the fact that you two started dating," Midnight smiled

"When did that happen?" Snipe asked

"Few months ago. Same day I found out my dad was coming to Japan," she answered as Eri handed her a doll to play with with her.


"Aizawa's the last person I thought would ever get a girlfriend. Almost makes sense none of us really knew about it. You two keep your personal lifes out of everything unless it comes down to it," Snipe replied

"But seriously, (Y/n), why do you think Aizawa's acting like this?" Midnight asked

"To be honest, I can't say. But he's in on what Hizashi's planning and he's fine with it. Which makes me worry. Hizashi's one of the most responsible people I know, but he acts like child when he gets into one of his little plans."

"Maybe Mr. Eraserhead is gonna marry you," Eri smiled as she played with the hero

"I don't think so. We haven't been together that long," the hero told the child

"Aizawa doesn't strike me as the type to marry quick either," Midnight added


"I'm starting to regret bringing you with me to pick out a ring," Aizawa said to his friend as they looked at the display cases

"Excuse me for being excited that my cousin is going to be spending the rest of her life with my best friend," Hizashi said

"How are you gentlemen doing today?" One of the employees walked over the the two pros to help them

"Great!" The blonde answered for the two

"Looking for anything specific?" The employee asked the blonde

"Best be asking him that. He's the one getting engaged. Just here for support," Mic smiled and pointed to his friend

"Wait, your voice hero Present Mic!" The employee smiled, "my wife loves your radio show!"

"This is why I don't go places with you," Aizawa said as he spotted a ring that peaked his interest

"Find one the perfect one?" The man asked

"Maybe," he said as his friend looked at the ring

"What do you mean 'maybe'?! That's perfect!" Mic said

The ring in question was simple. Rose gold band with small diamonds decorating it. In the middle was a teardrop shape sapphire with diamonds holding it together.

The employee of the store opened the case and took the ring out and handed it to Aizawa to look at. Aizawa thanked him and looked over the ring. A smirk appeared one his face.

"It's the right one," he said handing it back the the employee.

The two men got the ring in (Y/n)'s size, paid, and left the store with a small black box. "Alright, let's get some lunch!" The blonde said as the black-haired man put the box in his pocket

"Alright," he replied to his friend

The two sat in a snap restaurant as they ate their lunch on silent. "When are you going to propose?" Hizashi asked his friend

"By the end of the week," Shota replied


"What do you mean?

"How are you proposing?"

Aizawa shrugged as he finished off his lunch. "You got any suggestions? Otherwise I'm asking her after school in her office."

"Take her out to dinner, go on a walk after and propose to her there. Or do it when you two are on patrol or after a fight."

"And have the media be all of it,"

"(Y/n)'s a hero that's been in the spotlight lately, the media's going to be on it anyways sooner or later."


The two males finished their food and left the building to head back to the teachers dorms at U.A.


Once the two males made it back to the building, the dark haired male was free by the young girl he was looking after.

"Did you two have fun?" (Y/n) asked

"Of course we did!" Hizashi answered his cousin

"How was Eri?" Aizawa asked

"Fine. We mostly played. She finished lunch about fifteen minutes ago," She answered

"So, what were you two up too?" Midnight asked

"It's been awhile since Sho and I actually hung out outside of work! Just went out for a couple hours to hang out!" Hizashi smiled

"Whatever you say," Midnight smiled as she walked off.

"Well, glad you two had fun, I have to go down to the police station to help with my dads case. I'll see you guys later," she said as she walked over to her own did locker and slipped on her shoes.

Aizawa walked over and kissed her before she left. He turned back and made his way to the couch as the girl he was taking care of played with her toys.


"Has he talked at all?" The hero asked the detective as watched from behind the one-way mirror as another detective questioned the (H/c) villain.

"He likes talking about what he's done, but he hasn't given us anything useful," the detective said

"Sounds like him," the hero sighed

"It's been a few hours. We haven't gotten anything, maybe you should head home and we'll try tomorrow," he suggested.

"Let me try and talk to him," The hero said

"Are you sure?"

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't suggest it."

"Wasn't he the main reason for most of you alters?"

"Yes. But it's been years since he caused me any harm that's caused me to disassociate. I'll be fine."

"If you say so," The officer sighed. He called his Co worker out of the room and let the villain sit in silence for a moment before the hero went in.

"I'm surprised you and Present Mic are still so close. Even after shutting him out of your life," the villain said

"He's my cousin," I started

"Not by blood. Your mother really took a step back when she married—"

"Say another word about my dad and you won't have to worry about jail," I warned

"I'm your father. Not that man," he replied

"No. Your not. You maybe have gotten my mom pregnant with me, but you will never be my dad. You tormented me throughout my childhood. My dad was there for me. He actually cared about me," I told him

"He put that little hero game into your head. I've been trying for years to get you to realize that the hero society only cares for themselves. Especially in (H/c) and here. Being a villain has more perks than a hero."

"That's why you came to Japan? To try and convince me to turn my back on my values?"

"No! I came to Japan to finish what I started in (H/c). Take away everything you have and break you down till you are compliant. Just like when you were a child."

There was a sinister smile on his face. He thought he won. "Thanks for telling us you 'masterplan'."

"It's a shame you lost your alters. Would have loved to talk with Deirlot. Or Coy. Maybe Mara."

"Mara would have killed you. And you did nothing to her. Ever."

"Your right. If I recall it was—"

"We're done. I'm sure you'll have fun in jail."

The hero walked out without saying another word. "that's more than we would have liked to know, but thank you." The detective said as she closed the door.

"I'm just doing my job. I may not be a detective for a living, but when it comes to him, it's easy to see what he's hiding."

"You should head home. He's getting shipped back to (H/c) in the morning. Might wanna see him off."

"No. He doesn't need to see me. He'll use it as an excuse to break out and come back. I don't want anyone else dealing with him. Enough's already happened."

The officer nodded and the hero left the police department. She walked out onto the street.

"Everything go alright?" A low voice asked

"Yeah. We got the information. He's getting shipped back to (H/c) tomorrow morning," she replied as she looked up at the street lamp to her left, Aizawa perched on top of it.

"So we won't have worry about him for much longer," he said as he hopped down from the lamp post.

"Yep. Shouldn't you get back to patrol?" She questioned

"I just got done, so I came here to wait for you," he said

"Well, you can stop waiting for me, I'm ready to go home," she said

"Let's go home then," Aizawa took her hand into his as the two headed back to U.A. dorms.

It was a quiet night as the two walked back to the dormitory. (Y/n) leaned against Aizawa's arm as the two walked. He had taken off his yellow goggles and had them hanging around his neck, hidden under his scarf.

"What are you going to do know that Combustions heading back to (H/c) and being locked away?" Aizawa broke the silence

"I don't know. I've spent so long worrying about him and having the alters hold me back from doing things, I haven't given a thought to live without all of it," the female next to him admitted

"Can I give you a suggestion?"

"If you've got one," she answered as the two approached the steps of the teacher dorm

Aizawa stopped walking and looked at (Y/n), who was a step or two above him. Now eye- level with the male, she was confused.

"There a reason we stopped outside the dorm?" She asked, curious as he stuck his free and his pocket.

"Yes," he simply said

"Then what is it?" She asked

He was silent. Questioning his decision at the moment. We're they both ready for this?

"Sho, you're more quiet than usual, what's wrong?"


"Then why are you being so quiet," she walked closer to him and looked up at him. He met her gaze and took his hand out of his pocket. "Sho,"

"Marry me," he brought a small black box up, showing the ring he bought earlier, with the help of his friend.

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