《Unstable ▾ a.s》11{plans a go}


"You're what?!" All five alters asked

"I'm making a statement on what happened and hoping to bring Combustion out of hiding. The plans already set. We're killing two birds with one stone," the former host told them as she ready for the press conference

"And you didn't think to tell us earlier?" Deirlot asked

"You wouldn't let me if I did," she told them

"Because he's almost killed you how many times?" Leryn asked, "two out of the five of us can't protect you because we don't currently have a quirk."

"I don't need you guys to protect me. There's going to be pros there, no harm will come to me or anyone else," she reassured them

"We are still your alters, (F/n)," Kencil pointed out

"Yeah. We're coming with," Mara said

"No. You five are staying here and helping Thirteen and Togata watch Eri," she told them

"Why the hell do we have to babysit your and Aizawa's daughter?" Leryn asked

"Eri isn't Shota's daughter and she isn't mine either. Shota's her legal guardian for the time being," (Y/n) explained

"Sure," Mara rolled her eyes, "like you two aren't acting like her parents."

"Doesn't change that you five are staying here," (Y/n) told them as she walked out of her dorm room as the five followed

"Okay, but, Thirteens a pro, and Togata is a good fighter," Mara said

"Thirteen is more of a rescue hero and Togata lost his quirk. If something happens, you five get to play hero," (Y/n) said as she got in the elevator with them.

She blessed the short elevator ride. She got out and met with Aizawa, Nezu, and Present Mic at the front door. "Everything is ready. The pros are doing security and news is already reporting," Nezu told her.

She nodded and the four made their way into the city and to the building of the broadcasting. Once they arrived, the media immediately started asking questions about what happened. Mic did his best to get them to stop hounding her just to get her in the building.

Once they made it in they were greeted by pro heroes, some who still didn't know, some who figured it out, and some she told. But the media was what needed to hear this more.

"I hope this works," Aizawa whispered to her as she walked beside the principal to the stage where a table sat with microphones.

"So do I," she sighed as she went up with the principal and the two took their seats.

"As everyone saw, when Fiammetta fought the villain Spliter, he used his quirk and five different people came out. We've called everyone here to explain the situation and answer any questions you may have," Nezu introduced and gave a nod to the female.

"Many of you may not know what this is is, but I suffered from Dissociative Identify Disorder," whispers went around the room, "when I was younger I suffered through a lot of trauma, mainly from my biological father, Combustion." Hands shot up.


"Fiammetta, are you saying that the (Nationality) villain Combustion is your father?" A reporter asked

"Yes," she answered as the door to the building opened and a tall man in a cap and (h/c) stepped in.

"Can you explain Dissociative Identify Disorder further?" Another asked

"Yes. When an individual suffers from trauma—physical, sexual, and/or emotional, they dissociated from their thoughts. It's more severe than just daydreaming or getting lost in the moment. When the individual dissociates, they typically create alters, or other personalities to help them cope," she explained

"Is there a cure for this?" A different reporter asked

"Currently no. But there are treatments. For me, I was going to talk therapy. It was a way for me to reconnect some alters back into one identity."

"Principal Nezu, is it safe for someone like Fiammetta to be working with kids?"

"Of course! She was once a U.A. student. I saw the progress she had made with her alters when she was with us during her high school years. She's done exceptional work as a hero. She's helped us protect the students, all with her disorder," Nezu went on explaining his reasons as Present Mic walked over to his cousin.

"He walked in a few minutes ago. What do we do?" Mic whispered in her ear

"Wait for him to make his move. When he does, I'll distract him while you all get the media out of here," she whispered back to him

"Present Mic! Do you think it's safe for Fiammetta to be teaching at U.A.?" A reporter asked the blonde.

He stood straight up and smiled, "Of course! And I'm not just saying that because we're family! She's a strong hero and a great counselor for the students! She's had her troubles, mainly because of Combustion, but haven't wet all had our troubles?!" He replied

"You still don't know when to be quiet do you?" A gruff voice in the back called as the room fell silent.

"Good job Mic," she muttered as she stood up to look at the man.

"If she's such a great hero, then she should have saved herself years ago, instead she tries to save others," his hand jutted out but no flame came out.

(Y/n) looked over to see Aizawa was erasing his quirk. The media immediately started running out and the heroes jumped into action. They got the criminal out of the building and onto the street as the police and rescue heroes came to get citizens to safety.

"I see that this was planned, wasn't it?" Combustion asked

"Hurry if you don't want to get caught by his fire," Aizawa told the heroes, keeping his gaze on the villain.

"Ah, the Erasure hero, Eraserhead. Nice to finally meet you," Combustion smiled, then was hit by a blue flame.

"And you say Present Mic talks too much," (Y/n) said

"I'm interested in my daughter's life, can you blame me?" He asked putting out a fire on his shirt.

"You are not my father," she told him as multiple pieces of metal flew towards him, "Endeavor," she said as the new Number One hero set fire to the metal and each burned up and changed color.


While the villain was trying to dodge the burning metal, Present Mic screamed at him. He clutched his ears and kneeled to the ground. Eraserhead threw his capture weapon at the villain.

Combustion had recovered in time to catch the weapon and pulled the dark-haired hero to him and clasped his hand around his neck.

"What have I said about bringing people into our game? They'll get hurt," His hand was starting to heat up, causing the hero to scream out in pain at the amount of heat being pressed against his skin.

"Fiammetta, don't you dare cut us out of this fight!" Mic yelled as he was about to let out another yell.

"Mic don't!" She told him and looked at the man who was close to setting her boyfriend on fire. "Let him go, we'll play this your way!" She yelled at him.

"This isn't part of the plan!" A hero yelled as the villain smiled and threw Aizawa at the other heroes.

"The whole city will burn if we stick with the plan!" She yelled as sparks ignited in her hand and the blue flame came.

"Fiammetta, fall back!" Endeavor yelled

"You of all people know how powerful fire quirks can be!" She said as she shot the blue flame at the villain.

"The city will burn either way! Do you even have full control of your quirk? Without your alters? Are you stable?" It was a taunt. A sudden blast off purple flew past the heroes and hit the villain.

"She was always stable," Called a voice.

(Y/n) looked behind her to see three of her alters walking past the heroes, Deirlot, Coy, and Mara. Leryn and Kencil were helping Aizawa up.

"You're not supposed to be here. His effects were supposed to have set in by now," Combustion snarled as he himself shot flames out.

"Funny you say that," Mara smiled as she struck her hand out as a black mist come out instead of a flame. The mist went through the flame and hit Combustion. "His effects did take effect on some of us, and we got our own quirks. Thanks to your dumbass thinking that kicking us out would make her weaker."

"Mara's the only one with an effective battle quirk right now besides Coy and me, we still have our fire. Leryn's quirk is unknown and Kencil can sense people's emotions," Deirlot explained

"What's her quirk then?" (Y/n) asked

"We're calling it 'dream'. She's able to produce nightmares and dreams, we don't know what it fully does yet, so I guess this is our field test," Coy said

"Just make sure she doesn't kill anyone. I'll deal with him," The hero didn't wait for a reply as she sprinted towards the man that called himself her father as he evaded the dark mist attacking him.

(Y/n) shaped a complete combustion into a spear and threw it at the villain, a trick she learned from Endeavor when she was still training. The fire made spear hit the villain in the stomach as it started burning through his clothing. With a flick of her wrist, metals from the ground came up and pinned the criminal to the ground, pipes, wires, manhole covers, whatever was near her, she hit the villain with it.

"Ah, I forgot about your mothers metal manipulation quirk. Funny, how you hate me but use my quirk the most," he laughed

"It was never your quirk. A persons quirk is their own, not their parents. I hope you make some talkative friends in prison," she said as she called the police over to take him away, which they gratefully did.

"I'm glad I got to test my quirk out on him," Mara smiled as the five alters walked up to the hero.

"You're father's behind bars, now what?" Leryn asked

"She figures out what to do with us," Kencil said

"Principal Nezu, is there room for two new students?" she called to that small mammal

"Who are you suggesting?" The principal asked as he walked over to the group

"Mara and Kencil. Both of them are technically still supposed to be in school."

"No. I am not joining a bunch of high schoolers. Plus, it's late in the year and i'm technically supposed to be a third year, won't work." Mara complained

"I don't think it is, you already know most of what being a hero is from living in one's mind for so long, it should be review for you," Nezu smiled

"Who said I want to be a hero?" Mara questioned

"You just helped put a wanted criminal in jail, as well as been living inside a hero for years, and helping saving said hero," Leryn said, "and your saying you don't want to be a hero?"

"I'm not getting out of this am I?" Mara questioned

"Nope," the former host smiled

"Perfect! I'll handle the paperwork when we return to U.A." Nezu walked off

"What about the rest of us?" Leryn asked

"Do what you want. Have a life, you guys aren't bound to me anymore," the heroine told them

"Coy and Deirlot still technically are," Leryn commented

"Just have a life," the female walked past the former alters and to the media that was waiting for something to report.

"Well I'll be dammed," Present Mic smiled, seeing how easy his cousin handled everything

"Guess we didn't need to worry about her," Aizawa walked up to his friend as he looked at his significant other talking with media

"I still worry about her. She's family, that's what we do," the blonde smiled

"Mic," the hero next to him said calmly, "remind me to buy a ring soon."

"Huh? Why?" He questioned his friend

"Because one day, and soon," the dark eyes man looked over to the blonde then back at his girlfriend, "I'm marrying (Y/n)."

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