《Unstable ▾ a.s》3{safe place}


"I had a feeling this would happen, yet I pushed myself to do it," The two heroes sat in ground beta after the battle. The students were safe, and no one was hurt.

"We're heroes. We push ourselves to do everything, you know that better than anyone," Aizawa was trying so hard to calm her down, this time nothing was working it seemed

"I could have killed the kids, Aizawa. I could have burned them because of that switch. I know my altars fires, I can figure out who was fighting," The sound of running was coming their way. Aizawa looked up Present Mic and principle Nezu coming towards them. The new staff member didn't dare look at who it was.

"Don't worry, Fiammetta, none of the students have any major injuries. I'm positive that whatever goal was trying to be accomplished was done," Nezu told her, hoping to calm her nerves, it didn't work.

"Sir, I've seen her like this before, she won't talk to anyone. She needs some rest," Present Mic said on your behalf, he knew all too well what might have happened if Aizawa hasn't stepped in and stopped the training exercise.

"Ah yes. I understand the need for rest. That's the most important part of having a nice coat of fur such as mine. Fiammetta, take the rest of the day off, EraserHead, make sure she gets somewhere safe and if you feel like it's necessary for you to stay with her, I will find a sub for you," Nezu says as he walked off

"Where are you going to take her?" Mic asked

"Where do you think is best for her right now?" Aizawa questioned

"Get her to her room, I'll give my aunt a call and tell her what happened and get back to you," Mic suggested

"Alright," Aizawa said as his friend walked away, "let's get you home (L/n)."

She barely heard him. All she could think of the possibilities of what might have happened to those kids if he didn't step in. She didn't notice the tears forming as she did. She didn't snap out of her trance till Aizawa picked her up. She looked up at him. He looked so tired and grown since the last time she'd been at this training ground with him.

Her face was slowly tearing him apart. She was terrified and ready to break. He'd thought he'd seen her at her worst up until now. He so desperately wanted to do more than just take her back to the teachers dorms and make sure she was safe. He wanted to help her through this if it took a month or a lifetime, he wanted to help her.


After the time in ground beta, Aizawa had gotten (Y/n) back to her room. The two of you walked to the dorm and got you into your room. You went and changed as Present Mic approached Aizawa and the two talked outside.

"He's here," Mic said and put his phone on speaker, he had called your mom.


"Shota, did you see what color the flame was?" Your mother asked

"Blue, with smoke," Aizawa said

"Okay, with her, just make sure she doesn't do anything, that alter is one of the more violent ones. I've met her a couple of times and after she's switched back to herself, (F/n) starts to overthink things, depending on who was involved," your mother said

Aizawa thanked her as Hizashi hung up and wished him luck. He turned and knocked on the door before hearing a faint "come in." He opened the door and walked in to see you laying there under your bed covers. He closed the door and walked over and sat down on the bed next to her. "None of those kids were hurt. If they were, it wouldn't have been the first time, they know how to take care of themselves if they're injured," he assured her.

"That doesn't change the fact that I switched in the middle of the battle and used full force on them," she told him

"They need to learn that they won't have an easy way out every battle. They did good job until I stopped it. You did the job right," Aizawa looked down at her. She'd pulled her hair down from its ponytail and it was laying across the pillow, she had a few tears on her cheek and the pillowcase.

"I'm really not cut out for being a hero," she bluntly said, "DID is my coping mechanism for my past trauma. If I can't deal with that on my own, why the hell should I be allowed a hero license?" She continued

"Your disorder has nothing to do with how you act in the field. You have a powerful quirk already, but when you add the training you've done, plus the use of your alters to help you, you are more than deserving of being a hero," Aizawa reassured her

"Powerful quirk my ass. Metal manipulation is a good quirk and it pairs well with fire, but I can't combine them to create different colors without my alters. I'm stuck making complete combustion's until I switch, then a different flame is produced and I sit back and just wait till I can step forward again. Then when I do, everything's a mess, and I know it's my fault."

He never realized how much she had changed in fourteen years. The younger here would have said that her disorder wasn't anything to hold her back, now she was saying she couldn't be a hero because of it.

"It's not your fault. You weren't the one who—"

"Yes, I was. Whatever I do or the alters do, is my fault. Alters don't get blamed for anything. All they are trying to do is protect me. That's their job, but sometimes they get out of hand."

She was a few seconds away from being broken down completely and he knew it. "I should get back to campus. Get some rest, I'll see you later," he went to leave only for a hand to grab his. He didn't even look back, but he laid down next to her and wrapped an arm over her shoulder as she put her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Aizawa."


"You're welcome, (L/n)," soon enough, he knew she had fallen asleep against him. He looked at the clock in her nightstands for the time. The school day was almost over. There was really no point in trying to go back to class.


The week had rolled by fast and the training incident wasn't spoken of. Present Mic had dragged his friends to his cousin's office so the could make plans for the weekend. After the incident, Mic was even more determined even more to get them together. He was tied of seeing his cousin fighting her inner names all by herself, especially when it took a toll on her health. When asked by Midnight, Mic invited her and whispered his plan to her which she fully agreed to it.

"Hizashi, are you going to burst into my office every day?" (Y/n) asked as they walked in.

"Yes," he smiled at his cousin at took a seat.

"How was your first week back at U.A?" Midnight asked.

"Stressful," she replied setting aside some paperwork she had been working on.

"You get used to it after a while," Midnight shrugged

"Well, since you survived your first week, how about we go out for drinks, the whole staff!" Present Mic suggested

"Mic, drinks with you turns into drunk singing at a karaoke bar," Aizawa answered

The three other teachers laughed, all knowing it was true. "You know, I would love to see how that would turn out. When would we go?" She asked

"How about tonight. It's Friday after all," Mic suggested

"Alright," she agreed.

"Great, we'll let other members of staff know and see who shows," Midnight clapped

"Let's go spread the word now!" Mic said as him and Midnight walked out of the office.

"We both know he's planning something, right?" She questioned Aizawa

"He usually is when he suggests going out for drinks," Aizawa shrugged

"Take it you guys always end in karaoke bars," she added

"It's bad, I've never participated in it, Mic usually ends up getting us kicked out," Aizawa explained.

"Can't wait to experience it," she smiled as the bell rang for class.

"I'll see you later," he said leaving the office to teach his class.


The night had fallen and the students were to not ruin anything as the staff was heading out for drinks. Present Mic and Midnight had told everyone to meet at the bar. The surrounding of the bar was busy. People heading home, going out, and so. It was early in the night but anything could happen.

(Y/n) was walking to the bar to meet with the rest of the staff. Aizawa was doing the same. It was a walk he'd done many times before. He figured he'd be the last one there. He was wrong. He happened to look the opposite direction from which he came in time to see (Y/n) get pulled into a small alley a few 100 feet away.

He sprang into action, he was sure some staff members had seen him run off but it didn't matter. He pushed past the people walking down the street and ran into the alleyway. There's were a few men around her, her hands sparking as her quirk was activating. Before she could even use it, one of the men grabbed her pushed her again the wall. Aizawa ran forward and kneed one in the face then threw him at his friend.

(Y/n) took the distraction to knock out the third man, slamming his head against the wall before taking a shaky breath. Aizawa looked at her as she pulled her hair over her shoulders. She didn't have any physical injuries, that he could see or that she what had.

"I had that handled," she told him

"What would have happened if you switched? You could have killed them or burned buildings down," Aizawa said

"You think I don't know my alters strength? That's why I tried activating my quirk," She told him

"You shouldn't have been walking by yourself, not around this time on a Friday," Aizawa said

"I have gotten into far worse situations back home. I know what I'm able to handle and what my alters can handle. They know when to come out and when to stay out of situations," she was avoiding looking at him. He stepped towards her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"(F/n), there's something your not telling me, something that has to do with what happened here," Aizawa said.

"Don't worry about it," she tried making him forget about it, but her voice wouldn't let her. She would crumble soon, but she couldn't tell him. Not yet.

When he didn't get a reply, he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He would never let anyone know he had a soft spot, but the only people around were unconscious. She wrapped her arms around his torso and nuzzled her head into his chest.

"Whatever happened, you don't have to tell me right now. But when you're ready, I'll listen," he meant it. He'd seen her go through a lot, but he was always going to be there help her, from now on.

"Thank you, Aizawa," she looked up at him with her (e/c) eyes. She wanted to say more than 'thank you' but the timing was wrong. Maybe there would be a better time to tell him, there may never be the right time.

"Let's go meet with the rest of the staff before Mic gets suspicious," he pulled away and walked to the bar. (Y/n) stood for a second then followed. Entering a few moments after him and being greeted with the staff.

They all drank a little and talked. Soon, they all left for karaoke. (Y/n) had a blast watching her cousin drunk sing to songs.

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