《The Demon's Little Wolf》BREAKFAST


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I sat up and rub the sleep from my eyes "come in"

The door opened and Lily came in view. She bowed before speaking "The king is waiting for you for breakfast. It starts in 10 minutes." I nodded and dismissed her.

Walking like a zombie, I went in the shower and did my morning routine before choosing an outfit to wear. I wore my blue ripped jeans and a white spaghetti strap top with a knitted cardigan on top.

I followed the instructions of the guards and reached the dining room. This time also I went in without knocking. While I pulled out a chair for me to sit, a voice even more annoying than the screeching of the chair spoke. "Please don't wear that at the meeting. You will embarrass us. That piece of cloth is so ugly and tacky" Rayna said with disgust.

Apparently here even at breakfast you need to dress up since everyone one was dressed up. My mom, sister and Ivory were even wearing heavy make up at this time of the day and their hair were all in a beautiful hair do. Thankfully I did not come out of the room in my pjs like I always do.

I heard Cresent let out a whistle and I snickered. As for Rayna's comment, I decided to ignore it which irritated her even more. "You can't just ignore me!" She whined like a three year old. I continued acting unbothered and guess what she did?

She turned to her dear daddy. "Look how she is misbehaving with me." As always, dear father sided with her, not that I expected him to support me.

"Analise she is your older sibling. Stop misbehaving and whatever she says is for your own good." Are we seriously having this talk right now? "Gabriel is right. You have turned into an insolent girl and it is good that you are no longer a Royal as you bring nothing but shame to this family. Look at Ivory, she just came here and she is already better than you." The queen joined

"Isabella..." Grandmother warned her

"Sorry for the disrespect but it is the truth. Ever since she came here, there had been scenes every time. She keeps talking rudely to everyone. She really is useless and not fit to be a princess." She shook her head in disappointment.


"Maybe if instead of sending me away when I was a few years old and helped me, I would be a 'princess' but now you know what, I am happy that you sent me away. At least I was able to live my own life instead having you dictate everything that I do and I don't see in which way Rayna is a perfect princess." I snapped "By dressing and acting like a bitch? Because except for those two things, I don't see any qualities at all."

"No matter what you say, you will never be the princess. I am the princess and will always be." She literally shouted at me

"Then learn how act like one instead of a bitch, sister" I hissed as I stood up and made my way to the door.

"If every time you are going to create a scene, it would be better you stop coming." Ryan growled from behind me

"As you wish." I said as I opened the door. I heard grandmother call me back but I decided to ignore it. Since I did not have lunch nor dinner and not even breakfast, I was literally so hungry. If it was not for my werewolf metabolism, I would probably have fainted long time ago.

I somehow found my way outside. I went to one of the guards and asked for them to get me a car and went back inside to get my bag and phone. A few minutes later, a sleek black car, pulled in front of me and Richard stepped out of it. He smiled warmly at me. "Hello, Analise."

"Hey Richard." I beamed at him while making my way to the car. "Nice ride." I passed my hand over the beauty.

"Thank you. Where should I take you?"

I averted my gaze from the car and looked at him. "I can manage. I just needed a car to go in town."

"But, it is my job and it can also be dangerous for you to be alone considering the attacks." I smiled reassuringly at him. "Don't worry about me. I will take care of myself. Besides, I want to have some time alone right now."

"But the King-" Before he could say anything, I did my best puppy eyes and pouted a bit. "Please..." He sighed before giving in. "Fine"


I grinned at him and took the keys. "Thanks" I chirped as he smiled back at me.

Shrugging, I made my way to the the drivers seat. I slipped in the car and the smell of leather hit my nose. I plugged my phone in and blasted my favorite song before pressing on the gas pedal. The tall double gates were opened by the guards when they saw the car and I drove past them, increasing the speed.

I rolled down the windows and the wind kissed my skin. The scent of nature hit my nostrils, making me relax in my seat. Everything passed by me in a blur. I went to the nearest human town which was 20 minutes away. Using google maps, I managed to find a café nearby and stopped by for a nice breakfast.

Stepping foot in, the aroma of different types of pastries filled my senses. I took in a deep breath, loving the smell and made my way to the counter. An old lady was behind the counter. She smiled warmly once she saw me. "Welcome to French Patisseries. What would a beautiful girl like you have?"

I blushed a bit at her compliment since I don't usually get them. "I am new around here. Could you recommend me something?"

"Sure. How about I give you one of each of my pastries of the day so you could taste them?"

"Sounds delicious!" I said, enthusiastically. "Could I also get a black coffee to go with it?"

"Ok." She took the order and went in the kitchen to get them. The place was small with blue and white theme. There were a few booths where you could eat placed against the wall as well as some regular tables next to the floor to ceiling windows. It gave a warm, cozy feel. A few minutes later, she came back with my order. After paying her, I took my breakfast and went to my car.

I went to a nearby park and settled under a tree. I ate the pastries and they were honestly the best. I guess this is where I will be getting breakfast now. I read the book that I brought with me while drinking my coffee, under the shade of the tree.

I really liked reading books as it was one of the way for me to get away from reality for a while. I was able to relate with the female protagonist of the stories and feel the things I could never feel in real life as well as explore different places through them. I don't know how long I read since I became too engrossed in it and the next thing I knew was that I finished the thick book.

I must have spent the whole afternoon reading then. Not that I mind but my stomach surely did mind. Looking at my phone, it was already 5 pm. Well, shit!

Lizzie be quick. Don't forget about the meeting.

Sighing, I got up and dusted the dirt from my pants and grabbed all of my things. Before returning to the palace, I made my way to a nearby fast food restaurant and grabbed something to eat. How I wish life was this simple.

If it was not for this war, I would be able to live my life peacefully as a human, not having to listen at my family's taunts

By the time I reached the palace, it was already 5 30 pm. Entering the palace, the entire place looked brand new. As if yesterday the same place was not covered with dead bodies and blood everywhere. The maids were rushing in every directions, getting things ready for the meeting.

I only had an hour to get ready so I made my way to my room as quickly as possible and took a nice hot shower and washed my hair too. The hot water relaxed my tensed muscled. I went to my closet and pick up my outfit. I did not want something over the top but something that was simple and formal.

After rummaging through my closet I finally found the outfit I wanted to wear and I was pretty sure my family would not be too happy about it. But I don't care.

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