《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE MEETING


I took only 45 minutes to get completely ready and I took one last look at myself in the mirror

I was wearing ligh pink pants, white top and a blazer matching my pants on top of it. I paired it with a small silver moon pendant with matching bracelets and simple long drop silver earrings. I did my hair in an inside out ponytail. I kept my face bare of makeup as I really did not think I need it with the accessories and all. I slipped on my white ankle strap heels and grabbed my phone before making my way to where my family was supposed to be waiting.

The hallways were empty with only a few guards as most of them were instructed to guard the halls in case of any attacks from the vampires or even among the leaders itself. The clicking of my heels echoed in the hallways and the guards bowed to me when I passed by them.

I finally reached the study room and the guards let me in. My family were all seated on the couches and as soon as they heard me, their necks snapped to me and I was afraid they might have broken it. They were all dressed formally.

My father and brother were both dressed in black three piece suits with pocket handkerchiefs matching their mate's dress. Their hair was neatly set back with none falling on their face.

As for the ladies, my grandmother was wearing a long sleeve maroon dress which had a boat neckline and ended just above her knees. She paired it with nude heels and some accessories while keeping her make up minimal. Her hair was in a neat bun.

My mother, was wearing a white, one shoulder dress ending just on her knees. She only had earrings on and black heels with bold make up. She had her hair up in a high ponytail.

Coming to Ivory, she was wearing a spaghetti strap dress with reached a bit below her mid thigh and a deep neckline at the to. She had paired it with black heels and jewelries as well as a bit of makeup. Her hair was straightened and I would say she was Rayna 2.0


Last but not least, the original Rayna. She was wearing a red spaghetti strap dress as well with a plunging neckline and it shorter than Ivory's dress. Her hair was in a fancy half up half down hairstyle and she had bold make up on as well as red heels.

Wow that's a lot of person to describe Cresent commented

I rolled my eyes before focusing back at my family. "Is this what you are wearing?" Dear mother asked me while eyeing me head to toe.

"Hmm. Any problem?" I tapped my foot on the floor, waiting for what they have to say about my outfit.

"Can't you just wear a skirt or a dress?" She said angrily

I scoffed. "Oh please. Let me wear what I want and you can wear what you want. No need to force your opinion on me. And if you think my clothes are not appropriate, then I think you should really get your eyes checked."

"Even if you are not a princess as you say, you should take into consideration our reputation." She scoffed

"Okay enough now!" Grandmother exclaimed. "I know all of you have problems with each other but can we let that be for now? We are going to a meeting with the leaders in just a few minutes and if they see you fighting among each other like this, do you really think they would work with us? As for the clothing I think Analise is right. Her clothes are not wrong. Let her wear what she wants." She glared at my mother

Before the argument could go any further, a guard came in, informing the arrivals of all the other leaders and packs. I allowed them to go ahead of me since I did not know my way to the hall properly. When Rayna and Ivory passed by me, they glared at me which I returned, twice as cold as theirs and saw them shiver. I held in a chuckle as my grandmother started coming towards the door but instead of passing by me she stopped in front of me and took my hands in hers.

I felt a bit awkward at the moment as the memories of the incident came back to me. My family hated me so much for it and I wondered how much she would hate me for it. I looked down, waiting for her to speak. "You have grown into a beautiful, independent and strong girl Analise. Just like a leader should be Don't let them get to you and what happened at that time was not your fault." I smiled faintly at her and I followed her. A specific part of what she said kept replaying in my mind.


Just like a leader

I wondered what that meant. You have any idea Cresent?

Cresent? Where are you?

I could not wait for her to answer as we reached the entrance of the hall and we all stood in an order to enter. The guards opened the doors and announced our arrival. Sounds of chairs screeching were heard before everywhere went silent.

Over the top!

'So now you can talk' She stayed silent after that again I wanted to groan but refrained myself.

My grandmother entered first, followed by my father and mother who had their arms looped with each other. Then Ryan and Ivory entered. Ryan had his hand wrapped protectively around her waist. Rayna followed in just a few steps back and lastly I entered.

I felt everybody's gaze on me. All of them had a confused expression on while others were giving me strange looks. Looks I stole the attention from Rayna and Ivory.

I kept my head held up high as we stood behind our seats. My dad was supposed to sit in the center. To his right my brother, along with Ivory and me next to the latter. To his right, grandmother, with mother next to her followed by Rayna.

But, grandmother made us change the seating arrangement. Dad took his usual place but instead of mother to his right, grandmother sat there, followed by mother who had a scowl on and a grumpy looking Rayna. To my surprise, grandmother made me sit on the left side of my father, followed by a pissed off Ryan and a bitchy looking Ivory.

This seating arrangement increased the curiosity of the other leaders as usually the most powerful used to sit to the king's side. Father also looked shock but did not dare to say anything knowing it would lead to a scene.

He stood up and cleared his throat. He had his stone facial expression as well as did all the others.

"I thank you all for taking your time to come and attend this meeting. Before we start I will introduce ourselves." As if people don't know who he is "As you all know, I am King Gabriel, my mate, Queen Isabella, my mother, Natalia , my son and future king, Ryan with his mate Ivory, my daughter, Rayna and lastly." He stopped and glanced at me. I was already looking at him because I knew he would hesitate. "Analise. My youngest daughter." Even if his face was void of any emotion, I knew he did not like to introduce me as his daughter. He never did.

I heard a few gasps from the people sitting around the large table. The table was big enough to accommodate 25 more people other than us. I identified 6 of them as the leaders of the different supernatural and their mates because at school we needed to know everything about all supernatural. The remaining persons were all the alphas of packs accompanied by their Lunas. The second and third in command of each of them sat behind them.

The meeting started with all of them introducing themselves and then we moved to the serious part.

Only 10 minutes into the meeting, Cresent started feeling restless and kept pacing in my mind while mumbling incoherent words.

'Cresent calm down. I am not able to focus. What's wrong?"

She did not bother to reply and the strange feeling I was having kept increasing and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I tried my best to concentrate but I could not.

Not only was there Cresent's pacing in my mind but now there was also a strange smell around but it seemed like only I was affected by it. I was about to excuse myself from the meeting because the feeling got even worse when the door busted opened.

"Well what do we have here"

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