《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE PREVIOUS QUEEN- PART 1


Third person's POV

Many many years ago, the gods created the first supernatural creatures of the world. These were the most powerful of their kinds, making them a leader by blood. Each of them were assigned their own people of the same kind.

These creatures included, werewolves, vampires, witches, demons and more. The first ones created, were made the leader to maintain the balance between not only the supernatural beings, but also between them and the humans. The leaders were there to make sure that the line between the human world and their world is not crossed by either side.

To ensure the continuity of these creatures, the god gave them mates. Their other half. Their soul mate. The one with whom you are destined to be for your life. The one who will complete you, who will always be there for you, love you unconditionally.

Having mates meant a family and a family consisted also of children. Just like all supernatural beings, the leaders also had their mates and family. Since they were the leaders by blood, it was their offspring who would take over once capable since they had the leadership in their blood. Until now, the leadership of each kingdom has been passed from father to the oldest child.

It was already late in the night yet nothing seemed to be at peace. The weather seemed to be sad yet angry at the same time as if aware of something bad going to happen. The clouds were shedding tears and the thunder boomed while lightning illuminated the whole palace in this eerie night.

The King of werewolves, Gabriel sat in the middle of his office on his chair, reading a piece of paper with furrowed eyebrows. Frustrated, he crumpled the paper in his hands and threw it across the room, a low growl escaping his mouth as his eyes started to turn black due to his wolf getting angry.


Nobody could blame him though. Who would be at peace if their kingdom was on the brink of war. A war they were probably going to lose. Or if they did not lose the battle, they would surely lose a large number of their kind.

A knock on the door broke him out of his trance. The door opened and a beautiful lady came inside. Upon the sight of the tall woman, the king visibly relaxed and his wolf also stopped trying to take control. After all, mates are supposed to have a calming effect on their other half. The Queen Isabella was a beautiful woman with the perfect height, slender figure and prefect facial features but underneath all of this, there was a woman who only loved power.

Unlike previous queens, she does not really help her people. She mostly keeps to the rich ones rather than those with lower ranks. A mindset that is not supposed to be coming from a queen. She mostly goes to the high class events to maintain her reputation.

But, out of all of these bad things in her, there are some good points too. Such as her love for her mate and the twins as well as Ivory.

Queen Isabella walked elegantly to the king and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Is it another note?"

The king sighed and rubbed his hand on the hand that was resting on his shoulder. "Yes. It's time we do something or I am afraid the consequences won't be good."

The queen was about to speak when a knock interrupted them. From behind the door, came Ryan Royal, the future king along with his mate, Ivory Moon and his twin sister Rayna Royal.

"Kids!" The king exclaimed happily with a soft expression. For many he was the embodiment of the devil. Ruthless, cold and pitiless but to his family, he was really caring.


"Hi dad" The twins said together

"Hello King Gabriel" Ivory said

Waving his hand in the air, the king spoke "You can call me dad Ivory. You are the mate of my son."

Ivory just nodded shyly and moved closer to her mate. Ivory was just like Queen Isabella but unlike her, she did not love her mate. She just loved the power she would have when Ryan would be king and she would be queen.

If ever given the choice between becoming the leader or being with Ryan, chances are she will chose the former.

The kids took their seats on the long couch set on one side of the room and were soon joined by their parents, who took the couch opposite them.

"So, as you all know we are receiving threat notes from none other than the vampires. We don't know why because we never had any enmity with them but it seems like they want to take our kingdom now."

"They must want to be more powerful father" Ryan said. Ryan was the perfect fit to be the king of werewolves. That was his opinion. Being the oldest child with the royal blood he was meant to be the next leader. Many thought he was not deserving enough but none could voice out their thoughts about their future king. Especially not when it's something that will not make him happy.

Ryan may be very good at fighting, planning and leading but he is not the best. He thinks that just by having the royal blood, he is the best which is not true. Having the royal blood is just a small boost of power. One needed to train and learn to become a very good leader but unfortunately he was among those who were over confident.

"Yes. Indeed. That's why, we must find a way to stop them. Even if it means we will have to be at war with them." The people in the room visibly tensed at the mention of a war.

"But dad, how can we go to war? With all of the recent attacks we got, we lost too many people of ours and the ones who survived, are severely injured" Ryan spoke

The king nodded and seemed to be deep in thought. "I think I know someone who can help us." Queen Isabella said with a faint smile on her face. Four pair of eyes snapped to her expectantly. "We could wake the previous queen up."

"You mean my mother?" The king said and the queen nodded while fidgeting with her fingers.

"Grandma?" Rayna wondered.

"She has the experience in these cases. There was a big war long time ago too in which she defeated them with her brilliant strategies."

"Yea but that was against the demons not the vampires." The king interjected.

"Those devils" Ryan hissed, earning a glare from the queen.

"So are we going to wake her up or not?" Rayna questioned, feeling impatient and excited. As a kid she was always looking for adventures and new things to do but most of it ended up in creating troubles. Big ones. But she was never held responsible. Although she seemed innocent, sweet and caring, she was nowhere close. One way or another, she managed to put the blame on someone else.

Ivory and Rayna were practically best friends due to their personalities being nearly the same. Evil and greedy. They were both the perfect examples of "don't judge a book by its cover" because they are not even 1% of how they look from the outside

"I think that's our only option right now." King Gabriel agreed with his mate and they made their way to the indoor garden, accessible only to the royal family to wake up the previous queen.

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