《The Demon's Little Wolf》GOODBYE SUCKS


Analise POV

The entire hall was filled with the students and parents all sitting and talking among themselves. The students were all dressed in their best outfit. The scent of expensive perfumes filled the room.

The parents were talking among themselves, a happy look on their face and their eyes glistening with pride for their children which did not go unnoticed.

Soon the headmaster entered the room and everybody went silent. He was wearing one of his finest suits and his hair was neatly done. He stood behind the podium, eyes roaming around the hall, studying the children who came here at a young age, now graduating as responsible and all grown up.

"Welcome everybody, to this special day. I would like to congratulate all of the students here, graduating. From creating troubles at a young age, you are now all grown ups and mature. I cannot say how proud I feel to see all of you here. To know that I was able to help all of you. Your parents should be very proud of you right now. I don't have much to say since most of you are probably used to hearing my boring speeches now." The crowd laughed "I just hope that you have a great life. Make the good choices while you go on this new journey awaiting you all. Use your powers wisely and for the good. I think that's it. Once again congratulations and all the best." A round of applause echoed in the hall and the secretary took the mic next.

"Please welcome Analise who was selected to give a speech."

I stood up from my chair and made my way to the stage. I did not really prepare a speech because I did not have time.

I think it is called to forget. Cresent snickered

Standing on the podium, I looked over the crowd. Everybody was looking expectantly at me while my mind was in a haywire.

Lord give me strength.

And some brain too

Sighing I started. "Hello everybody. Well, I did not really prepare a speech so bear with me." I heard them laugh which made me relax a bit. "Well to start with, just a big congratulations to all of us. I know that school is not exactly heaven on Earth but hey, we got through it and today we are all here, leaving school or as some would say, a prison or even a hellhole." They started laughing again and this time even the teachers joined in.


"I would like to thank all the teachers who were with us in this journey of our lives, sometimes as a teacher, other times as a parent or even a friend. Thank you for teaching us how to have control on our gifts even if you got a lot of migraines during this process." I saw a few of the teachers shake their head. "Also thank you to the headmaster, who opened this school to help all of us. I know we were not exactly angels and that we did play a major role in making those hair white." He shook his head towards me with a smile. "Thank you for believing in us. Lastly thank you to all of the students here for supporting each other and being here for each other as a family. I hope that when we will leave, we will all use our gifts for the good and we promise to use the knowledge we obtained from all of you here and meet you expectations in life. Thank you" The approval of the students could be heard.

"Girl that was cool!" Evelyne hugged me.

The rest of the ceremony continued and it was time for us to get our certificates. One by one each of us were called on stage.

"Analise" I walked up the stage and took the scroll from the teacher who congratulated me. I looked over the crowd and remembered my family.

How I wanted them to be here.

To be proud of me.

Don't worry. It's their loss they did not realise your value. Anyway, congrats.

Blinking a few time to make sure the tears that were starting to form don't start falling I made my way to Evelyne.

An hour later the ceremony was over and we were having our last conversation before we each go on with our lives.

Some vampire, witches, werewolves and other creatures came to say goodbye to me before they left.

I was talking with Evelyne in my room when the secretary came to our room, informing us that our parents have come to pick us up. Well Evelyne's parents came while a driver came to pick me up.


We took our suitcase and made our ways to the exit where two black cars were waiting for us. One belonging to the royal family while the other was that of Bloodmoon pack, Evelyne's pack. Her parents and brother who was the beta of the pack were all standing outside the car waiting for her.

She looked at me with teary eyes and I did not hold back my tears this time. I let them fall freely.

I pulled her in a hug. "I will miss you Ev. I know I have been cold and mostly kept to myself but trust me when I say that you are my best friend. Thanks for being understanding this whole time even in times that I was like a bitch. I hope I was able to do my part of being your friend. I am sorry if I hurt you sometimes. I swear I never meant to do it intentionally. I am a lucky person that I have you in my life. I love you and I will miss you" I cried.

"I will miss you too. And you are not only my friend but my best friend. You never made me feel alone or treated me differently because I am not from the royal family. You were always there for me when I needed you. I am lucky to have you in my life too. Maybe even more than you. I love you too Missy nerd. Also I know you have been a bitch sometimes but you are the type of bitch that I like." We both laughed while crying at the same time. We pulled away. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were stained with tears with red nose. I am pretty sure mine is also the same. "I love you Ana and I will miss you too. Don't cry now. I don't want people saying that I made the princess cry." She pulled me back in a bone crushing hug.

"Goodbye sucks" I whispered in between my sobs.

"I know. Good luck, take care and don't you dare forget me or I will find you no matter where you are and drag you back to me."

"I will be waiting but I doubt we will reach that part." I smiled at her. She took her suitcase and waved at me while going towards her family who engulfed her in a family hug. I felt a pang of sadness wash over my heart as I realised I never had such a loving family and maybe I will not have one even in the future.

It will be fine Lise

Sighing, I looked towards the car that came to pick me. It was completely opposite to the scene next to it. Instead of a loving family, hugging their daughter and being proud of her, stood a driver dressed in a black suit with a cold expression just doing his job. I rolled the suitcase towards him.

When he saw me he immediately came towards me and took the bag from me. Muttering a small thanks, I got in the backseat of the car.

"Congratulations on your graduation Princess Analise" He offered me a small smile from the driver's seat

"Thank you. Please call me Analise."

"Ok Princess. I mean Analise."

"What is your name by the way?"


"Nice to meet you Richard"

"My honour. You can sleep because it will take a long time before we reach the palace"

Humming in response, I leaned against the seat and closed my eyes.

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