《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE LETTER


Blood was splattered everywhere. Lifeless body littered the floor and the once pink walls were now painted in crimson.

A small figure was huddled in the corner, hugging her knees and tears falling freely off her face. Her round face was tainted with tears, red and puffy eyes.

Then I realised it was actually me. But a younger version.

Slowly the lifeless bodies that were once laying lifeless of the floor, got up one by one- some of them walking without their heads while others without their arms or other parts the body. All were moving towards a common point. The young me.

I screamed for her to run, to get out of the room or to shout for help but instead she just stayed there looking at them. Waiting for her death.

Out of nowhere I saw one on them holding sword and bring it down on her.

"Noooo!" I screamed and jolted awake. My breathing came out ragged and quick. Beads of sweat fell from my forehead and my fist held on the tangled comforter. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

'Just a nightmare. Nothing was true' I thought to myself and tried to calm my nerves down.

Looking at the time it was 5 00, meaning I still had a few hours before school started. I watched Netflix a bit before going to bathroom and did my morning routine.

I got dressed quickly. I wore black joggers with a plain white shirt and my white shoes. I paired it with some silver accessories. Silver has been known to be dangerous to life but it was not the case for me. Another thing I don't know why.

Grabbing my bag I met Evelyn and we went to have breakfast together before heading to class.

Classes passed by in a blur and it was soon lunch time. Everybody was busy talking about graduation and their plans in the future. How I wish I could be at least half as excited as them.


I honestly didn't know what I would do once I left school. Should I go back to my parents? Or should I live here itself as a human and find myself a job? I was of age to stay on my own.

"Analise is requested in the office please." The secretary's voice echoed in the school through the speakers situated at various places. Everybody turned towards me

Oh how I love to be the center of attention. Note the sarcasm

Evelyn looked at me suspiciously and I just shrugged before taking my bag and started making my way out. "Wait for me here"

The lady also known as Mrs. Jennifer was typing furiously on her laptop. She was petite with black hair, hazel eyes, round face, button nose and full lips. All of her features combined together made her look very pretty. When she sensed my presence, she lifted her head and offered me a bright smile

"Good morning Analise."

"Good morning Mrs Jennifer"

"You can go in. The headmaster is waiting for you inside"

Muttering a small thanks, I made my way to the office and knocked twice before entering.

The headmaster was sitting on his chair behind the big mahogany desk in the middle of the room with a paper in his hands.

"Analise. Take a seat" he motioned to one of the chairs in front of his table and I did so.

"You called for me?" He sat up straight and smiled at me. I don't know but for some reason, I had a bad feeling.

"Well, we got a letter for you from your father. He is asking for you to come back to the palace once you graduate."

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when hearing his words.

My family want me back?


He gave me the letter. "They said they will send a driver to pick you up after graduation. So be ready."

I gave him a small smile and made my way back to meet Evelyn while reading the letter for the third time.

They sure did ask me to come back but why?

They realised they were wrong and that it was not my fault?

Who are you trying to fool? Crescent commented. Yeah, one more thing, Crescent hates my family with passion.

"Maybe they did." I retorted

I would not hope for too much.

"I know" Shoving the letter in my bag, I sat in my place again with Evelyn looking at me with expectant eyes, eager to know what happened.

"My parents called me back"

"Are you serious? You should be happy girl!"

I hummed in response and played with the food in my plate, my appetite gone.

Once classes were over, I secretly went to the forest behind the school for a run.

I stripped out of my clothes and shifted into my black wolf. All my senses were heightened and everything looked clearer. My paws dug in the ground.

I started in a slow walk then finally started running. The cool breeze going through my fur gave me a sense of freedom. My paws dug in the soil as I shot through the forest, the trees passing by me in a blur and avoiding several branches in the way. My wolf form is extremely fast. Even faster than Alphas because whenever I saw Alphas during school trips, I found their movement pretty slow while the students could not keep up with their movement.

After running for an hour or so I searched for my secret stash of clothes I had. Slipping on my oversized shirt, I went back to my room and cleaned myself before going to bed.

That was cool

I know Cresent. I am sorry I could not let you out earlier I was busy

It's fine. So are we going back to the family?

Honestly I don't know. Maybe they changed but maybe not.

Whatever you decide, I am with you.

I know. Thanks. I think I will go. If they did not change then we will come back here and live a human life. Deal?

Deal. Goodnight



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