《The Demon's Little Wolf》HELLHOLE OR NOT?


Analise's POV

"OH MY GOD! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? WE ARE GRADUATING FROM THIS HELLHOLE IN JUST A FEW DAYS!" My over excited, crack head best friend, Evelyne said.

More like shouted!

"Yes Ev, I totally believe it." I sighed "Now, please keep your voice down. I know you are not familiar with libraries but the most important rule here is to keep quiet." I whispered while glancing around.

Some of the students were glaring daggers at us and I just smiled awkwardly at them.

"I don't know why you are acting like I never go to the library." I gave her the 'are-you-serious look.' "Okay fine. Maybe I only go like once or twice in a year but I know the basic rules." She said with a hint of pride in her eyes.

"Yeah that's why you follow all the rules" I said sarcastically and went back to reading the book, trying to know more about how to control my powers even if I have already learnt it pretty well. Like I said, pretty. No matter how good you become, there is always someone who is better and can beat you if you stop learning or practicing.

Being part of the supernatural world has provided me with my powers. I don't know if I was fortunate or unfortunate to be born in the royal werewolf family, the Royal which leads to why my name is Analise Royal. With two other siblings, both being 2 years older, I am the youngest of the family. However being a werewolf does not mean you have powers.

Werewolves are known for their ability to shift when they want, their speed, their strengths but not magical power. The scope of werewolves having magical powers has been nearly unheard of since magical powers are mostly related to witches. Till this date, I have yet to find where my powers originate from.


"Ok missy nerd. You know, everybody is happy to get out of here and be back with their family and here you are, sulking and keeping your head in a book" I groaned and lifted the book to cover my face but that did not seem to stop my friend as she lowered it and smiled at me sheepishly. "We all know you love keeping to yourself but don't you think you should take your head out of this book once and for all to talk to people. We will all be separated in a while"

I closed my book, rested my elbows on the table and placed my chin on my intertwined fingers. "Ev, out of all people you should know best that I don't do friends. Well except you."

She sighed. "You are my best friend Analise. I know you don't like to open up and honestly I wish you did. I understand though, you have your reasons." Her voice held a hint of sadness making me guilty. "Anyway," She took a deep breath, "I hope that whatever you do, you stay happy." She gave me a small smile. "Well, if you would please excuse me, I have to complete my beautiful speech for my graduation." She grimaced the last part in a fake British accent. The next thing I knew, she was out of the library like lightly- perks of being werewolf.

I opened the book again and continued reading but my mind kept going back to what she said. Most of the students think of school as a hellhole but for me it is what actually saved me from hell.


The cold wind against my skin felt like several needles poking my skin. I wrapped my hands around me, trying to provide heat to my body but in vain. I walked through the empty streets to go back to my house from the nearby grocery shop. Not that I considered it my house since my real home was very far from here and the people who I called my family, who were supposed to care for me no longer wanted me. Why? Because of something I had no control of. Shaking away these sad memories I continued to walk through the dark alley lit only by street lamps, some flickering.


Creepy much

The sky was black with the full moon shining brightly above all of us in its glory along with the stars to keep it company in the dark sky.

Seeing, the moon, I wondered why moon goddess put me in such a situation. I always heard of fairytales with princesses having the perfect life but mine was far from it.

Instead of being in a castle with my family, I was in an apartment with someone who was hired to watch over me but it seems like she also does not like me. So most of the time I have to rely on myself.

The next thought that came to my mind was my shift. When I would shift and meet my wolf. I would at least have someone by my side. The normal age to shift was 18 and I am still 13.

Will I be with my family when I will shift?

Will they be proud of me?

How will my wolf be?

Will she like me?

A sound from a nearby alley broke me out of my thoughts. Moving my gaze to the end of the alley, I was met with a pair of red, glowing eyes looking straight at me. I heard the creature....... growl? But it did a menacing noise.

It came out from the dark and came towards me. At first I thought it was just a human. He was around 6ft tall, well-built with pale skin. But then I saw the blood dripping from his mouth and his fangs!

Vampire! I thought to myself. I wanted to run but it seemed like I was glued to my spot.

Each step he took, my heartbeat increased even more and I felt sweat beads forming on my forehead.

The creature smiled wickedly at me and lunged at me. Letting out a scream, I shielded my face from him, dropping my bag on the ground in the process.

I waited for the impact of his body colliding with mine and his fangs buried in my neck but it did not come.

Removing my hands, I saw the vampire a few feet away from me, groaning in pain with burnt marks on his pale skin and his clothes were a bit burnt too. But there was nobody here except us. Who did it?

"What are you?" He asked, groaning in pain.

Me? Wait. Did I do this?

But, I am a werewolf not a witch!

While I was having my mental argument with myself, I did not realise that the vampire was back on his feet. He came towards me again.

On instinct I placed my hands in front of me again, waiting for something to happen. At first the vampire visibly flinched but then he started laughing as nothing happened.

Oh god. Are you serious?

I tried again but nothing.

Think! Think!

Umm. Burn! Nothing happened

1 2 3 fire! Failed

By the power of the royal family I will burn you! Okay the fear is really getting to me now.

Last try! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!


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